"The enemy is fleeing. We can't contain them. Should we pursue them?"

In the command room, Chen Chen's brows knitted together when he heard the report from the battlefield ahead.

This attack can be said to be going very smoothly. Intelligence, equipment, and tactics were fully suppressed. The encirclement has been formed. The enemy did not launch any effective counterattacks. We didn't even lose any key equipment. It was definitely a crushing victory.

And now, the feedback from Li Bang is that the enemy broke through the encirclement and ran away?

How is this possible?

"What's going on? The helicopters and armored vehicles are all there. How can they escape?"

"Suicidal dispersed breakout!"

"The enemy's command system has completely collapsed. They don't plan to fight anymore!"

"These people are completely crazy. Each of them is running in different directions!"

"There are JD elements everywhere who self-destruct. Our firepower is completely restrained and the firepower efficiency is very low!"

"The hole is too big. We can't plug it!"

Hearing Li Bang's words, Chen Chen took a breath of cold air.

What he was most worried about happened.

In fact, no matter which battlefield, the advantaged party is most worried about not the opponent's dying counterattack, but the rout after losing effective command.

Because compared with an organized and directional last-ditch battle, the troubles and consumption caused by scattered soldiers are much greater.

If you want to annihilate, you have to divide a large number of troops and follow the direction of the opponent's escape to pursue and clear them out. This will inevitably make each pursuit team isolated and helpless. Once the opponent reunites and counterattacks, the offensive and defensive situation will change immediately.

Casualties on one side are inevitable, while the benefits of pursuit are minimal.

Of course, according to this logic and the old saying "don't chase the desperate enemy", wouldn't it be enough to just give up the pursuit and let them flee?

In some cases, this is certainly possible.

For example, when two countries are at war, when the army of one side has been defeated and cannot be reorganized in a short time to counterattack, they just run away.

It doesn't matter if I don't pursue or destroy them, because by the time their higher-level commanders come to their senses and reorganize them, I may have already taken over a large area of ​​​​territory and achieved actual control. At that time, it doesn't matter whether you resist or not.

But the problem is that the situation the Tiger Corps is facing now is not like this.

ISIS is not a well-trained army, and the battle between the two sides is not a battle between "countries".

The essence of the anti-terrorism war is not much different from the anti-bandit war. As long as the bandits are not completely cleared out, they will increase rapidly like cancer cells and re-form their scale!

Therefore, before the battle began, Chen Chen had already predicted this possible outcome.

He postponed the attack time of the helicopter, controlled the combat distance of the armored assault company, and even reserved reserves for the four infantry companies.

But the problem is that he couldn't really grasp every detail on the battlefield, and he couldn't have imagined that at the critical moment when the friendly forces were about to complete the closing, the other side actually came up with a self-destruction tactic that completely violated the common sense of the battlefield.

Who can they blow up?

Objectively speaking, they simply could not cause too many effective casualties, otherwise the key information in Li Bang's report would not be just "unable to catch", but "unable to defend".

However, such actions did bring great trouble to the formation of the encirclement.

After all, Suhaier's Tiger Corps was not a well-trained elite like the Dongfeng Corps. In the previous brainwashing, they may have formed the inertia of executing orders, but this inertia is based on the fact that the impact of the real battlefield on them does not exceed a certain threshold.

Bullets, shells, and explosions are unlikely to exceed this threshold, but a missile, a heavy bomb, or more weapons that exceed their cognitive limits will definitely exceed it.

Similarly, a large number of horrific scenes of human self-explosion also crossed this threshold, causing the command efficiency of the Tiger Corps to collapse to a certain extent.

Chen Chen could even imagine the current scene on the battlefield.

After seeing the first explosion, the soldiers of the Tiger Corps may not have reacted yet. They just instinctively pointed their guns in the direction of the explosion, trying to find the source of the explosion.

Then, more and closer explosions occurred, and the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere appeared in front of everyone for the first time.

