A few hours later, Nairobi.

Chen Chen sat on the sofa in the room with a serious expression, while the other three people each occupied a chair and sat upright opposite him.

The atmosphere was extremely depressing. Chen Chen did not speak. No one dared or was willing to speak in advance. It was not until Chen Chen finally put down the phone that he had been transferring for a long time without dialing the number that Li Bang finally asked:

"Are you sure you don't want to find Xiaoyu?"

"It's impossible to find."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"In this current situation, looking for a small fish is tantamount to self-destruction."

"The safest way is not to find them, but to find a way to quickly cut them off and eliminate all traces of contact with them."

"Only in this way will they have a chance to get out and provide us with more support after the situation stabilizes."

"Damn it, I knew those people in Al-Shabaab were unreliable."

"When they rush in, they can only carry out low-tech attacks. Even if it is a slightly more difficult thing, they have never done it well."

"It's the same this time. It would be fine if they were transporting a batch of 56s, but now the truck is loaded with a set of Conquerors. What should I do?"

"It's okay if Nadir can bear it, but if he can't"

"What kind of person is he?"

"Nadir? I don't know."

Chen Chen shook his head and replied:

"There is very little information about him from the outside world. We only know that he is one of the founders of Al-Shabaab in Somalia."

"He served in the Somali Defense Forces and in 1991, after the Somali government was overthrown, he joined the Islamic Courts Union, also known as the ICU."

"In 2006, Nader participated in the attack on Mogadishu. They overthrew the warlord alliance supported by the United States at the time, but after a lot of time, they were defeated by the troops sent by Ethiopia."

"At this point, ICU withdrew from Mogadishu and split into two parts. One part is now the Somali Al-Shabaab, and the other part entered Eritrea and established the Somali Liberation Alliance."

"Although it is called a split, the two organizations have never actually severed ties. Nadir is said to hold important positions in both organizations and has led Eritrea's assistance to Al-Shabaab in Somalia."

"There is no definite evidence to support this statement, it is all just speculation."

"But in any case, what is certain is that Nadir is a think tank-type person who prefers 'strategy'."

"He led a series of attacks against Kenya, Ethiopia, and the transitional government of Somalia, but he never participated in any combat operations and did not directly command any armed forces."

"He rarely showed up and no one even knew where he was for the past few years."

"I don't know why he got caught this time, maybe our offer was so tempting that he thought he needed to play in person."

"Or maybe it's because he has really realized the huge scale of the game behind this, and wants to take this opportunity to get more bargaining chips, and use the chips to change the 'positioning' of Somalia's al-Shabaab."

"It's hard to say which one is more likely, but if it's the latter, then our current situation is really very dangerous."

"He will become a chess piece. Just like Jiya who was in Pubei at that time."

"Unfortunately, Russia, the north, Syria, and even the entire Middle East may be in crisis because of this chess piece."

"To be honest, now we can only hope that Maozi's information isolation work is good enough."

"Otherwise, no one can really clean up this mess."

After Chen Chen finished speaking, the other three people in the room fell silent at the same time.

Of course they knew the problem was serious, but they really didn't realize how serious it could be.

Only then did Lin He truly understand the heavy worries that Chen Chen had shown before - he really didn't expect that what Chen Chen was worried about would actually become a reality in such a short period of time.

"So what is Russia's attitude now?"

"They are very confident."

Chen Chen shook his head and sneered:

"According to Ivan, every link on this path has been subject to strict information isolation, and even different leaders within Al-Shabaab cannot share information with each other."

"They believe that Nadir's arrest was an accident, but a harmless accident."

"The transportation work can continue. We just need to find a new person within Al-Shabaab to take over."

"Ivan even said that it is not a bad thing for Nadir to be caught, because it can attract more attention from the United States. Sometimes I really don't know how to evaluate the ideas of these idiots."

"Bang Li, if it were you, would you make such a judgment?"

After hearing Chen Chen's words, Li Bang coughed and replied:

"If it were me, there's no way I would let Nadir be caught."

"I should send him a bomb vest that can be remotely controlled in advance. If there is no accident, I will blow him up directly."

".I would like to do this, but the key point is that Nadir won't agree."

Chen Chen let out an angry and funny breath, and then said:

"The only good news now is that the goods are not in Nadir's possession."

"The Americans obviously don't have enough intelligence, otherwise they would never take action without solid evidence."

"That is to say, we still have a chance."

"Two choices, either find a way to kill Nadir, or get the things to the destination before he confesses."

"According to Russian intelligence, the interrogation of Nadir has not yet officially begun, and he is currently detained in the National Defense Forces camp in northern Mogadishu."

"The Americans need to take Nadir to a suitable place for interrogation after negotiating the specific handover matters."

"The time difference here is our last chance."

"Five hours, or even faster, three hours, we must respond."

"But the problem is that even if we fly directly over, it's too late."

At this point, Chen Chen couldn't help but want to curse a few words.

I thought coming to Africa was just a simple business trip. After all, it was an escort. As long as the plan was proper, there would be no violent conflict.

If everything goes well, it's not impossible to take the opportunity to go to Kenya to see the great migration of animals.

But sometimes things are just like that. No matter how many twists and turns you go, you still can't get around the Americans and their special forces.


Is this some kind of extraordinary characteristic aggregation law?

Even if you take the initiative to separate, you will eventually collide with each other because of some metaphysical "rules"?

