An hour later, Chen Chen got into a jeep provided by a local security company.

It has to be said that the equipment of the Kenyan security company gave him a big surprise. He originally thought that these people would only hold some second-hand AKs brought from Ukraine, wear shabby military uniforms, and drive with no sound except the horn. Everyone wants to be a street kid with a bad pickup truck.

But in fact, the security personnel here drove Mobius equipped with bulletproof armor plates. They were holding the same M1014 of the US Marine Corps and the same AK-74M of Maozi. Some even installed unknown Model red dot sight.

Of course, the most outrageous thing is the body armor they are wearing.

Chen Chen felt that the thing looked familiar at first glance. After a closer look, he found that it was exactly the same as the body armor used by the Dongfeng Corps in Pubei.

If there is any difference, it's probably just a few more English logos.

Good guy, Peng Xucheng's business has already reached Kenya, but he didn't even know it.

It seems that I still have to put more energy into "business" in the future, otherwise I really won't even know how big my plate is.

The car drove all the way north. At the beginning, the security personnel maintained a strong sense of professionalism.

Except for the full-time guide who kept introducing the scenery, ecology, and wild animals along the way, no gunman said a word.

However, as the journey became longer and longer, everyone finally began to be unable to hold back the somewhat boring itinerary.

At first, they just whispered to each other.

Slowly, they began to take the initiative to talk to the four people from the Dongfeng Corps. Of course, Chen Chen and others could not act too indifferent. After all, their current status was that they were wealthy tourists.

So, a group of people chatted in broken English in the bumpy jeep, and the slightly funny questions raised by these Kenyans made Chen Chen's tense heart relax a little.

"So you are here specifically to see the primitive tribes? Are there no primitive tribes in the north of you?"

The security leader asked with curiosity on his face.

".There are no more - Africa should be the only place where there are primitive tribes, right?"

Chen Chen asked helplessly.

"Of course not. There are more primitive tribes in Papua New Guinea than here, and they are more primitive."

"Actually, you have been deceived. There are no real primitive tribes near Elewak. Most of the primitive people there are Somalis who perform as a profession."

"Marsabit is the largest settlement of primitive tribes. You should go there."

"We'll go there too."

Chen Chen answered without hesitation, and then added:

"We want to travel all over Kenya. In addition, we will also go to Egypt, Uganda, Sudan, and Ethiopia."


The team leader gave Chen Chen a thumbs up and then asked:

"You are probably considered truly wealthy, right? But maybe you are not an old-school aristocrat?"

"How did you tell?"

Chen Chen asked subconsciously.

"It's very simple. Those real old money won't just walk into our office and ask for security services like you."

"Before they leave, they will inform the housekeeper to contact the Nairobi Police Station and then communicate with us through the contact person at the Police Station."

"At a lower level, they may be contacted through the hotel where they are staying, but they will not go to the hotel's business department, but through Golden Key."

"So, you are most likely the kind of upstarts who have made a lot of money. Well, you are still young upstarts."

"Let me guess. Gold diggers from the north?"

"Close, but not really."

Chen Chen shook his head and denied it, but at this time, he felt a little uneasy in his heart.

The things the team leader talked about seemed casual, and he even revealed a lot of "inside information" about security employment to himself, but basically it can be said that every word he said was testing his identity, and every word he said was full of "inside information". It means "getting to the bottom of things".

If it wasn't that he was too curious, it was because he had other agendas.

Chen Chen looked out the window. According to the road signs that crossed from time to time and the GPS positioning data on his watch, their driving route did not deviate from expectations.

However, this does not mean that you are absolutely safe.

The reason is simple. There is no man's land ahead of them!

Thinking of this, Chen Chen moved his body slightly, took out his right hand from the slightly narrow side, and leaned casually on the glove box.

And at the same time that he made a move, Li Bang in the back seat also adjusted his sitting posture tacitly.

He leaned slightly against the security guard next to the car door, and deliberately squeezed to gain more room for himself.

If the other party intends to attack, his immediate reaction will definitely catch them off guard.

The team leader was still chattering. He seemed to realize that his words were inappropriate, so he quickly changed the topic and continued:

"The situation in Elewak is not safe. It should be said that the situation in northern Kenya is not safe."

"You made a wise choice, you are smart explorers."

"Just last year, there was an expedition team that lost its way in the north. Their families hired us to go into no-man's land to search and rescue them. By the time we found them, their bodies had been eaten clean by wild beasts."

"So, you must have a gun."

"By the way, do you want to hunt?"

“As long as sufficient cash is paid, we can provide hunting services.”

".This is probably not legal, right?"

"No one will know."

The team leader smiled mysteriously and replied:

"We've done this many times and we've never had a problem."

"In fact, hunting in the north of Kenya is much more exciting than in the south."

"There are herds of hyenas, antelopes, and even the occasional wild lion and elephant."

"They are not the docile ornamental species in the reserve. In order to survive, they have evolved to be extremely aggressive. When you shoot them down with a gun, the experience is absolutely unique on the planet."

"Well maybe the only experience more exciting than this is shooting at a living person."


Chen Chen's muscles have begun to slowly tighten.

"Have you ever shot someone?"


The team leader took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, took one out and handed it to Chen Chen. Chen Chen waved his hand to indicate that he didn't want it, and he lit it up.

"I've killed a lot of people - before I did this job, I was a mercenary."

"I was once employed by Sudan's Blue Nile Comrades to perform missions in Saudi Arabia. After retiring, I joined some more commercial mercenary organizations."

"Have you heard of EW Group? I once provided services for them, and that was in Tanzania."

".real or fake?"

