I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 553: Impossible to Escape

Chen Chen certainly knew that it was impossible to completely eliminate the JD elements in the "dangerous locations" in Raqqa City by relying on long-range fire strikes alone, but in fact, what he wanted was not elimination, but deterrence.

Compared with letting the team progress, and then pulling out a few elite squads to clean them one by one, and even after paying heavy casualties, they may not be able to kill them all, blowing up a house with a few shots and clearly expressing their "incompatible" attitude, such a strategy It's so efficient.

After all, after witnessing a huge defeat of the JD elements, the flies in the city had already restrained themselves.

At this time, Chen Chen added a little more fire to them, and the effect was surprisingly good.

After a round of bombing, the entire city of Raqqa fell into a state of shock and trembling.

Those who originally had doubts about the Tiger Corps were all shut up, and the demonstrators who gathered on the street dispersed like animals.

However, Chen Chen would not let them go so quickly, nor would he let the city go so easily.

Because he knows that with the full intervention of the United States, the pressure on the government forces will be astonishingly great. Similarly, he will also face a tough battle on his side.

Therefore, it is not enough for the situation in the city to be merely "stable".

What Chen Chen wants is "absolute stillness".

Without his orders, no one is allowed to act at will; without his orders, no communication beyond the boundaries is allowed; without his orders, all "natural reactions" need to be stopped.

In this state, he is like a tyrant who has never appeared before, and he is still the kind of tyrant with the highest level of control.

He issued a series of orders to Laplani, and after hearing his orders, Laplani froze.

"Sir, are these martial law measures too strict?"

"The situation in Raqqa is relatively stable and there are many residents who can be won over."

"They will be our support in the future fight against JD militants, and we should"

"They may be a help, but more likely they will be a hindrance."

Chen Chen interrupted Laplani without hesitation, and then said:

"Believe me, I know more about the current situation in this country than you do."

"This is Raqqa, not Damascus."

"The problems here date back to 1916."

"I don't have the confidence to unify everyone's thoughts in such a complex humanistic and social environment, let alone rely on them to fight against enemies that look weak but are actually extremely powerful."

"What I want is very simple. Just one sentence. Before the battle on the main battlefield of the government army is over, they cannot cause trouble to me."

"So, what I am doing now is the only effective and feasible solution."

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Laplani was silent for a few seconds, seemingly acquiescing to Chen Chen's point of view.

But soon, he spoke again:

"I think this method is too extreme."

"Maybe you don't understand the ZJ environment here, but you are shutting down QZS on the grounds of martial law."

"They can worship in their own homes."

Chen Chen spoke again. He showed no intention of giving in to this seemingly unreasonable and unreasonable strategy.

Because he knows that this is definitely one of the most effective and necessary means of organizing illegal organized gatherings.

Many people may think that it is quite outrageous to restrict sexual activities in public places in a country where politics is dominant, but in fact, Chen Chen knows that he is definitely not the first person to do this.

During the civil war between North and South Sudan, the North Sudanese government cut off power to all QZS sites as soon as possible. In every conflict after 2019, whenever there was a riot in the capital, QZS was the first to be imprisoned.

The government of a black and green country dares to do this. What else can I not dare to do in Syria?

Of course, facts have also proven that the control of public places can significantly reduce the level of local chaos.

From a sociological perspective, losing a gathering place will immediately reduce the cohesion of some organizations. Coupled with poor information transmission, organized activities will be aborted.

From a psychological perspective, the "invisibility" of the "idol" will weaken the belief of some people and allow them to escape the control of the JD state to a certain extent.

Therefore, Chen Chen must do this. If someone objects, he will implement this plan in place even if he uses force to suppress it!

Laplani could no longer utter any objection. An hour later, the Tiger Corps, which had cleared the battlefield, began to enter the city.

The principle of "not entering private houses" simply does not exist. As soon as the team entered the city, they began to cooperate with the local garrison and police forces to conduct a large-scale search and arrest throughout Raqqa.

