"Keep the speed, drones maintain reconnaissance altitude!"

"Keep going, there is only one point left, the border battalion has set off, they will pass the first control area in 5 minutes!"

"MK19 is ready, this is the last round, the enemy is encircling from all directions, we must not be dragged by them!"

"As long as the border battalion is close to Highway 712, our mission will be completed!"

"The last 15 minutes, hold on!"


In the Scorpion reconnaissance vehicle, Chen Chen gave instructions to everyone through the radio.

Just now, they took the second reconnaissance control area at lightning speed with their huge firepower advantage.

However, the closer to Highway 712, the wider the mobile patrol range of a control area.

While Chen Chen led the team to attack the stronghold, the mobile patrol team had already moved away from the stronghold in a very small time difference.

Chen Chen, who was put on the fire, had no other choice but to bite the bullet and eat up the enemy's stronghold, which also caused the patrol team to immediately notice the abnormality, report the situation to the enemy command center, and confirm the news that the reconnaissance control area was invaded.

Just one minute later, the first lost point was confirmed, and then the position and movement of the Dongfeng Corps reconnaissance team were quickly reported to all mobile patrol groups in the area.

When attacking the third point, the Dongfeng Corps was attacked by three mobile patrol groups at the same time.

If they had not changed the vehicle in advance, forged the enemy identification signal, and gained a precious reaction time, the Dongfeng Corps might have been wiped out in this round of attack!

But fortunately, with the visual advantage provided by the drone and the unreasonable dense firepower of MK19, the 12-man team successfully broke through the siege.

When they raided 4 kilometers to the north and reached the fourth point, Chen Chen only launched a feint attack and chose to retreat neatly.

At this time, 20 minutes had passed since they launched the attack.

They were not attacked by any air firepower. The helicopters of the Turkish Army Aviation had taken off, but they were always half a beat slower and had not yet flown over the Dongfeng Corps.

This is a unique opportunity. As long as they can lead the enemy's reconnaissance troops to make one last circle, the large forces of the border defense battalion will be able to pass through the control area smoothly, reach the designated combat area with the least exposure, and start their mission.

At that time, whether they win or lose, whether they can escape unscathed, it has nothing to do with Chen Chen.

Everything is left to luck. If they can hold on for a few more minutes, the chances of winning in Raqqa City will be a few points higher.

If they can't hold on, at least they can create some chaos for the Turkish side.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen took a deep breath.

He lowered his head again and looked at the picture sent back by the drone.

At this time, the situation of the Dongfeng Corps was extremely dangerous.

Less than 5 kilometers ahead of them was the Turkish-Syrian border. If they continued forward, they would usher in a large flat and open farmland area and be completely exposed to the reconnaissance sight of the Turkish army.

Behind them were two pursuit teams consisting of three Scorpion and one Armored Vehicle 8X8. Although they could not really get close to the "escaping" Dongfeng Corps due to the speed disadvantage of the Armored Vehicle 8x8, these three armored vehicles alone had blocked all the retreat routes of the Dongfeng Corps.

At the same time, on the left and right sides of the Dongfeng Corps, two "Cobra" armored vehicles based on the Land Rover Defender platform were chasing them in a roundabout way.

This car has an amazing speed. It can even run at an average speed of 110 kilometers per hour on the road. Even in off-road mode, it can maintain a speed of 80 kilometers per hour, completely crushing the speed of the Dongfeng Corps, which is less than 60 kilometers at this time.

Even without helicopter support, even if it drags on for a few more minutes, the Dongfeng Corps may be surrounded by these mobile patrol combinations and eventually suffocated on the border.

And it is even more impossible to confront them head-on. After all, almost all of these vehicles are equipped with remote weapon stations. In front of them, the Dongfeng Corps can't take the slightest advantage.

Even if they could knock down one or two, as long as they were delayed, they would inevitably be eaten by the reinforcements that came later.

The only way was to run.

They had to get out of their sight as soon as possible and hide in the complex terrain that helicopters and aerial reconnaissance planes could not find!

Chen Chen quickly scanned the map on his knees. At a glance, the surrounding terrain was as vivid as a 3D model.

To their west was a vast desert. The maximum height difference within ten kilometers did not even exceed a hundred meters. If they went west, even without relying on helicopters, the pursuit troops on the ground could easily locate their approximate direction of travel.