It's really a mystery.

Looking at Chen Chen's expression, Pingchuan thought for a moment, then asked:

"Can Russia take action?"

"Do they have any military deployment near Somalia?"


Chen Chen shook his head decisively and replied:

"Russia's military bases are all concentrated near Europe and the Mediterranean, and it can be said that there is almost no military presence in Africa."

"If you want them to take action, even if they are willing, they can't reach here."

Chen Chen's words are not exaggerated. In fact, the control of the Russian military in Africa may be weaker than that of a certain northern power.

The northern power at least has a "supply station" in Djibouti, and the Russians hadn't even settled the military port in Sudan until he crossed over.

If we talk about their only "influence", it is probably the agent in Niger.

Niger is more than 4,000 kilometers away from Somalia. By the time their people get here, I'm afraid the opportunity will be gone.

Wait a minute.

The word "Niger" flashed through Chen Chen's mind, and then his mind suddenly opened up.

A series of unstable factors in Niger are actually caused by mercenaries. The so-called mercenaries are Wagner. Wagner is quite active in almost every country in Africa, and in Somalia.

It is 2011 now.

The current Wagner is not called Wagner, but the Slavic Corps.

And Chen Chen is very sure that at least after April of this year, the Slavic Corps will definitely have a team active in Somalia!

The reason is very simple. In April 2011, the United Nations passed Resolution 1851 proposed by Russia, authorizing countries to fight pirates on the Somali coastline.

The significance of this resolution is that from now on, countries can not only expel pirates at sea, but also attack them on shore and attack pirates' strongholds on the coastline.

And it is precisely because of this resolution that Russia's attitude towards Somali pirates has become particularly tough.

Most of the videos of shelling pirates at sea that circulated later occurred after the resolution came into effect.

At the same time, Russia did not show any mercy in its crackdown on pirate bases. According to the information exposed by the Russian side, they destroyed at least more than 30 pirate bases on the coastline and even participated in the capture of pirate leader Hassan.


Of course, all this was not done by Russia's own Marine Corps.

It was all done by Wagner, or the Slavic Corps.

They must still be in Somalia, near the Gulf of Aden, or even in Mogadishu. Maybe they also have an office.

Thinking of this, Chen Chen's thoughts immediately came to light.

He exhaled lightly and said:

"Let the Russians solve the troubles they caused themselves."

"I have a plan that requires Russian intervention."

"Help me contact Ivan and tell him that he must follow our plan."

"If it doesn't work, we might as well stop here!"


Li Bang nodded immediately and turned around to pick up the satellite phone.

Chen Chen leaned back on the sofa, his expression finally relaxed a little.


Even while relaxing, he was still looking forward to it.

Wagner. This is the strongest mercenary group in the future. If they really fight DEVGRU, what will be the result?

20 minutes later, Mogadishu.

Lyudmila looked at the contract she had just received, sighing and saying:

"I have never seen the efficiency of the federal government so high."

"The order arrived 10 minutes ago, and the contract was ready 10 minutes later."

"Maybe in two minutes, we can receive the first advance payment and the first batch of intelligence."

"It seems that this matter is really big, and it is definitely not as simple as fighting pirates."

"However, whether to sign this contract is really a difficult question."

Hearing his words, his companion named Rusta shrugged and replied:

"What's so difficult about this? A commission of 6 million US dollars, a one-time task, after completing this job, I can even go home and retire."

"If I were you, I would have signed the contract and set off with a gun - what is there to hesitate about?"

Lyudmila rolled her eyes and replied:

"The premise of going home to retire is that you have to go back alive."

"Our opponents this time are not useless warlords, but American special forces."

"They may be DEVGRU, Rangers , green hat, in short, no matter which one, it is not an easy opponent to deal with. "

"Moreover, the target of this mission is the Shinkadir base in the north of Mogadishu, where there are thousands of government soldiers and more than 40 US military advisers. "

"Armored vehicles, tanks, helicopters. How difficult is it for us to rush in, kill people, and then rush out?"

"This is not an infiltration mission, this is a frontal attack mission."

"I am afraid that only madmen and fools will accept the mission without hesitation-I am neither crazy nor stupid."

After Lyudmila finished speaking, Rusta shook his head slightly and continued:

"But in fact, we have no choice, right?"

"I We have to do it, even if we fail, at least we have to try. "

"To be honest, we are not completely without any chance."

"At least, we have obtained a high level of authorization and can use all the weapons we can find."

"How about a suicide attack? Get a big truck full of explosives and rush in to blow up the people there."

"Then, as long as there is a helicopter taking off, we will use a portable anti-aircraft missile to shoot it down."

"Since the target is so important, he must be the first to be transferred. Our chances are actually very high."

"Well, the attack can be handed over to those crazy people in the Youth Party. It's very suitable, isn't it?"

"It's indeed very suitable."

Lyu De Mira couldn't help but laugh, and then explained:

"Our target is the key figure of the Youth Party, and this is really a logical loop."

"That's it?"

Rusda clapped his hands and said:

"Let's do it."

"6 million US dollars, I can't wait to retire!"

After he finished speaking, Lyudmila nodded slowly, and after a few seconds of silence, she said:

"It must be done."

"But if we only use bomb trucks to cause chaos, it seems a little insufficient."

"I think I should go and discuss the conditions with the higher-ups."

"Since any weapons can be used, maybe they should think of a way to get us some real big ones."

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