I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 547 Inflatable Castle

Three days later, at 12 o'clock at night.

All combat preparations for the Dongfeng Corps and Tiger Corps have been completed.

The adaptive training is over, the equipment and personnel are in place, and combat missions have been issued through the Syrian government forces.

The nominal "leader" Suhail confirmed the mission and immediately briefed Chen Chen on the mission. After handing over everything, he himself prepared to leave Tabqa secretly and go to the vicinity of Hasakah to do what he should really do. things to do.

Before leaving, Chen Chen sent Suhail to the outskirts of the base. At the same time, he was given a special team that did not belong to the Dongfeng Corps or the Tiger Corps.


After the last black army incident, all cooperation between Chaisli and the Syrian government forces was suspended.

Although everyone knows that Chaisili is unlikely to be directly related to this matter, after all, people go out from them. Even as a cautious attitude, Suhail must put the cooperation between the two parties on hold for a while.

Under this circumstance, Chaisri's business expansion plan in Syria has encountered serious obstacles. In Jackal's words, for every day it is put on hold, Chaisri will lose nearly 400,000 US dollars in income.

Therefore, he urgently needs to do something to prove himself and prove Chaisili's position - even if it is quite risky, he will not hesitate.

Therefore, as a middleman, Chen Chen introduced him to a new job, that is, as Suhail's personal bodyguard, follow him to the crisis-ridden Hasakah Province to help him complete the integration and recruitment of the local army.

Jackal readily accepted this task, and could even say he couldn't wait to accept it.

At this time, he was standing next to Suhail. He had rarely put on a full set of combat equipment again. He was still holding Chaisili's iconic HK416 in his hand. He exuded an aura of keeping away from strangers, just like Suhail. Chen Chen looked exactly like him when they first met.

Looking at Jackal, who had alert eyes but relaxed and natural movements, Suhail said with some emotion:

"I heard a proverb from your place before."

"The one who is close to vermilion is red, the one who is close to ink is black."

"Now it seems that this sentence is indeed correct."

"Although they are not the same team, their professionalism is similar to yours - before this, I thought they were just a subcontractor of yours, the kind used to fill the bill."

Hearing this, Chen Chen couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Let Chaisili be our subcontractor? This is still a bit too conceited."

"The strength of the Chaisili PMC department may indeed be inferior to ours, but they are a real defense company that can produce armored vehicles."

"In a sense, they are not on the same level as us - they are much higher than us."

"I know, but I don't care about the 'defense equipment' part."

Suhail shook his head slightly and then said:

"What I care about is whether they can fight or not. What they care about is their true combat effectiveness when facing extreme situations."

"On this issue, you gave me some promises, but I think whether it can work or not must be tested through actual combat."

"That's right."

Chen Chen nodded in agreement and said:

"But again, you can be 100% assured of Chaisili's fighting qualities."

"This is not a 'training camp team' without any combat experience. Since two years ago, they have been crawling around in the chaotic land of Pubei just like us."

"Those who remain now are real warriors who have experienced the test of life and death."

"In a sense, they have more experience than most special forces in the world."

“In critical moments, this kind of experience can be life-saving.”

"I understand, then leave it to them."

Suhail smiled slightly and continued:

"Similarly, Raqqa Province will be left to you."

"A full-scale offensive will be launched as early as two days later. General Issam has begun secretly mobilizing troops, and Maher has also begun to adjust and deploy forces around Damascus."

"Once they are ready, the attack can be launched at any moment unknown to any of us."

"And by that time, other enemies will be waiting in the wings, trying to get a piece of the chaos."

"I won't say more about the pressure you are facing."

"I just hope that when I come back next time, I will see you alive."

"Are the requirements that low?"

Chen Chen asked slightly surprised.

"This is not a low requirement, this is my trust in you."

"I feel that as long as you are alive, it means that our position is still there."

