An hour later, in the command room.

"The target has been identified. The opponent has arrived in Ahashili and is reorganizing the team."

"The enemy has a large number of vehicles including howitzers, mortars and homemade artillery shells."

"Electromagnetic interference has been activated and the tracking signal is good."

"The attack conditions are ripe and you can act!"

Bai Gou took over Suhail's position and assumed the role of staff in transmitting battlefield information. After hearing his words, everyone in the command room turned to look at Chen Chen.

Now, as long as Chen Chen gives an order, the attack on ISIS forces will be launched immediately.

The intelligence is complete, the equipment is powerful, and the personnel readiness and mobilization are sufficient.

There will be no surprises, and there should be no surprises.

Chen Chen didn't even hesitate for a second and immediately ordered:

"start to act!"

"Yes! Start taking action!"

With an order, all combat units immediately took action.

At this time, all the more than ten fighter planes in the air received the order and began to head towards the target airspace.

In just a few dozen seconds, the flight altitude continued to decrease. From the pilot's perspective, they could already see the targets on the ground below through the portholes.

The densely packed armed personnel were crowded together like ants - of course, this is just an exaggerated metaphor.

In fact, in order to prevent air strikes, the absolute distance between these people is still relatively far. Even the intensive bombing of large-yield aerial bombs cannot produce a devastating and overwhelming killing effect in a round of attack.

However, this is not important anymore.

Because the goal of this air strike is not to kill people, what they have to do is to destroy all the opponent's heavy weapons!

"Target identified and data updated."

"Preparations for bombing are complete."

"Understood, preparations for bombing are complete. Release."

After a short exchange, the first four MiG-29s dropped eight precision-guided bombs.

The 500-kilogram aerial bomb hit the ground with a screaming sound, and a moment later, it exploded on the ground with a devastating power.


The air mass of the explosion was more than ten meters high, and the wind pressure stirred up smoke and dust, shattering everything at the center of the explosion.

Immediately afterwards, the second round of air-to-surface missile attacks also followed.

The artillery of ISIS militants was covered by the explosion before it could be deployed. The hot air flow overshadowed the temperature brought by the sun, sending everyone who tried to fight them into hell.

"Assess the effectiveness of the strike."

"Understood. The target has been destroyed and a second strike is being prepared."

"Fly around and regain the attack position."

"Understood, follow the lead aircraft and fly around."

Led by the Su-27, the fighter group swept across the battlefield at a high speed exceeding Mach 1.5. After a quick pull-up, it was followed by a large-angle turn.

Then, the fighter planes in the formation swooped down and dropped all the remaining bombs on the ground targets that had been locked.

On the screen, the explosion unfolded like colorless flowers on the desert. Chen Chen looked at it all indifferently, with an inexplicable strange feeling in his heart.


This may be the norm in modern warfare.

In the past few years, he has always been on the battlefield in person. Even if there is long-range firepower and aerial firepower support, he must be the one who rushes to the front with a gun and always uses his own bullets to solve problems on the battlefield. commander".

Whether it is the casualties of the enemy or friendly forces, they will inevitably bring fluctuations in his heart. The accumulation of these fluctuations makes him consider the meaning of every order and every tactic more carefully.

However, the situation now is completely different.

He is more than 50 kilometers away from the battlefield, and even the attacking fighter jets are several kilometers away from the enemies on the ground.

Such a distance makes the smell of blood carried by the killing itself completely disappear. Those targets that are still moving are just "moving targets".

It's a dangerous feeling, but also strangely fascinating.

Chen Chen took a deep breath and continued to order:

"Aerial formation prepared for evacuation."

"Rainbow maintains altitude, maintains electromagnetic suppression, and continues to cover."


The drone operator simply answered, and at this time, all the fighter jets in the air had exhausted their ground attack methods and began to leave the battlefield at high speed.

Scattered portable air defense missiles were launched into the air, but for the fighter jets that had turned on afterburner, the deterrent effect of these missiles was almost nonexistent.

"Artillery preparation."

"Carry out coverage strikes on the target area."

"Roger, artillery ready."

