I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 561: The Battle of Scouts

Meanwhile, near the border.

Chen Chen stared closely at the screen of the drone control panel, observing the movements of the local reconnaissance troops, and then ordered:

"The opponent's helicopters have withdrawn, and their reconnaissance strategy is still quite conservative."

"The furthest forward distance is 20 kilometers, with a mobile reconnaissance team every five kilometers."

"The horizontal coverage radius is 15 kilometers and the vertical coverage radius is 10 kilometers."

"The total number of people is 200, and there are 40 vehicles."

"This is a standard campaign-level motorized ground reconnaissance. Their marching route should have been determined, which is to head south along Highway 712."

"The good news is, we can just have the border battalion set up an ambush on Route 712."

"The bad news is that they will be able to maneuver very quickly, their air units will be able to identify targets faster, and if we were to attack their reconnaissance forces, we would be in greater danger than anticipated."

Speaking of this, Chen Chen frowned slightly.

Hearing his words, Li Bang on the side asked:

"The opponent's reconnaissance team only has two vehicles and 10 people. If we can end the battle quickly, it should be no problem to kill two or three in a row. Do you want to try?"

"That's the problem."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"Even if we can knock out two or three of the opponent's reconnaissance groups, it is impossible to completely destroy their reconnaissance network."

"The opponent's tactical level is completely different from what I expected. At first, I thought that at most they would send a motorized reconnaissance company to patrol along the planned route."

"Damn it, you said no one from IMET was involved here, I won't believe it to my death."

"No matter how high the intensity in Türkiye is, it cannot be as high as this."

"This is basically a dead end. With the reconnaissance at this level, we can't even join the border camp."

As he spoke, Chen Chen took out a map and continued to say to Li Gang:

"You see, their reconnaissance range basically covers the entire distance from Tal Abyad to Awazirat, which just keeps the border battalion coming from west to east out of the defense zone."

"Even if they want to send it, they must first cross the Turkish military reconnaissance area and reach Highway 712."

"Otherwise, the fighting on the periphery will not have any impact on the movement of the main Turkish force, and our goal of delaying time will not be achieved."

After the words fell, Li Bang nodded thoughtfully, and then said:

"In other words, we must go deep into the opponent's reconnaissance network, knock out several reconnaissance nodes, and open up a channel for the border defense battalion to enter."

"It doesn't seem to be very difficult? The opponent only has 2 vehicles and 10 people at one node. With our equipment level, there is no pressure at all to defeat it."

"The most critical issue is to maintain speed."

"The maximum distance between two nodes is 5 kilometers. After we destroy one, the other party can complete support within 5 minutes at the fastest."

"So from launching the attack to evacuating, we only have 5 minutes."

"It's two minutes."

Chen Chen interrupted Li Bang and corrected:

"Do you think I'm the kind of militiaman from Pubei who does everything slowly?"

"Perhaps after the first attack, the opponent still doesn't know our intentions, but as long as we continue to attack westward, they will 100% guess that we want to open the channel."

"Therefore, we cannot attack along a fixed path. We need to continuously assault, intercept, and transfer throughout the entire process to completely disrupt the opponent's reconnaissance network."

"Every time we make a decision, we may face encirclement and suppression by several local reconnaissance platoons."

"At the same time, we have to evade enemy air power attacks."

"It can be said that as long as you set off, you will have a narrow escape."

"If there is a way to limit the other side's air force and army aviation dispatches, our pressure will be much less."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, all 12 people in the reconnaissance team fell silent.

Yes, although the Turkish reconnaissance troops have no tactical problems, in the final analysis, their military strength is just that.

Therefore, they cannot, like a certain big country in the north, abruptly turn the so-called motorized reconnaissance into mechanized reconnaissance, and the three-vehicle formation dominates the mountain at every turn.

The opponent's reconnaissance team was only equipped with a heavy machine gun and a few rocket launchers. The main imaginary enemy was also the Syrian light infantry force.

In the absence of air fire support and the inability to respond quickly, not to mention the elite Dongfeng Corps, even the militiamen of ISIS would not have no chance to encounter them.

But here comes the problem.

