Inside Tabka Air Force Base.

Chen Chen sat in the temporary residence arranged in advance, talking to Xiaoyu on the phone while looking through the latest intelligence obtained by CH-3A during its first reconnaissance of Hasakah City.

It must be said that the performance of this drone is much better than the ultra-short-range drone they used before.

After replacing the electronic pod, CH-3A quickly locked the abnormal electromagnetic activity area in the city, and after transmitting the data back to the rear, tried to decipher it.

Of course, under the premise of using frequency-hopping burst communication and ciphertext communication, information deciphering is not a simple task.

But being able to do this has actually solved most of the troubles of the Dongfeng Corps.

According to the reconnaissance information, at least two areas of abnormal electromagnetic activity overlap with the hiding locations of the French Legion squad that Suhail had judged in the early stage, near the hospital and the gymnasium respectively.

Next, what CH-3A needs to do is to focus on reconnaissance and surveillance of these two locations on the basis of maintaining the number of sorties, and after figuring out the opponent's defensive configuration, decide how to carry out air strikes against them.

After reading all the intelligence, Chen Chen leaned back in his chair with satisfaction.

At this time, Xiaoyu on the phone was still talking to him about the disposal plan for Bin Laden's body.

"After the body is handed over to the government army, the US will send a special team through Turkey to recover it. You don't need to intervene in this part of the work, but I hope you can use your own connections to put some pressure on Suhail."

"At present, it is an indisputable fact that there are ghosts in the Syrian government army. Judging from the previous operations, if it weren't for the ghost leaking the information, we might have achieved greater results."

"So, you must pry Suhail's lever."

"Now he can be said to have made many outstanding achievements. He is a staunch confidant of Issam and has already won prestige in the civil service group."

"Through him, we can influence the decision-making of the civil service group to a certain extent and guide the situation to our side. "You must pay attention to the fact that Bin Laden's body must be handed over to the Americans intact." "Also, you must strictly control your subordinates." "The man was killed by SEAL Team Six, not by you, understand?" "I understand, but my team members may not understand." Chen Chen sighed helplessly, and then said: "This kind of earth-shaking merit is now handed over to others. No one will understand it so easily." "We--you talk about hiding your identity and making great achievements every day, but those who are willing to do this are in your team, not in my mercenary group." "I must give them more compensation before I can... Suppress their emotions. "

"It's human nature, right?"


Xiao Yu answered bluntly:

"You are very upset this time, everyone knows it."

"With so many casualties, the credit cannot be shown to the outside world."

"But on the other hand, being a mercenary is to make money, and it is best not to do anything that affects making money."

"If the news is made public, you will have false reputation, but there will be endless troubles. Not to mention not making money, you may not be able to survive in the future."

"Communication with the team members, I think you can start from this angle."

"Of course I know."

Chen Chen said with a sigh, and then said:

"But the problem is, even if we don't If it is made public, the death threats to everyone will not change. "


"Just tell me how much you want?"

Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen unceremoniously, and then said:

"It's only June now, and our budget has almost been spent."

"The loan you took this year almost drained our capital pool."

"If you apply for funds next time - if you apply for commissions, take it easy."

"I don't want much, just reimburse the pensions of these people, and we will pay the commissions ourselves."

Chen Chen did not ask for too much, but adhered to the principle of fairness and objectivity, and calculated the expenses that Xiaoyu needed one by one.

".A total of 4.61 million US dollars, this money needs to be paid immediately."

"Other commissions will still be paid from Dongfeng Group's account."

"No problem."

Xiaoyu answered immediately, but then asked:

"What's your situation? Such a big company can't even take out 5 million US dollars?"

"It's not that I can't take it out, one thing at a time."

Chen Chen said solemnly:

"Since entering Syria, the boundaries of our cooperation have become quite blurred."

"Of course, from my personal feelings, this trend does not disgust me."

"But the problem is that our mercenary group is not a real 'legal existence' after all. The more ambiguous it is, the easier it is to drag you down, and eventually bring backlash to ourselves."

"So, I hope that in the subsequent tasks, we can still more clearly define the scope of tasks and cooperation."

"We are black gloves, but you also need a white glove."

"Otherwise, many things will be difficult to discuss in the future."


Xiaoyu was silent for a moment, thinking, and then said:

"Do you have any recommendations?"

"I don't, and I shouldn't have any, right?"

Chen Chen asked back.

".That's true. How about Suhail?"

"Suhail can be a white glove, but the question is, how do you control him?"

"I think any organization or individual affiliated with a legitimate government is not suitable as a white glove, and domestic state-owned asset holding companies are not suitable either."

"You should choose pure commercial companies that have a wide range of businesses, security needs, close relations with the government, large-scale legal businesses, private holdings, and are trustworthy."

".You might as well just say the name."

Xiaoyu said speechlessly:

"But they are absolutely not okay, The areas they are involved in are too complicated, and one move can affect the whole body. "

"Besides, when it comes to issues of this level, they have no authority to intervene at all."

"I'm not talking about what you think."

Chen Chen denied:

"Of course they can't, but I have a company of the same type. If you need it, I can directly transfer half of the shares of this company to you."

"What is your Tonglian Telecom? How big is it now?"