"Modify the coordinates and carry out a covering strike."

Through the radio waves in the void, orders were quickly conveyed to the front line.

The artillery reconnaissance team that had been prepared for a long time immediately passed the latest coordinates of the high-value target to the rear. The artillery guidance team specially set up by Chen Chen immediately performed the calculations, and then converted the calculation results into the most intuitive data and output it to Become a real artillery operator.

This method of operation naturally slows down the artillery's reaction speed, but it also achieves the optimal indirect artillery effect while ensuring the hit rate.


The explosion sounded, and the response came again.

"First hit!"

"Adjust the shooting elements as follows."

This piecemeal artillery unit exerted amazing power. 120 mortars, 105 howitzers, 155 howitzers, 107 rockets, and even two 200mm howitzers that Suhail had treasured for many years fired at the same time. The not-so-dense shells fell on Ahashiri, turning the entire battlefield into a sea of ​​fire.

This time, the effect of killing personnel far exceeded that of air strikes.

Fragments swept across the flat ground like a storm. Within the radius of the explosion of dozens of meters, the militants wearing only light protective equipment were cut down like leeks.

Blood, fragments, and broken limbs flew all over the sky. Some people hid in the crater in despair, but were hit by the shells that happened to be at the same landing point.

His body turned into a bloody mist, and his body disappeared into the air without a trace.

In just a few dozen seconds, the number of militants gathered in Ahashiri was reduced by more than 10%.


400 casualties.

This was just the first round of shelling!

"The armored assault company is ready to attack, and the artillery fire will spread to the surrounding area of ​​the target area to limit the enemy's range of activities."

"Understood, the armored assault company is ready to attack."

"The infantry company will follow up and quickly form an encirclement."

"Understood, the infantry company will follow up and form an encirclement according to the predetermined combat plan."

"The special operations team is ready to withdraw, abandon the action, and assist the infantry company in attacking!"

"Received, abandon the action."

After the order was issued, various combat units quickly took action.

The armored assault company rushed out with billowing smoke and dust, and rushed straight to the battlefield.

Before they arrived, these armored vehicles with different functions had already started their first round of attack.

Fire on the move.

Under the guidance of advanced fire control radar, their hit rate is not even inferior to that of the artillery in the distant position!

After a round of salvos, in just a few minutes, the armored assault company had already approached the predetermined position one kilometer away from the battlefield.

Instead of continuing to advance, they quickly dispersed to occupy the commanding heights, and cooperated with the long-range artillery that had begun to be somewhat powerless to continue to suppress and shrink the enemy's activity space.

In the absence of air units to attack, the operator of the 630 gun found a wonderful angle to make up for the pitch angle defect of the rotary gun. Then, this gun, which was originally designed to intercept high-speed aircraft, began to tilt the iron rain to the ground.

The enemy's defensive position was smashed before it was established, and the anti-tank missiles that overestimated their capabilities were easily intercepted.

In a desperate atmosphere, the ST-3 self-propelled howitzer vehicle began to rely on the distance advantage to call out the enemy's hastily built fortresses one by one.

Every shell it fired meant the death of several or even dozens of lives.

Those brick and stone bunkers were vulnerable to the 122 guns. After the smoke and dust cleared, only ruins and broken bodies were left.

At this time, four infantry companies had arrived at the battlefield.

The special operations team of the Dongfeng Corps originally planned to use for the decapitation operation did not catch the opportunity, but this did not mean that they could not play their due role.

24 elites of the elite established a firepower point on the high ground, like a reef in the huge waves, suppressing the enemy team of more than 200 people.

With their support, the infantry company quickly established a loose defense line outside the battlefield, and with the arrival of more combat personnel, this defense line was constantly reinforced and eventually became indestructible.

The dense gunfire finally sounded.

Before the battle began, Chen Chen had readjusted the firepower configuration of the infantry company, replacing too many light and heavy machine guns with precision marksman rifles.

The results of the battlefield proved the wisdom of his adjustment this time. Although the suppression power decreased, after the close combat, the speed of enemy casualties instantly climbed to a new peak!

