Chapter 545 VN-1?

Chen Chen's reception of the Tiger Corps went quite smoothly. With the foundation of previous joint operations, almost all the middle-level commanders of this "special force" already knew him, a legendary mercenary leader, and were familiar with him. He was extremely convinced of the super combat effectiveness displayed by the Dongfeng Corps.

Therefore, after Suhail summoned all the middle-level commanders to explain the situation and explained the specific reasons why Chen Chen should take over the command, not a single person jumped out to object, but there was overwhelming support.

In a sense, this situation further proves Suhail's prestige.

Even if the matter of "being led by an outsider" seems extremely unreasonable and even "insulting" in the eyes of some sensitive people, as long as it is an order issued by Suhail, they will strictly follow it without fail. It was carried out to the letter.

Chen Chen was extremely satisfied with this. He knew very well what "orders and prohibitions" meant to an army.

Even if they are not at the top level in terms of tactics and technology, as long as they can obey orders, the final combat effectiveness of this team will not be much worse.

After meeting with the commander of the Tiger Corps, Chen Chen made new adjustments to the organizational form of the Tiger Corps.

Without disrupting the original organization or destroying the original command system, he divided the entire corps into three parts based on the simplest functionality.

Attack team, interspersed team, support team.

This kind of group is divided into squads and platoons from within the four combat companies of the Tiger Corps. There are at least three in each combat company and each functional group.

Taking the first company of the Tiger Corps as an example, there are a total of 240 people in the team, with a total of 4 attack groups, 4 interspersed groups, and 4 support groups, with a total of 120 people. The remaining personnel will not be divided and will be used according to normal combat functions.

In this way, the slightly scattered combat "functions" of the entire Tiger Corps were solidified. Chen Chen wanted to use this simplest method to make these ordinary soldiers understand what they should do.

Of course, the terms "attack", "intersperse" and "support" are also specially considered.

According to normal naming, the interspersed group should be called the sharp knife group or the avant-garde group.

But as the war approaches, the opportunity for so-called "battlefield role training" no longer exists. Chen Chen can only use the most intuitive language to solidify this identity.

This is an opportunistic method, but it is also the most effective method.

After the functional differentiation was completed, Chen Chen organized a small-scale demonstration exercise without stopping.

The content of the drill is extremely simple, that is, everyone in the company is gathered together. Whenever Chen Chen gives a command, the team members belonging to a certain functional group must immediately respond and come out.

In the first ten minutes, everyone's response to the password was quite slow.

But after the mechanical training lasted for an hour, their identities had been imprinted on their hearts like steel seals.

Every password given by Chen Chen received a prompt response. No one made a mistake and no password was missed.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen began to upgrade the training intensity.

He incorporated new requirements into his commands, such as aiming, lying down, moving forward, and retreating.

Two hours later, this set of training has been basically completed.

Just when everyone was expecting him to conduct the next step of tactical training, Chen Chen decisively called it a day and announced that the training was over.

He requested that each company of the Tiger Corps must devote at least 8 hours to this set of training in the next few days. If he finds any slack, everyone, including the commander, will be punished. .

No one could understand his request, but no one dared to refuse to carry it out.

After Chen Chen left, regiment-based training also began immediately.

Xia Xing, who was following Chen Chen, was equally puzzled. She took one last look at the Tiger Corps behind her, and then asked:

"Don't we need to provide them with further tactical training? Their technical and tactical levels are very poor and they should."

"Technical and tactical levels cannot be developed in a few days."

Before Chen Chen could answer, Li Bang stood beside him and said:

"The biggest problem of the Tiger Corps, or the problem of most armies in the world, is the same, and that is insufficient execution."

"What the team leader is doing now is to use the simplest way to improve their execution capabilities in a short period of time."

"They don't need to think about why, they don't need to think about the meaning of doing this, let alone whether it is the right thing to do."

"What they have to do is know who they are and what orders they have received."

"You may not think these things are simple, but that's how we got here."

