Southeast of Tel Abyad, on the east bank of the Bailih River, outside the town of Suluk.

Chen Chen lay in the farmland, observing the town in the distance with a telescope.

His expression was extremely solemn, and his brows were tightly furrowed. After a long time, he spoke:

"The situation is quite bad."

"The reaction speed of these Turks is a bit too fast. In such a short time, Suluk has been occupied by them."

"They want to block our evacuation route and force us to expose ourselves by controlling the nodes."

"Wait for the tired, tut tut, they really learned it"

Chen Chen shook his head, put down the telescope in his hand, and then asked Li Bang beside him:

"How many supplies do we have?"

Hearing Li Bang thought about his words and replied:

"When we got off the car, everyone basically took as many supplies as possible, but they were mainly weapons and ammunition, and there was not much food and drink."

"I only have two sets of individual rations, which are MREs."

"There is not much water left, half a pot is left, and it can only last for 8 hours at most."

"If we wait until dawn and the temperature rises, the consumption will be faster."

"If we can't resupply tonight, the problem will be quite serious."

After Li Bang finished speaking, Chen Chen subconsciously touched his water bottle.

After shaking it gently, the water in it was less than half, at most one-third.

This means that within just 3 hours after abandoning the car, the water he carried had been consumed, which was much faster than he expected.

The dry environment did disrupt his judgment of the supply needs, and in this case, their biggest difficulty has turned into the difficulty of "survival".

What's more troublesome is that Chen Chen does not have a sufficiently high-precision and new map.

Due to the special situation in Syria, a large number of residents in villages and settlements have migrated on a large scale. The maps drawn a few years ago are no longer very useful for reference. If you want to use the map in your hand to bypass the big city and find the next small village for supply, it is basically completely based on luck.

Chen Chen frowned. This situation has never happened in this life, let alone in the previous life.

After all, the combat assumptions of his field survival training are basically jungle and plateau environments, and he has never practiced in desert environments.

The same is true for the other team members around him. Apart from those from Pubei, most of the supplementary team members are from the east. When they were in the team, the exercise assumptions were aimed at the islands. It is really a bit difficult for them to engage in field survival operations in Syria.

The responsibility of making a plan still falls on his head, and now, there are actually two choices in front of him.

Either sneak into Suluk and find a way to leave after obtaining supplies.

Or, bypass Suluk directly and gamble, betting that you can find the next supply point before your own supplies are consumed.

Chen Chen glanced at his watch. It was already 5 a.m., less than an hour before dawn.

If we want to enter Suluk, now is the last chance.

After hesitating for a moment, he finally decided:

"Let's go to Suluk."

"If the other side wants to control most of the nodes, it means that their forces must be dispersed."

"At the same time, they have to control the local residents and suppress the scattered militants of ISIS. This is our opportunity."

"Their surveillance and interception strategies may not achieve the desired results. As long as we can enter Suluk, we are halfway to success."

"Let's go, hurry up and infiltrate the city before dawn!"


With an order, everyone in the Dongfeng Corps immediately took action.

After a whole night of fighting and high-intensity marching, everyone's physical strength has been squeezed to the limit, but even so, when executing tactical actions, everyone maintained the highest level.

"Enemy mobile patrol group found."

"Enemy secret sentry found. Two people in the alley 50 meters behind the highway sentry point at the south exit of the city."

"Sniper found in the northwest corner tower."

"Secret sentry found on the southwest No. 2 path."

"There are sentries disguised as civilians on the right side of the blue-roofed building."

"Received, marked."

After a series of rapid reconnaissance, most of the enemy positions on the Dongfeng Corps' infiltration path have been marked.

From beginning to end, Chen Chen did not worry about using drones for observation.

Because he knew that even if the other party clearly knew that he had drones, it was basically a pipe dream to find the specific location of small drones.

Without a special high-precision air search radar and special electromagnetic monitoring equipment, how can you find drones with your naked eyes or the noise of the rotors?