Because all the pursuit vehicles were equipped with the ASKARAD ground surveillance radar system.

With this system, the enemy could vaguely lock on to active targets within 30 kilometers. Even if the information provided was not as accurate as the ultra-short-range drones used by Chen Chen and his team, it was enough to determine the direction of pursuit.

If this direction was chosen, Chen Chen had to rely on the high mobility of the Scorpion reconnaissance vehicle to get rid of the pursuers as much as possible.

This may indeed buy enough time for the border defense battalion to maneuver, but there is no doubt that their space for movement will become smaller and smaller, and they will eventually be completely surrounded.

Chen Chen did not hesitate to rule out this option, the reason is very simple, this is a road suitable for sacrifice, but definitely not a road for survival!

His sight turned to the east, less than two kilometers away is the Bailih River Valley, where the terrain is also flat, but the advantage to the Dongfeng Corps is that there are a lot of vegetation and villages near the valley, and there are many bunkers. If necessary, the Dongfeng Corps can even abandon the car and walk directly.

As long as he gets into the village, Chen Chen believes that it will not be so easy for the Turkish troops to find him in a short time.

However, the risk of this road is also huge.

To reach the Bailih River Valley, they must cross Highway 712 again.

At this time, the Turkish army on the border has begun to march. If the speed is a little slower, the Dongfeng Corps is likely to pass in front of the opponent's armored forces, or even hit them directly in the face!

The distance does not need to be very close, as long as it is within one kilometer, the opponent's round of artillery fire is enough to blow oneself into a pile of minced meat.

As for going north and south, there is no need to consider it at all, because that is a 100% idea.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps' convoy was still moving forward, and Chen Chen had little time left.

After a brief hesitation, he finally made the decision:

"Turn east."

"Anyway, we have already gambled to this extent, there is no reason not to continue the gamble."

"5 minutes, cross Highway 712, target Maha Village!"


After the order was issued, Lin He swung the steering wheel sharply to the right, and Chen Chen was thrown directly onto the glass by the huge inertia. After cursing, he shouted loudly:

"Be careful! The Scorpion chassis is unstable, don't turn it over for me!"

"I know!"

Lin He answered without looking back, and the reconnaissance vehicle accelerated again.

The performance of this car has been squeezed to the extreme by him. On the rugged sand, the speed of the reconnaissance vehicle directly reached 80 yards.

Chen Chen has clearly felt the ups and downs of the weightlessness, and he even suspected that even if the Turkish military's own driver was to drive, it would be difficult to drive the car to this extent.


But even so, they still couldn't get rid of the pursuit.

Because turning right means giving up the leading advantage over the enemy pursuit group on the flank.

This is a very simple truth. The straight line between two points is the shortest. Even if the enemy cannot obtain the specific position of the enemy, as long as they drive forward in the inherent direction, they will always find the enemy's whereabouts at the intersection!

The enemy's Cobra convoy is moving along Highway 712.

At this time, the Dongfeng Corps is less than 1 kilometer away from Highway 712.

Through the perspective of the thermal fusion night vision goggles, the highway in the distance is already vaguely visible.

On the south side of the highway, two Cobras are speeding over.

"Howitzers are ready!"

"Fire while moving!"

"Heavy machine guns fire in 15 seconds! Scattered fire a round!"


As the voice fell, the heavy machine gun on the reconnaissance vehicle and the MK19 behind the pickup truck fired at the same time.

"Bang bang bang bang--"

After a round of explosions, the grenades fell towards the direction of the highway like raindrops.

But obviously, at such a high speed, it is completely a pipe dream to pursue the hit rate of the grenade. The farthest grenade even flew hundreds of meters behind the Cobra, and even the closest one only exploded on the roadbed dozens of meters in front of the car.

The Cobra's progress was not hindered at all, and the distance between the two convoys was shortened to 600 meters.

And this distance is exactly the most effective killing distance of the heavy machine gun on the roof.

As if they were in sync, the two convoys opened fire at the same time.

The tracer bullets streaked through the night sky like meteors, and bit in the direction of the enemy like tongues of fire.

None of the two convoys were equipped with fire control radars, which greatly reduced the accuracy of the heavy machine guns.

So, an absurd and ridiculous scene appeared.

