"Rusda, take them away!"

"I was shot and couldn't move."

"The observation team reported the enemy's mobilization and opened the evacuation channel."

"Quick! Al-Shabaab's offensive can't be sustained."

In the military camp, behind the wreckage of the destroyed tank, Lyudmila huddled up in a ball with difficulty, desperately holding onto the rifle in her hand.

The high-temperature flames of the burning wreckage burned his back, and his hair had begun to curl and deform, but he seemed to be unconscious, staring tightly in front of him.

Just now, after confirming that the mission target was killed, all members of the Wagner Corps immediately began to evacuate.

Their speed was very fast, and it only took them more than ten seconds to completely interrupt the firefight with the enemy in the smoke.

However, this speed does not mean that they can complete the evacuation smoothly and safely.

The empty military camp became their biggest obstacle. Even with smoke bombs as cover, under the continuous suppression of the opponent's armored units, the entire team was unable to launch any smooth counterattack.

Stop, take cover, die.

From 30 people, to 25 people, to 20 people, to 15 people.

All retreat tactics became a joke. The short distance of 150 meters from the combat zone to the edge of the military camp turned into a bloody road paved with corpses in a very short time.

The sacrifice of every five-man team can be exchanged for a retreat distance of 20 to 30 meters, but that's all they can do.

Compared with the armored units, what made Wagner's situation even worse was the SEAL Team 6 who had unparalleled vision advantages.

After noticing the difference between this commando team and the peripheral Somalia Shabab armed forces, DEVGRU did not hesitate to sound the highest alarm.

A large number of smoke bombs were thrown from the rear as if they were free, ultra-short-range drones were released, and rotating grenade launchers poured out firepower all the time.

They hardly ever exchanged fire with Wagner's mercenaries with rifles and machine guns. They just hid quietly behind the smoke, and after finding the perfect fighter plane, they suddenly appeared and struck a fatal blow.

To Wagner, they were as helpless as if they were being stalked by ghosts.

To deal with the "visible" enemies of the Somali government forces, they can also use rocket launchers, grenades, machine guns and grenade launchers to suppress them and gain at least an "equal confrontation" opportunity.

But when facing DEVGRU, they couldn't even find a direction to counterattack.

Without any other options, the so-called evacuation has turned into a race.

Whether Wagner could withdraw from the military camp and retreat into the chaotic city before the entire army was annihilated became the only suspense.

Bullets kept flying over Lyudmila's head. He calmly changed his body posture and lay prone on the ground.

Then, he tilted his body and hid most of the rifle under his body, concealing his shooting action.

He knew that in the blurry field of view of the thermal imager, he was no different from a corpse that had just died and had lost any ability to resist, and the "fire attention" he received would be greatly reduced.

Of course, it is impossible for him to shoot and hit the enemy with such a posture, but as long as the gunshots continue, the enemy's progress will inevitably be delayed.

This is the last thing he can do for his teammates - he is ready to face his own death.

On the radio, noisy shouts were still coming, and the teammates who continued to retreat were not doing well.

They were surrounded by the light infantry of the Somali government forces that crossed in. Although the opponent's combat effectiveness was not high and the level of protection was even worse, under the cover of armored vehicles, they still played their best role as line-filling infantry.

The retreat that had begun to accelerate was once again delayed, and the team had to temporarily change its direction of travel and detour towards the gap to the south.

Lyudmila's body continued to vibrate with the action of shooting, and he silently counted the number of bullets fired.

And when his countdown reached "0", with a crisp click, the rifle's barrel was completely emptied.

At this moment, his body suddenly relaxed.

His hand reached for the last grenade on his chest, and his fingers dug into the ring.

But just before he was about to pull the tab open, the gunshots around him suddenly became intensive.

Immediately afterwards, a figure came out of the smoke. Lyudmila subconsciously reached out to touch the pistol at her waist, but after seeing the person's face clearly, he couldn't help shouting.

"Rusta, are you crazy?!"