"Because, no matter in any desperate situation, you can always find a way to break it, right?"

".It's nice of you to think so."

Chen Chen nodded solemnly and replied:

"I'll try not to disappoint you."

The two looked at each other in silence. After a moment, Chen Chen turned to Jackal aside and waved for him to come over.

The latter immediately walked to Chen Chen and asked:

"What's new?"


Chen Chen answered decisively and then said:

"I just want to tell you something - all my most valuable experiences."

"If it weren't for the current situation, you would have to spend 3 million US dollars to buy what I'm going to say next."

"Then should I say thank you, boss?"

The Jackal said jokingly, and Chen Chen didn't keep him in suspense, but said directly:

"Three sentences, all of which are aimed at the current situation in Hasakah, and all of which are experiences learned from blood and tears."

"You say."

The Jackal immediately straightened his expression and made a look of listening attentively.

"First, all the people you see are not divided into 'terrorists' and 'civilians', but into 'terrorists with guns' and 'terrorists without guns'."

"As long as you think they have the intention to pick up a gun, you should shoot without hesitation."


The Jackal nodded immediately. He can be said to have fully experienced this experience.

"Second, don't limit yourself to using familiar weapons. From the first day you enter the battlefield, you should start hoarding enemy weapons."

"Because you don't know how long your supplies can last. At the end of the battle, you will have to start using weapons you are not familiar with."


"Third, cars are more important than people. People can die to protect cars."

Chen Chen's third sentence was extremely cruel, but Jackal quickly understood what he meant.

In a place like Hasakah, without a vehicle that can maneuver quickly, it means that evacuation is impossible.

And if you can't evacuate in time, the number of deaths will be much greater than the number of people sacrificed to seize the car.

These three sentences are indeed simple, but they are indeed the most effective rules of survival.

The Jackal silently remembered them in his heart, nodded gratefully to Chen Chen, and then turned back to his post.

A few minutes later, everything was ready, and Suhail drove the convoy out of Tabqa Air Force Base.

The Mi-171 helicopter in the base will escort them for 100 kilometers to the border of Hasakah Province.

After that, in order to ensure the concealment of the operation, they will replace more inconspicuous civilian transportation vehicles, and will also lose all air support.

They will be completely isolated and helpless. Unless the most extreme situation occurs, they can only rely on themselves.

Looking at the convoy gradually going away, Li Bang standing next to Chen Chen sighed softly, and then asked:

"Do you really think Suhail's plan will work?"

"Hasakah Province has actually fallen. There are JD elements everywhere, and even local civilians have been eroded by JD ideology."

"He wants to recruit soldiers in that place. In my opinion, it's like growing rice in the desert."

"Then what other choice does he have?"

Chen Chen asked back, and Li Bang was speechless.

After a few seconds of silence, Chen Chen continued:

"In fact, this is the only feasible and effective strategy."

"If we really stick to the Raqqa defense line according to the conventional solution, the Tiger Corps will be wiped out in two weeks at most."

"The reason is very simple, and it can be summed up in one word: depth."

"Raqqa and Hasakah are the strategic depth of the JD elements. If they continue to advance deeper, they can even use Iraq and Turkey as strategic depth."

"And the Tiger Corps' defense line has no depth. Suhail can't retreat to Aleppo, right? That is the most important battlefield for the government army and the Free Army."

"So, all he can do is find a way to destroy the strategic depth of the JD elements."

"It's risky, but there is a chance."

"Is there really a chance?"

Li Bang asked subconsciously.


Chen Chen answered confidently.


His answer was not based on his trust in Suhail's ability, but from his experience in his previous life.

In his memory, in the previous life, this "young man" was just like now, contacting the local militia little by little, constantly fighting with JD elements, constantly expanding the team, and improving combat effectiveness, and finally created the "Tiger Division" that the JD armed forces feared.

Now, although history has changed, due to various complex reasons, it has returned to normal to some extent.