In order to reduce the loss of equipment as much as possible, all armored vehicles will not drive into narrow lanes, but are scattered at various commanding heights in the city, deterring every corner of the city.

Shots were fired one after another, and many people were taken out of their homes and taken to the police station for further interrogation.

Similarly, many people were shot to death on the spot while resisting arrest, and their bodies were dragged and dumped on the spot.

The thunderous methods once again aggravated the tension in the city, but it is undeniable that under the huge pressure, the city finally began to move from turmoil to stasis.

Standing in the headquarters, looking at the intelligence coming from the front, Li Bangluo, the battlefield commander, said with some sigh:

"If you were in Pubei, you would probably never adopt such a method."

Hearing his words, Chen Chen nodded, and then replied:

"of course not."

"There is a fundamental gap between the situation in Syria, especially the situation in Raqqa, and Pubei. To put it in the simplest terms, most of the residents in Pubei are just unconvertible 'unruly people'."

"But here, most of the residents are 'bandits' who can be converted."

"They don't accept the gentle policy. If you want to suppress them and convince them, you can only use the highest intensity of authority."

"This is a hidden danger left behind by the French. To be honest, the French are also responsible for why Syria has become like this."


Li Bang asked subconsciously:

"Do they still have history here?"

"Of course there is - this is the most important battlefield before and after World War I."

"Do you think the civil war in Syria is the first time? You are wrong. This is just history repeating itself."

"There is nothing new under the sun. What has changed is just the so-called 'form'."

"Okay, let's not talk about this anymore."

"Help me contact Suhail and see what the situation is like on his side."


After Chen Chen finished speaking, Li Bang immediately turned around and executed.

Chen Chen turned to look at Xia Xing and said:

"Two things."

"First, our equipment needs to be replenished and repaired."

"Secondly, the airport needs to be renovated."

"These things need to be completed within three days, because the opponent's offensive is likely to start within three days."

"Three days?"

Xia Xing asked subconsciously, Chen Chen frowned slightly and said:

"Is there a problem?"


Xia Xing shook his head and replied:

"There is no problem with your request. My question is, how could they restart the attack within three days?"

"Their main force has been almost wiped out by you. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for these people to reorganize, right?"

"They don't need 4,000 people anymore."

Chen Chen sighed softly, and then said:

"The reason why so many JD elements had to be organized to confront us head-on was because the United States and Syria were still in the ceasefire period."

"They must actually capture a city before they can possibly stabilize their position before the battle on the main battlefield ends."

"But now that the United States has intervened, why should they be anxious?"

"As long as the government falls, the entire land of Raqqa and Hasakah will belong to them."

"So, intensive harassment and small-scale conflicts are the mainstream."

"They will try to capture all the towns outside Raqqa and gradually surround us."

"What we have to do is break their strategy."

".This sounds familiar."

"More than familiar."

Chen Chen shook his head in amusement and said jokingly:

"Haven't you heard that street stall joke? The Taliban have read your book."

"Of course, ISIS probably reads it too."

"Stop it, any more would be overstepping your bounds."

Xia Xing quickly interrupted Chen Chen, who shut up calmly, turned around and walked towards his map, and began to study the subsequent tactics.

And his strategy is also very simple. In one sentence, the village fights for itself.

There are nearly 20 important towns and villages surrounding Raqqa.

None of these towns can be lost. If one is lost, a chain reaction will occur.

Therefore, all the more than a thousand troops under his command must be sent out, led by the elite of the Dongfeng Corps, to fight a flood-filled blocking battle.


If it were before the Alhashili battle, Chen Chen would not have chosen such a strategy even if he was killed.

Because as long as the opponent gathers together, they can easily annihilate the defenders one by one.

However, the situation on the battlefield is so magical.

