Half an hour later.

The tragic battle in Raqqa City has ended. The militiamen led by Suhail launched an attack on the Turkish vanguard outside the city with desperate determination.

The militiamen, holding AK-47s with polished rifling and PKMs with crooked crosshairs, rushed towards the enemy whose equipment was far better than theirs, with a mere 500 men, or even with the momentum of 5,000 men.

The first target they attacked was the self-propelled artillery position whose position had basically not changed. After more than ten rockets were fired at close range, the two self-propelled artillery were destroyed, and the ones who managed to escape were forced to move their positions.

After this attack, the vanguard troops had to withdraw support from other armored forces that were sweeping the city. Such an action played into Suhail's plan.

After the siege power was weakened, his militiamen took advantage of their flexibility to quickly merge into the buildings in the city, and began to rely on the complex terrain to block the enemy's soldiers who were not familiar with security warfare.

Immediately afterwards, he also began to reorganize the remaining strength of the Tiger Corps in Raqqa City.

The return of the commander undoubtedly injected new vitality into this team that was almost wiped out. When his charging figure appeared in front of everyone, the inspiration he brought was no less than a high-intensity air support. .

Under his leadership, the number of defensive forces in the city miraculously returned to the critical point of "500 people", and the balance of strength between the enemy and ourselves immediately tilted towards the side of the defenders.

Of course, these people are far inferior to their enemies in terms of combat literacy and equipment level.

Therefore, their exchange ratio is still terrible.

Even if they occupy the advantage of the terrain, the defenders often need to exert two to three times the force to eliminate an enemy combat group. Most of the time, they even use their lives to consume the opponent's ammunition.

Only the Chaisili mercenaries who served as Suhail's "personal guards" could be considered to have achieved some "evenly matched" results in this chaotic battle.

The battle lasted half an hour, which in some ways was not that long.

But after both sides reached their limits, the casualties on the battlefield were quite shocking.

Suhail's militia losses exceeded 60%. When the last gunshot fell, the number of defenders in the city had dropped to less than 200.

The victory was finally won by Suhail, but the price he paid was the lives of hundreds or even thousands of people.

At this time, peace returned to Raqqa.

The enemy withdrew outside the city and re-established a defense line in a village 4 kilometers away from Raqqa City.

Suhail did not have any troops to continue the pursuit, so he could only shrink inside the city and wait for the upcoming real "massive attack".

In the temporary headquarters, looking at the mercenaries of the Dongfeng Corps, no more than 10 of whom were injured, as well as the crude weapons in the hands of his subordinates, Suhail finally said:

"There is no point in holding on any longer."

"Our mission has been completed. The enemy's first attack has been crushed. It's time to retreat."

"The Turkish armored brigade will arrive in half an hour. Within this half hour, we need to make all preparations for evacuation, and then evacuate from the Euphrates River on the south side."

"Mr. Yang Shu, I will arrange for people from Chaisili to cover you and leave first."

"You need to return to Tabuka and resume command from Mr. Shipwreck."

"Of course, if you choose to withdraw from the mission, we will not object, but"

"Where is the wreck now?"

Yang Shu interrupted Suhail's words and asked seriously.

Suhail was silent for a few seconds and replied:

"The last contact was with them on the south side of Tal Abyad, near the Baylih River."

"They haven't escaped the enemy's encirclement yet, but there shouldn't be much danger."

"We can't find them for the time being, but they will take the initiative to contact us after it is safe."

After Suhail finished speaking, Yang Shu breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that in this case, it was impossible for him to ask Suhail to send troops to rescue his regiment leader.

They haven't broken out of the encirclement yet, which means that there are still enemy troops active in that area.

But now, the power Suhail can mobilize can no longer support even any high-intensity battle.

Perhaps, the Dongfeng Corps, which was cut into two parts, can only act independently and seek happiness for itself.

However, Yang Shu was not reconciled to such a result.

He turned to look at the waiting jackal, and then asked:

"Are you leaving?"

Upon hearing Yang Shu's question, Jackal replied without any hesitation:

"I'll go with you."

"Then let's go. We are not going back to Tabqa, we are going to Tal Abyad."

After the words fell, Suhail's brows instantly frowned.

Looking at the determined expressions of the two people opposite him, he asked:

"Do you know what's going on there?"

"The number of Turkish troops remaining on the border is at least a thousand, and troops are constantly gathering towards the border."

"They must swallow up the team that sank the ship. The shipwreck caused them too much trouble."

"If it were me, I wouldn't let this opportunity go."

"Believe me, I understand how you feel."

"But instead of rushing over like this recklessly, you should go back to Tabuka and restore our air power as soon as possible."

"If the crisis in Raqqa can be resolved - or at least, we can rely on air power to contain the enemy's offensive, I can free up some troops to go to the border to rescue them."

"This is the best plan, and it is also the safest and most rational plan."

"You are wrong."

Yang Shu interrupted Su Haier again, and then said:

"The Dongfeng Corps exists because of the shipwreck. If he dies, everything we have will disappear."

"Your so-called rationality is based on the interests of Syria."

"But for us, letting him live is the real rationality."

"But you may not be able to save them, and you may even get yourself involved!"

Su Haier's voice has obviously become a little anxious, but Yang Shu still shook his head.

"If we don't go, the probability of them surviving is 50%."

"If we go, the probability may become 70%, or 51%."

"But even if the probability is only increased by 1%, it is enough for us."

"We must go."

"Jackal, prepare the car and set off in 10 minutes."

"As for Tabka, leave it to Ivan."

"After fighting to this extent, those Russians should also take greater responsibility."

On the other side, on the banks of the Bailih River.

The 12 members of the reconnaissance team were scattered and lurking in the river. Under the dim starlight, even thermal imaging equipment could not detect their whereabouts.

