I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 558 Tragic Casualties

"Standard blitz play."

"Are these people mercenaries they captured from somewhere? Why do they seem to be risking their lives?"

"You dare to charge like this without heavy equipment to clear the way, and you are determined to start a street fight with us?"

"Since we are going to fight like this, don't blame us for our appetite."

"Inform the anti-tank squad to prepare and eat all their armored vehicles for me!"

In a residential building in Raqqa City, after seeing what could be described as a "swarm" of enemies through the window, Bai Gou couldn't help but speak.

He said these words lightly, but in fact, they were just words to boost morale or to be emboldened.

Because he knows that the opponent's choice of a quick attack at this time is definitely not a foolish move, because what they want is to maintain the advantage of previous terrorist attacks and artillery strikes, take advantage of the collapse of their own defense line to quickly enter the city, and quickly occupy key buildings. Complete the division of the entire Raqqa City battlefield!

The acuity of the opposing commander far exceeds the world-class average. It can even be said that in this case, the fact that he can use such a set of tactics is enough to prove that he is tempered by the blood and fire of the battlefield. Real generals coming out of West Point, not nerds coming out of West Point!

The only variable is that White Dog's risky tactics hit the mark.

He did not let the remaining troops of the Tiger Corps disperse into the city to set up barricades. Instead, he shrunk all 600 men to one main entrance as if they were risking their lives, and tried to confront the enemy at all costs.

In this way, the enemy's intention to advance quickly will inevitably fail, and once their attack is blocked and the division of the battlefield cannot be achieved, White Dog's strategic purpose will have been achieved.


But even so, White Dog still can't be said to have the upper hand.

This kind of strategy is essentially a kind of stud. There is no small victory or small defeat, only a collapse of a thousand miles, or a stubborn defense.

Just like two eggs colliding, you can't see the result of one egg being broken and the other being slightly cracked.

When the impact of the collision exceeds the limit of one of the eggs, even a small gap is enough to completely crush it.

Whether you can survive and hold on depends on the next 10 minutes.

Bai Gou took a deep breath and stared closely at the enemy 300 meters away.

At this time, the opponent's M2 infantry fighting vehicle has advanced to the forefront. The large-caliber machine gun mounted on the infantry fighting vehicle is constantly looking for targets in accordance with the guidance of the ODA-SA situational awareness system. Whenever the infrared sensor observes the target, the fire control The radar will respond immediately and guide the machine gun to fire within 0.4 seconds, accurately destroying infantry units that are impossible to react.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

The heart-stopping sound of the machine gun continued to sound, and amidst the sound of the cannon, intermittent loud noises continued to come from the rear.

Through the telescope, Bai Gou could clearly see the figure of the self-propelled artillery vehicle behind him.

The American artillery king from the Iraqi battlefield, the M109A6 self-propelled howitzer!

Since its birth in the 1960s, this thing has iterated on six major models in the past few decades. Until now, under the guidance of advanced communication and positioning systems, its response and killing capabilities have been greatly improved. promote.

What's more, it can rely on the ballistic computer to accurately calculate the impact point, select different types and quantities of bullets, and under the control of the fire control radar, with the ultimate rate of fire of 8 rounds per minute, it can produce the effect of a swarm of artillery on a bicycle!

Now, the number of M109A6s that White Dog can see is exactly 6.

This is why our own side has no ability to resist at all. The opponent's first round of intensive firepower has destroyed our own artillery, and our own armored vehicles that can fight against the opponent are also locked tightly by the fighter jets in the air.

The anti-tank armored vehicle launched a counterattack immediately, but in the complex electromagnetic environment, all four red arrows fired missed.

Now, our own side has actually lost all long-range firepower. As soon as it shows its head, it will immediately become the target of enemy artillery fire.

The disadvantage is huge, and we can only fight to the death.

Seeing that the enemy's infantry had advanced to within 200 meters, Bai Gou put down the telescope in his hand and issued the first combat order after the team assembled.

"The first company support team is ready. The heavy machine gun fires a round of interception fire, which lasts for 10 seconds. Then everyone evacuates the position and re-selects a hiding spot for the second round of attack."

