I work as a mercenary in northern Myanmar

Chapter 575: Winning in Chaos

"Keep hidden! Keep watching the enemy helicopters!"

"Snipers keep watching and look for high-value targets!"

"Nadir's appearance is very obvious. He is wearing a red short-sleeved shirt and should not have changed it yet. Pay attention to identifying the target!"

"Rockets and anti-aircraft missiles are ready. Once the target is found, behead it immediately!"

"Also, be careful not to hit those militants of the Youth Party. One less of them will die. Don't waste them!"


"Received, observing."

On a nearly 800-meter high building outside the Shinkadir military camp, Lyudmila held a telescope in her hand, observing the battle situation in the military camp in the distance while constantly issuing various instructions.

Just 20 minutes ago, the mercenaries of the Slavic Corps distributed near Mogadishu, Somalia, completed their assembly and preparation. After a short mission briefing, they almost launched an attack on the military camp without hesitation.

According to the original plan, they were going to suppress the fire with the large-caliber artillery they got from their "superiors", and then rush over to put pressure while the barracks were in chaos, and then the support group in the rear would carry out precise strikes on all the helicopters that took off.

But unexpectedly, all their plans were disrupted by the unexpected situation.

Just after the shelling, the Somali Youth Party armed forces in the city simultaneously launched an attack on the Shinkadir Barracks. More than two thousand militants gathered in the direction of the barracks from all directions, and then rushed forward in a "fearless" attitude.

They almost broke through the outer defense line of the Shinkadir Barracks, and the fastest team even entered the barracks.

Of course, the militants who lacked protection and advanced equipment undoubtedly fell under the machine gun fire of the government army's armored units, but the chaotic effect they created was definitely not something that the Slav Corps could do on its own.

It is precisely because of this that the changes in the battlefield situation began to develop in an extremely optimistic direction.

All the mercenaries who were going to use their lives to put pressure on the military camp stopped and dispersed to various places outside the military camp according to the backup plan.

The fire support group holding rocket launchers and individual anti-aircraft missiles took advantage of the chaos to advance to within 500 meters outside the military camp, and easily obtained the best attack point.

Next, the only thing Lyudmila needed to do was to continue to wait for the situation to change, wait for his target to appear, and then complete the beheading as quickly as possible, and then escape with the cover of the Youth Party.

The difficulty of the mission has dropped by more than one level, and the expected tragic casualties may not happen, which makes Lyudmila feel very comfortable.

He put down the telescope, raised the SVDK rifle in his hand, and slowly aimed at several distinctive American special forces members in the military camp.

At this distance, he could not see the other party's face or the logo on the combat uniform, but even so, he had already judged the other party's identity with just one glance.

"DEVGRU, it's them."

"Shouldn't they be in Syria? Why did they come to Somalia?"

Hearing his words, Roosda shook his head and replied:

"Who knows? Maybe something big really happened here."

"A $6 million contract, just to kill a captured terrorist."

"Well, either this terrorist has some intelligence that the Americans must not get, or... it's better not to say."

"You said we have a deal with them?"

"What else?"

Roosda snorted and continued:

"Don't you think that the Youth Party is moving a little too fast?"

"Stop it, no matter how high Nadir's status in the Youth Party is, it can't be so high that they will mobilize so many troops for him. To the extent of attacking the Shinkadir military camp. "

"What's more, with the intelligence capabilities of the Youth Party, they simply could not find Nadir's location accurately in such a short time after the incident - the arrest process is public, but the transfer process is not. "

"So, we are not the only service provider - but fortunately, we only need to do our own thing - pay attention!"

Rusda's words suddenly paused, and then he immediately said:

"A high-value target was found, on the left side of the No. 2 apron, a DEVGRU team of 8 people."

"No mission target has been found for the time being, machine gunner, prepare to suppress fire!"


The order was immediately conveyed, and just two seconds later, hidden in the chaos of gunfire, the Wagner machine gunner on the east side of the military camp began to fire.

The large-caliber machine guns that had been deployed long ago poured bullets crazily on the apron of the military camp. At a distance of nearly 800 meters, the comprehensive accuracy of the short bursts of heavy machine guns was even higher than that of snipers.

