At this time, near Ahashiri.

The last siege offensive has ended. Without air support, ISIS militants have no way to resist the Tiger Corps, which has no absolute disadvantage in numbers but an absolute advantage in equipment. Their team was completely dispersed and was chased and annihilated by highly mobile motorized troops.

After the last gunshot, only a thousand people were left in the 4,000-man army, of which about two thousand escaped, and the number of people directly killed and wounded was more than a thousand.

Most of the remaining ones have surrendered.

There is no doubt that this is a crushing victory.

However, as a front-line commander, Li Bang did not have much jubilation on his face.

"Didn't find the other side's commander?"

Looking at the dusty Linhe team who had just returned from the pursuit, Li Bang asked.


"We chased several suspicious targets, but we were unlucky. The commander was not the one we caught."

"How do you know it wasn't him?"

"We have organized cross-identification, and we have used some religious methods. Theoretically, the other party is unlikely to lie."

Hearing Lin He's reply, Li Bang frowned.

After a little thought, he nodded slowly and replied:

"It doesn't matter. It's normal that we can't catch him."

"These people are too scattered. They are not professional soldiers. In addition, they have a very solid "mass base" here. Once they are mixed into the village settlement, it will not be easy to catch them back."

"We will inevitably have to carry out another round of clearing and hunting activities later-how much can we determine about their fleeing direction and final destination?"

"Within a radius of 100 kilometers, 80% can be determined."

Lin He took out a simple map from his jacket pocket, and the map was densely marked with red pen.

"These marks are the output of the drone tracking, and the accuracy is very high."

"However, this map is time-limited, and we cannot guarantee that they will not move in the future."

"So, if we want to catch them, we have to do it as soon as possible."

"No need."

Li Bang interrupted Lin He and then explained:

"Our mission is not to search for the leaders of the JD elements, but to stop their expansion trend in Raqqa Province."

"Obviously, our mission has been completed for the most part. Whether to catch people again depends on the boss."

"You lead the team to clean up the battlefield first and identify high-value targets. Maybe we can get more intelligence from them."


Lin He answered immediately and then turned and left.

Looking at his back, Li Bang breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, he was also unwilling to accept such a result.

Not only did they fail to wipe out the enemy at one time, but the proportion of prisoners was also quite small.

What's more ridiculous is that, under the premise that their side had already located the other side's command center, they actually let their commander-in-chief run away in the end.

It must be said that the disadvantage of playing away is here. You can never accurately and easily mobilize a force that you are not familiar with and have not fully mastered.

If the main force of the Dongfeng Corps was the one who took action this time, and if the 100-man reserve prepared by Lao Zhu could arrive in Syria in advance, then Li Bang would be fully confident that, let alone a commander, 400 of the 4,000 people in the entire ISIS could run away, which would be considered fast.

What a pity.——

However, on the other hand, even if he was unwilling, he did not forget to weigh the pros and cons and make the choice that maximized the benefits.

This is something that he finally learned after countless battles and decisions, and under the influence of Chen Chen.

And being able to stop the pursuit and ask Lin He's team to help consolidate the defense also means that he has finally grown into a "commander" who can truly lead the team.

After simply deploying the defense task, Li Bang quickly devoted himself to various post-war finishing work.

Transporting the wounded, identifying high-value targets, confiscating weapons, summarizing intelligence, even burning corpses, organizing epidemic prevention and disinfection

All things require him to make decisions, and he does a really good job.

Four hours after the battle, when Chen Chen confirmed that the airspace was safe and rushed to Ahashili by helicopter, a relatively complete temporary camp had been established.

"Good job!"

After seeing Li Bang, Chen Chen's first sentence expressed affirmation.

Then, before Li Bang answered, Chen Chen continued to ask:

"How are our people? Are there any injured?"

Obviously, Chen Chen's "our people" refers to the Dongfeng Corps in a narrow sense.

Li Bang certainly understood what he meant, so he immediately replied:

"Two people were affected by the explosion of the suicide attack and suffered minor injuries."

"Pingchuan has already treated them, no big problem."

"For this battle, I still deployed our own people in the back. After all, it is a large-scale offensive and defensive battle, and our players can't play a decisive role."

"In addition, the armored assault company has a problem-two vehicles broke down."


Chen Chen frowned immediately, and then asked:

"What's the problem?"

"One is due to overheating of the engine, and the other is due to a broken bearing."

"The good news is that the problems all occurred during the pursuit phase after the battle. The bad news is that the durability of this batch of armored vehicles, especially in the high-temperature desert environment, is really too poor."

Hearing Li Bang's words, Chen Chen couldn't help but sigh.

Indeed, this is a problem that cannot be solved at this stage.

The VN-1 platform originally had various defects. In the previous life, this thing did not perform very well in the Middle East. Instead, it had special advantages in the low-intensity combat environment of South America.

This is also the reason why it has not sold much from beginning to end and is not very popular with various customers.

If you want to make these defects completely disappear, you have to wait until the VN-2 platform appears and begins to be used on a large scale.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen said:

"First, find a way to arrange maintenance, and submit all the problems encountered to me, and I will report them to the higher authorities."

"But don't expect it to be solved in the short term. This thing cannot be handled overnight."

"I understand, it's good enough if it can be used."

Li Bang grinned, and then asked:

"Captain, how did we fight this time?"

"To be honest, it's not bad."

Chen Chen also smiled and answered, and then continued:

"However, this is a highly 'self-limiting' battle. The uncertainty of the battlefield environment is actually not much, and there are not so many tactical changes."