How to limit the opponent's air force dispatch?

The only way Chen Chen could think of was to blow up the opponent's airport.

Unfortunately, Diyarbakir was 180 kilometers away from their location. Before getting Iran's Conqueror missile, Chen Chen could only look back and sigh.

"Fight hard?"

Li Bang continued to ask:

"Anyway, we have no retreat now, so we might as well take a gamble."

"If we can disrupt the opponent's reconnaissance system before their air strikes arrive, no matter whether the border battalion can arrive smoothly or not, we will be doing our best to ensure peace of mind."

"it's the only way."

Chen Chen nodded slowly, and then ordered:

"Check equipment, distribute ammunition, and prepare to go."

"Send the coordinates of the first target and launch a surprise attack in two minutes."

"Advance at full speed, covertly engage the enemy, be careful not to use grenades or rockets, and keep enemy vehicles as much as possible!"


Chen Chen's intention is obvious. What he wants to do is to use the identification friend or foe identification marks of the opponent's ground vehicles to confuse the air units and delay the arrival of the attack as much as possible.

This requires them to avoid using heavy weapons in combat unless necessary.

It's difficult, but in the first round of assault, it's not a big problem.

One minute later, everyone was ready to go.

All weapons operators were already in place. Chen Chen got into the pickup truck and opened the SCAR-H safety.

They will enter combat range in 4 minutes and kill all enemy targets under the surveillance of the drone at lightning speed.

Then, they will switch to enemy vehicles and quickly move towards the next target, launching a second round of attacks while confusing the enemy's line of sight.

Everything was ready, Lin He had already stepped on the accelerator of the pickup truck.

At this moment, Chen Chen's satellite phone suddenly rang.

Camel's voice came over the phone, and he brought news that shocked Chen Chen beyond measure.

"Two Russian Su-35 fighter jets are taking off from Sevastopol."

"They will lose contact in five minutes, 11 nautical miles north of Sinop."

"At that time, the Russian Black Sea Fleet Command will make representations to Turkey as soon as possible."

"This is the limit of what we can do."

"Turkey's operations will not cease, but their air support may be delayed."

"If you're going to do something, seize this opportunity!"

After Luo Tuo finished speaking, the phone was immediately hung up.

Chen Chen, who was on the other end of the phone, ordered without hesitation:

"Stop! Wait five minutes!"

Lin He braked suddenly, and the convoy immediately stopped in place.

Li Bang subconsciously turned his head to look at Chen Chen, but Chen Chen did not open his mouth to explain.

At this time, his mind was completely occupied by the news that was like thunder.

Black Sea Fleet Command, Su-35, Sevastopol.

11 nautical miles, lost contact, negotiation, "the limit of what we can do".

For the first time, Chen Chen felt the power of the so-called "political means", because after using all the resources at his disposal, Luo Tuo did something that Chen Chen could not even imagine!

That's right, he played an extremely clever skill of "four or two moves a thousand pounds".

He took advantage of the already tense relationship between Russia and NATO, took advantage of the attack on Tabqa Air Base, took advantage of NATO's sudden large-scale military operation on the border, and took advantage of ISIS to cause trouble in Syria. abnormal state, and even took advantage of the previous conflict between Signal Flag and the CIA.

Everything the owner points to is an inevitable result.

That is, when NATO begins to fully intervene in the Syrian conflict, you better give an equal response.

Otherwise, all your interests here will inevitably be taken away, and once Syria is lost, Russia will completely lose the Middle East!

"Counterbalance" is the real killer move of these intelligence officers.

In comparison, exporting weapons and cultivating agents are already considered downgrade strategies.

Now, Russia has indeed intervened in this incident as Luo Camel requested. However, under the premise that the situation is unknown, their intervention must be limited and restrained.

It is impossible for them to directly send fighter jets to bomb Turkish troops entering Syria, and they cannot even issue a "no action" warning.

Because their position has not been fully revealed, their preparations are not sufficient.

As a result, Russia played a very common "conspiracy".

A fleet powerful enough to shake the regional situation, two advanced fighter jets, a highly sensitive location, and a term that will surely attract everyone's attention once it is revealed.

