Chapter 539 Fateh-110

The surveillance of the extralegal corps is still ongoing. The bad news is that they seem to have entered a dormant state. Not to mention people, even the vehicles they used before have not appeared again.

But the good news is that they did not evacuate.

On the contrary, not only did they not evacuate, but more and more JD members began to gather in the direction of Hasakah.

At this time, even without any intelligence support, everyone including Chen Chen could already judge the intentions of these JD members.

They just want to use Hasakah as their base camp and continue to erode the entire northeastern region of Syria.

This can be seen from their frequent attacks and large-scale religious propaganda and conscription training activities.

At the airport, Suhail launched several air strikes against the areas around Hasakah and Raqqa after discussion, destroying several small-scale armed camps, but in order to avoid alerting the enemy, the action against Hasakah was never carried out.

Everyone was inevitably a little anxious, but Chen Chen, on the contrary, did not take it seriously at all.

Because he knew better than anyone that those extremists could not cause much trouble.

As long as the ceasefire with the United States did not end, the war situation in Syria would not change much.

Instead of worrying about things that have not happened yet, it is better to make good use of the current window period and prepare for the upcoming war.

And now, the most important thing he needs to do is to find the missiles he needs and make up for the last shortcoming of the Dongfeng Corps' combat system.

So Chen Chen simply called Ivan, who was in charge of the airport command on the Russian side, and expressed his intentions to them directly.

After hearing his request, Ivan also fell into deep thought for a while.

After a long silence, he spoke:

"So, what you need is an army tactical missile with a range of about 300 kilometers that can cover the entire territory of Syria?"

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded immediately, and then added:

"In fact, we don't necessarily want standard ballistic surface-to-surface ballistic missiles. We can also consider surface-to-air missiles with modification potential."

"For example, the modification potential of the S-75 surface-to-air missile is actually very large. If it can be transformed into a ground attack missile, it is actually not unacceptable."

"Do you have the modification capability?"

Ivan asked.

".No, this should be included in the scope of the contract with you."

Hearing Chen Chen's words, Ivan immediately shook his head and said:

"That's impossible."

"We can't go to great lengths to modify missiles for a single contract, especially when the situation is quite sensitive."

"I think there is actually only one type of missile you can consider purchasing, and that is the Scud B missile."

"The range and power of this missile are within the controllable range. Even if it enters Syria, it will not cause an overreaction from hostile forces."

"At the same time, its existence can greatly enhance your deterrence and make those JD elements retreat."

At this point, Ivan paused for a few seconds, and then continued to ask:

"But what I don't understand is why you need to do this kind of thing?"

"In my opinion, for strategic weapons such as missiles, at least the Syrian government forces should take the lead in negotiating and purchasing, right?"

"Even if you get the missiles, what can you do? With your financial size, how many missiles can you afford to consume?"

After Ivan's voice fell, Chen Chen answered calmly:

"You are absolutely right."

"In theory, we should not interfere with the right to launch ballistic missiles, but the problem is that we do need this kind of thing under the current circumstances."

"You have seen our previous battles. In such extreme situations, if we can have a large-yield missile, the price we pay will be much smaller."

"And considering the situation of the Syrian government forces, we think that it is more appropriate to have this ultimate killing weapon in our own hands."

"You are very bold."

Ivan nodded with emotion, and then said:

"Bold as I said, I don't mean you want missiles."

"I mean, you dare to directly apply to me to buy missiles."

"Do you know? If time goes back to three months ago, when I heard you say this, our cooperation would have ended."

"Even in order to ensure that you do not leak secrets, you will face the risk of being arrested and killed."

Ivan's expression was serious and solemn, but when Chen Chen heard these words, he felt a little funny.

Why are you pretending to be innocent?

Are you also ending the cooperation?

In fact, in Chen Chen's memory of his previous life, the Russians sold countless ballistic missiles in their warehouses to Syria.

Where did the Houthi armed forces get that large number of S-75, Scud B, and Scud C?

You can't say that they grew out of the ground, right?