"The insertion team remains stationary and does not expose their position."

"Treat team, prepare for impact."

"At all costs, get close to the attacking distance and give priority to destroying the opponent's M2 armored vehicle!"

"Other companies, continue to remain silent and don't be exposed!"



Once the order was issued, the mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps scattered in various companies responded immediately.

At the same time, these orders were also passed on layer by layer through simple instructions and gestures through team translators.

Although there is an insurmountable language barrier, the orders themselves are not complicated on the battlefield.

All preparations were reported within 20 seconds. When the enemy's M2 armored vehicle approached within 150 meters, the remaining four heavy machine guns of the first company support group opened fire almost at the same time!

"Bang bang bang bang -"

The sound of gunfire tore apart the quiet air in Raqqa City, and smoke and heat rose from different corners.

The bullets pressed towards the enemy's head in an inclined fan shape. At the moment of firing, several infantrymen who were advancing with the infantry fighting vehicles had fallen down!

The counterattack came immediately, but unlike the so-called traditional machine gun shooting, the first to react was the situational awareness system on the M2 armored vehicle.

The driver locked the position of the machine gun firepower point through the infrared observation system within a few seconds, and the direction of the machine gun was adjusted within two seconds. Then, the python spewed out fangs and tore the building where the machine gun firepower point was located to pieces!

"Bang Bang Bang——"

A dull explosion sounded, and the machine gun firepower points that had not been evacuated in time were all silenced in an instant.

White Dog took a breath of cold air. At this moment, what shocked him was not the opponent's super high firepower density and super destructiveness, but the almost flawless firepower efficiency!

Six M2s, four of which locked four firepower points respectively, and the remaining two continued to remain alert, suppressing and shooting at targets that were still active from time to time.

After the firepower point was destroyed and the surviving members of the support group began to evacuate, the two M2s seamlessly connected and once again used machine guns to block their evacuation route!

Blood and flesh flew everywhere, bricks were smashed into powder by 25mm large-caliber shells, and the support team members in the four firepower points were wiped out in the blink of an eye!

24 people were lost.

Bai Gou silently calculated in his mind, but without any hesitation, he immediately repeated his second order.

"Support group cover!"

"Attack team wait, start the attack in 1 minute!"

In an instant, the support team that lost its heavy machine guns all emerged from the building.

They were scattered all over the battlefield, holding light weapons and constantly shooting at the enemy infantry in the distance.

If you look from a high altitude, the city of Raqqa, which has been out of power at this time, seems to be lit up with stars.


Dim, desperate, and quickly extinguished starlight.

One after another, the firepower point was harvested accurately, and at this time, Yang Shu's voice suddenly came from Bai Gou's radio.

"A high-value target has been found. Should we open fire? Please instruct us!"

"What target?"

"Enemy squad commander!"

"Don't open fire. Keep hiding!"


White Dog turned his sight back to the battlefield. At this time, the firepower points established by the first company support team had lost more than 50%.

These people may not all be killed or wounded, but at least, under the enemy's firepower suppression, they have lost the ability to organize a counterattack!

"How long will it take!?"

Laplani, who was standing aside, could also see the situation on the battlefield. He watched the enemy continue to advance, and watched his own firepower points being destroyed one after another by machine guns and large-caliber artillery of the enemy, but he was powerless.

Why let your own people die? !

Didn't they say that they were going to fight a decisive battle?

Since it was a decisive battle, how could they only invest in one company and let other companies watch the show?

He was not a coward. If possible, he would rather rush to the battlefield now and block the enemy's armored vehicles with a rocket launcher!

Hearing his call, Bai Gou glanced back and then replied:

"There are still 30 seconds."

"People haven't died yet, they haven't let down their guard yet."

"The assault team has no chance, and the penetration team has even less."


As soon as the voice fell, a 155mm shell landed on a firing point next to the headquarters.

The shell penetrated the weakest outer wall of the building at a strange but exquisite angle. After a loud bang, the entire building collapsed completely!

