I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 572 Precision Capture

At this time, Nadir still knew nothing about the coming danger. According to his plan, he would leave Mogadishu today and go to Haradere in central Somalia in person to prepare for the arrival of the people who had already landed and were about to leave from Mogadishu. "Cargo" transported south by Bosaso.

The plan was extremely thorough and he considered almost every possible scenario.

Government inspections, transportation accidents, road smoothness, harassment by scattered armed men, and even roadblocks and extortion by local poor people.

For every situation, he has formulated a corresponding response plan, and even prepared an absolutely sufficient amount of cash, ready to be used for bribes and buying roads.

However, the only thing he ignored was the interference from other countries, especially the United States.

The reason is also very simple. Since the failed military operation in 1993, the United States has almost given up any radical operations in this country.

Of course there are still American troops stationed here, but these garrisons never appear anywhere other than military camps.

All their responsibilities are to train the local Somali army in accordance with the requirements of the IMET plan and provide so-called "technical advisory services" to the government forces they have supported, and nothing more.

So Nadir gave little thought to the possibility of a large-scale conflict.

The security force around him only had a dozen armed men disguised as civilians, and the vehicles he used were only three ordinary pickup trucks that didn't even have machine guns.

After Nadir got on the bus, the three pickup trucks drove all the way through the slums of Mogadishu, onto the Balad Highway, and headed northeast out of the city.

Everything was going well - at least in Nadir's opinion.

"Has the cargo departed? We must ensure that we meet the cargo in Haradere."

"It takes us eight hours to reach 400 kilometers, but the road conditions from Bosaso to Haradere are relatively poor. I hope they would have set off at least two hours ago."

Hearing his words, the assistant on the side nodded immediately and then replied:

"They have already set off, and Abdi personally leads the team. He has a security team of 40 people around him."

"He divided the team into two parts. One part followed the truck carrying the goods, and the other part was two kilometers in front and behind the truck, responsible for exploring the road and holding down the formation."

“He’s very professional and nothing can go wrong.”

"very good."

Nadir nodded slightly and continued to give instructions:

"Keep in touch with Abdi and get the position of the convoy in time."

"This is a critical mission and no one can allow anything to go wrong."

"I see."

The assistant answered solemnly, paused for a moment, and then asked:

"So...what is that so-called cargo?"

Seeing the curious and puzzled look on his assistant's face, Nadir smiled and replied:

"You just need to know how important it is - besides, you actually know very well that there is a weapon in it, don't you?"

"I know it's a dirty bomb?"


Nadir shook his head in amusement and replied:

"If it's a dirty bomb, let alone $15 million, even if you give me $150 billion, I wouldn't dare to transport it."

"You have watched too many movies about You Are an American, and you always think that dirty bombs are something you can easily get."

"But the reality is, in this world, if you can't make the raw material for a dirty bomb yourself, you're never going to have it."

"Okay, don't ask too many questions, it won't be good for us."

"Understood. But why can't we...keep it?"

"I mean, we also need weapons, and maybe this will be worth more to us than $15 million."

"Am I crazy or are you crazy?"

"You would never say something like that if you knew what a huge plan this might be."

"It's easy to keep the weapons, but if our customers don't receive the goods, then what they want to recover is not just the goods themselves."

"I advise you not to think too much - by the way, tell Abdi to take care of his people and let them not think too much!"


The assistant nodded again and picked up the phone in his hand.

While he was trying to establish contact with the "logistics team" delivering the goods, Nadir looked out the window.

At this time, his three-car convoy had gradually moved away from the slums and entered the most prosperous Baraka district in Mogadishu.

Here, countless vendors line almost the entire road, hawking their wares along the street.

The market is highly prosperous and a wide variety of goods are traded, but the most common ones are cloth, dry food and clothing.

The wounds of the war are far from healed, but the people who trade here seem to have regained hope in life.

Many people had smiles on their faces. Nadir looked at all this with emotion. After a few seconds of silence, he said:

"Maybe next time we attack, we should target Baraka."

"Baraka? Why?"

The assistant who didn't get through the phone asked with some confusion:

"They are all civilians here. Their deaths will not attract much attention, and the attack itself is of little value. After all, there is basically nothing here except a pile of tattered clothes and moldy food."

"Wrong, there is something very important here."

"The people here have hope."

Nadir frowned slightly and continued:

"We must destroy all their hopes. We must let them know that the government supported by the Americans will never make their lives better."

"This is an opportunity - an attack here may even be more effective than directly killing a senior official."

"I really want to arrange the action immediately, but unfortunately, we can only keep a low profile in the past few months."

"Okay, write it down first. The checkpoint has arrived."

At this time, three pickup trucks have passed the Baraka area and welcomed the first government checkpoint of their trip.

The soldier with the machine gun waved to signal the car to stop, and the assistant immediately opened the passenger window and handed out two large-denomination US dollars.

"Where to go?"

The soldier took two $20 bills and asked casually.

"To the north."

The assistant also answered casually.

The soldier glanced at the car, and he obviously saw the rifles beside and under the feet of everyone.

However, in Mogadishu, it is very common to carry guns. On the contrary, if you don't have a gun, it is easy to arouse suspicion.

"Let's go."

The soldier waved his hand, and the people behind him immediately opened the artificial roadblock. The assistant stepped on the accelerator, and the first car drove through the checkpoint.