Xiaoyu was obviously interested. Chen Chen turned out the report he had received from Peng Xucheng before, and then replied:

"In the early stage, Jiang He was considered to be in this company. The company has invested a lot of money, and the amount that can be seen on the books alone has reached about 20 million US dollars. "

"Now, Tonglian has obtained more than 40% of the MS market share in Southeast Asia, and there is a trend of continued expansion. "

"Moreover, their business scope is no longer limited to MS, and has begun to penetrate in a more professional direction. "

"Jiang Hegang sold a batch of OEM mobile phones, which did not make much profit, but opened up a relationship with Tanzania. "

"Next, we may let this company gradually enter the field of civilian electronics and continue to expand its business scope. "

"Generally speaking, this company is very suitable for white gloves."

"But to get the equity of this company, we have to find a trustworthy shareholder."

Xiaoyu interrupted Chen Chen and continued:

"It feels like a snake, one ring after another, endless."

"Of course, it is impossible for you to be completely risk-free, but this operation is relatively safe for all of us at least."

"No problem, I'll arrange it."

With a few simple words, the two finalized the strategy for white gloves, and at this time, Xiaoyu finally reacted.

She said angrily and amusedly:

"Can you stop beating around the bush? Actually, if you had mentioned it directly at the beginning, I wouldn't have objected."

"This is just one of my many suggestions."

Chen Chen smiled and replied:

"In fact, this is indeed a win-win choice for us."

"Didn't you notice that the way your intelligence work works in the Middle East is a bit too backward."

"In many cases, I even feel that what they do is no different from the movie Casablanca."

"If changes are not made immediately, the development speed of intelligence work will not keep up with the development speed of your power here."

"By then, catastrophic consequences will inevitably occur."

"Just like the CIA that lost Andrea."

Xiaoyu interrupted.

"Yes, just like the CIA that lost Andrea."

Chen Chen agreed, and suddenly changed the subject and asked:

"So until now, the CIA has not realized what the French are doing here?"

"We think, no."

Xiaoyu's tone became serious again, and after a pause, she continued:

"Our intelligence personnel can't have much contact with the CIA, and the information they get is extremely limited."

"But based on the information currently available, the other party's bombing of France is still a mystery."

"The top leaders of both sides have begun to contact, but it is obvious that the French will not tell them the truth."

"Even, some CIA informants have been in contact with the Russian side, trying to get reliable information from them."

"But you also know that Russia can't just hand over what it has."

"So we expect that this mystery will continue for quite some time."

". It feels like things are going to change."

Chen Chen sighed and suddenly asked out of nowhere:

"Is it possible that the UK will leave the EU earlier?"

This sentence silenced Xiao Yugan. After a long time, she finally said:

"Sometimes I really want to say 'don't mind your own business', but think about it the other way around. If you don't even know or care about this, the Dongfeng Corps would not be the Dongfeng Corps, and it would be even less likely to develop to this point."

"The UK's Brexit The pace is indeed accelerating, but the connection between the changes in the European power structure and this round of French actions cannot be confirmed for the time being.

"So, you don't have to think too much about it."

"In the near future, because of the extension of the ceasefire, you will get some rest time."

"Digest the rewards you have received, and then proceed to the next step."

"I want to tell you that the next round of fighting may very well be your last battle in Syria."

"This battle will be fought until the end."


Chen Chen nodded solemnly and hung up the phone.

Xiaoyu's words were a hint, but in fact they were also a guide.

"Fight until the end", which means that the intensity and scale of the next battle will be fundamentally improved.

And the Dongfeng Corps must make all preparations before the end of the ceasefire to deal with such a battle.

Equipment, personnel, tactics, allies.

There are many things to deal with, and more importantly, Chen Chen is very clear that in this large-scale battle, the Dongfeng Corps can no longer maintain the original combat form of the special forces.

Their tactics and methods will truly transform into modern large-scale troop operations.

Fighter jets, yes.

Drones, yes.

Helicopters, yes.

Radars and air defense systems, yes.

Armored clusters - maybe.

All of these are the equipment that is truly needed to win a modern war.

In the early days of his business, Chen Chen took great pains to upgrade his Type 81 to a Christmas tree HK416.

Now, what he has to do is to upgrade the MiG-21 to the Su-27, the ultra-short-range drone to the Rainbow-3A, the Mi-8 to the Hind, and the P series radar to the JYL-1 or even the JY-27A.

This is definitely not an easy task, but if this can be done, the benefits that the Dongfeng Corps can gain from it will be unprecedented and groundbreaking.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen called Peng Xucheng and began to make a series of deployments.

The first thing he had to do was to quickly digest and absorb the benefits brought to the Dongfeng Corps by this battle, just as Xiaoyu said.

These included the first sum of money received from Suhaier, the commission and pension received from Xiaoyu, the "protection fee" or "quarterly share" collected from Chaisli, and the cash returns from gold mines, equipment exports, engineering subcontracting, logistics services and other businesses.

Of course, there were also those drones, helicopters and airports that were "lent" to the Dongfeng Corps by Xiaoyu but were actually used by the Dongfeng Corps.

Some of these benefits were directly related to the war in Syria, and some were only indirectly affected.

But there is no doubt that after a war, a steady stream of profits was pouring into this not-so-large group like a flood, almost reaching the point of bursting the group's reservoir.

Therefore, Chen Chen must find a way to transform these benefits into real "development", or in other words, into real combat effectiveness.

What Xiaoyu and Xia Xing could not provide, Peng Xucheng might be able to do.

The Dongfeng Corps already has highly mobile, multi-functional armored vehicles, as well as fighter jets and drones.

As for traditional artillery and guns, they have no shortage of them.

Now, they only lack one thing.


Real missiles!

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