On the modern battlefield, if gunfire sounded, it often meant that the battle was likely to have come to an end.

This is indeed the case.

Under rounds of bombardment and the joint attack of armored vehicles, aircraft, and artillery, these JD militants who had not really undergone brutal training quickly collapsed, and the command system was completely out of order.

They were still trying to break out, but without the most critical command, their actions were as chaotic as headless flies.

On the other hand, every soldier on Chen Chen's side knew clearly what he was going to do.

The grassroots commanders did not lose contact with the highest commander for even a second. If Chen Chen wanted, he could even really issue an order like "the machine gun position moves forward 5 meters"!


Of course, he did not do so.

His order was quite clear and simple.

"Helicopters move in."

"Artillery fire converges on the center of the battlefield, and the armored assault company moves forward."

"Infantry alternates to cover the advance, narrow the encirclement, and prepare to clear the field!"


At this time, Ahashiri.

Baghdadi desperately watched his adjutant, whose throat was cut by shrapnel, die at his feet. He wanted to go out with a gun and fight the enemy, but reason told him that this was completely impossible.

Air Force, artillery, armored vehicles.

I don't know where these things came from, but it is obvious that this is the main force of the government army entrenched in Tabqa Air Force Base.

But why?

Why did they appear here?

According to the intelligence provided by their allies, they are still conducting ridiculous training day after day in the base, their planes are still parked in the hangar, and the armored vehicles are still parked next to the runway!

How did they appear in two places at the same time? Don't they have more than one main force? !

No, this is impossible.

No matter from which angle you consider it, they can't pull out a second team of the same kind.

There is only one explanation-the intelligence provided by the French side is wrong.

Or at least, it is also delayed!

This makes sense. Their review process is extremely long, and what they provide to themselves is always vague.

In this case, it is normal for intelligence to be biased!

"Damn it!"

Baghdadi roared angrily. He wanted to vent, but he couldn't.

At this time, the explosions and gunshots outside the window continued. Baghdadi lowered his body and walked to the window. What came into his eyes was a scene that made him extremely sad.

The brothers who were willing to sacrifice for their beliefs that he had finally gathered together were dying one after another. They didn't even have time to fire their guns or throw the grenades they were carrying!

Under the huge casualties, the trend of collapse and escape was unstoppable.

What was even more terrible was that the radio communication of his side suffered serious electromagnetic interference, and he couldn't even give orders to the commanders!

He could only watch the situation fall step by step into the abyss, and could only watch his confident "tactics" being crushed by the enemy in an overwhelming, destructive and brutal way.

The hope of victory had been shattered. Baghdadi took a deep breath and said to the commander-in-chief of the cult army beside him:

"Qassem, take your people to gather our soldiers and find a way to establish a line of defense."

"We need to evacuate immediately, someone must hold the enemy back!"

"Establish a line of defense? Are you crazy?!"

Qassem looked at Baghdadi in disbelief and said hurriedly:

"We no longer have any chance. The other side is several levels higher than us in terms of technical level, tactical level and equipment level!"

"This is a battle with a generation gap. They beat us like a crushing stone. It's as easy as killing an ant!"

"But we have to try."

"Try what?!"

Qassem interrupted Baghdadi rudely, and then continued:

"I've been through all this, I've been through it countless times!"

"Don't dream, we're dead!"

"The other side's mobility is even better than ours, we can't run away even if we want to!"

"Surrender! Surrender is the only way to survive!"

"We can trade, everything will wait until we survive--"


Qassem's words were not finished, his head suddenly exploded in front of Baghdadi.

Silently, as if he was cast a spell.

Baghdadi looked around blankly, and then he found that Qassem's position was exposed in front of the window.

There was a shadow moving vaguely on the hillside in the distance, and Baghdadi fell to the ground with his hair standing on end, his face full of horror.

His face even touched the half of Kasim's skull that was shattered by the bullet, but at this moment, he no longer cared about being nauseated.

Everything was over.

This battle was extremely hasty, but it revealed a unique and simple beauty of war.

Unfortunately, he was not the one who created beauty.

He, including all his soldiers, were just the raw materials for rendering this beauty.

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