At this time, some people should have fallen into panic, but under the suppression of grassroots commanders, their actions could barely maintain order.

However, after the first round of casualties caused by the self-explosion, everything became different.

Most people will lose their minds because of fear. They will instinctively search for high-risk targets that pose the greatest threat to them, and because of the randomness of the attack, their search time will be seriously extended.

In many cases, several or even dozens of people will aim at a target at the same time. The bullets they fired may beat the JD elements into a pile of minced meat before they explode, and the momentum of their own casualties will be immediately curbed, but this also means

extremely serious waste of firepower.

At this time, the situation of "too many holes" reported by Li Bang appeared.

Without effective restraint on the Tiger Corps soldiers, it would be impossible to accurately block every opening!

Even if helicopters and armored vehicles are present, the efficiency of blocking and interception will be quite low!

The context was clear. Chen Chen thought for a moment and then ordered:

"Deploy two hundred people from the 3rd and 4th companies to use vehicles to maneuver to the outside of the battlefield to pursue and intercept. The other teams remain stationary."

"Let them run away, and try to eliminate their large army as much as possible!"


As soon as the words fell, Li Bang responded immediately.

Based on Chen Chen's order, as a front-line battlefield commander, Li Bang made new optimizations to this order within the scope of his authority.

He moved all the two helicopters hovering in the sky away from the battlefield to participate in the pursuit, because he knew that on the main battlefield at this time, the need for aerial firepower was no longer high. Instead of wasting it there, it was better to let it do its job. Something more cost-effective!

The order was quickly conveyed to various combat units, and at this time, the situation on the battlefield also changed again due to the adjustment of the Li Gang.

With the departure of the two helicopters, the psychological pressure on ISIS was significantly reduced, and small-scale orderly command began to appear. They even launched a small climax of counterattack.

Two machine gun pickup trucks were destroyed by ISIS rockets. The remaining artillery of the other side also found the howitzer that had not been destroyed and fired a volley at the nearby Tiger Corps position.


However, this round of salvo fired only three shells.

Such a counterattack was too weak for the Tiger Corps, which had already taken advantage.

Fierce retaliation came immediately, and the muzzle of the 122mm self-propelled artillery quickly turned, accurately throwing the anti-personnel bombs in the turret at the location of the enemy artillery.

After a loud bang, ISIS's artillery was silenced again, and the JD militants who had finally been organized and looked like elites at first sight were hit by a round of automatic grenade coverings!

The grenades fell like hailstones, destroying the enemy's last line of psychological defense.

The morale that had been restored slightly after the helicopter left was gone at this moment.

Because they discovered that even without helicopters and air units, the advantage held by their enemies was still crushing!

At this moment, all the struggle was meaningless.

On the battlefield, the mountains and plains are full of fleeing JD elements. The large-scale attack they finally organized has been completely defeated in fact.

After confirming that there was no way to wipe out all these JD elements at once, Chen Chen immediately issued new orders.

"Dongfeng Corps Group 1 and Group 2, withdraw from the battlefield."

"Transfer command of Rainbow 2 and search for enemy high-value targets."

"Their commander hasn't shown up yet, try to find him!"


The order was issued, and the two teams of the Dongfeng Corps took action immediately.

They withdrew from their positions as quickly as possible and hid at the predetermined evacuation point on the principle battlefield.

Their purpose was not to evacuate. After detouring a few hundred meters eastward, the team successfully established communication with the drone and began a large-scale search with the help of the drone.

Of course, in this situation, it is extremely difficult to find the opponent's high-level targets. The enemies are all pigs carrying guns. How can you judge which pig is more valuable?

Maybe we can only rely on luck, and we can only try to find the small and subtle differences in each fleeing militant team.

Chen Chen didn't have high hopes for this, but no matter what, he had to give it a try.

At the same time, Ivan in the control room was monitoring signals coming from radar stations in various regions of Syria.

According to their prediction, it is impossible for this group of militants to be without air support, because they have already been dispatched before.