The pursuing Turkish reconnaissance team had left with the main force, but the crisis was not over yet.

In order to solve the risk of the Dongfeng Corps' position, the Turkish military left an entire motorized infantry company to set up a dragnet in the Bailih River area and launched a dragnet search.

The vehicles abandoned by the Dongfeng Corps had long been discovered, and the booby traps laid by Chen Chen were not triggered.

It is obvious that there must be professionals in the search team.

They were familiar with the Dongfeng Corps' tactics and understood the risks involved in the mission. Even in such a pressing situation, their actions always maintained the most basic rules without any trace of confusion.

Such actions obviously compressed the space of the Dongfeng Corps to the extreme. Even though the search team did not find the specific location of the Dongfeng Corps in a short time, Chen Chen knew that if he did not respond quickly, it would only be a matter of time before he was discovered.

Chen Chen lowered his head and buried his face in the water to soak it. Then, he carefully treaded water and swam to the shore. It took him a full ten minutes to finally step on the soft river bank.

Following closely behind him, other team members also went ashore. The outermost team members immediately occupied a relatively high position to set up an observation post. After confirming the movement of the search team, they whispered a "safe" signal on the radio.

After receiving the feedback, Chen Chen raised his hand and made an assembly gesture. A few minutes later, the people who were soaked all over finally gathered together and found a relatively lush bush to hide temporarily.

At this time, the search on both sides of the Bailih River was still going on. A large number of flashlights were flashing constantly, and from time to time there were shouts conveying messages or intentional intimidation. The sounds that came and went blurred Chen Chen's judgment, making it impossible for him to determine the specific location of the search personnel.

The situation was quite complicated, but fortunately, his side was safe for the time being.

Chen Chen flipped down the lens of the thermal fusion night vision goggles, carefully observed a circle, and finally spoke:

"The other side does not intend to let us go, they should have completed our identity recognition."

"There must be NATO special forces in this pursuit group, and they have no less experience in this area than us."

"We must determine the follow-up plan as soon as possible. Which direction to go and how to go are all problems."

"The only thing that is certain is that we can't give up weapons and disguise to break out."

"Here, East Asian faces are too conspicuous. No matter where we go, as long as we are discovered, we will be controlled."

"So, we can only make a tactical breakthrough."

"But whether to return to Raqqa in the south or to Aleppo in the west is indeed a problem."

"How about it? Vote?"

After Chen Chen's voice fell, Li Bang immediately shook his head, and then Said:

"We can't go to Raqqa - the battle there is over. The Tiger Corps swallowed up the enemy's vanguard, but was then beaten by the armored battalion and retreated to the west bank of the Euphrates River."

"It is now completely Turkish territory. We are just giving up if we go there."

"As for Aleppo, let alone crossing the main road of Highway 712, how likely is it to be exposed? Just talking about the distance of 180 kilometers, we can't go there at all without using vehicles."

"There are too few supply points in that area, and the government army's control is too weak. We can't get support at all and may die on the road."

"I think we might as well go directly east and go to Hasakah first."

"That is the territory of ISIS. In front of them, we at least have the ability to fight flexibly."

Hearing Li Bang's words, Chen Chen frowned.

Yes, the two directions he proposed are actually not so perfect.

Retreating to Raqqa seems to be a relatively safe strategy, but the problem is that the battle there is basically over. It is not the right time to go there now, and the risk is too high.

Going to Aleppo might indeed allow them to bypass the core battle area, but because they no longer have vehicles, the originally simple task has become extremely complicated, with too many uncontrollable factors and a pitifully low success rate.

In comparison, it is more appropriate to go east to Hasakah.

But the question is, how can they survive after reaching Hasakah?

That is neither Aleppo nor Tabqa.

It is a piece of land where the Syrian government forces cannot project their power. Once they reach there, the Dongfeng Corps will be completely cut off from their greatest reliance.

At that time, their only choice is to continue to lurk and wait until Suhail has dealt with the battle in Raqqa Province, and then free up his hands to send troops for rescue.

How long will it take?

One day, two days, or one or two weeks?

As a pessimist, Chen Chen never dared to overestimate the execution of the Syrian government forces, even for Suhail.

In the most extreme case, they might even be delayed in Raqqa for more than a month.

And after this month, his team might have been dead.

If you want to survive, there is no doubt that you have to keep fighting on that land and use force to keep yourself alive.

In a trance, Chen Chen even felt that his current situation was somewhat similar to the one he had just crossed.

With few soldiers and little food, he was desperate. The only feasible route was to risk his life.

But he absolutely had no other choice.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he said:

"We can only go east, there is no other choice."

"We can no longer intervene in the battle in Raqqa. The good news is that Yang Shu should be withdrawn."

"As long as he is still there, our presence in Raqqa will not be lost."

"Hold on for a while, he will definitely find a way to support us."

"Organize the equipment and prepare to cross the river in batches."

"Li Bang, you take one group and three groups to go first, I will stay to cover."


Without any hesitation, Li Bang quickly organized the team and then took two groups of players back into the water.

This is the flood season of the water system in Syria. The water level of all rivers has reached the highest, and the Bailih River is no exception.

The river, which is less than 15 meters wide in the dry season, rose to 50 meters. Fortunately, the Dongfeng Corps was located in the slow-flowing area after the river bend, so it was not difficult to swim across the river with a load.

5 minutes later, Li Bang had reached the other side of the river.

The two teams quickly dispersed and set up an observation post based on the dense vegetation on the river bank. After ensuring that the surrounding environment was safe, Chen Chen also began to cross the river.

Without any surprises, the three teams met on the west side of the Bailih River.

At this time, the enemy's search and arrest forces were also converging on the west bank.

The Dongfeng Corps' escape was actually just beginning.

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