I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 543 Three-party confrontation

Near Hasakah, in the desert.

The severe pain in his ribs and arms woke Adolf from his coma. He struggled to sit up and looked around in a daze. What appeared before him was a desolate scene.

More than ten meters away from the center of the explosion, there were broken limbs and arms torn apart by the air wave. Blood soaked the sand. Someone was buried in the sand. The teammate next to him tried to pull him out, but when the sand was dug up, the rescuer suddenly discovered that the so-called "survivor" was actually only left with a bloody upper body.

Such a scene made Adolf even feel nauseous, not because of fear, but simply because of the suffocating heaviness caused by the accumulation of heavy death.

He took a deep breath and desperately took out the radio from his carrying bag with his still intact right hand. Then, without caring about the so-called communication rules, he immediately called the headquarters:

"Bordeaux, Bordeaux."

"I'm the bartender."

"We were hit by enemy air strikes, and the team has lost the ability to continue fighting."

"Request for assistance, request for assistance!"

Adolf's tone revealed a breath of despair. At this point, he had to admit his failure and the fact that he had seriously underestimated the enemy.

Obviously, Russia has been fully involved.

Only they can launch such a fierce and professional offensive.

But why, before the mission began, his superiors were not prepared for this possibility at all?

Did they not know that Russia would intervene?

Or did they not care at all?

Confused thoughts kept surging in Adolf's mind, making him feel dizzy one after another.

He knew that this was a sign of internal organ rupture and bleeding. If he was not treated in time, he would probably die on this land he had just stepped on.

He became more and more anxious, but it was this anxiety that restored his mobility to a certain extent.

Adolf used the gun he once cherished to support his body, limped forward, fell in front of a wounded man who was bleeding profusely, and pressed his wound with his hands.

At the same time, another team member who survived the explosion just now also rushed over and quickly bandaged the wounded with the first aid kit he carried.

The blood flow slowed down immediately. Adolf comforted the wounded while quickly counting the number of team members who were still able to move.

"1, 4, 8, 11"

One by one, the numbers popped out of his mouth intermittently. After a round of counting, he suddenly found that the 24-person team he led, including himself, had only 12 people left.

More than half of the people were lost.

Before seeing the enemy, and even before reaching the assembly point, more than half of the people had been lost!

Adolf's eyes changed again, and this time, the originally unwilling eyes were finally mixed with a bit of pain.

The headquarters still hadn't responded. On the battlefield, such inefficiency was completely incomprehensible.

But he didn't have time to complain, because he had no time to waste, and there were still many wounded who needed to be rescued.

After dealing with the seriously injured at hand, he didn't rest for a second and immediately ran to the next one.

And just as he fell to the ground, a vague voice finally came from his headphones.


It was not until then that he realized that it was not that the other party did not respond, but that his eardrums had been severely damaged in the violent explosion and he could not hear the other party's voice at all.

". The Extralegal Corps has set off and is expected to arrive in 10 minutes."

"Wait where you are."

"Be alert. Enemy"

"Helicopter! We need a helicopter!"

"We need to evacuate the wounded!"

Adolf shouted hoarsely, and the voice of the headquarters was still intermittent to him, but at least now he could hear a few key words.

"The helicopter can't reach"

"Turkey rejects the United States"


"Go back to Hasakah and wait."

The tinnitus engulfed Adolf like a whirlpool. The pain in his body and the heavy pressure of being in danger made him extremely irritable, but he was a strictly trained special forces leader after all. The more times like this, the stronger his desire to survive became.

After confirming that the helicopter could not reach, the only thing he could rely on was the extralegal corps in the city of Hasakah.

The bad news is that the extralegal corps is completely in a state of self-defense.

The good news is that the Syrian government's power in Hasakah is already extremely weak, at least it will not interfere with subsequent rescue operations.

The second seriously injured person's injuries have also been treated, and the intense physical exhaustion made Adolf dizzy one after another.

He wanted to stand up again, but his completely overdrawn body and severe organ damage made him fall to the ground again.

The other team members rushed up quickly, and at this moment, the lights finally lit up in the desert in the distance.

Reinforcements are coming.

Adolf breathed a sigh of relief, he stood up with the help of his teammate's shoulders, and looked up into the distance.

But this one glance made him freeze in place.

The lights came from two different directions.

Two convoys arrived at the bombing area that caused 1er RPIMa heavy losses at the same time!

The lights on the northwest side undoubtedly belonged to the Extralegal Corps, but the lights on the southeast side could not be identified.


Adolf gave a low order, and then he lay down on the ground with his team.

The attack he expected did not happen. The two convoys stopped in place as if they had a tacit understanding, and confronted each other at a distance of several hundred meters.

Time passed by, and the lives of the wounded, including Adolf himself, were also passing away.

They could not afford to delay any longer.

"Come here, come here!"

"We need support!"

Adolf kept shouting on the radio, but his friendly forces never responded.

The unidentified convoy turned off the lights first. There was no doubt that they had entered a combat readiness state.

His judgment was wrong again. The Syrian government forces arrived at the battlefield ahead of time at an unexpected speed!

A battle seemed inevitable. No matter who won or lost, it was a dead end for his team!

It was over now.

Adolf raised his gun and aimed at the direction where the lights were turned off in the distance.

He was ready to fight to the death, but before he pulled the trigger, the roar of a helicopter suddenly came from the air.

He looked up, and a Chinook suddenly appeared in his sight.


They are coming.

Why are they coming too? !

Countless questions rushed through Adolf's mind. Just before he lost consciousness again, he vaguely saw a flash of fire flying from the direction of the convoy with the lights turned off, towards the Chinook in the air.

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