What the big Mao and the second Mao can't do, these Turks can't do even more.

So, the reconnaissance became quite simple, but after marking most of the obstacles on the map, Chen Chen became embarrassed.

Since Suluk Town is an irregular "starfish-shaped" town with no obstacles or bunkers around it, the town itself is like a bastion. As long as a few key points are guarded, the entire outer area can be covered without blind spots.

If you want to sneak in without firing a gun, your team must be very cautious and no one can be left behind.

Such an operation requires extreme tacit understanding, and even the simplest mistake may turn infiltration into a sweep.



"6, 9, 10, 12"

Chen Chen was counting silently in his mind. After looking around, he suddenly realized that if he swept over directly, it didn't seem impossible.

The opponent's exposed troops are no more than 40. From this point of view, the total number of troops deployed by Turkey is about a hundred.

The environment in Suluk City is quite complex, and it is impossible for them to mobilize all their forces in a short period of time.

Can fight!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen decisively gave the order to "start infiltration".

"Each choose a target, deal with the sniper first, and then launch an attack simultaneously."

"Enter from Alley No. 2. After entering, quickly occupy the favorable terrain to block the enemy's first round of attack. Then collect supplies and find vehicles to break out. Don't give the opponent time to react!"

"Listen to my command and prepare to attack!"


After the order was issued, Chen Chen set up his SCAR-H on the spot.

The advantages of this gun were fully demonstrated at this moment. When the crosshair locked on the sniper from high up, Chen Chen's countdown also ended.

"3, 2, 1 dozen!"


The silencer covered up most of the gunpowder explosion sound. After a crisp sound, the face of the enemy sniper from high up was directly penetrated by a large-caliber bullet.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Chen lowered the muzzle of his gun slightly, and the second bullet penetrated the enemy's arm, causing him to spin in a circle.

Lin He, as the observer, immediately fired again and dealt a fatal blow to the enemy.

At the same time, other team members also opened fire.

Within 3 seconds, all 8 enemies exposed to the Dongfeng Corps' firing range were killed!

"Throw smoke bombs for cover and charge forward!"


Chen Chen didn't need to say anything more. The RG-6 in Gang Li's hand had already sprayed out two smoke bombs.

Everyone launched an attack in a straight line towards the sharp corner of the bastion. The enemy's mobile patrol group on the street had already responded, but the moment they were exposed, 12 guns turned almost at the same time, immediately destroying the weakly armored vehicle. The reconnaissance vehicle was turned into a sieve!

"Enter the nearest building! Break the door!"

"Establish a defense! Gather supplies!"


The door of a small courtyard in front of them was kicked open by the Li Gang, and 12 people filed in. The Li Gang searched around, raised their guns and knocked out all four members of the family who were shivering in the room.

Then, without any pause, the four members of the assault team began to search for supplies in the room.

What surprised Chen Chen was that this family actually stocked bottled water at home!

The water is the most common Tartus pure water in Syria. This stuff is relatively common in eastern Syria, but Chen Chen really didn't expect it to be sold here.

However, this made their search a lot easier. Each person carried 4 bottles of water, which could basically meet their daily hydration needs.

"Eat, find something to eat!"

Chen Chen yelled the word "food" in Arabic, but he apparently forgot that the owner of the house had been knocked unconscious by the Li Gang's gun butt.

At this time, the sound of machine gun fire could be heard outside the door, accompanied by loud shouts from Turkish soldiers.

Chen Chen became more agile with his hands and feet. After rummaging through the cabinets, he finally found a large bag of pita bread in the kitchen.

"You can withdraw!"

"Report the peripheral situation!"

"Empty, safe!"


Chen Chen skillfully threw the pita bread on Gang Li's backpack, and the four members of the assault team exited the house. A quick and unreasonable "robbery" was over.

"Just go back the way you came!"

The plan went more smoothly than Chen Chen expected, and the Turkish defenders basically had no reaction at all.

They did issue warnings and even fired flares into the sky, but overall they were too slow.