"Lost contact".

The Russians knew that their fighter jets were not lost because they were the ones who flew the plane - or it never flew over at all.

Türkiye knew that the fighter jets had not lost contact because they did not take action at all.

However, both of them knew that when the Black Sea Fleet reported that its fighter jets had lost contact, even if the two planes were flying well in the sky, they had to lose contact.

This will create unprecedented pressure on the Turkish Air Force, and the test they endure begins from the moment they receive the news.

As a result, the defensive focus of Diyarbakır Air Force Base will inevitably shift to the Black Sea.

Even if it only changes to 10 or 20 minutes, Chen Chen will gain a valuable window period!

Under the "Air Force Vacuum Period", the Syrian government forces and Syrian border battalions may still not be able to stop the coalition forces represented by Turkey, but at least they will definitely be able to die more valuable!

Time passed minute by minute, and 5 minutes later, Chen Chen did not receive any notification from Camel on the street.

But he did not hesitate, but immediately gave the order to attack.

Three minutes later, the slow-moving convoy entered the combat zone, and the 12-man reconnaissance team was 600 meters away from the Turkish reconnaissance team.

This is a battle between scouts, but obviously, in front of a group of 12 people, the opponent's battlefield situational awareness is simply not enough.

The bunkers they thought were hidden had long been exposed to the drone's vision. Their seriously insufficient night vision goggles could not fully cover all reconnaissance directions, and even the performance of the reconnaissance team members was particularly lazy.

When the Dongfeng Corps hid the vehicle and approached them on foot, several of the team members were even smoking leisurely.

"Two people in the vehicle, four people at the outer sentry point."

"Two people behind the bunker, two people behind the sand dune."

"It can't be solved at one time, sniper alert, 2 groups follow me, try to get closer."


Chen Chen's order was issued, and the 2 groups of team members immediately followed him and continued forward.

Under the guidance of the drone, this "infiltration operation" became as simple as a game with a God's perspective.

According to Pingchuan's guidance in the back, Chen Chen carefully avoided the observation line of sight of the outer sentry point, passed through the blind spot of the two sentries, and directly led the team to the inner side of the enemy-controlled area.

At this time, the two enemies behind the bunker were less than 30 meters away from Chen Chen, and the two behind the sand dune were less than 15 meters away from the other team members.

In a quiet environment, the maximum detectable range of footsteps is about 15 meters.

That is to say, if the two groups take even one more step forward, there is a risk of being discovered.

The battle is about to break out, but even in such a dangerous situation, Chen Chen still did not issue an order to attack.

He is waiting.

He wants to wait until the reconnaissance team completes a routine report before launching an attack.

This will buy him a precious time difference, making the subsequent attack smoother.

This time, Chen Chen is very lucky.

After lurking for nearly two minutes, the Turkish reconnaissance team completed their first report.

At the moment the captain's voice fell, Chen Chen suddenly waved his hand and issued an order to attack.

Silent bullets flew from a distance, piercing the chests and heads of the four sentinels on the periphery.

At the same time, Chen Chen stood up from behind the bunker and pointed his gun at the enemy in front.

His movements were extremely fast, and the muzzle began to slide sideways at the moment the trigger was pulled.

Then, the second enemy's head appeared in the side sight, and the second bullet arrived as expected.

On the other side, the two enemies behind the sand dune were quickly knocked down by the team members who rushed up. When their gunshots fell, the gunshots of sniper rifles in the distance came late.


Chen Chen's footsteps did not stop at all. At this time, he had rushed to the side of the Scorpion reconnaissance vehicle of the Turkish reconnaissance team.

The door was half open. In this very short time, the driver in the car had no reaction at all.

He jumped out of the driver's seat and hit the muzzle of Chen Chen's gun.


Chen Chen pulled the trigger without hesitation. Before the enemy's feet landed on the ground, his neck was broken by the bullet.

And the other "passenger" sitting in the co-pilot was directly shot in the side of the head by a team member behind Chen Chen with a bullet over his shoulder.


"Safe! All targets have been cleared."

Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately ordered:

"Everyone come over, change cars, and go to the next point!"

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