The reason why it hasn't arrived yet must be due to deviations in intelligence and mistakes in decision-making.

So now, the battle has come to an end, and the expected air support should have arrived anyway.


And this is indeed the case.

"Border radar station reported, high-speed target found!"

"Lost signal!"

"The other party used stronger electromagnetic interference!"

"It's all noise!"

"This seems to be the interference signature of EA-18!"


Chen Chen's heart suddenly sank.

EA-18, if Ivan's judgment is not wrong, it means that the United States has once again stepped into this muddy water!

"All ground air defense units be prepared."

"The missile anti-aircraft vehicle and 630 retreat to a safe position, the active radar is shut down, and wait for the opportunity!"

"Air units attack in the opposite direction of the enemy attack, remain silent, and find a way to escape!"


At this moment, Chen Chen felt extremely nervous.

Because he knew that in the face of absolute power, everything he did was meaningless and even ridiculous!

In the skies of Syria, or even in the skies of the world, who can beat the EA-18G?

That thing is the master of the world's most advanced electronic countermeasures technology. Judging from the war history of the past ten years, every time it enters the battlefield, it basically means the demise of a country's power!

Its real nemesis would not be born in that magical land in the north nearly ten years later.

But now, this kind of nemesis obviously does not exist yet.

At this point in time in 2011, no country had the ability to destroy that little plane.

Yes, maybe through some means, you can shoot down the Blackbird reconnaissance aircraft with a speed exceeding Mach 3 at an altitude of 20,000 meters. However, no matter what weapon you use, it is impossible to defeat the strong electromagnetic interference without solving the problem. Shoot down that EA-18 whose target is so obvious that you can even see it with your eyes!

This is the real horror of "electromagnetic control". When it comes, you can only hope that your air defense force or the fighter jets already in the air will be lucky enough to be within visual distance. Find it, then use rockets and aircraft cannons to deal with it

Chen Chen stared at the screen nervously. He was afraid that in the next second, even his communication with the front line would be cut off due to strong electromagnetic interference.


However, a small probability event that was not unexpected by him, but indeed unplanned, happened.

A full ten minutes passed. According to the flight speed, the EA-18G, which should have arrived on the battlefield long ago, did not show up at all. The range of electromagnetic interference did not expand, and Alhasili did not suffer any air strikes from the enemy.

Chen Chen suddenly felt uneasy, and along with this uneasiness came a kind of relief like a stone falling to the ground.

Coming for me.

Even after knowing that its main force had been mobilized near Raqqa, the enemy still carried out the attack on Tabqa Air Base!

This is the only answer!

"Everyone starts evacuating!"

"Enter the underground bunker!"

"Li Gang, you will take over the command!"

"After the attack is over, I will restore contact with you as soon as possible!"

The order was issued, and everyone in the headquarters took action immediately.

Just like they had rehearsed several times before, a group of false targets destined to be sacrificed were released, and then the real command core entered the underground bunker that had been prepared long ago.

Two minutes later, Chen Chen's "anticipated" aerial strike arrived.

At Tabuka Air Base, the radar and anti-aircraft missile positions that were forcibly turned on were destroyed one by one, and the convoy leaving the base was completely blown to pieces by several missiles.

Subsequently, under the cover of EA-18G, more than a dozen fighter jets that participated in the air strike leisurely retreated from the battlefield.

When Chen Chen returned to the ground again, what he saw was an "airport" that had been completely destroyed and turned into ruins.

The other side ignored the Syrian fighter jets that were clearly within the detection range of the early warning aircraft from beginning to end, because they could no longer land.

In other words, even if they forced a forced landing, they would not be able to take off and fight again.

Because, Chen Chen received the latest piece of information.

In the past 30 minutes, from Damascus to Aleppo, from Latakia to Tabqa, all military and civilian airports in Syria that are suitable for fighter jets to take off have been inspected.

All were destroyed.

Not a single one is left.

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