The so-called "sentinel" is in name only, and the emergency mechanism is no different from non-existence.

When Chen Chen's team withdrew outside the sharp corner of the "bastion", the opponent's mobile troops arrived belatedly.

What greeted them was only a series of blocking bullets fired by the support team of the Dongfeng Corps.

400 meters distance, 3 minutes.

The Dongfeng Corps once again withdrew to the farmland where they launched the attack. After crossing the low sand dunes, the enemy lost all their sight.

"Stand on alert, don't move for the time being!"


Chen Chen's fighting style is methodical. They are currently in a small citrus orchard on the edge of a wheat field. Probably because it is not far from the Baylih River and the citrus trees here are growing well, which just provides them with Provides excellent air cover.

As long as we rely on the current favorable terrain and deal with the first batch of Turkish soldiers to react, the subsequent evacuation will become much simpler.

Chen Chen had already replaced the SCAR-H in his hand with HK-416 because he found that these Turkish soldiers did not wear body armor.

The excessively powerful large-caliber bullets cannot produce astonishing effects. Instead, the more flexible HK416 can cause greater damage!

He took a deep breath and then let it out slowly.

The mobile troops have reached the edge of the city and entered the building bunkers to establish a defense line.

Their desire to pursue did not seem to be strong. Generally speaking, their goal was to "hold back the Dongfeng Corps."

But Chen Chen obviously wouldn't give them this chance.

"The car is out."

"Right behind the blue-roofed building."

"It's 400 meters away, give him a shot."


The PP89 ultra-light mortar, which had always been carried on Lin He's back, was immediately set up. Chen Chen did not even install the base, but directly used the bottom handle to lock the barrel, and then Li Bang performed the ranging, reading, and adjustment. .

30 seconds later, a shell was fed into the barrel.


After a brief pause, an explosion sounded behind the blue-roofed building!


Gang Li couldn't help shouting, but the Turkish soldiers on the opposite side were dumbfounded.

They probably never imagined that the 12-man team they faced could actually find a mortar! ——

But there's really nothing surprising about it.

If it weren't for the special nature of the Dongfeng Corps, Chen Chen even felt that some of his team members could not carry guns at all and leave the load for other weapons.

In that case, the mortar shells that my team can carry will not be just three, but may be 6 or 8.

"There's another one, wait, look for an opportunity."

Chen Chen said calmly.

After discovering that one's own side had deflection weapons, the enemy's actions became more cautious.

After observing quietly for half a minute, the opponent still did not initiate pursuit.

They probably knew very well that the Dongfeng Corps did not have vehicles, so they were not in a hurry.

In this case, Chen Chen doesn't plan to waste time with them.


"Go east around Suluk, then turn around and head into town!"


The Li Gang had long been accustomed to Chen Chen's plan.

After all, when he was in Pubei, Chen Chen had already tried to break through with one hand, and it would not be too difficult to do it again now.

This attack is actually a feint, and the real killing move is yet to come.

Everyone started to take action immediately, but at this moment, a huge explosion suddenly sounded in Suluk City.


Chen Chen, who had already taken steps forward, turned back in horror.

He saw a huge "fire cloud" rising in the center of Suluk City.


Chen Chen lay down on the ground subconsciously, and at the moment of the explosion, all the Turkish soldiers in the city were in chaos.

"who is it?"

Li Banglue asked in confusion.

"I have no idea."

Chen Chen shook his head and raised the binoculars.

Gunfire sounded again, and this time, the conflict occurred in the center of the city.

"A bit like the sound of AK, and PKM"

Li Bang frowned slightly and suddenly asked in disbelief:


"They took action?!"

"Most likely."

Chen Chen's tone was calm, but his heart was actually in turmoil.

Türkiye, NATO, Syrian government forces, ISIS, Iraqi Legion Army, mercenaries, Dongfeng Corps.

This small piece of land has been crowded with too many forces with different positions.

The real chaos is about to begin

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