They are all "recruitment". Su Haier in the previous life could do it, so can't he do it now?

What's more, the situation he faced in the previous life was much worse than now.

At least, he now has a sufficiently reliable mercenary around him to ensure his most basic safety.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen did not explain any more, but took Li Bang back to the base.

From this moment on, Su Haier's battle has begun.

And the battle of the Dongfeng Corps is also imminent.

"Are all combat units ready?"

Chen Chen asked.

"Basically ready."

"According to Ivan's report, the air defense facilities around the airport have been deployed, all fighters have completed maintenance, most weapons have been mounted, and the aircraft can take off at any time."

"The armored vehicle team left the base an hour ago and is currently waiting near Resafa."

"After receiving the order, they will go to El Hela and join the first and second companies that set out earlier."

"After completing the rendezvous, the three companies will rush into the urban area of ​​​​Raqqa within 30 minutes and take shelter in the cemetery on the east side of the city."

"At the same time, the third and fourth companies have also arrived in Tabqa city. They will continue to go north and outflank Raqqa from the west."

"In addition, the militia you requested to recruit have been gradually arrived, and the current number has reached 600."

"Almost all of these people were mobilized from Aleppo and have undergone preliminary vetting before entering the base, but in order to ensure that no secrets are leaked, we have strictly controlled them."

"So far, so good."

"The only thing behind schedule is the disguise you asked for."

"To be honest, this thing is really difficult to do. There is nothing we can do in Syria."

"However, Xia Xing has solved the problem - she ordered a batch of inflatable castle toy equipment from Jordan, and we are recruiting professional tailors to transform it."

"The samples are already out and it is expected to take about a day before the first batch of models will be ready."

"Take me to see it."

Chen Chen spoke decisively, and Gang Li did not hesitate and immediately led Chen Chen into the largest hangar at Tabuka Air Force Base.


The interior of this hangar has been completely transformed into something that no one can imagine. It is not so much a hangar as it is a large toy and textile processing workshop.

There are cut rags everywhere, and there are large and small air pumps and paint cans piled in the corners. The workers are wearing simple protective equipment, and their job is to assemble all the parts in front of them. Assemble it like the object in the center of the hangar

Inflatable model!

It was an inflatable model of a VN-1 armored vehicle, almost a one-to-one replica in size, and its paint was the most common desert paint.

From Chen Chen's perspective, its workmanship seemed a bit too rough, and even the barrel was held up by lightweight plastic water pipes.

However, compared with its rough appearance, its internal structure is not simple.

A motor used to drive the model forward slowly, a smoke-generating device used to create smoke, a heater used to create a heat source, and a hatch for the "driver" to enter and exit.

Every detail has been carefully considered, and all these details have only one purpose, which is to deceive drones conducting reconnaissance from the air.

That's right, almost all the troops under Chen Chen's control have been transferred.

The current Tabuka Air Force Base is the "ghost city" in the empty city plan.

An empty city impulsively defended by inflatable toys and untrained militiamen pretending to be the elite of the Tiger Corps!

This is Chen Chen's plan.

From beginning to end, he was not one to sit still.

Holding Tabqa and holding the main road from Raqqa to Aleppo was never what he wanted to do.

He wants to take the initiative and give the JD elements the heaviest blow when they gather all their strength to attack Raqqa!

In order to achieve this goal, he must create the illusion that the "Tiger Corps" is still at the Tabuka base.

And to do this, the wisdom of the northerners will once again come into play.

Those fake targets that were popular in the Middle East in the previous life have not yet been put on the market, but Chen Chen has already made them in advance.

Chen Chen believed that this simple, seemingly stupid, but actually tested thing on the battlefield would definitely bring him unexpected results.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen took a deep breath.

Then, he spoke:

"Notify all combat units, release false targets, and start building momentum."

"After 24 hours, if the enemy has not launched an attack, then we will."

"Take the initiative!"

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