"Continue to track the enemy target, located 6 kilometers south of Hasakah."

"The infrared signal is clear, the number of active targets is 24."

"The other party is heading southeast on foot, and the destination may be the town of Abiad."

"A camouflaged convoy was found in the town of Abiad, including several Humvees equipped with remote-controlled weapon stations and an armored vehicle of unknown model."

"The conditions for attack are ripe and a decision needs to be made as soon as possible."

Tabuca Air Force Base, inside the command headquarters.

The picture just returned from the CH-3A drone was projected on the big screen. Suhail stood in front of the big screen and introduced the war situation to others, and everyone, including Chen Chen, was a little nervous.

In fact, they had locked the position of the infantry team three minutes ago.

Although the opponent used anti-infrared camouflage, due to long-term activities, the shielding effect of the camouflage clothing on heat signals has been reduced to a critical value. The infantry team now active in the desert is as conspicuous as the stars in the night.

There is no difficulty in tracking and locking, and the fighter jets dispatched in advance are already on standby in the air.

As long as the command gives an order, they will immediately drop bombs downwards, putting this team in a sea of ​​​​fire.

However, they have yet to take action.

the reason is simple.

Just now, the radar from the border suffered electromagnetic interference from the direction of Turkey. According to the last data detected by the radar, at least four air units were rapidly maneuvering towards the target area.

Under the current circumstances, if one's own side launches an attack rashly, the final result is likely to be that "the enemy team cannot be completely eliminated, and at the same time, several valuable fighter jets will be lost."

Because most of the six friendly aircraft heading to the theater carry ground attack weapons, even an air superiority aircraft like the Su-27 can hardly guarantee the smooth cover for the evacuation of other fighters under the opponent's attack.

The command must carefully weigh whether to take this risk.

If you don't fight, you can only watch the other party disappear into the desert to implement their plans that may have great impact.

But if we fight, the price we pay will be too high.

Time is very tight. In the absence of early warning aircraft, even if you only rely on the radar recording of the opponent's dispatched fighters, you can still find friendly aircraft on standby in the sky in two to three minutes.

All we can do is to move the aircraft as far away as possible to ensure that there will be no direct conflict with the other party for the time being when conditions are not yet mature.

Chen Chen frowned, and so did Ivan.

After Suhail urged again, they both raised their heads at the same time, and Chen Chen spoke first:

"We have to fight."

"Yes, we must fight."

Ivan nodded solemnly and then said:

"The other party's actions were obviously planned in advance, with strong electromagnetic interference, more than 4 fighter jets, helicopters, and a special operations team."

"We don't know what their goals are, but it's clear there's a lot at stake."

"If we are reluctant to let go of fighter jets in the sky, then we may lose even more!"


Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief, and then said:

"But we have to find ways to achieve greater results."

"The ground attack missiles carried by the six fighter jets cannot cause enough damage to scattered personnel targets. We must wait for them to board the vehicles before trying to destroy the convoy at once."

"We have to be patient and continue to wait."

"But the problem is that their infantry team is at least an hour away from the vehicle rendezvous point. Within this hour, the opponent's air power can arrive at the combat area in advance and establish air superiority in advance."

"We don't have early warning aircraft, nor do we have powerful enough electronic warfare aircraft. By then, if we want to enter, the risk will be even greater than now."

"We can only take the initiative."

Ivan agreed and then said:

"It seems that this is no longer a simple beheading operation."

"Suhail, contact Issam."

"We need the cooperation of all radar stations in the entire Raqqa and Hasakah provinces. At the same time, we need to mobilize all available air forces to intercept enemy aircraft!"


Suhail answered immediately, and then called Issam. After a brief confirmation, he turned back and said:

"The authorization is expected to be issued in two minutes. Be ready for battle."

"Copy that, get ready for battle."

Ivan nodded heavily, and from this moment on, a truly modern air battle finally began.

"Falcon 1, Falcon 2, maneuver towards the predetermined combat area."

"Maintain altitude at 1000, active radar shuts down."

"Received, maintain altitude 1000, active radar shut down."

On the radio, the reply from the two Su-27s came, and in the distant sky, the fighter planes drew an astonishing arc and began to dive towards an altitude of 1,000 meters.