All the Tiger Corps soldiers in the building were killed, and there was absolutely no chance for them to survive.

Laplani's eyes were bloodshot, and his hand had already grasped the gun, but he also knew that he must not challenge the commander's authority at this time.

"Launch the attack in 10 seconds, the assault team is ready."

"Attention, the penetration team, fire to provide cover for the assault team, and fight in motion!"


The order was issued, and the soldiers on the front line moved again.

In the darkness, the members of the penetration team set up their guns, selected targets nearby, and fired a short round of harassing shots.

Then, they quickly moved their positions and retreated to the second firing point a few seconds before the machine guns and large-caliber shells locked on them. The shells followed them, as if they had eyes!

The members of the first penetration team had no time to react. They lost nearly half of their personnel in just one encounter.

"Damn! Drone!"

Bai Gou cursed angrily. He even hoped that it was not a drone above his head, but an American Apache.

At least, the battlefield intelligence that Apache can provide is far inferior to that of a drone dedicated to reconnaissance!

But there is no if on the battlefield. The members of the penetration team have created a narrow time window with their lives. In this few seconds of window period, the soldiers of the assault team holding rocket launchers finally approached the appropriate shooting position.

There was no order to "fire". The soldiers pulled the trigger without hesitation as soon as they arrived.

Rockets were fired from all corners, heading for targets less than a hundred meters away.


"Boom! Boom!"

In a few seconds, the streets at the main entrance of Raqqa were ablaze.

The lead vehicle, which had suffered the most hits, was engulfed in flames. Under the fierce explosion, the python machine gun on the weapon station flew several meters high!


The first M2 was destroyed, and then the rear vehicle also exploded under the saturation attack of rockets.

But the terrain at the entrance was still too open. Even if the front and rear vehicles were destroyed, the enemy's mobility was not affected at all.

The four M2s turned to the side and avoided the second round of rockets with the help of buildings and ruins.

This means that the attack of the first company assault team of the Tiger Corps can only end here.


"Move position!"

"The third company penetration group withdraws from the rear and tries to bypass!"

"First, second and third companies go up!"

"Fire freely! Destroy the enemy's armored vehicles as much as possible!"

"Armored company, use everything you have!"

"Seize the opportunity, don't worry about equipment loss!"


A series of commands came out of his mouth. The two seemingly contradictory commands actually really opened up this doomed battle.

Next, it's time to fire freely.

Next, any tactics have become redundant. The only thing the defenders of Raqqa City have to do is to use their lives to prevent the enemy from entering the city under the leadership of their squad commanders.

Only after they survive this most difficult moment can they be qualified to talk about the so-called "urban street fighting".

Only by proving that they are not afraid of death can they have a chance to survive!

In an instant, a storm-like offensive was launched.

In a very small area of ​​less than 300 meters in length and width, almost every building was spewing bullets and flames onto the street.

Throwing objects fell like raindrops, and rockets were fired at the first time.

Immediately afterwards, the only three VT-1s left in the Dongfeng Corps were put into battle. The 630 guns were hidden behind the building, and with the guidance of the high-altitude sniper team, they swept the opposite street across the entire building.

The scene was extremely strange. The enemies who had just entered the bunker didn't even know where the bullets came from. The last picture they saw before they died was the collapsed two-story building and the 630 that revealed its true appearance in the smoke and dust.

The crazy offensive began to show results. Almost all the enemy vanguards who had pressed into the city for nearly 100 meters were wiped out, and at least 30 people were killed or injured.

The exchange ratio was quite amazing - not high, but low.

Under the sudden offensive of the Tiger Corps, the enemy was caught in the crossfire unexpectedly, which brought a short round of "exchange", and the exchange ratio was even reduced to less than 2.


However, such an "advantage" is only temporary.

The enemy's response was equally quick.

The dense formation was a huge loophole. The 155mm caliber shells fell with irresistible pressure, and the huge explosions overwhelmed all the sounds on the battlefield.

This is another form of "silence".

In this silence, the defenders fell one after another. After 5 minutes, the 600-man team had been reduced to less than 400 people.

But the battle was far from over.

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