Just as Wagner's mercenaries were preparing to launch a rapid raid, Nadir sat on the ground of the barracks where he was held in solitary confinement in the Shinkadir base, looking a little decadent, staring at the Americans in front of him, and said:

"I said, you really caught the wrong person."

"I'm not the Nadir you are talking about, I'm just a businessman."

"My name is Mohammed Rahman, I do some cloth business between Mogadishu and Adala."

"You killed the security guards I hired in advance. I don't know them, and I don't know what they do."

"I just want to do business well. I have said everything I can say."

His face was full of panic, panic, but mixed with a hint of sincerity. Sitting in his The DEVGRU leader on the opposite side nodded slightly and replied:

"I believe what you said is true, but it has nothing to do with me."

"You know, I am only responsible for arresting people, and by the way, I will keep an eye on you to avoid any accidents before the transfer."

"As for your identity, your background, and your past experience, they have nothing to do with me."

"You don't need to spend too much time here with me - do you know why I am sitting opposite you now, not a CIA person?"

"Of course it's not for confidentiality - it's purely because, given the current situation, we don't need to interrogate you."

"Okay, have a good rest."

"Next, you still have a long way to go."

After the leader finished speaking, Nadir's eyes changed slightly.

He lowered his head slightly and said as if talking to himself:

"Is this your freedom?"

"I don't even have the freedom to do some business."

"I thought you could change this country, but in fact you didn't change anything."

"Yes, unfortunately I'm not one of those politicians, and there's no point in you telling me this."

The team leader spread his hands and answered nonchalantly.

Hearing his words, Nadir frowned slightly.

He knew that he had really kicked the iron plate.

The response plan of these Americans was extremely safe. They did not seek to achieve a breakthrough in intelligence in a short period of time, but chose to let the operatives who were completely unrelated to intelligence work to look after themselves.

This fundamentally prevented the CIA from intervening in this matter, and completely controlled the decision-making power at a higher level, or even in the hands of the president.

And it is obvious that the goals that the president wants to pursue and the goals that the CIA wants to pursue cannot be completely consistent.

I may be able to reach a deal with the CIA, but I definitely can't reach a deal with the US president.

In other words, it was basically an unchangeable fact that he was transferred from Mogadishu, and once this happened.

The entire Somali Youth Party might suffer a heavy blow!

Either he escaped or died here.

Only in this way could this matter be "put to an end" and a series of possible risks in the future be truly eliminated.

Thinking of this, Nadir raised his head again.

After hesitating for a few seconds, he breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"You are indeed very strong."

After the voice fell, the leader looked at him with a little surprise and asked:

"Where are you strong?"

"Every aspect."

Nadir looked at the leader fearlessly, and then replied:

"Both your intelligence system and your combat capabilities have far exceeded the limits of what we can deal with."

"To be honest, the moment I was discovered by you, there was actually no hope of escape."

"I'm just curious, how did you find me and how did you confirm my identity?"

"Do you admit that you are Nadir?"

The leader asked with a little sarcasm.

"Of course, it's meaningless to deny at this time."

"Besides, even if I don't admit it, can't you confirm my identity?"

"That's true. However, I can't answer your question. That's what the CIA does."

"That's right. Maybe we can make a deal?"


The team leader shook his head decisively and replied:

"I said, I'm only responsible for shooting, arresting, and transporting. If you have any deal to discuss, you can talk to those who interrogate you after the transportation is completed."

"But if we leave Mogadishu, our deal will not be possible."

Nadir said seriously:

"You must have important clues to arrest me at this time."

"I want to tell you that you are right."

"Somalia, Mogadishu, something big is going to happen here, and it is something you can never predict and far beyond ordinary terrorist attacks."

"Once this happens, the damage caused will definitely not be as simple as a few insignificant civilian casualties."

"Now. Time?"

The leader's heart suddenly tightened, he subconsciously looked at his watch and replied:


"In 20 minutes, the action will begin."

"I have lost contact, but it does not mean that the Youth Party has lost command."

"They will act freely, and even launch actions with more violent and cruel means."

"How about it, do you want to take a gamble?"

"Or should you ask the people behind you if they want to take a gamble?"

At this point, the leader of DEVGRU was really shaken.

After all, he was not a professional intelligence worker, so when facing Nadir, he also lacked some professional judgment of "true or false".

He didn't know whether the other party really wanted to create a major incident, let alone whether the other party was the key figure in this incident, but in his opinion, maybe it wouldn't be too difficult to find someone to verify the truth?

Very reasonable.

After a slight hesitation, the leader picked up his walkie-talkie. After a few simple exchanges, a masked man walked into the barracks.

The latter nodded to the leader, then looked at Nadir and asked directly:

"What do you have to say?"

Nadir looked into his eyes carefully, as if he wanted to find some familiar traces from there.

But it was obvious that the disclosure of his whereabouts had nothing to do with "undercover", and the CIA agent opposite was a complete stranger to him.

"In 20 minutes, my companions will launch an attack on the Shinkadir military camp."

"They will use weapons of mass destruction."

After the words fell, the masked man laughed out loud.

"Weapons of mass destruction? Do you think this is in Iraq?"

"Your entire network is under our surveillance, including your weapons, your cash flow, your various supply routes and bases, and your action plans."

"If there was such strong surveillance, you wouldn't be talking nonsense to me here."