Moreover, even if we don't mention "things outside", let's just say that in the Syrian battlefield, before Russia officially established relations with the Syrian government, Russia had already delivered a variety of ballistic missiles to the Syrian government forces, and even organized special training.

This is not a secret, but a tacit understanding that everyone knows but is unwilling to reveal.

Therefore, Chen Chen knew very well that Ivan's words were just a retreat to advance.

Hearing that someone was going to help them get rid of their inventory, he probably didn't know how happy he was.

So, Chen Chen coughed and said:

"This is just a normal business cooperation, and there are no other political factors involved."

"If you can provide what I need, I will naturally find a way to ensure that you are not involved in risks."

"If the deal cannot be reached, then I think it will not be a loss for both of us, right?"

"That's right."

Ivan finally smiled, and then he thought for a moment and replied:

"I can pass your request to the relevant personnel for discussion."

"In the near future, we will deliver a batch of air defense missile systems to Syria, and at that time, what you want can also be delivered together."

"Of course, whether the specific cooperation can be achieved depends on the final bargaining."

"But as your proverb says, even if the deal is not successful, the friendship remains, right?"

"Of course!"

Chen Chen stretched out his hand and shook hands with Ivan. The two smiled at each other, as if the cooperation had been reached.

But in fact, Chen Chen knew that this was only the first step towards the signing of the real contract and just a confirmation of the intention.

Next, he still had many problems to solve.

There are several key factors that will affect his choice.

The first and most important one is the price. If the price is not right, Chen Chen would rather import some long-range rockets than purchase ballistic missiles with low cost-effectiveness.

The second one is the delivery time.

The situation on the Syrian battlefield is unpredictable. If it cannot be delivered in time, then his purchase will be meaningless.

The third one is the so-called "sensitivity".

After all, it is already a very scary thing for a mercenary organization to have the right to launch ballistic missiles. If there are any factors that touch the sensitive points of the United States and NATO, the Dongfeng Corps will encounter a devastating blow.

Therefore, he can't put all the chips on one person.

After sending Ivan away, he immediately called Peng Xucheng again.

Professional matters should be left to professionals. He believes that with Peng Xucheng's network of relationships, even if he can't directly provide "sources", he can give suggestions worth considering.

And sure enough, after listening to his needs, Peng Xucheng did not disappoint him.

".Russia's Scud missile is indeed a good choice, but this thing has two very obvious disadvantages, one is the sensitivity problem, and the other is the stability problem."

"You also know that any type of Scud missile can carry nuclear warheads, which is very easy for NATO to make a fuss about and use it as a basis for upgrading sanctions."

"The cost of using this missile may be greater than the benefits it can bring."

"In addition, regarding the stability problem, let's not talk about the distant past, just talk about the recent Libyan war."

"At the beginning, the Gaddafi government launched no less than 6 Scud missiles, 3 of which were Scud C-type deployed near Sirte, which were said to have a complete system and were in good condition."

"But in fact, only one of the 6 missiles landed near the target city of Misrata, and it deviated from the target by 700 meters."

"The other 5 missiles all failed and landed near Brega, which was extremely far away."

"And the reason is also very simple, It just stayed in the warehouse for too long and had already expired. "

"Note, I didn't say it stayed in Gaddafi's warehouse for too long, it was in the Russian warehouse."

"According to the final results, this batch of missiles was likely to have expired at the moment of sale, but because the Libyan government had no detection capabilities, it did not discover its problems."

"Similarly, we don't have this ability. If we buy Russian things, the final result is likely to be... buying a few big fireworks."

"Makes sense."

Chen Chen nodded convincedly, and then asked:

"Then what do you suggest?"

Hearing Chen Chen's question, Peng Xucheng paused for a few seconds, and then said:

"My suggestions are very simple, just two."

"Either don't buy missiles, buy rockets directly; if you have to buy missiles, buy Iranian goods."

". Let's talk about rockets first."

"Rockets are very simple, there is no need to consider other options, just go for AR-2."

"100 km range on paper, 130 km actual range, powerful, flexible, accurate, fast loading."

"Most importantly, this thing is shockingly cheap."