The heavy blow of the Dongfeng Corps in Ahashili completely shattered the possibility of the JD armed forces organizing large-scale operations in the short term, and also gave Chen Chen a broader space for strategic choices.

This time, as long as they can withstand the harassment from the other side, the Dongfeng Corps' mission will be basically completed.

As for the final "cleaning up", it must be left to Suhail and his offensive launched from the rear and from the enemy's "inside".

At the same time, inside the JSOC office.

Craven's expression was rare and relaxed, and he was still smoking a cigar while listening to the deputy's report, but this time, he rarely interrupted, but quietly listened to the end of the report.

"So overall, our offensive in Syria has achieved the desired results."

"The opponent's air power has been almost completely destroyed, and the fighting in northern Aleppo is moving in the direction we hope."

"The only thing that surprised us is that Tabuka Air Base was not fatally hit and their planes can still take off and land normally."

"Judging from the satellite images, the opponent completed the repair of the runway within an hour after the attack. I think it goes without saying that at such a speed, you also know which force it is."


Craven nodded slowly and then asked:

"So, the other party is definitely going to end?"

"That's not enough."

The deputy shook his head quickly. He would never dare to make any "emotional" judgment on this sensitive issue, even in front of his own people, even behind closed doors.

After coughing, he continued:

"Although some new equipment did appear on the battlefield in Raqqa Province, the origin of these equipment can basically be determined."

"They have done a good job in 'formal compliance', and we cannot use this as evidence to question anything."

"However, having said that, after the arrival of this new batch of equipment, the power of the enemy we are concerned about has also been greatly enhanced."

"They are able to control the air force of Tabuka Air Base and are supported by Russia; at the same time, they have a large number of light and heavy weapons and armored vehicles, and they have also obtained the command of the Tiger Corps, expanding their number to more than a thousand people."

"In the future, once they clear out the JD forces in northern Syria and gain various 'rights' over this area, their influence will not be comparable to what it is now."

"It's hard to imagine that three years ago, they were a mercenary group that wouldn't let anyone take a second look."

"Now, their momentum is even greater than Hamas and the Ansar movement."

"You know, these two groups have political and political demands."

"The Dongfeng Corps has achieved this level without a government, political demands, or even a program. It is really incredible."

"That's the smart thing about them - they only do black gloves, and they do it really well."

Craven sighed with emotion, and then said:

"I hope they continue to do this."

"I'm not worried about them becoming another Wagner, I'm just worried about them becoming the next AA."

"Because of the setbacks of our strategy in Syria, AA has completely taken control of northeastern Yemen two years faster than we expected."

"Amran, Jawf, Hajah, the Red Sea. It's a headache."

"If we lose Raqqa and Hasakah again, this game will really be impossible to play."

"So maybe the French are right."

"At some point, they did have more vision than we did."

After Craven finished speaking, the adjutant nodded silently.

In fact, he is very clear about the deals he has made with France, and he is also very clear about why the "mistakes" made by the other party can be easily forgiven.

Of course, from a personal point of view, he really doesn't have much good looks to give to such a "compromise".

But apart from compromise, what other options can we have?

At the very least, we must first overcome the current difficulties and resolve the Syrian problem as soon as possible.

Otherwise, once the matter drags on for longer and longer, and when all the anti-American forces in this land rise up, our own side will be in real trouble.

Hamas has begun large-scale rocket attacks on Israel, and AA is also threatening to block the Red Sea.

Not to mention the Holy City Brigade, which has become famous recently. Taking advantage of the "vacuum period" after Andrea's death, they organized various assassination operations without stopping for a moment.

The entire Middle East has become a mess.


And the root cause of the rapid deterioration of all this situation is the mercenary group.

The adjutant sighed and closed the report in his hand.

He knew that the decisive battle between the two sides was imminent.

With the cover of ISIS, a large-scale special forces has once again entered northern Syria.

But this time, he believed that the commander of the Dongfeng Corps would not be able to escape again.

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