Nadir interrupted mercilessly, and then said:

"I'll say it again, weapons of mass destruction, in Mogadishu."

"And the target is not civilians, but the transitional government office and the Shinkadir military camp."

"You have 20 minutes, and the first round of attacks will take place in 20 minutes."

"By then, it will be too late for you to save it."

"This will be your most serious loss since Black Hawk Down. Don't say I don't cooperate. I also want to cooperate, but you didn't give me a chance."

After Nadir finished speaking, the three people in the room fell silent.

A few seconds later, the masked man asked:

"Specific situation?"

"Which aspect do you want?"

Nadir was still trying to delay time. He didn't know what the point was, but it was obvious that this was the only thing he could do.

In his cognition, as long as he didn't die on the spot, there was still a chance.

His brothers would definitely find a way to rescue him, and what he had to do was to give them more time to prepare.

"Weapons, what weapons of mass destruction?"

The masked man continued to ask.

"Sarin gas bombs."

"Are you kidding? Where did you get the sarin gas bombs?"


Nadir replied calmly:

"You used sarin gas bombs in Syria. This is a fact known to everyone."

"Don't tell me that the gas was released by the Syrian military. This kind of rhetoric may fool others, but it is impossible to fool us."

"Because we have established contact with the ISIS organization in Syria."

"According to them, they obtained a large number of sarin gas bombs from MI6."

"These things are impossible for them to consume by their own strength. In fact, they do not intend to use chemical weapons in Syria."

"Because their goal is to establish a country, they do not want to release pollutants on their own land."

"So, a large amount of sarin gas flowed out of Syria through various channels, and we are one of the recipients."

"These weapons will be used in Mogadishu-by the way, they will also announce the source of the weapons."

"How about it? Is this story convincing enough for you?"

After listening to Nadir's narration, the masked man frowned tightly.

It has to be said that the other party's "story" is full of loopholes, but according to the intelligence he has in his hands, such a story is really credible!

Does ISIS have chemical weapons?


Are their chemical weapons provided by MI6?


Did these chemical weapons really flow out of Syria?


What's more, according to the CIA's tracking of this batch of chemical weapons, ISIS did sell these weapons to some arms dealers, and the most active area of ​​those arms dealers is North Africa.

Of course, these arms dealers are unlikely to resell chemical weapons to extreme armed forces. Their customers are likely to be some small countries that have research needs for chemical weapons, and every transaction is basically well documented.

However, our control over the world is definitely not meticulous.

In this case, there is a possibility of omissions.

What if, what if a batch of chemical weapons really flowed into Somalia, what will happen next?

The masked man instantly became nervous. He glanced at his watch and saw that there were still 10 minutes left.


He asked decisively.

"Near Benadir Hospital, where a team is preparing."

"I don't know any other specific locations."

"I have lost contact. They will definitely change their plans."

"Also, it has been several hours since I lost contact. Their new plan should have been completed long ago."

"You're lying to me."

The masked man suddenly relaxed, then breathed a long sigh of relief and said with a slightly sarcastic smile:

"To be honest, you almost succeeded."

"I almost got fooled by you."

"But unfortunately, there is a huge hole in your description, which is time."

"If your people were really going to attack, it should have happened hours ago."

"After all, it was sarin gas, not a precision-guided weapon."

"It doesn't take that long to deploy, does it?"

".This is not something I can control. Maybe the plan has changed?"

"But you talked for 20 minutes."

The masked man interrupted Nadir again, spread his hands and said:

"I know what you want to do - you want to stay in Mogadishu."

"You don't want us to transfer you somewhere else because once you leave Somalia, you have no chance."

"But unfortunately, you failed."

"Your transfer has been advanced. We will depart from here in half an hour."

"Okay, let's stop here."

Having said this, the masked man turned to look at the DEVGRU leader, and then ordered:

"Don't have any more meaningless conversations with him. He's very cunning. He'll just get you in. Do you understand?"


The team leader nodded slightly ashamedly. He opened his mouth and was about to say something, but at this moment, he suddenly felt a tightness in his chest for no reason.

Immediately afterwards, a sudden strong shock wave completely tore the entire barracks into pieces, and bricks hit him like raindrops.

The next second, the delayed explosion sounded belatedly.



A huge buzzing sound echoed in the leader's ears. His body was lifted into the air by the shock wave, and then hit the ground hard.

"Attack, attack!"

He yelled subconsciously, but couldn't hear a sound from himself.

After struggling to stand up, he took off the broken goggles. After barely opening his eyes, he saw that his comrade from the CIA had collapsed on the ground.

The opponent's legs were pressed under the masonry, and his head was hit hard and he was unconscious, while Nadir

No trace.



Two consecutive explosions sounded, but this time, the center point of the explosion was obviously still some distance away from the barracks, and the explosion's yield was obviously smaller.

The team leader stumbled out of the barracks, and what caught his eyes was a chaotic scene.

There were gunshots and explosions everywhere.

The perimeter of the military camp has fallen, and armed militants are shooting at the center of the military camp from all directions.

There are huge craters left on the ground, and judging from the diameter of the craters.

This is definitely not a "conventional weapon"!

The attack on the Sinkadir military camp really happened.

The leader picked up the radio and shouted at the top of his lungs:

"Find Nadir! Evacuate immediately!!"

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