Chen Chen looked into the leader's eyes with some surprise, but there was no sign of lying in the latter's eyes.

It is indeed possible that the people sent by Peng Xucheng in Tanzania once hired security or mercenaries locally, but is this too coincidental?

"of course it's true."

The team leader nodded solemnly and then said:

"The bulletproof vests we wear are products of EW Group."

"Our cooperation was very pleasant, but unfortunately, I did not have the opportunity to join that mercenary group."


"They look down on me."

The team leader replied calmly:

"They are truly bloodthirsty monsters, and every battle they have is as terrifying to me as a round of hell."

"Don't you go to YouTube? There is a channel there that is dedicated to counting the number of murders committed by the EW Group."

"According to the above data, the number of killings of the EW Group in Southeast Asia has already exceeded 5,000. Some people even say that they are now in Syria, helping the government forces fight against the opposition, terrorists and NATO."

"If that's true, then their record is terrible."

The team leader shook his head and did not continue.

At this time, the convoy had been driving for more than five hours and was more than 300 kilometers away from Nairobi.

They entered a real no-man's land, and at first glance, outside the window, they could see the desolate scene of the Gobi desert, without any trace of human existence at all.

The atmosphere in the carriage was strangely silent. Chen Chen wanted to speak, but the team leader suddenly raised his hand.

"It's time to get down to business."

"If you want to move forward, you need to add more money."

"You know, the front is very dangerous, and there are still many terrorist activities from Somalia's al-Shabaab."

"To get you to Elewak, we had to take risks that far outweighed the rewards."

"This is unacceptable - and I think you can understand that, right?"

"Completely understand."

Chen Chen nodded slightly and asked calmly:

"But how should we transfer money to you? There is no Internet or bank here, and I probably don't have enough cash on me, right?"

“Elewak has everything we need.”

The team leader let out a relaxed breath and seemed quite satisfied with Chen Chen's "cowardly" reaction.

"Like I said, you're a smart guy, a smart upstart."

"You know how much your life is worth, so you should put your own price."

"If the price cannot reach a level that satisfies us, maybe you can only stay in Elewak."

"The Somalis there will be more cruel than us."


Chen Chen nodded again and then asked:

"Have you always done this?"

"Only occasionally."

"That's it, it's not the first time, right?"


"Did anyone die in your hands?"

"No, we never kill people - but not necessarily those Somalis"


Chen Chen let out a long sigh of relief and looked back at Li Bang in the back seat.

There is no need for any verbal communication. The moment the two people's eyes meet, a coherent decision has been made.

Chen Chen's muscles all over his body suddenly bulged, and before the leader in the driver's seat could react, his left hand had already reached towards the back of the other person's head.

The long hair that was not shaved became the team leader's biggest flaw. Chen Chen firmly grabbed the hair on the back of the opponent's head, and at the same time, his right hand quickly reached out and pinched his chin.

Use force and rotate.

There was a crisp click, and the leader's neck was broken in an instant.

Then, Chen Chen controlled the steering wheel and looked at the back seat.

At this time, the door of the back seat had been opened by Li Bang, and the security guard sitting on the far right was kicked out of the car. Smoke and dust rose up, and the rolling body was crushed by the vehicle behind. The so-called "guide" who was controlled in the middle had completely lost the ability to resist under two consecutive elbows from Li Bang.

"What should we do with him?"

"Leave him."

Chen Chen spoke decisively, then opened the driver's door, unbuckled the leader's seat belt, and kicked his body out of the car.

Then, he quickly flipped to the driver's seat, braked the jeep with a foot, raised the shotgun, loaded it, and aimed at the tire of the jeep behind and shot it.


The jeep immediately tilted to one side and slowly stopped after driving dozens of meters.

When Chen Chen and the gunman arrived, Lin He and Pingchuan had already got out of the car.

They each held weapons that did not belong to them, and the car was now full of blood and brain matter.



After reporting the situation, Chen Chen checked the so-called "security personnel" one by one, and mercilessly shot the still twisting "corpse".

After everything was done, Chen Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.


"It means they hit us. If they were really tourists, they would probably be cheated by them."

"Li Bang! How is the guide?"

"Still alive!"

"Understood. Drag the body down, take the bulletproof vest, burn the car, get in our car and continue moving!"


Pingchuan and Lin He took off the bulletproof vest on the body and threw a relatively clean one to Chen Chen, then quickly got in the car and drove away.

This "battle that was not a battle" lasted only two minutes from start to finish.

In two minutes, the unarmed Dongfeng Corps four-man team killed four fully armed security personnel, but not a single one was injured.

Under the huge shock, the guide who stayed in the car had completely lost the ability to move.

He huddled in his seat, shivering, and made intermittent pleas that were close to moaning.

"Please, I was forced."

"I have never killed anyone."

"Shut up."

Chen Chen interrupted, and then said:

"Keep pointing the way, I will let you go after we get to Elwak."

"I know! I know!"

"Thank you! Thank you"

The car moved forward, and two hours after crossing the no-man's land, the first town in the Elwak area finally appeared in front of everyone.

Chen Chen arrived at the temporary airport where the meeting point was located as agreed, and there, he really saw the truck that had arrived in advance and was waiting.

The stuff has arrived.

Chen Chen finally felt relieved, and he drove the car to the truck without hesitation, while the Somali Youth Party militants who were on alert surrounded him with a covetous look.

Chen Chen pushed the door and got out of the car, showing the identity mark that had been agreed long ago, and said:

"Receive the goods."

In an instant, all the militants put down their guns at the same time.

Chen Chen turned to look at Li Bang and said:

"Kill the guide and notify the plane to land."

"Depart in an hour and cross Sudan!"

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