Seeing this scene in front of him, Moore stroked his eyebrows with a headache.

"Well, although the content of the book "The Restoration of the Empire" is indeed very bizarre, I can guarantee that it is a book legally issued by the empire, and even the original body himself has approved it."

"The revival of the empire?" Tiberos said in surprise, "What kind of revival of the empire? I'm talking about this book!"

The Chapter Master waved his hand, and the adjutant presented a book.

Moore took the book and looked at it carefully. The four characters "Bright Power Sword" were clearly written on the cover, and the author's signature was none other than Wei Mu.

Then he cast doubtful eyes on his companions.

"Well, that was something I wrote for fun before..." The person involved scratched his head and said awkwardly, "But don't worry, we are doing justice this time, trust me."

Moore's face twitched.

What you are accounting for this time is right. Do you know that those who used to account for feelings are wrong?

Moore opened the book hesitantly and read out a fragment:

"When I first took over the Man-Eating Shark, the army did not have combat effectiveness. It lacked manpower, lacked gene seeds, and most importantly, lacked weapons and equipment."

"There are less than ten sets of Terminator armor in the whole group, and there is not even one Dreadnought. The bolt gun is Tigrus, Shadow type, and the rifling has been smoothed. In this way, each person is assigned two bolts. "

"I went to the Crow King to ask for it. What do you think he said? I want a gun! I want a life. See how many spears my head is worth. I'll cut it off. Go to the emperor and ask for the gun!"

"I said, Crow King, after all, I am also the leader of the Space Marine sub-chapter. You can't let me be inferior to the Astra Militarum. Isn't this destroying our Raven Guard's trademark?"

"What do you think the Crow King said? The Crow King said, I have the equipment. What do I want you to do? If you have the ability to be a war leader, you have the ability to get a gun. Otherwise, you can go home and fencing with the chicken thieves. Don't do it here. This is embarrassing.”

"Come on, this is what I'm waiting for. Let me get a gun. No problem. But you can't read the Codex Astartes to me. You have to let me have some autonomy. I can't give you all the benefits. The Crow King has taken possession of it, and he wants me to get a gun, and he wants me to be a good boy. This is called being unreasonable."

"The Crow King said: Go ahead and figure it out for yourself. I don't care about anything. Red taxes and gray taxes are up to you. I'm warning you Tiberos, don't bother me with these bullshit."

"That's it, in less than a Terran year, the Man-Eating Shark has everything, the Explosive Gun, the Lightning Claw, the Power Axe, and the Contemptor."

"If we have a good guy, we will have a big appetite for cannibalism. If we didn't have this wealth, would I dare to go head-to-head with Huron? Just dream!"

It is another random arrangement of other people's apocrypha. Except for the actual existence of the characters, all other contents are fictional.

Wei Mu himself said with a smile: "Look, isn't this good? Creating a positive image for the various war groups in our empire is conducive to the harmonious performance of the military and civilian families."

"Then there's also the so-called advance of my wife to the great sage Belisarius Caul, and exchanging half a million boxes of subspace grenades from him. Is this also building a positive image?"

The adjutant of the man-eating shark asked angrily.

"And the latter part, we can't get the scepter of the Silent King, but it's not difficult to get the scepter of the Overlord. Let's do this. You add another hundred thousand boxes, and I'll get you an undead bitch. .Is this also for the sake of the military and civilian family?"

After one set of operations, everyone was immediately silenced.

Wei Mu blushed and argued forcefully: "You man-eating sharks kill enemies in the outside world every day. Do you understand what image publicity is? If you don't understand, don't worry about it. Leave it to professionals. Anyway, the final effect will be good."

But Tiberos didn't believe his lies.

The chapter leader came to Wei Mu and said word by word: "We! No need! What! Bullshit! Image promotion!"

Tiberos' monster-like size and the terrifying violence contained in it can bring a suffocating sense of terror and oppression to those in front of him.

However, Wei Mu was not convinced. He finally found justice. How could he be defeated? So he said directly: "Why, everyone in the empire knows what kind of virtue you man-eating sharks were before. Is it wrong to help you change your image? What if? All the Space Marines messing around like you do, the Imperium will be finished for the day.”

Tiberos scolded: "What other people do is none of our business. We don't need to engage in this set of things. It will only slow down our preparations for war, and will only give the enemy a chance to escape the sanctions of the Emperor's Hammer. It will also add red taxes." and gray tax are all legitimate rights granted to us by the empire!"

The red tax and gray tax are really such a thing that those high lords were so stupid that they came up with such a thing. If I have the chance in the future, I will definitely delete them, but now it is indeed reasonable and legal, leaving Wei Mu speechless. It can be said.

Wei Mu could only reply: "You have your responsibilities, and we also have ours. Since we can't agree with each other, then we just don't interfere with each other."

"Non-interference with each other?" Tiberos said angrily, "You have already spread this book, why don't you interfere with each other?"

Wei Mu scratched his head: "Well, what's wrong with the spread? If you don't want to play the trick of marrying the military and civilians, just continue to collect red taxes and gray taxes."

Anyway, he had no hope of doing well with the group of man-eating sharks in front of him, so writing that book was just a whim.

Tiberos said in a low voice: "For the sake of all mankind, we can endure any discrimination, insults and injuries, but we cannot ruin the reputation of the Crow King, do you know?"

In the past, man-eating sharks could commit suicide at will, but in the end everyone would just scold them, and they didn't care about their reputation.

But now that a book by Wei Mu has been released, everyone in the empire knows that they are the cubs of the Crow King. If they do anything outrageous, the reputation of the Lord of Shadows, Clarks, will also be ruined.

"Well, if that's the case, then why don't you do something less bad? For example, just let them decide the winner during the recruitment, instead of fighting them to the death or the living?" Wei Mu tried to say.

"Our mission is to eliminate the enemies of mankind, other things are not within the scope of our consideration!" Taboros said, "Anyway, this matter was brought about by your kid. If you don't solve it now, don't blame me. Talk about brotherhood.”

Oil and salt are not allowed to enter. These guys are trying to persuade people to do good and also encourage monsters to come out.

"What should I do? Do you want your supreme master to provide them with supplies in the future?" Wei Mu looked at Moore beside him.

"Our family is not well off, okay?" Moore said quickly.

"Never mind this charlatan, your First Legion is as fat as a wild horse," Wei Mu said.

But Moore still shook his head quickly.

If he dares to take on this job, the senior executives of the Dark Angels will dare to put a label of fallen angel on his forehead and make him disappear from the world.

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