20 minutes later, after passing 4 almost identical checkpoints, the convoy finally drove out of Mogadishu.

Next, they will travel 8 hours to Haradere to receive the vital "cargo".

The assistant looked relaxed, but Nadir looked a little serious.

Looking at the scenery outside the car window that was rapidly receding, he muttered to himself with some doubt:

"Why do I always feel that something is wrong?"

"Mohammed, do you feel it?"

The assistant shook his head and replied:

"No, maybe it's an illusion?"

"We have taken this route out of the city many times, and it's almost the same every time. There's nothing special today."

"No special questioning, no delay, no new faces. What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I just feel it."

At this point, Nadir paused for a few seconds, and then continued:

"I just feel that they all seem to be looking at me."

"I should say, they are peeking at me."

"Did you notice it?"


The assistant Mohammed shook his head blankly, and Nadir sighed. He was about to say something, but the next second, he saw an incredible picture in front of him.

The assistant's head suddenly twisted like liquid, and white mist burst out violently, instantly filling the entire car.

Then, the mist quickly condensed like a cumulonimbus cloud under the blazing heat, turning into deep red blood that splashed in every corner of the car.

Nadir almost thought it was his own hallucination, after all, Muhammad's hands were still tightly holding the steering wheel, and he even cleverly turned the steering wheel when the car body was bumping.

But soon, his body went limp, and the pickup truck, which was traveling at a speed of nearly 60 kilometers per hour, also lost its direction and rushed to the side of the road.


Nadir screamed, and he had no time to react at this time.

After a brief moment of unconsciousness, his body suddenly fell to the ground with the overturned pickup truck, and hit the front windshield that was already covered with brain matter and blood.

The severe pain and dizziness almost made Nadir lose his ability to move. It took him half a minute to struggle to straighten his body in the car, but at this time, the gunshots outside the car had even begun to change from dense to sparse.

There was no doubt that he was attacked, and his premonition of "something wrong" was realized.

But who was it?

Countless speculations flashed through Nadir's mind, including government forces, gangs, warlords, and even some useless gangs.

He subconsciously wanted to surrender, because he knew that with his identity, as long as he was not caught on the spot in some "extremely special" occasions, everything would still have room for maneuver.


However, things did not develop as he wished.

When he finally got out of the car and raised his rifle to try to find the enemy, he found that he could not find an enemy with a gun within his sight.

They disappeared? Retreat?

Was this just a revenge? Or even just an indiscriminate attack?

Was he so unlucky?


Before Nadir's thoughts could go through his mind, a dull gunshot rang out, and a member of the Youth Party who had just picked up a gun and was ready to fight back fell down behind the second pickup truck.

The large-caliber bullet directly penetrated the fragile body of the pickup truck, breaking him in two.

Anti-material sniper rifle!

At this moment, Nadir's hair stood on end.

He knew he was wrong. The forces that ambushed him could not be any of the forces that he expected under normal circumstances.

They were the US military, and it was even possible that they were the US special forces!

What? !

Nadir crawled on the ground, trying to avoid the bullets from the opposite side, but he soon found out how ridiculous such "avoidance" was.

A bullet grazed his scalp and penetrated into the chassis of the pickup truck, and the metal fragments splashed even scratched his cheek.

The bullet flew from behind him.

This means that the enemy has arranged ambushes on both sides of the road.

Yes, this is the correct way to fight, this is the most efficient hunting method, and this is what that army can do.

Nadir fell into incomparable despair. He knew that he could not escape.

Since the other party launched the action, there is absolutely no reason to show mercy.

The only thing he couldn't figure out was why?

Why did they suddenly restart the direct intervention program after being silent for several years or even more than ten years? Why was it not the Somali government army that attacked them, but their own team?

This was definitely a completely independent action, because Nadir was fully confident that as long as the Somali National Defense Force had a little abnormal movement, he would definitely receive intelligence at the first time!

Could it be that his plan has been exposed?

This shouldn't be

Nadir looked around, he still couldn't find the specific location of the shooter.

However, the companions who kept falling around him had already confirmed the existence of the gunman.

Either run or die.

Nadir gritted his teeth, dropped the rifle in his hand and ran away.

He had no idea of ​​resistance at all, because he knew that in front of the other party, all resistance was powerless.

He could only pray to Allah silently, praying that he would not be hit by bullets, praying that he could find a suitable shelter, praying that the accident on his side would be quickly discovered by other brothers in the city, and praying that they could leave the city smoothly.

Nadir's breathing gradually became rapid, and the hot air burned his lungs. His movements soon became slow and his speed slowed down a lot.

But he was not shot or injured.

For a moment, Nadir thought that his prayers really worked.

But soon, his last hope was shattered.

Two Hummers caught up with him, who was already unarmed. The machine gunner wearing sunglasses raised his mouth sarcastically, then pointed the gun in front of Nadir and pulled the trigger.

"Bang bang bang bang--"

The violent gunshots made Nadir's limbs weak, and he finally stopped in the dust splashed by the bullets.

"I surrender! I surrender!"

He fell to the ground and continued to shout:

"You have the wrong person! I'm just a businessman! I didn't do anything!"

"I don't know anything! Don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

The Hummer stopped beside Nadir, and a fully armed special forces soldier jumped out of the car, holding a weapon that Nadir didn't even recognize.

The man took out a piece of paper from his chest, compared it with Nadir's face, and said:

"It's you."

"Nadir, we are looking for you."

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