As the distance between the two convoys got closer and closer, the speed of the machine gun turning could not keep up with the speed of the change in the firing range of both sides.

All the bullets fell behind the convoy, and the so-called lead time became a joke at this moment.

When the Dongfeng Corps' convoy passed by Highway 712, the Cobra convoy just passed by.

The two groups of people met each other, and in the few seconds when the machine guns turned again, they disappeared from each other's sight.

There was only one last hurdle left.


Chen Chen thought for a moment, then decisively ordered:

"Abandon the car in 1 minute."

"Take out the Vanguard-12."

"Shoot down the helicopter, and continue to move east."


With a sudden brake, the convoy stopped at the Bailih River.

Everyone pushed the door and got out of the car, and 4 Vanguard-12 individual air defense missiles were aimed at the dark night sky.

The sound of the propeller gradually approached, and then two fireworks bloomed in the sky.

That was the heat-seeking bomb thrown by the helicopter.

However, the missile fired from the ground completely ignored the interference of the heat-seeking bomb. A few seconds later, a low explosion sounded from the night sky hundreds of meters high.

Then, a ball of fire fell in a rotation

At the same time, 20 kilometers from the border, on Highway 712, the Syrian border defense battalion had arrived at the designated location, and after a relatively low-intensity battle, it successfully occupied the town of Avazilat and began the final deployment.

In the temporary command center, the commander of the border defense battalion looked at the simple map on the table, frowned and gave an order:

"The first company will advance to the No. 2 high ground on the north side, set up machine gun positions, and the personnel will build fortifications on the reverse slope for concealment."

"Within two kilometers, this sand dune is the only high point, and it will inevitably be the focus of the enemy and us."

"I require all the elite to be reinforced to the first company. On this high ground, we must establish the strongest output firepower and severely damage the enemy in the first round of conflict."

"At the same time, the second company will lurk in the northeast depression as a suicide squad to attract firepower for the first company."

"The third company is stationed in Avazilat, which will be our last line of defense."

"No No matter where the enemy wants to go, they must pass through Avazilat. "

"We must hold them here and hold them tight."

"As long as we hold on for 20 minutes, the armored forces of Manbij will arrive, and the fighters of Tabka Air Force Base will come to support us."

"We have a great chance. As long as we can hold on, we will be the biggest contributors in this battle!"

"The enemy is not strong. They may have many light armored units, but we also have rocket launchers and heavy machine guns!"

"It is not easy to stop them with 500 people, but it is not difficult to hold them back!"


After the order was issued, all the people in the border defense battalion immediately moved.

After just a few minutes, the battle formation was basically completed, and the battalion commander had personally taken his gun and lay behind the bunker, nervously observing the movement of Highway 712 in the distance.

His gun was loaded and the safety was opened.

He had not trained for many years, and at this moment he even forgot how to aim.

But he was not worried about it.

Because he knew that the enemy was not that scary.

It was just a light armored force of several hundred people. According to the intelligence provided by the superiors, they didn't even have tanks. Perhaps the biggest threat to them was just a few helicopters.

With such a scale, the enemy couldn't attack recklessly.

They would definitely hesitate, test, and stop to stabilize their formation after being blocked.

This was his chance.

The second company would definitely die, and they would bear the enemy's first round of attack.

Then, the first company with the strongest firepower couldn't last too long, but they would definitely cause a considerable wave of casualties to the enemy.

And this was exactly what he really wanted.

After seeing the blood, everyone would calm down, right?

As long as this "calm" time lasted more than 20 minutes, he would win.

Thinking of this, the border defense battalion commander breathed a sigh of relief.

He raised the telescope and looked at the end of the road.

A moment later, accompanied by a slight vibration of the ground, the first enemy finally appeared.

The battalion commander suddenly froze in place.

He saw something that should never appear here.


A lot of tanks.

Those huge figures walked on the road like the wandering death god, oblivious to the surroundings.

And every inch of land covered by their shadows was already stained with the breath of death.

How could this be possible -


How could this be impossible?

Is it true that the Turkish side only has a light armored unit in such a high-profile mobilization?

At this moment, the battalion commander suddenly understood.

The intelligence was wrong.

Perhaps, it was just the intelligence he received that was wrong.

But, he had no choice.

The enemy was right in front of him, and surrender was impossible. His family was still in Damascus.

Then he could only fight to the death, or die in battle.

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