I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 542 You told me this was an air battle in Syria?

"It's over, our plane is gone!"

Near Hasakah, two fireballs fell from the sky, and the urgent call from the rear command headquarters came from the radio of the 1er RPIMa leader.

"The opponent's electronic countermeasures drone has been destroyed!"

"Two Su-27s! Fire signal detected!"

"Mig-29! The radar signature matches!"

"The MiG-29 is approaching! Ground units should take cover!"

"Hummingbird's location exposed! Our drone is gone!"

"The helicopter has paused takeoff and is waiting for support."

A series of chaotic instructions kept coming, and the team leader wanted to take off the headphones, throw them to the ground and crush them.

The moment he saw the two "shooting stars", the man named Adolf didn't even realize what happened.

He thought his own fighter jets were exposed and the enemy aircraft was shot down after the air battle.

Or it is possible that both sides will suffer casualties on each other, but in the end our side will win.

After all, with a mature combat system and even aerial electromagnetic interference provided by drones, he could not figure out how two F-16s could be shot down in such a short period of time. .

But the other party was actually unscathed!

How can this be?

The friendly aircraft had clearly just arrived on the battlefield!

Not to mention playing a role, even my own team has not been able to establish contact with them.

But in just a few minutes, the only two aircraft we could rely on were gone.

Moreover, it was shot down by an enemy fighter jet from the air and out of visual range, not by an anti-aircraft missile flying from nowhere!

In Adolf's opinion, such capabilities far exceed the level that the Syrian military should possess.

There is only one party that can do this, and that is Russia.

They actually intervened directly?

This thought flashed through Adolf's mind, and he couldn't help but feel like the hairs on his hair were standing on end.

But now he had no time to deal with the fear, because he knew that the situation had reached the most critical moment.

Now he must make a decision whether he should continue to act or give up.

"Everyone stop and wait where you are!"

Adolf couldn't make up his mind for the time being, so he had to give a hidden order first.

The 24-man team quickly spread out to find cover, and then completed the concealment in a very short period of time.

There is no doubt that their tactical professionalism is impeccable, which makes Adolf slightly relieved.

But then he thought that the flaws of this team were equally obvious.

They rely too much on so-called "support."

Only when their own strength completely crushes the enemy will they know how to fight.

Once faced with headwinds, the commander, including himself, will immediately fall into confusion.

Adolf's mind flashed back to the meaningful look on the other party's face when he communicated with the Outlaw Corps. At that time, he thought the other party was being timid, but now it seems that he just knows the enemy better than he does. Learn more about the possible consequences of this operation!

What should I do? ?

Adolf was lying on the ground, and the adjutant in camouflage moved to his side, and then asked:

"Captain, what should we do now?"

"Should we contact the command center and directly declare that the operation failed?"

After the adjutant finished speaking, Adolf's brows immediately frowned.

Yes, the slogan of this team is "The Brave Wins", and now is the time when they need their courage the most.

Moreover, if you really give up, your future will basically be ruined by this failed mission!

But the problem is, under the premise that the prerequisites for mission completion have been lost, declaring mission failure is not an incomprehensible choice, is it?

And more importantly, with the crash of the two fighter jets, our side has completely lost air superiority. The other side's aircraft can conduct unscrupulous reconnaissance of this area and then carry out precise strikes.

The MiG-29s are already on the way, and they are not here to see the scenery.

In Syria, the biggest use of all MiG-2 fighter jets, called the "Fulcrum-C" model, is to mount a bunch of air-to-surface missiles and laser-guided bombs to carry out precise or imprecise bombing of ground targets!

It only takes two minutes at most for them to reach the top of their heads.

Afterwards, I don’t know how many heavy aerial bombs will be dropped. I don’t know how many people in my team will survive in the end!

Thinking of this, Adolf immediately ordered:

"The conditions for mission execution have been lost. I order the mission to be abandoned immediately!"

"Everyone hide in place, keep radio silence, and don't make any unusual activities!"

"We must first avoid enemy air force reconnaissance and wait for support from the rear!"


Upon hearing his words, the adjutant immediately replied.

Immediately afterwards, this order was quickly conveyed to everyone, and Adolf finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The period before making a decision is the most painful, but once you decide to give up, some things seem to become easier.

At this time, the roar of the MiG-29SM passing through the field at low altitude could be heard above Adolf's head. Such an action was even a "provocation" in his opinion.

But he had no choice. This team only carried light weapons, and even at the convoy assembly point, the portable air defense missiles they had were not enough to pose a threat to these high-speed fighters.

Thinking of this, he sighed heavily.

A strong feeling of reluctance surged into my heart, but along with it, there was also a certain feeling of "lucky".

Fortunately, the MiG-29SM's ground reconnaissance capabilities are not very strong. They can detect small vehicles on the ground. They should be powerless against teams wearing anti-infrared camouflage suits, especially at night. .

As long as you wait well, as long as the rear command headquarters completes communication, continues to eliminate more air power, and regains the air supremacy that should belong to your own side, then everything can be declared over.

When the time comes, he can lead his team to withdraw to Hasakah, and then launch the attack again when conditions are sufficient.

Adolf lowered his head slightly and hid his face under his arms, trying his best to cover the infrared signals emitted by his body.


But, at this moment, he heard an unusual scream coming from above his head.

He knew this sound all too well.

Adolf's hair stood on end. He barely had time to think before he shouted:

"Air strike!"



A huge explosion sounded.

Four KAB-500KR TV-guided bombs fell one after another, accurately covering the area where the team was located.

Sand and dust rose everywhere, and fire shot into the sky.

A violent shock wave swept across, and Adolf was blown away by the air wave, and then fell heavily to the ground.

And just as he landed, he had lost all consciousness

Ten minutes later, inside the headquarters of Tabqa Air Force Base.