"When the Dongfeng Corps was first established, I threw tens of thousands of grenades alone."

After hearing what Li Bang said, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Indeed, if there is anyone in the Dongfeng Corps who best understands his own training methods, then this person must be the Li Gang.

After all, he was the only one who had truly experienced the extremely boring and boring basic training that was repeated countless times.

The effects of this training have proven to be powerful.

Among the few people in the core group of the Dongfeng Corps, Li Gang's execution ability can be said to be unmatched.

No matter at any time, no matter where, no matter what the scene, as long as Chen Chen has an order, the Li Gang will carry it out without any doubt, without even the slightest objection.

And it was this amazing execution and loyalty that saved Chen Chen and Li Gang's own lives more than once.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"Bang Li is right, the truth is that simple."

"We have too little time. We want to increase the combat effectiveness of a thousand-man team as much as possible in a short period of time. This is the most efficient method I can think of."

"You can call this training method 'inhumane brainwashing,' but what I want is brainwashing."

"The effect of brainwashing can last for several days. Even if you go to the battlefield, it will not be diluted so easily."

"As long as they can survive the first round of battle, those who survive can continue to pass on their experience."

"This is how a team's combat effectiveness is formed - now, we are just taking the first step."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Xia Xing nodded suddenly.

After a moment of silence, she suddenly smiled again and said:

"You'd better not let those Western media discover your training methods."

"Otherwise, they're probably going to hype that you're training government troops using exactly the same methods as JD elements."

"It doesn't matter, I don't care either."

"Our reputation is already rotten anyway. We originally expected to use bin Laden's head to save the situation, but in the end we gave it to others."

"Maybe one day our image will be reversed, but obviously it won't be in Syria."


Xia Xing nodded slightly and then said:

"It's better not to talk about these topics--just take a look at your new equipment."

"The armored vehicle has arrived."


Chen Chen immediately became energetic and asked impatiently.

"There are a total of 8 in the north hangar."

"Go and see now!"

Chen Chen's pace quickened a bit. Five minutes later, when the hangar door was pushed open and he saw eight armored vehicles lined up neatly inside, Chen Chen felt that he was really going to fall.

Sharp-edged lines, desert-colored digital camouflage paint, huge road wheels full of oppression, pure black weapons that exude a dangerous atmosphere, and the drivers, operators, and machinery in the hangar who look like professionals at first glance. division

Without thinking too much, Chen Chen immediately asked:

"Where did these people come from?"


"They joined the Dongfeng Corps a month ago, completed basic training, and are now your official employees."

I do not know how?

Chen Chen thought secretly in his heart.

In fact, if you really give him some time, it would not be difficult for Lao Zhu to recruit and train a team of mercenaries who can operate these VN-1 transforming vehicles.

But again, time was so tight that even the most conservative northerners adopted relatively radical plans.

He just stuffed the person into his arms and even prepared his identity in advance, so there was no need to worry too much.

Of course, this is also a kind of "control" in nature.

But who cares?

As long as it can be used and its combat effectiveness can be improved in a short period of time, this small flaw can actually be ignored.

After greeting all the "new team members", Chen Chen immediately began to check the condition of the equipment.

After a brief look around, he discovered that the firepower configuration of this armored convoy far exceeded his imagination.

"Damn it. Isn't this Tianlong-8?"

Standing in front of a VN-1 platform missile anti-aircraft vehicle, Chen Chen murmured to himself.


Xia Xing on the side asked puzzledly, Chen Chen quickly explained:

"No, it's something from comics."

As he spoke, Chen Chen continued to take a few steps closer, and when he saw clearly the missiles in the missile launch nest, he became more and more sure of his suspicion.

There is no doubt that this is Tianlong-8!

In fact, the so-called Tianlong-8 missile has a more widely known name, that is, PL-9C.

That's right, it's the long-standing and extremely mature air-to-air missile used on fighter jets.

