I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 559: Meaningless Death

While Bai Gou led the team to fight fiercely with the enemy who had entered Raqqa, Chen Chen was also desperately moving towards Tal Abyad.

Of course, arriving early does not mean that he can start fighting in advance, nor does it mean that he can rely on this 12-man team to hold back the enemy's subsequent reinforcements, which will inevitably have a large number of infantry, armored vehicles, and even tanks and helicopters.

However, even if he is one minute faster in time, he can get more intelligence for Suhail and the Syrian government forces who will arrive later.

And only by obtaining sufficient intelligence, the government forces, which are at a comprehensive disadvantage in equipment and numbers, can possibly stop NATO's front.

40 minutes later, the three vehicles of the 12-man team rushed over a distance of 60 kilometers and arrived near Tal Abyad at 10 o'clock in the evening.

When Chen Chen climbed to a relatively high point as planned and raised his telescope to look at Tal Abyad in the distance, or the Turkish city of Akçakale, he instantly realized the seriousness of the problem.

The good news is that the enemy has not set out yet.

The bad news is that the reason for not setting off is not that they don't want to go, but purely because the troops mobilized for this operation are a little slow!

That's right, the support troops are not from NATO, but from Turkey!

On the border, the Turkish Army has completed the assembly, and the tank cluster that Chen Chen can see alone has at least reached the level of a standard armored battalion!

More than 30 tanks of various models, most of which are the main tank Leopard 1A3, mixed with a few Leopard 1A1, and one or two M60s that are close to being eliminated.

Such a configuration undoubtedly proves the opponent's determination to fight.

You know, the entire Turkish Army claims to have 4,000 tanks, but most of them are old products, and there are only more than 100 Leopard 1A3s, but here alone, Chen Chen can count at least 15!

In addition to tanks, Chen Chen also saw various models of armored vehicles and a large number of towed artillery.

This is completely the configuration of a mechanized brigade. Relying on this team, Turkey may be too arrogant to say that it wants to take over the entire northeastern Syria, but there is absolutely no problem in fighting Raqqa!

The situation has far exceeded Chen Chen's prediction. After he learned that Raqqa was attacked, he judged that the other side would definitely have follow-up reinforcements, but the equipment composition of the reinforcements should be mainly infantry and light armored units.

In terms of personnel composition, it should also be mainly the Free Army and the Extralegal Corps, with a small number of professional mercenaries and special forces at most, and no new "fifth party forces" should be introduced!

However, the emergence of the Turkish Armored Battalion has overturned this judgment.

The other side's strategic intentions have become more unclear.

What exactly do they want to do?

If it is just to fight for control of Raqqa and just to put pressure on the Syrian government forces from the side battlefield, they actually don't need to do it so "magnificently".

Wouldn't it be more profitable to send a few special operations teams, a few fighters, and helicopters to continue bombing and harassing? Why do you need to go down in person?

And if you want to fight a decisive annihilation war, wouldn't it be better to put the main battlefield in Aleppo?

There are more government troops gathered there, and the effect will be better after one round of fighting.

Chen Chen frowned, he felt that his brain was about to be overwhelmed by the complicated and chaotic information.

Before he could sort it out carefully, Li Bang beside him asked:

"Do you want to harass them first? They are about to leave, and Su Haier hasn't arrived yet."

At this time, there was still nearly an hour and a half before Su Haier's scheduled arrival time, but the opponent's troops had obviously completed their preparations, and even the helicopter's propeller had begun to rotate.

It seemed that the opponent would set off in the next second.


But, Chen Chen, who saw this scene, relaxed instead.

Because he knew that there was enough time.

So, he answered:


"They are not that fast."

"Not that fast? Aren't they all ready?"

Hearing Li Bang's words, Chen Chen shook his head slightly and replied:

"How can it be that simple? This is a large-scale mobilization in the true sense. It is completely different from the battles we fought in Myitkyina and Daqili in Pubei."

"At that time, our supply lines were basically connected, and the number of heavy equipment and heavy weapons was not large."

"The biggest problem is how to transport people over by car and how to set up rocket positions."