"Bang, bang, bang---bang, bang, bang--"

After several intermittent gunshots, clusters of smoke and dust exploded on the ground of the apron, and at the moment the smoke and dust exploded, the attacked DEVGRU team also responded immediately.

Everyone scattered and hid on the spot, and determined the direction of the attack at an incredible speed. Then, the leader of the team made several gestures in succession and shouted to issue orders to the armored units in the rear.

Lyudmila, who saw this scene through the scope, was alarmed. Before Rusta gave the order, he shouted:

"Machine gun group evacuate!"

"Be prepared for enemy artillery fire!"


His order had just been given, and two T-62 tanks in the military camp opened fire at the same time.

They didn't even need any ballistic calculations. The shells fired directly penetrated the building where the machine gun team was located. With a huge explosion, the entire building was instantly enveloped in thick smoke and dust.

"Report the damage!"

"We. Fortunately we are evacuating."

Intermittent replies came. It was obvious that the losses of the machine gun team were definitely not small!

This is too fast.

Just a tentative attack led to the most determined counterattack from the opponent.

After a round of exchanges, the opponent had almost no losses, while our own side had lost an important combat unit.

There is no doubt that Lyudmila underestimated the response speed of the Somali government forces—or, in other words, he underestimated the effectiveness of the United States' "military training" here!

The opponent's counterattack was extremely decisive, and even nearly wiped out his own machine gun team.

"Suka BuLei!"

Lyudmila cursed angrily, but before he could issue the next order, the urgent voices of the observation team members suddenly sounded on the radio.

"Mission target found!"

"The barracks on the north side of the military camp! He is there!"

"The other side must stand firm and wait for reinforcements! Government troops are mobilizing to the Sinkadir base!"

Obviously, Lyudmila's worst fear came true.

The joining of Al-Shabaab has reduced the risk of their own actions to a certain extent, but on the other hand, they have also forced the US in the base to make unplanned choices!

The Americans adopted the most conservative strategy. They did not immediately move the key targets, but planned to huddle in the base and withstand the most ferocious first round of Al-Shabaab's attacks!

This was definitely not a good thing for Wagner.

Now Lyudmila is forced to make a difficult choice.

Should we continue to use machine gun fire to hold the opponent back until they reveal their flaws, or should we take the risk of pressing forward and try to conduct a close-range surprise attack while the chaotic situation has not yet been suppressed?

Obviously, the latter has greater risks and higher casualties.

But if you just stay put and stand by, your mission will be basically impossible to complete.

Lyudmila's brows furrowed tightly. After hesitating for a few seconds, he decisively ordered:

"Prepare to attack."

"Go to assembly point 1 on the north side to assemble, and then move forward according to the planned route."

"The observation team pays attention to reporting the enemy's troop movements and reports at any time."

"Understood, the movement of government troops has been blocked. We still have at least 15 minutes!"

"Roger, let's go!"

With an order, the Wagner members scattered everywhere immediately started taking action.

Unlike DEVGRU, who have obvious characteristics, their clothing is almost indistinguishable from other militants here.

Large T-shirts, worn jackets, battle-scarred firearms, and the common sun hat that is no longer common.

Only the body armor hidden under their coats could barely distinguish them from other militants, but as the city was already in chaos, no one would carefully identify them.

The assembly process went extremely smoothly. Five minutes later, when Al-Shabaab's attack on the military camp reached its climax, 40 Wagner members were already ready at assembly point 1.

At this time, they were only the last 400 meters away from the military camp.

With just one charge, they could cross this short distance and rush directly to the mission target to complete the beheading.



Lyudmila calmly raised her right hand and waited quietly for a few seconds before a series of explosions sounded.

"Boom - boom -"

That was the sound of mortar shells hitting the ground.

Immediately afterwards, more dense explosions exploded in the open space outside the military camp.

Everyone subconsciously raised their heads, and an Apache helicopter gunship dragged flames across the dim yellow sky.

It's now.


"Smoke bombs ready!"

Lyudmila suddenly waved her right hand, and all the team members immediately stood up from behind the bunker.

The first smoke grenade was thrown, and then exploded quickly along the route of advance.

