I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 563: Running out of ammunition and food

On the other side, inside the city of Laka.

Yang Shu, with a bloody face, held HK416 and leaned against the half-collapsed wall. In front of him were the few remaining members of the Dongfeng Corps.

In the previous one-hour battle, almost all the defensive forces, including the 300 members of the Tiger Corps, the police force, and the garrison of Laka City, had been exhausted. Now the resistance force in the city was no more than 100 people.

The Dongfeng Corps also suffered heavy losses. The members scattered in various companies of the Tiger Corps were almost wiped out. Only a few people led their teams to retreat successfully, and those who did not have time to retreat all died on this battlefield that "did not belong to them".

Yang Shu could not say how sad he was about such a result.

After all, he himself was originally a mercenary at the bottom. When he was in the Lion Corps, his life was even more fearful than it is now.

For him, being alive till now was a blessing. He also felt that the mercenaries who died here were not that regrettable. At best, they were just unlucky.

Therefore, his mentality was extremely stable. Even in this most extreme situation, his calm thinking was not affected at all.

After taking a few breaths, he spoke to the team members around him:

"The latest news is that the border defense battalion was not blocked."

"Our reconnaissance team covered them to Avazilat, giving them 20 minutes to deploy their defenses."

"But they didn't even last 10 minutes."

"After the tank fired the first shot, the soldiers in the border defense battalion who had no fighting spirit had already begun to flee."

"The Turkish armored battalion was not threatened at all. They killed most of the active targets and dispersed all the border defense battalion soldiers who were still able to resist, but did not leave a single prisoner."

"Now, they are moving rapidly towards Raqqa, and it is expected that they will reach the outskirts of the city in half an hour at the latest."

"By then, we can say that we have no chance at all."

"We can't hold on for two hours, we have to consider retreating."


Hearing his words, everyone nodded in agreement.

In fact, it has come to this point, even Xiaobai, who is the least sensitive to the war situation, should have seen the "doomed to failure" ending.

Therefore, no one doubted Yang Shu's judgment of "retreat".

The only question they cared about was:

How to retreat and where to retreat?

After a short silence, someone spoke up:

"We must retreat, but in this situation, we have no direction even if we want to retreat."

"The enemy has controlled a large area in the north and east of Raqqa City and has begun to infiltrate the south."

"Now, their speed is not fast, that's because the intensity of the conflict has just dropped, and they need a certain amount of reaction time."

"But at most a few minutes later, they will be able to see the changes and easily judge that we are powerless to resist."

"By then, they will inevitably abandon the strategy of steady progress and start to detour to the south to block our retreat route."

"If we want to leave, we must pass the Euphrates River. If they deploy defensive forces on the riverside, they can seal us off with just two heavy machine guns."

"How do we leave? Fight hard?"

After the voice fell, everyone's eyes were locked on Yang Shu, waiting for Yang Shu's answer.

Yang Shu thought for a moment, then nodded and said:

"You are right. It is absolutely not feasible to evacuate from the south."

"Our enemies are not stupid - they are the smartest warriors in the world."

"It is impossible for them not to consider interception. It is more likely that the special forces that carried out the decapitation operation against us are waiting on the banks of the Euphrates River."

"Didn't you find that they never appeared again after the decapitation?"

"This is very abnormal. There must be something wrong when things are abnormal. We can't bet our lives on their stupidity."

"If we want to leave, we can only go from the northwest."

"There, the enemy's blockade is relatively not so tight, and we still have hope of breaking through."

"Check the equipment - how much ammunition is left?"

After the voice fell, everyone fumbled for the ammunition on their bodies and put them all in front of them.

After a brief inventory, Yang Shu sighed and said:

"11 rifle magazines, two machine gun magazines."

"6 grenades, one rocket launcher."

"Pistol. Forget it."

"There are seven of us in total, and this amount of ammunition is not enough for a charge."

"Even if we rush out, we can't support the subsequent evacuation, so we can only surrender."

"We are really out of ammunition now. Is there any way to get some ammunition?"

As soon as this question came out, everyone looked at each other.

In fact, Yang Shu also knew the answer to this question.


If they could really get ammunition supplies in the fierce conflict, would they only have enough ammunition in their hands now?

The real battlefield is not a game, and it is impossible to keep getting ammunition replenishment by turning on automatic pickup.

If you force the spoils, the most likely outcome is just to increase meaningless casualties.

Thinking of this, Yang Shu finally couldn't help but sigh.

He knew that what he was facing now was really the most serious dilemma since he joined the Dongfeng Corps.

In the past, many of their battles could be considered "dangerous", but they could not be considered "embarrassing" from any angle.

There are enough ammunition tubes, advanced equipment, and tactical suppression. The only disadvantage may be the disadvantage of personnel.

It is undeniable that such a smooth battle gave Yang Shu some illusion, that is, as long as the fighting quality is excellent, there will always be hope of breaking the situation at any time and in any scenario.

But in fact, the battle in Raqqa completely shattered his inherent thinking.

He can say with a clear conscience that he has really made the best use of what he learned in the Dongfeng Corps.

Intersperse, guerrilla, and sneak attacks to create local advantages, make full use of your equipment, trust your comrades, and strive for victory at any cost.

However, even if he did all of this, the final result would only delay the time of "complete failure" by a few minutes.

Under the real strength gap, every struggle he made seemed so powerless.

Yang Shu looked around. At this moment, an idea that had not appeared in two years flashed through his mind.


But he didn't even need to think about it. His instinct alone completely denied the idea.

Two years of winning have instilled in him a deep-seated sense of pride.

Vaguely, he had a vague but unbreakable idea.

That is, as a member of the Dongfeng Corps, he can die, but he cannot surrender.

Yang Shu tightened his grip on the gun and grabbed the magazine on the ground.

Then, he ordered:

"Distribute ammunition."

"Everyone, follow me to break through to the northwest."

"If we can survive this time, we will go back to Pubei to enjoy our happiness; if we can't survive,"


"Boom boom boom!"

Before Yang Shu finished speaking, a violent explosion fell from the sky.

Everyone lay down subconsciously, but a few seconds later, they discovered a fact that surprised them extremely.

The artillery fire did not fall on the city.

The first few shells were indeed inaccurate, but all subsequent shells began to extend toward the northeast of Raqqa City!

That's not enemy fire

It's from Suhail!

Yang Shu jumped up and then shouted an order:

"Everyone, get ready for battle!"

"Seize the commanding heights to the east, occupy favorable terrain, and guide the Allied forces to attack!"

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