Looking at the latest damage report sent back, the smile on Chen Chen's face could hardly be suppressed.

This feeling is so good.

Since Indonesia, the Dongfeng Corps has been suppressed and beaten by various chaotic fighter jets. It seems that every action is incomplete if it is not pressed down and hammered by fighter jets several times.

But now, offense and defense have changed, Tabuka Air Force Base has been officially established, and it is finally his turn to bully others.

After shooting down two F-16s, we only lost one CH-3A, and another Su-27 was slightly injured, but we still insisted on flying back to the airport and landing safely.

This cannot be said to be a simple victory, it should be said that it is a complete victory.

More importantly, the enemy's ground forces were almost completely wiped out by the saturation bombing of four MiG-29s. That mysterious, powerful, and astonishing team had just entered Syria and had not even had time to achieve any results. , has already returned home in defeat.

No matter what they want to do, no matter what they have done, one thing is beyond doubt.

From this time on, the other side will no longer be able to underestimate the air power of the Syrian government forces, nor will it be able to unscrupulously seize air supremacy or engage in "dimensionality reduction strikes"!

What you have, we have now too.

If you are not convinced, give it a try.

Although perhaps at an absolute technical level, even with Russian support, it is still impossible for our side to confront a powerful enemy head-on.

But at least the situation is no longer one-sided

Thinking of this, Chen Chen put down the information in his hand with satisfaction and asked:

"Has the other party decided to give up follow-up actions? Did they not send new air power to support the target area?"

Hearing his words, Suhail on the side immediately replied:

"Judging from the current situation, the other party has given up on continuing to act."

"The border radar station detected a new fighter jet taking off from the direction of Turkey and is rushing to the area of ​​the incident."

"However, we could no longer continue to fight against them, so we did not intercept them."

"All our fighter jets have returned, and the air defense units at the airport have entered combat mode to respond to possible air attacks."

"Well done."

Chen Chen nodded approvingly, and then continued:

"It is impossible for them to give up search and rescue, and they may even take the risk of sending a helicopter to rescue."

"But right now, we'd better not escalate the conflict."

"We have to give them time to slow down and let them have some internal chaos first."


Suhail answered understandingly, and then continued to confirm:

"So, we should keep contracting?"

"Not always."

Before Chen Chen had time to answer, Ivan on the side interrupted:

"You don't understand what the shipwreck means."

"What he means is that the conflict cannot be escalated, but the conflict must be maintained."

After Ivan finished speaking, Suhail's eyes widened in shock, while Chen Chen added:

"That's what I meant."

"Conflict cannot escalate, but it must exist."

"We can no longer engage in direct aerial confrontation with each other."

"But if they want to rescue people just like this, it's not that easy."

At the same time, inside the JSOC command headquarters.

Craven sat behind his desk with a puzzled expression, smoking a freshly cut cigar, and asked:

"So the latest situation is that two F16s of the Turkish military were shot down by Su-27s over Hasakah Province?"

"That's right."

The adjutant nodded and then said:

"To be precise, two F-16s and a Talalion drone were shot down."

"The Syrian Air Force also lost a drone of unknown model. At the same time, it is said that a Su-27 was hit by a Sidewinder missile and damaged, but it did not crash and has landed at Tabqa Air Force Base."

After the adjutant's voice fell, Craven accurately extracted the most critical part from a long list of information.

"Drone? What kind of drone?"

".Unknown model drone."

".Don't talk nonsense to me. What I mean is, why do the Syrian government forces have drones?"

Hearing his words, the adjutant sighed and replied:

"We don't know where their drones came from, but now it seems that there are only two ways."

"Either Russia or the north."

"However, this is not the point. The point is that the entire process of their operation this time can be said to be impeccable in terms of tactics."

"According to the feedback from the French, the Syrian Air Force actually took off before them, but until the F-16 entered the battlefield, their fighters did not appear within the radar detection range."

"They didn't Instead of using active radars from fighter jets for detection, all radar stations in the country were mobilized to cooperate, and the electromagnetic interference from the French drones was eliminated to the greatest extent through frequency change confrontation, and the approximate position of the F-16 was located. "

"After confirming that Turkey had no early warning aircraft, the Syrian Air Force immediately used drones equipped with electronic countermeasure pods to perform SSJ interference. Subsequently, two Su-27s quickly penetrated and launched R-27 air-to-air missiles after entering the detection range of the fire control radar, shooting down the F-16 beyond visual range. "

"Sir, do you think this is a tactic that the Syrian Air Force can play?"

"At least in my impression, their air force training should still remain at the level of ultra-close dogfighting. "

"Such Multi-department coordination and beyond-visual-range strikes are simply not something they can do. "

"Compared to their drones, this trend is probably much more dangerous."


Craven frowned, thought for a moment and continued:

"However, everything in this world is constantly improving and developing. You can't expect our enemies' combat level to remain in the Middle Ages forever."

"On the other hand, even if they can skillfully use these tactics, they can't pose a threat to us."

"But the French may not be the same. They suffered a lot this time."

"First it was the Rafale, then the F-16."

"I don't understand, what are they going to do?"

"We are checking."

The adjutant answered briefly. Then he brought the topic back:

"Anyway, the losses suffered by the French in Syria this time are enough to make the news."

"However, I'm afraid few people can admit that their victory this time was due to tactics, not luck."

"After all, the strength they showed is not what the Syrian Air Force should have."

"We don't care about that."

Craven interrupted the adjutant and then said:

"Put pressure on the CIA to find out the French's purpose as soon as possible."

"In addition, notify the Syrian government and request to enter the war zone for investigation."

"Anyway, France is our ally, and we have to ensure their smooth evacuation."

"As for the subsequent accountability, wait until they withdraw!"

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