As the airdrop pod landed, a group of shark men descended from the sky and launched a surprise attack on the ruins of the castle surrounded by black air.

Because ammunition and supplies are extremely scarce, the sharks will give priority to using melee combat to solve the problem.

But this does not affect their strong combat effectiveness.

They are the Emperor's angels of death, they are the ruthless blades of the Raven King.

Their extremely strong close combat capabilities are second to none among the major Astartes chapters in the Empire, and even their enemies, the World Eaters, speak highly of them.

As the chapter leader of the Man-Eating Sharks, the power of Tiberos's "Scarlet Blood Road" is even more powerful.

He was like an unstoppable super-heavy tank, crushing the infected ancient weapons in front of him at a speed that was difficult for ordinary warriors to catch with the naked eye.

The pair of extremely violent power claws easily tore through the enemy's stone shell and took out the ancient parts inside. The machine without its internal organs soon became inactive and turned into a pile of scrap metal.

His fighting stance is both ferocious and swift, as if the Primarch were still alive, creating a terrifying nightmare for anyone who opposes him.


At this time, Tiberos felt very irritable.

Because there was a voice lingering in his mind.

"Be careful, there are two more Guardians ahead."

Tiberos rushed up the steps and saw two ancient machines.

Those multi-legged stone lumps like spider statues were aiming at him with infrared rays, followed by a high-explosive blue laser.

Tiberos dodged the enemy's attacks with astonishing speed, and took the opportunity to get close to him, tearing them apart easily with his claws.

"The next right way is to go to the right, clean out the filthy flesh and blood, and the road will appear."

But Tiberos already knew this.

Relying on the empire's scanning technology, it is not difficult to figure out the structure of this ruin.

He asked his men to use flames to eliminate the sarcoma tissue blocking the way, and continued to move deeper into the castle.

"Then turn left at the second intersection ahead, over there."

"Shut up, Alien Witch, and get out of my head!"

Tiberos, who couldn't bear it anymore, scolded, his voice so low that he seemed to want to eat people alive.

"Did I distract you? I'm very sorry."

The soft female voice said guiltily, mixed with a little panic.

"We are serving the Emperor of Mankind, not following your orders, so don't dictate our actions!" Tiberos warned.

"I'm sorry, I understand." The voice said aggrievedly.

Then the annoying voice finally stopped, and Tiberos could peacefully lead his men to continue the battle in front of him.

However, not long after this calmed down, a layer of golden light appeared on the bodies of the warriors of the Man-eating Shark.

The thin golden light curtain covered their power armor, blocking the erosion of the surrounding evil forces.

Even the areas where the mecha's bite was not smooth due to lack of maintenance have become smoother, as if the tired machine soul has been soothed.

There is no doubt that this must be another masterpiece of the owner of the voice.

The fighting methods of these warriors in front of them were too reckless, and scars quickly covered their bodies. This scene made Princess Zelda extremely heartbroken.

However, Tiberos warned again: "Stop, alien witch, our bodies are precious properties belonging to the emperor. You are not allowed to use this unclean power to defile us. You are not going to corrupt us!"

Zelda felt extremely aggrieved. This was the first time she had seen someone with such a barbaric attitude: "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help."

As Tiberos continued to kill enemies, he said, "We don't need your help. Your race will always set traps in it."

Zelda retorted: "How is it possible that we have always lived in peace with people from other tribes on this continent."

"This continent?" Tiberius felt a little incredible.

What on earth is this wild bean sprout witch pretending to be? Want to take advantage of others by deceiving sympathy?

But no matter what, Tiberos' steely determination will not be shaken. This world will definitely belong to the Empire and the Lord of Mankind.

The man-eating shark slashed all the way, successfully rushed into the deepest part of the castle, and came to the seal.

During this period, Princess Zelda has been using her own power to help suppress enemies on the road.

This time, the man-eating sharks finally had no objection and turned a blind eye to the help they received.

"The disaster that led to the destruction of our kingdom is sealed here. You must be careful!" Zelda warned.

"Stop talking nonsense, Alien Witch, let us finish this battle quickly!" Tiberos said still coldly.

Then, the seal was lifted, the demon was released, and the sky fell into a red storm of chaos.

A giant wild boar with purple flames all over its body rushed out from the underground of the castle and crashed into the man-eating sharks ahead. The final battle was about to begin.

By the time Wei Mu and others arrived, the battle had just ended.

The giant wild boar demon was killed and once again entered the centuries-long resurrection reading.

The man-eating sharks were repairing their wounds on the spot, while an Elf girl was walking among them, sparing no effort to treat their wounds.

Of course, Tiberos does not believe in aliens, but this does not mean that the sharks cannot use the power of aliens.

Many war groups will secretly absorb alien technology, and some will even secretly raise some aliens at home.

This battle made him fully aware of the convenience of the Eldest witch in front of him, so he was considering whether to tie up the opponent and provide buffs to their battle group in the future.

Even if the situation is really bad, Tiberos can trade her with the oil guys in exchange for the missing ammunition and gene seeds. I believe those guys will definitely want to know about this talented bean sprout alien.

"What you were worried about didn't seem to have happened." Moore said softly when he saw this.

"This is a good thing." Wei Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

However, their arrival made the sharks present vigilant, and they all entered a state of alert.

Link was surprised and said: "What's going on? Aren't they your own people?"

Wei Mu scratched his head: "He is indeed one of our own, but he is just a very troublesome one of our own."

On the other side, to Zelda who was eager to say hello to Link, Tiberos said in an unquestionable tone: "You are now the property of the man-eating shark, the alien witch!"

The pair of bright claws shone with cold light, as if the princess would instantly pierce her chest if she made a disobedient move.

Then, Tiberos said to Wei Mu and others: "A Dark Angel, a mortal, and...why do you appear here?"

"Hello, respected leader of the Shark Chapter, I am Maul, and these are Wei Mu, Link and Jawa. The reason why we are here is to handle some diplomatic matters with the Eldar. Very soon. Glad to see you didn't get into any trouble with the locals," Moore replied.

"Diplomacy? When did the Empire start diplomacy with the Eldar?" Tiberos asked.

"Ever since the Eldar awakened the Primarch Lord Guilliman from his ten-thousand-year slumber." Maul explained.

"Guilliman, are you saying that the Lord of the Ultramarines has returned to the Empire?"

"Yes, he is now the regent of the empire. Since his return, many things have changed."

That’s why this group of people get mixed up with bean sprouts.

Tiberos looked at the group of people in front of him carefully, feeling a little unsure.

They had been out on expeditions for so long that they knew nothing about the current state of the empire.

However, despite this, there is one thing they do know...

"You..." Tiberos suddenly raised his hand and pointed at Wei Mu beside him, "Are you the author of that book?"

Then, in an instant.

Wei Mu could feel that the eyes of all the man-eating sharks present turned to him.

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