"So whether it's you or me, the results will not be too different."

"Next time, you have to learn to mobilize the high-level equipment we have with higher efficiency, especially in the use of drones, and you have to continue learning."

"Find time to have a good chat with Bao Qi. He has almost recovered, and it's time to find him something to do."


Li Bang nodded solemnly, and the two Together they walked towards the temporary command post set up in the camp, where two captured Humvees were already being inspected. Chen Chen glanced casually and asked subconsciously:

"Were these two vehicles not destroyed?"

"No, they drove over from the Hasakah direction during the pursuit phase and were captured directly by our helicopter."

"The other party seemed to want to rescue their high-value target - it should be the commander of the Islamic Corps."

"However, according to cross-identification, the leader of the Islamic Corps has been killed by us, and they are late."

"The Islamic Corps is reasonable."

Chen Chen frowned slightly, stepped onto their own command vehicle, and then continued to ask:

"What is the specific identity?"

"It is said that a former Iraqi National Defense Forces officer named Qassem, but there is no source."

"Give me the information, I'll find someone to confirm it."


Li Bang followed Chen Chen into the car. According to the plan, they would immediately go to Raqqa Province to communicate with the local garrison about entering the city, and rely on Raqqa City to establish a line of defense against JD armed forces.

At this time, the Syrian government had informed the Raqqa defenders, and the commander there was already looking forward to it on the position.

The command vehicle drove south all the way. Half an hour later, under the cover of the guards, the two successfully entered Raqqa and met the commander who had been waiting for a long time on the position outside the city.

The latter's face was quite complicated.

Excited, confused, incredible.

Of course, more of it was surprise.

He might never have thought that the commander who won a great victory right under his nose would have an East Asian face!

What he didn't expect was that the guards who obviously belonged to the Syrian government army had no distrust of the commander with an East Asian face. Even when he tried to move forward, two guards who had already entered the role did not hesitate to push up and block him in front of him.

This kind of loyalty, he had only seen in the personal guards of some senior officers.

The commander of Laka City stopped a little embarrassedly, then stretched out his hand to Chen Chen from a distance to show his identity:

"Sir! I am Laplani!"

"I am the person in charge here! I will cooperate with you in the subsequent defense!"

Hearing his words, Li Bang gave the guard a look, and the latter immediately stepped aside, while Chen Chen stepped forward and shook Laplani's hand.

"You have worked hard."

After the voice fell, Laplani's expression became more embarrassed.

He didn't know what he had worked hard for.

Although he had prepared for a long time, from the beginning to the end of the battle, he and his team did not participate in it for a second.

More importantly, in front of the other party, his original battle plan was as low-level and ridiculous as a child's fight.

The other party had fighter jets, helicopters, armored vehicles, artillery, and special forces. Every strike was extremely accurate and contained the power to destroy the world.

From the beginning to the end, the actual duration of this battle was only two hours.

What about me?

Outdated weapons, outdated tactics, and even the whimsical use of catapults

If there was no mysterious force from the other side, if ISIS really attacked, could Raqqa City last an hour?

Laplani had no confidence in this, so when he heard Chen Chen's words, he subconsciously thought it was a sarcastic reproach.

But in fact, Chen Chen's words were indeed a serious compliment.

Because he had already seen that if the Tiger Corps did not arrive, all the defenders standing here would really perish with those ISIS people.

At any time, people who are willing to sacrifice for their beliefs are worthy of admiration - of course, JD beliefs are excluded.

The two were silent for a moment, Laplani quickly sorted out his expression, and then continued to report to Chen Chen:

"Sir, the current situation in the city is basically stable."

"After confirming that there is no need to participate in the defense, we have drawn most of the forces to invest in the security work in the city."

"Although there are still JD elements in the city, they are doomed and order has been restored."

"Next, we will continue to purge the JD elements in the city"

"I don't want to hear this."

Chen Chen interrupted Laplani's lengthy report, and then asked directly:

"How many JD elements have been identified in the city? Where are they located?"

"Have you monitored them in advance? If you need to take immediate action against them, How granular can the intelligence you can provide be? "

After Chen Chen finished speaking, Laplani was stunned for a moment, and then replied:

"There are currently a total of eleven 'dangerous places', and it can be confirmed that most of them are JD elements."

"We can determine the location, but we cannot determine their firepower and equipment, nor can we determine whether there are civilians being held hostage."

"It is impossible."

Chen Chen interrupted Laplani again, and then asked back:

"Don't you know? JDism is highly exclusive. Where it exists, there can be no normal residents."

"So, you don't have to hesitate at all."

"Give me the location and we will deal with it."


Laplani breathed a sigh of relief.

In fact, how could he not know what Chen Chen said?

The only reason why those so-called "dangerous places" have not been dealt with until now is that there is only one reason.

That is, maintaining stability.

He didn't dare to detonate this big mine when the war was approaching, because he was worried that the instability of the situation in the city would lead to the complete collapse of the Raqqa defense line.

But now it's good, the battle on the main battlefield is over.

It is indeed time to get rid of all those "viruses".

Thinking of this, Laplani continued to ask:

"How do you need us to cooperate?"


Chen Chen shook his head decisively, then turned to Li Bang and ordered:

"Notify the artillery company to move to the suburbs of Raqqa City, occupy a favorable position, and establish an artillery position."

"After getting the specific location, use 120mm mortars and 155mm howitzers to blow up all suspicious locations!"

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