I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 546 The Eve of the War

Just as Chen Chen completed the reception of ground equipment, received personnel replenishment, and returned the Dongfeng Corps operating in Syria to its strongest state, the JD elements that had merged in Hasakah City had also begun their plans.

In the mosque, the "leaders" from four different armed forces were sitting together, and the topics they were discussing with calm faces were enough to make all "normal people" tremble.

The bearded man sitting in the middle looked at the papers on the ground and said:

"As of today, we have stockpiled more than 14 tons of various types of explosives, most of which are still in their initial state and have not been processed into explosive devices that can be easily detonated."

"We anticipate it will take an additional three days to complete the work and will require mobilizing all warfighters to participate in manufacturing."

"The manufacturing sites will be dispersed across 21 plants, but even so, we cannot completely rule out the risk of accidents during the manufacturing process."

"So, we must be prepared to lose three to four factories and hundreds of brothers."

"Their sacrifice will be worth it. If we can convert all these explosives into weapons, we can send at least 4,000 enemies to hell."

"Our target is the government troops stationed near Raqqa City, and the main target of the attack is Tabqa Air Base."

"According to the results of the previous communication with the 'allies', after the complete destruction of Tabuka Air Base, they will send new and sufficient forces to assist our operations and provide us with more weapons and equipment."

"At the same time, they will provide us with support in public opinion and ensure the rationality of our actions as much as possible."

"is it possible?"

Before the man finished speaking, the man in military uniform opposite him frowned and interrupted, and then said:

"Had it been a few days ago, I would have never had any doubts about what you said."

"But the problem is, the situation has changed dramatically."

"Your leader is dead. Facts have proved that he is not a prophet who never makes mistakes, and the plans he made are not necessarily correct."

"And because of his death, the support of your so-called 'allies' has eroded."

"In other words, they can no longer protect themselves."

"The battle that took place on the outskirts of the city is a typical proof. If they could really control the overall situation, they would never let their elite die in the bombing of the government forces, let alone fight with their own 'big brother' during the rescue process. A conflict occurred."

"I think we should rethink our plans."

"Whether we should continue to capture the city as planned is a very critical issue."

"If you don't have enough reasons to convince us, then the Order Army will withdraw from this operation."

After hearing the words of the man in military uniform, the bearded man's expression did not change at all, nor did he become angry because he was offended.

On the contrary, he still remained gentle and calm. He just turned to the man in military uniform and said in a low voice:

"I can understand your feelings. The losses of the Order Army must be attributed to us."

"However, you should also know very well that such a defeat is no one's fault, and it is not a reason to retreat."

"We just suffered some setbacks - in fact, did you suffer too many setbacks in Iraq?"

"I can understand your emotions, but I can't accept your withdrawal."

"If you choose to withdraw at this moment, then not only will we no longer be allies, but it will also be impossible to maintain a peaceful relationship."

"We will become enemies, life-and-death enemies."

The bearded man's words revealed a serious threat. The man in military uniform frowned. After a long time, he finally said:

"You're right, we should keep trying."

"But we also have problems that we have to solve."

"When does the attack begin and who carries it out?"

"With all due respect, my Order Army is a powerful team, and it is impossible for my soldiers to carry out such a mission that is close to suicide."


The bearded man nodded without hesitation and then said:

"Even if you want to go, I won't let you go, because it is a waste of ability."

"Your battlefield is still outside the main battlefield. Your goal is to harass, delay, and destroy, rather than to pursue the number of enemy kills."

"Of course, even my trained warriors should not waste their lives in a place like this."

"They are not needed. We have enough believers to carry out such dangerous tasks."

"And being a civilian actually makes it easier to get closer to our target, doesn't it?"

".Tens of thousands of backpackers?"

There was a trace of disgust in the eyes of the man in military uniform, and then he said:

"Such a plan is too crazy and too whimsical."

"I don't think you're going to succeed because human nature isn't that simple."

“I don’t need every aspect of my plan to succeed.”

The bearded man continued:

"These people just need to create chaos and attract the attention of government forces."

"Our real offensive will be carried out strictly in accordance with the original plan."

"We will use frequent attacks to hold back local government forces and create a window for us to operate."

"During this window, we will take over Raqqa as quickly as possible."

"As long as we control Raqqa, we will have sufficient soil--isn't this exactly what you need?"

After the voice fell, the man in military uniform finally nodded for the first time.

In fact, he still didn't agree with the way the man in front of him acted, but deep in his heart, he had to admit that the other party's plan was indeed the only one with the greatest chance of success.

This man, the man who called himself "Caliph", did have a different decisiveness from everyone else.

In order to achieve his goal, he could do whatever it took, or give up everything.

He was more fierce than Bin Laden, more intelligent than Khalil, and more rational than Zarqawi.

Perhaps one day in the future, his name will really spread in this world.



The uniformed man took a deep breath and then said:

"You are right, Baghdadi."

"Well, I have one last question."

"When will it start?"


Baghdadi looked deep and replied:

"Our informants have conveyed the latest intelligence to us."

"Within a week, the Syrian government forces will launch a full-scale offensive against the Free Army."

"By that time, most of their forces will be concentrated in the northern Aleppo province, trapped in the quagmire of confrontation with NATO and Turkey."

"This is our chance."

"Now, the eve of the war has arrived."

"And after the war, what will rise is..."

"Our new moon!"

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