"Come on! Do you want to die here too?!"

Rusta didn't say a word, but quickly threw forward, grabbed the AK-74 from Lyudmila's hand, and thrust the RPK-74 in his hand into the opponent's hand.

"Suppression shot!"

Be concise and to the point.

Rusta untied the drag belt around his waist, opened Lyudmila's coat, and tied the drag belt to the quick hook behind the bulletproof vest. Then he turned around without hesitation and picked up Ludmila's jacket. AK-74, quick reloading.


As soon as the words fell, Rusta started to move.

The huge force once again tore Lyudmila's wound. After a strong dizziness, Lyudmila dragged the gun in front of her and fired a series of short bursts at the smoke in front of her.

"Bang bang bang bang -"

A ferocious counterattack came immediately. Large-caliber machine gun bullets jumped on the ground like stones hitting water. The flying metal debris scratched Rusta's thigh, but his movements did not stop at all.

At this time, they were still close to 60 meters away from the edge of the military camp. At their speed, it would only take them 20 seconds to arrive.

On the edge of the military camp, the battle between Somalia's Al-Shabaab and the government forces has reached a stage of decline after intensification. A large number of government troops have begun to encircle them. If they are slow for even a second, they may be completely blocked in the military camp.


Lyudmila yelled, Rusta pulled out the last magazine from his chest and threw it to the back. Lyudmila twisted her body and grabbed the magazine that fell on the ground and inserted it, but before he could pull the bolt and load it, a round was waiting. Long dead bullets suddenly burst through the smoke.


A slight friction sound sounded inside the two of them.

The bullet penetrated Lyudmila's shoulder and then entered Rusta's thigh.

The two fell down in response. In a blur of consciousness, Lyudmila saw Rusta struggling to turn over.

The other party pulled away the grenade he was carrying and threw it into the distance.

A vague explosion sounded, and immediately after, several blood flowers exploded on Rusta's body again.

He fell down hard and hit Lyudmila hard.

Lyudmila clearly heard the "ho ho" sound of blood surging in his throat, and Rusta's hand was still groping for his chest as if unconsciously.

Before losing her last consciousness, Lyudmila held Rusta's hand.

Then, he pulled the latch of the grenade on his body.

In Rusta's ear, he said hoarsely:

"Damn, one is enough."



In the hotel living room, Chen Chen put down the phone in his hand with a solemn expression, then took a deep breath and said to the other three people who were looking forward to it:

"Nadir is dead."

After the words fell, the expressions of the three people immediately became cheerful, but before they could speak, Chen Chen continued:

"However, the Slavic legions were almost completely wiped out."

"completely annihilated?"

Li Bang repeated it subconsciously, and then asked with surprise on his face:

"Didn't it mean that Russia mobilized Somali al-Shabaab militants to simultaneously launch attacks on military camps? Didn't it mean that the Slavic Legion was only responsible for the core beheading operation?"

"How could they be completely wiped out? Without a direct confrontation, even if they hit DEVGRU, they shouldn't be unable to evacuate, right?"

"Mogadishu is so big and chaotic. As long as they can withdraw into the city, they are basically safe."

"And the Sinkadir Army Camp is almost within the city of Mogadishu. Can't we run away from this distance?"

After Li Bang finished speaking, Chen Chen nodded slowly and replied:

"Yeah, they can't run away."

"The key to the problem is not DEVGRU. In fact, our initial thoughts were the same as those of the Slavic Army, the Russian side, and even the Somali Al-Shabaab."

"We all believe that the Somali government forces are completely fearless in the battle. Their rule is maintained entirely by the support of the United States."

"After the United States withdrew most of its military forces, they should have entered their most vulnerable period and become vulnerable."

"But in fact, the situation is quite different from what we imagined."

"Somalia's al-Shabaab mobilized more than 2,000 militants from various camps in Mogadishu, including JD elements, mercenaries, bandits and armed civilians."