"But they are different. They have heavy armored battalions and helicopter units of the Army Aviation, plus a light weapons system that is completely different from the Syrian side. Supply is an important Big problem. "

"They need to go deep into Syria, which means they must bring everything at once."

"Fuel, shells, spare parts, food, water, camping supplies, bedding, even toilet paper, razors, toothpaste. Their military supply department will be under great pressure, so they will definitely delay the departure time as much as possible."

"When can we leave? You can tell by looking at the helicopter."

"In cross-border operations under such circumstances, the Army Aviation will generally cooperate with the reconnaissance troops to set off first and advance to a reachable distance for artillery support."

"Now the propellers of the helicopters have just started to turn. After they finish warming up the car, it will take at least more than an hour for the reconnaissance troops to set off."

"By that time, Suhail will be almost there."

"We don't need to worry about them. We should first find a way to track the opponent's reconnaissance troops. After destroying the reconnaissance troops, we can then conduct an ambush according to the planned plan!"


Li Bang nodded immediately and silently took Chen Chen's words to heart.

It has to be said that this is indeed the first time he has seen such a large-scale troop movement, so everything is strange to him.

Chen Chen's explanation gave him a new understanding of real modern large-scale corps operations.

Maybe one day, I can command such an army?

Perhaps, that day is already very near

Everyone was still lying on the sand dunes to observe the situation at the border. The defenders of Tal Abyad in Syria seemed to be blind, turning a blind eye to the mobilization of the Turkish army.

Of course, there is another possibility.

That is, this city has long been "rebellious" or controlled by Hijikata.

Thinking of this, Li Bang asked again:

"Why are they fighting like this? Since such a large-scale assembly has been organized, why not push it through at once, but instead use a small vanguard force to take the risk?"

"I have no idea."

Chen Chen answered calmly, and then said:

"But I'm going to ask someone else."

"Can I still contact Rainbow?"

"could not be reached."

On the radio, Pingchuan replied calmly:

"The opponent's electronic warfare aircraft has completely controlled this area. The Tabuka base has lost contact with Rainbow. We have no mobile terminal here and cannot contact the drone."

"There's nothing we can do about it."

Chen Chen frowned, then took off the satellite phone hanging from his waist, started searching for stars, and dialed Luotuo's number.

This is the only person he can think of right now who might be able to answer his questions.

If more information can be obtained from him, perhaps this battle will become easier to fight.

The call was quickly connected. Before the camel on the other side could speak, Chen Chen reported the code word first, and then said in a hurried tone:

"The situation is urgent and the Turkish Army is massing on the Akcakkale border."

"Raqqa has been attacked by the vanguard and our situation is very dangerous."

"I need to know what is going on. Their troop composition, operational intentions, and political background. I need to know everything!"

After the words fell, the camel on the other end of the phone barely paused and immediately replied:

"We are investigating."

"The Turkish military has never shown any clear intentions for cross-border operations before. The armored battalion currently being mobilized has been deployed on the border two months ago."

"They never showed aggression, and the Syrian and Russian sides protested for a round but didn't take it seriously."

"And according to reliable intelligence, this force was indeed originally a defensive force used to deal with possible border conflicts."

"As for why the other party suddenly made an offensive move, there is currently no reliable information."

"There are two ways to say it."

"First, an informant said that US Defense Department officials had a secret phone call with the Turkish President, and perhaps the two sides reached some kind of agreement."

"Second, France has recently been in active contact with Turkey - the previous deployment of extra-legal corps to Syria was achieved through Turkey."

"What is certain is that the other party's actions must be related to NATO, but what exactly they are going to do remains to be seen."

Having said this, Luo Tuo took a breath and then continued to answer Chen Chen's question:

“Regarding the team composition of this Turkish combat operation, it can be determined that the participating troops include two armored battalions of the 172nd Sinop Armored Brigade, as well as the 2nd Army Aviation Regiment and the 181st Squadron of the 8th Wing of the 2nd Tactical Aviation Command. "

"Their fighter jets took off from Diyarbakır and should have entered Syria by now."