The altitude of 1,000 meters is considered "ultra-low altitude" compared to the combat environment in Syria, but what Ivan wants is ultra-low altitude.

In the absence of sufficient electronic countermeasures capabilities, if he wants to ensure that his own air power is discovered as late as possible, he must use rugged terrain to interfere with the radar echoes of the opponent's fighters and provide cover for the two fighters.

After a brief pause, Ivan continued to order:

"Peregrine 1, 2, 3, 4, maintain altitude at 8000."

"Data updated, coordinates sent."

"Fly southeast, away from enemy combat units."

"Received, fly southeast."

After receiving the order, the four MiG-29s evacuated in the opposite direction of the Su-27.

Their role is to carry out ground strikes after the Su-27 establishes air superiority, so before the end of the battle, the only thing they have to do is to ensure their own survival as much as possible.

"Rainbow 2, lower altitude and move closer to the combat area, shut down the electronic jamming pod, keep silent, and wait for orders."

"Understood, keep silent."

The drone operator replied immediately. Under his control, the Rainbow 2 equipped with the electronic jamming pod slowly moved closer to the combat area, the altitude continued to decrease, and gradually hid in the mountains in northeastern Syria.

At this point, all combat units in the air have completed their preparations.

At this time, a new reply came from Suhail.

"The radar has been turned on and has detected enemy echo signals."

"Data updated, coordinates sent below."

As Suhail's voice fell, after a brief pause, the large screen of the command center immediately updated the latest location of the enemy fighter.

However, soon, the old radar was locked by the enemy's electronic warfare aircraft. After only a dozen seconds, the radar screen was already covered with snowflakes.

"Clutter has been injected, and the radar has failed."

Suhaier slapped the table angrily. Chen Chen's face was as gloomy as water. He turned to Ivan and asked:

"Does the other party have an early warning aircraft in the air?"

"It doesn't seem like it."

Ivan shook his head and replied:

"The interference intensity fluctuates, and the power is not enough."

"This is not a professional electronic warfare aircraft, not an early warning aircraft, nor an EA-18G."

"They should be like us, using unmanned reconnaissance aircraft equipped with electronic pods."

"This is good news. The opponent's electronic warfare capability is not strong, and the electromagnetic interference radius should be within 150 kilometers."

"We still have a chance to lock the opponent's position-the radar turns on in turn and implements the frequency change anti-interference strategy!"

"Understood! Switch frequency!"

"Receive the radar echo signal of the opponent's aircraft, and the data has been updated."

After receiving Ivan's order, Suhaier immediately conveyed the order to the radar unit on the front line.

Time loss inevitably occurred in the middle, but after the order began to be executed, the effect of the frequency change strategy was immediately reflected.

No matter how backward the radar used by Syria is, in this era, radar frequency change is no longer a manual operation like the volunteer army of a certain country in the past, using hemp rope to pull iron cans.

Under electrification, digitization, and mechanization control, the time interval of radar frequency change has been reduced from a few minutes to a few seconds.

And it is these few seconds that have won precious opportunities for the radar detection window.

The opponent is indeed not using a high-power professional electronic countermeasure aircraft. Under the premise of limited power and computing power, every time the radar frequency changes, the opponent needs at least a few seconds to re-lock the radar frequency.

During the period of locking the frequency and completing the clutter injection, the radar of the Syrian government army can clearly detect the target in the air!

Flashing spots began to appear intermittently on the radar screen, and the light spots represented the location of the opponent's two fighters.

From the map, the enemy's fighter planes have approached the scheduled combat area. If Syria wants to launch an attack, now is the last chance!

"Data transmission is stable, target is clear!"

"Enemy position has been locked!"

"Falcon passive radar receives the opponent's active radar search signal, 110 kilometers away!"

"Approaching quickly!"

Suhail once again relayed the intelligence of the front-line air force commander. Ivan's fingers kept tapping on the table, pausing for a few seconds. After the two enemy fighters completely entered the combat area, he finally gave an order:

"Send air situation information!"

"Prepare for task allocation."

"Rainbow 2 goes forward, Falcon 1 and 2 follow!"

"Electronic jamming pod is turned on, ready to interfere with enemy combat units."