"These people launched an attack on the Sinkadir military camp at almost the same time. According to the plan, even if the military camp is not completely destroyed, the government forces should only be able to defend passively."

"But in fact, the fight went in a very different direction than anyone expected."

"The defenders in the Sinkadir military camp not only blocked the attacks of the militants, but even organized several very effective counterattacks in a very short period of time."

"The military camp showed no signs of being breached at all, and this forced the Slavic Corps to take the risk of approaching and fighting."

"We have not received more detailed information about the specific battle process."

"The only thing that is certain is that they did clash with DEVGRU and completed the beheading despite the heavy firepower of DEVGRU and government forces."

"The vast majority of casualties occurred during the retreat. What they could do was almost the limit."

Having said this, Chen Chen sighed.

After a pause for a few seconds, he continued:

"That's really Maozi's style."

"There is not enough planning. The tactical arrangement looks reasonable, but in fact there is no room for error at all."

"There is too much reliance on the individual capabilities of combat units, so that when there is a problem in one link, we must rely on the overall strength to make up for that flaw."

"This is not essentially a technical problem, it is a problem of lack of systematization."

"The lack of systematization has adversely affected the decision-making tendency during combat, turning them into reckless men one after another."

"If this continues, Mao Zi will have a big problem."

After he finished speaking, the other three people in the room fell silent.

Chen Chen didn't know what other people were thinking, but he knew that such a problem would continue to expand in the next decade or so, and eventually develop to an irreversible point.


However, it was too early to discuss this issue now.

There was another more difficult problem that he urgently needed to solve.

"The Russian side has arranged for other leaders of the Youth Party to take over the cargo transportation work. Considering the risks that have emerged, they decided to speed up the delivery."

"The cargo is expected to arrive at the border between Somalia and Kenya in 24 hours. We must set off as soon as possible and complete the reception as soon as possible."

"Time is tight and we can't waste a second."

"Moreover, considering the roughness of the Russian plan, we must change all subsequent delivery routes."

"We can no longer detour from Kenya. After the plane arrives, we have to cross South Sudan and fly directly to Khartoum for landing."

"This means that we must cross the airspace of South Sudan, and we are likely to be attacked by anti-aircraft missiles from the ground during the process. We cannot evacuate after arriving in Khartoum, but must follow up and complete all the tasks of this operation."

"I won't ask you if you want to withdraw. It's too hypocritical."

"I only want to ask one thing."

"How are all the preparations I asked to make before?"

After the voice fell, the other three people in the room immediately sat up straight.

Then, Li Bang spoke first:

"I have confirmed the aircraft preparation with the rear. A DHC-5 transport plane is ready to take off. At the same time, a C160 civilian transport plane will be on standby at any time. If there is a problem with the DHC-5, it will take off urgently from Garissa to take over the transport flight mission."

"In addition, Khartoum has made preparations for the pick-up. We will land directly at the temporary airport near Port Sudan and immediately go to northern Sudan by water and dock near Port Fude."

"If there is a problem with the sea transportation route, Xia Xing will contact local companies to provide inland transportation support, but if we take the long-distance land route, we must complete the disassembly and packaging work within two hours after landing."

"This step is difficult. There are not enough technicians locally, but remote guidance can be provided."

"Also, the contact person in the northern combat area The personnel are ready, but they are Maozi's people. "

"We have to stay. This is different from the original plan, and there is no alternative plan."


Chen Chen nodded slightly, and then said:

"Then stay. Lin He, how are the cars and security prepared? "

"The order has been placed and we can set off at any time."

"Medical and communication equipment?"

"Limited, but enough."

Pingchuan immediately spoke and replied:

"In addition, I used a little bit of my connections."

"I contacted a mercenary team--to be precise, an anti-poaching team. If necessary, they can provide us with necessary support near Elewak."

"No problem."

Chen Chen nodded again, took a deep breath, and said:

"The Maozi is unreliable, we can only do it ourselves as much as possible."

"Now, everyone pack up and set off immediately! "

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