"The first round of air strikes against Raqqa came from the 181st Squadron. Theoretically, they have already withdrawn."

"What about America? What I care about is America!"

Chen Chen interrupted Luo Tuo and continued:

"The biggest problem now is that a large area where Tabuka Air Base is located has suffered strong electromagnetic interference, and the opponent's electronic warfare planes are still above our heads!"

"I need to know where these planes are coming from, I need to know when they are going to fly away!"

"Red Sea, USS Eisenhower."

Luotuo's answer was extremely brief, but it was this brief answer that completely made the huge stone in Chen Chen's heart fall to the ground.

Flying from the Red Sea to Syria, the distance is nearly 1,200 kilometers.

Calculated based on the range of the EA-18G, its airborne interference time can only last for 40 minutes at most.

Obviously, in such a complex battlefield environment, it is unlikely that they will use aerial tankers.

There is a high probability that they will adopt a strategy of rotating attacks by several EA-18Gs.

Eisenhower usually only carried 5 Growlers. Taking into account factors such as fuel supply, maintenance, pilot rotation, etc., the EA-18's continuous combat rounds generally did not exceed 3 rounds, and those were already quite extreme and large-scale. A tactic that only appears in combat operations.

There is a high probability that they will only fly one round.

This means that within five hours at most, their air supremacy will be broken.

Countdown to 4 hours.

The times match exactly.

Two hours later, the other party set off from the border.

In an hour and a half, they will arrive in Raqqa.

Then, under the cover of a large number of heavy equipment, they will take half an hour to occupy the main points of the city.

This is their strategy.

Everything can be explained. The reason why a team of 100 people should go first is not to really take down Raqqa, but to open up a passage for the large troops behind and establish a frontier position!

Because they must ensure that there are no accidents in the attack of the large troops, and they must ensure that the mobilization is completed before the Syrian government forces react!

Chen Chen's scalp is a little numb. He knows that the Turks will not be able to use such tactics that require a very high time window.

The Americans must be in charge of the command, and only they will know the characteristics of their equipment and tactics so well!

This is definitely not good news.

Because the problems faced by the White Dogs have become more serious.

There cannot be only one round of air strikes.

The first round of air strikes destroyed the Tabqa base and slowed down the speed of their counterattack.

Then in the second round, they will definitely go to Raqqa to provide support to the small team whose equipment is not "too strong"!

Chen Chen had an ominous premonition in his heart, but he could not care about pessimism now, so he could only continue to ask:

"What is the reaction of the Syrian government? We need to stop the Turkish offensive!"

"If they don't react, I will just let my people withdraw!"

"We can't fight this kind of war, they must intervene as soon as possible!"

"They are already mobilizing."

The camel's tone was still calm, which was probably a unique trait brought by his years of intelligence work.

"In an hour, the first batch of support from the Syrian government army will arrive, a border defense battalion with light weapons."

".Come and deliver it?"

"It's a good thing that it can be delivered."

After the camel finished speaking, Chen Chen had nothing to say.

So, he could only leave a sentence "Let them do it as soon as possible" and hung up the phone.

At this time, he was ready to order an evacuation.

If the support from the Syrian Bokina Border Defense Battalion has not arrived after Suhail arrives, he will not hesitate to give up this operation and then give up the whole of Syria.

The prospect of winning is certainly tempting, but the premise is that you have to stay alive!

Mercenaries are not afraid of death, but they cannot die in vain.

Raising the telescope again, Chen Chen looked at the border in the distance again.

There, in the city of Tal Abyad, small-scale conflicts have begun to occur, and it seems that some determined resisters are making their last struggle.

Unfortunately, their struggle is not even as good as a mantis trying to stop a chariot in front of the military power of a big country.

The armored forces crossed the border and began the final preparations before the battle.

Just as the opponent's reconnaissance troops began to move out and Chen Chen was about to lead the team to track, the team's radio received information from Raqqa again.

"I am Yang Shu, and I will take over the command now."

"We have held on and can hold on for two hours."

"The white dog is dead."

"We were beheaded."

"It's DEVGRU."

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