"Falcon 1 and 2, go up to the attack position."

"Active radar continues to shut down and maintain, weapons ready!"


A brief reply came, and the confrontation finally developed to the moment of fighting.

At this time, over Hasakah, the CH-3A drone that had been on standby for a long time finally began to climb.

Its nose pointed in the direction of the enemy fighter, and the electronic jamming pod was turned on. After receiving the active radar signal of the enemy fighter 80 kilometers away, the computing unit in the jamming pod quickly started to operate and completed the frequency identification within a few seconds.

The power of the SSJ radar main lobe self-defense jamming was fully exerted at this moment. A large number of echoes of the same frequency were simulated and released, and a large amount of clutter was released into the air and rushed towards the two fighters in the distance.

In the absence of professional electronic warfare fighters, insufficient power, and inability to carry out long-distance support jamming, Ivan chose the most risky but most effective strategy.

That is, let Rainbow 2 move in the same direction as the two Su-27s, enter the main lobe of the opponent's radar wave at the same time, and then use the high gain of the antenna main lobe to achieve the greatest effect with relatively small power!

At this moment, the enemy fighter was blinded as if it had eaten a flash bomb.


Of course, such blinding can only last for a very short time.

Countermeasures were implemented quickly. A mature radar system cannot be without anti-interference design. After only a dozen seconds, the electronic interference of Rainbow 2 failed.

A few dozen kilometers away, a missile had detached from the rack and headed straight for Rainbow 2.

"The enemy unit's firing signal has been detected."

"The position has been sent and the data has been updated!"


A ball of sparks exploded in the sky, and Rainbow 2 was destroyed by this air-to-air missile without any surprise.

But before it was completely disabled, the last data had been transmitted.

The position of close reconnaissance is much more accurate than the delayed signal sent back from the ground. With the sacrifice of this drone, the two Su-27s, which had always remained silent, finally broke into the best detection range of the active radar and the best altitude for launching an attack.

"Active radar turned on!"

"Shoot them down!"


As the reply fell, at this moment, the active radars on the two Su-27s turned on at the same time and began to search the fan-shaped area in front.

In just two seconds, the positions of the two enemy fighters were locked.

Then, the Su-27 turned on the afterburner, and a huge amount of fuel was sprayed into the combustion chamber of the AL-31F engine, and then pushed the turbofan to run at a speed of 12,000 revolutions per minute, creating a thrust of more than 25 tons.

The speed of the "Falcon" broke through Mach 1.5 almost instantly, and the distance between the two sides was shortened to within 35 kilometers, and it was still getting closer.

"Fire control radar turned on!"

A brief report came, and the two Su-27s locked their targets at the same time.

"Missiles are ready, safety released!"

"Missiles launched, fire control continues to illuminate."

Above Hasek, two R-27T air-to-air missiles detached from the racks, the semi-active radar was turned on, and the engine was ignited.

With the high speed of the Su-27 itself, the airspeed of the missile immediately exceeded 2.5 Mach. Such a high speed made up for the natural disadvantage of this air-to-air missile. The two enemy fighters that were being chased had no reaction time at all. They could only roll at an amazing angle at the same time as releasing decoy bombs, trying to avoid the missiles coming from behind.

However, the R-27T is not the R-27R after all. Its hit rate is not comparable to that of infrared-guided missiles like the R-27R!

With a loud bang, one enemy plane had already fallen.

But in the next second, the remaining enemy plane that rolled and turned around also released two air-to-air missiles, locking the Falcon 1 in the front position.

The alarm flashed wildly, and at this critical moment, the Falcon 1 made a maneuver that shocked everyone.

High angle of attack flip!

The active electromagnetic jammer on the wing tip was turned on, and the two Sidewinder missiles lost their targets.

Then, Falcon 2 released two R-27Ts again. After a brief pause, the last enemy plane exploded in the air with a ball of sparks.

Until this time, the pilots of both sides had not seen their enemies with their naked eyes.

"Hit, destroy!"

Everyone in the command room breathed a sigh of relief.

Ivan pursed his lips lightly and gave an order:

"Falcon, continue to search for enemy drones."

"Peregrine enters the field and prepares for ground strikes!"

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