The model in front of him was obviously the Tianlong-8 short-range air defense missile modified from the PL-9C as a "special version for foreign trade"!

With a total of 8 bomb nests, it can launch 8 missiles at once in an instant, and can track all high-mobility targets at Mach 2 per hour, with a hit rate of more than 50%.

This thing can definitely be called a big killer on the Syrian battlefield. As long as it is there, the threat of air power to the Dongfeng Corps will be reduced by at least one level!

Chen Chen sighed, and when he reluctantly looked away from the car, he saw something even more surprising.


Compared with the ordinary VN-1 infantry fighting vehicle, the biggest improvement of this thing is that the old weapon station has been improved into an advanced 30mm caliber machine gun. At the same time, four Red Arrow-73D anti-reflective missiles are also installed on the side of the body. Tank missile!

According to Chen Chen's memory, this tank was born around 2010, but it was not officially launched and exported to Thailand until 2017. Its performance in "actual combat" highlighted its high quality and low price.

The Hongjian-73D with a replaced warhead has no pressure against the reactive armor of third-generation tanks, and the 30mm cannon can easily destroy any lightly armored unit.

Coupled with its greater mobility than a tank, this thing can be said to be the strongest on the ground besides tanks!

This kind of thing can actually be brought to Syria?

It seems that the comrades in charge of the Middle East are not as poor as they appear. At least the two VN-1 modified vehicles that I saw first are almost as valuable as a drone. Quite.

Chen Chen touched and touched the armor of this car, finally put down his hand and looked at other vehicles, and finally felt a little calmer.

The next car is also very powerful, but its power is not so "special".

It was just a simple ST-3, a heavily modified ST-3 equipped with a 122mm howitzer.

It is also a VN-1 platform modification. The biggest feature of this car is its fierce indirect firepower.

Chen Chen didn't know if this car was equipped with the most advanced intelligent artillery detection system in the Yankees today - of course, there was a high probability that it wasn't.

Because if it were true, then this car alone could drive sideways on the land of Syria.

The excitement gradually calmed down, and Chen Chen read all the "VN-1" one by one.

The later variants are not so amazing, but as Xia Xing said, they have both indirect and direct firepower, including automatic grenade, heavy machine gun, machine gun, and mortar versions.

Chen Chen simply counted and saw only 7 cars in total.

"Where's another one?"

he asked.


Xia Xing answered simply, and then led Chen Chen around to the back of the hangar.

And here, Chen Chen finally saw the "experimental model" that Xia Xing had mentioned before.

At the moment when the answer was revealed, Chen Chen's eyes were so wide that they were about to burst.


He rushed forward with a vigorous stride, and after he saw the specific details of the turret, he finally said with a little disappointment and relief:

"630, okay, okay."

Although there is only one "5" difference between the two numbers, they actually represent completely different meanings.

Rotating anti-aircraft gun Rotating anti-aircraft gun.

The former took more than ten years to enter service, while the latter already had a foreign trade version.

If the Luotuo gang really threw 625 into Syria, even if they gave Chen Chen a hundred courages, he would not dare to use it.

But fortunately, it was 630.

The official name of this thing is the SC/SA 5-wheeled self-propelled anti-aircraft gun. It was officially unveiled around 2019, but in fact, before that, there were already many export records of immature models.

At this time in 2011, although using this thing is still a bit outrageous, it can at least be explained.

Chen Chen breathed a long sigh of relief and sighed:

"You are so brave, you dare to transport this stuff to Syria."

Hearing his words, Xia Xing chuckled and replied:

"It's not us who are bold, it's Saudi Arabia."

"This thing comes from Saudi Arabia. We don't know anything about it."

"That's right, we have to let them take the blame!"

Chen Chen gave a thumbs up in agreement. At this moment, his self-confidence had reached its peak.

The armored vehicles are already in place, and Xiaoyu's side will soon add two more CH-3As, plus Maozi's fighter jets.

With this kind of firepower configuration, it seems that it is not that difficult to defend two provinces?

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