The Wagner team member, who did not have any thermal imaging equipment, passed through the smoke with only memory, and when the figure of the first team member appeared outside the smoke, the second smoke grenade had exploded in front of him exactly.

This is a tacit understanding that can only be achieved after countless trainings. They have almost reached the pinnacle in the use of throwing objects.

There were more than 20 smoke bombs at a distance of 400 meters, and they didn't waste a single shot.

When the last smoke grenade was thrown, the team had penetrated into the military camp without any hindrance.

The Apache helicopter, which was attracted by the mortar position, failed to detect their whereabouts in time. After emerging from the smoke, the only enemies they faced were the two T-62 tanks lying in front of them.

Without any orders, two armor-piercing rockets came out and hit the tank's turret at a close range of less than 50 meters.

The high-temperature metal jet easily penetrated the armor of the old tank, and then exploded inside the turret, turning the tank into a thousand-degree inferno.

Someone roared, opened the hatch cover and dug out, and then fell headlong under the tracks.

Lyudmila did not take a second look, but continued to maneuver to the left steadily and accurately. After obtaining the shooting position, she immediately began to suppress the light infantry in the barracks who had been caught off guard.

"Bang bang bang bang--"

The unique "mechanical" gunshots of the PKM rang out, and the Somali government soldiers without any protective equipment were knocked down like mowing the grass.

Then, several smoke bombs continued to be thrown, and the action of cutting the battlefield was completed in less than 20 seconds after Wagner entered the barracks.

"Keep going! RPG!"

"Received, RPG ready, fire!"

Two rockets passed over Lyudmila's shoulders, and he even felt the cool breeze with a faint metallic smell from the tail of the rocket.


The explosion sounded suddenly, and 150 meters away, the left wall of the target barracks was hit by a rocket, and the entire building began to collapse instantly.


And just before the collapse, several smoke bombs were thrown from the barracks.

In the smoke, Lyudmila vaguely saw several figures wearing iconic bulletproof vests flashing by quickly.

"Attention! The target has left the barracks!"

"Group 1 and Group 2 continue to suppress, Group 3 guards the retreat passage, and the rest of the teams follow me to chase!"


Lyudmila half-crouched, holding the rifle handguard with one hand, advancing quickly while firing short bursts into the smoke for suppressive shooting.

Bullets kept flying into the smoke and out of the smoke, but it was obvious that the bullets flying out of the smoke had a higher hit rate!

"Grenade! Grenade!"



Lyudmila shouted an order, and a mercenary knelt on one knee and quickly fired a rocket at the ground in front of the smoke, but then the bullet from the smoke hit his head.

He fell straight to the ground without even a scream, and his teammates stepped over his body without hesitation and jumped forward to throw a grenade.


The grenade with a precisely calculated fuse length exploded in the air, and the firepower in the smoke instantly weakened a bit.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Lyudmila continued to order:

"Group 5 takes the bunker position on the left side of the barracks! Group 6 continues to advance!"

"Group 4 detours to the right and bypasses their smoke!"


The assault team, which had lost more than one-third of its troops, changed its formation again. They were less than 50 meters away from Barrack No. 2, and with the continuous firepower output, the opponent obviously had no chance of escape.

The target was right in front of him, and Lyudmila didn't even need to get too close.

He only needed to determine the location of the target and fire a rocket in that direction, and the mission was completed.

The gunfire around him gradually became denser, and all the team members were pouring firepower at all costs, sprinting for the last leg of the attack.

However, this distance became as difficult to cross as a dead line.

If you show your head, you will die. With the advantage of thermal imaging equipment, DEVGRU didn't even give Wagner a chance to shoot.

The only thing Lyudmila could do was to suppress the enemy's firepower with grenades and strive for a chance to advance.

"Throw all the grenades! Blow up the smoke!"

The continuous explosions tore a hole in the smoke, and at the moment the smoke dissipated, Lyudmila had taken off the RPG on her back.

A touch of red appeared in front of him.

That was his target, the man named Nadir.

As long as he pulled the trigger, the mission was completed.

But, behind the man, the muzzle of a tank was already pointing in Lyudmila's direction.

This was a choice.


Perhaps it was not for Lyudmila at all.

He pulled the trigger without hesitation, and the rocket exploded directly on the red.

Then he shouted and ordered:



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