"In fact, before this time, I had already contacted the Ethiopian military. The AR-2 rocket launcher they purchased before was only 2.2 million US dollars, and each shell was only 50,000 US dollars."

"Even if we buy it back from them, considering various costs, the price of an AR-2 will not exceed 4 million US dollars, and the price of a single shell is at most 60,000 to 70,000."

"Based on 20 million US dollars, the rockets we can buy are enough for you to fight a whole war in Syria."

"If you can find Poly Technology directly, the price can be even lower."

"They won't give us this, at least not in the short term."

Chen Chen subconsciously shook his head and denied it.

In fact, if he insisted on getting the AR-2, the North would probably not refuse to give it to him.

But the problem is that this will put both sides in danger, which is not a very good choice.

Even if we really want to purchase it, we have to wait until the white gloves are completely established and operate stably before considering it.

Thinking of this, he continued to ask:

"Let's talk about Iranian goods."

"Iranian goods are also very simple, Fateh-110."


This unfamiliar name made Chen Chen's brain short-circuit for a few seconds, but soon, his dusty memory awakened, and he finally realized what this name represents.

What Fateh-110, that's Conqueror-110!

As the most representative short-range ballistic missile developed and produced by the Aerospace Industry Organization of the Ministry of Defense of Iran, this thing can be said to have made great achievements in the 20 years since its birth.

Whether in Iran, Iraq, Ukraine, or Israel, this thing has had a fatal battle example.

Multiple models, multiple uses, a range of more than 300 kilometers, a payload of more than 600 kilograms, an error accuracy of 30 to 400 meters, and a terminal penetration speed of 3.5 Mach

This thing is not a dimensionality reduction strike in the Middle East, but at least it is almost invincible!

The country pointed at by this missile has basically no reliable means of interception except for early detection and early destruction.

Even the Aegis system that the United States is proud of has a low success rate in intercepting Fateh-110.

If the Houthi armed forces use this thing for a saturation attack, the Eisenhower may really be killed.

Of course, putting aside all these parameters, the most important thing is that the process of this thing entering Syria is quite smooth.

Even if Chen Chen himself does not make a request, in a few months, the Syrian authorities will reach an agreement with Iran to introduce the Fateh-110 production line and start producing this ballistic missile renamed M-600 on their own!

By then, it shouldn't be a big problem for the Dongfeng Corps to take the opportunity to ask for a few sets, right?

Thinking of this, Chen Chen immediately became interested.

Then, he asked:

"Do you have a way to get Fateh-110?"

Hearing his words, Peng Xucheng on the opposite side coughed and replied:

"If I can't get it, I won't make this suggestion at all."

"Now I have two ways, the risks are indeed a bit greater, but the advantage is amazing efficiency."

"As long as you place an order, I guarantee that the missiles can be delivered within two weeks."

"Just say it!"

Chen Chen ordered impatiently.

".Okay. The first one is in Peshawar, where two sets of Fateh-110 missile systems have just arrived. They were originally planned to be shipped to Russia, but the contract delivery was terminated due to various problems. They eventually flowed into the Peshawar market. It is currently a hot potato, and the seller is eagerly looking for buyers."

"The second one is in Iran. They plan to export Fateh-110 missiles to Syria, but they lack reliable middlemen."

"I think we can be this middleman. After all, the biggest problem is advance payment, and we happen to not be so short of money."

"Both at the same time! We don't act as middlemen, but I know who can do it!"

Chen Chen said without hesitation.

These two routes are indeed very risky, but if we can have missiles in our hands, the Dongfeng Corps will no longer be an ordinary mercenary group.

In this case, what else to choose, of course, all of them!

"Understood, I will deal with it immediately and give you a reply within two hours."

Peng Xucheng has always been vigorous and resolute in doing things. With a snap, the phone was hung up.

Chen Chen let out a long sigh and picked up the coffee that had already cooled down beside him with satisfaction.

He drank the liquid in one gulp, then stood up and walked out the door, found Ivan who happened to be smoking outside, and said:

"Ivan, we can put aside what we just said. Now, I have a new business here."

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