I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 103 Ark Spirit Tribe

These poor sharks seemed to have blackmailed him.

He keeps saying that his books are not good, but the things in them are quite familiar.

Wei Mu Chana thought about countermeasures for a long time, and suddenly remembered that when he attacked the insect home planet, he asked the clown Sarkozy to help him back up a batch of Tyranid biological samples.

Those things were originally used by him to build a good relationship with the Adeptus Mechanicus, but now it seems that he may have to donate them.

After having an idea, Wei Mu pointed at Link and Zelda and said to Tiberos: "Let's go back to the empire. We must take them both to see the regent."

It's time to put negotiations with the Eldar on the agenda.

Tiberos said: "This planet has been occupied by us. It is an important asset of the empire. We need to protect it. And why should the man-eating shark obey your arrangements?"

They are also planning to use this planet to exchange resources with the oil guys.

Wei Mu explained: "Let this planet go. Times have changed. We have to establish a good relationship with the Eldar Race. The credit for promoting the formal alliance between the two races is enough to allow you to apply for remote resources ten times."

Tiberos asked: "Can the two of them promote the alliance between humans and Eldar?"

Tiberos had a deep understanding of the princess's power before, and the male Eldar brought by Wei Mu and others could tell that he was very skilled just by looking at his posture.

But to say what hope they had, to be able to bring about an alliance between humans and Eldar, which was worth more than a heavenly world, Tiberius couldn't believe it for a while.

"Of course." Wei Mu nodded, "Because the two of them are the hopes cultivated by the Laughing God. They are serious spiritual races that are hard to find in the entire galaxy."

Despite this, after thinking for a long time, Tiberos still said: "The Star Language Court has sent out a message. We will be stationed here and wait for the empire to take over this world."

The chapter leader chose the most conservative approach - not to listen to Wei Mu's words.

Just stay here and wait for the Empire to send someone over, and then everything will be revealed.

"In this case, you must be prepared to fight. There may be many people fighting for the right to belong to the two of them." Wei Mu reminded.

He couldn't get the man-eating sharks to obey him. This group of sharks had been on an expedition to the edge star system for hundreds of years. They couldn't even figure out the current situation of the empire. The most Wei Mu could do was stop them and tell them not to mess around.

As long as they don't fight, they can still communicate.

Then, Wei Mu came to Link and Zelda's side.

"The brave man defeats the devil, rescues the princess, and then the two of them live a happy life together... I really can't bear to disturb you guys."

Wei Mu scratched his head and said helplessly.

"I still remember that the Regent's ideal is to be a farmer, sweating in the fields and working until sunset."

"But you, like him, are the ones chosen by fate. You must stand up and lead everyone to face the deep malice in the universe."

Zelda hesitated: "But these compatriots of yours, they seem... not very friendly."

The image of the group of man-eating sharks in front of her was really far from the good guy camp in the princess's impression.

"This is the true appearance of the outside world. We humans can be said to be 80% crazy, while your race is 99% crazy." Wei Mu waved his hand, "Your gods created a relatively mild environment to cultivate you. , just to give you enough courage to fight against the unimaginable darkness outside. The burden on you is much heavier than you think."

Getting to know the monsters and monsters outside requires a step-by-step process. It happened too quickly, and Wei Mu was worried that the two of them wouldn't be able to bear it.

On the other hand, because the demons on this planet have been banished, the hero and the princess have no burden on them, so they are still curious about the real world that Wei Mu said, and are hesitant to see it. ——Although in reality they had no choice.

"You can't follow them!"

However, at this moment, an urgent voice came over.

The man-eating sharks took out their weapons one after another and entered a fighting state.

The guys who suddenly appeared were a group of white bean sprouts. Judging from the markings on their clothes, they seemed to be warriors from the Bietan Arkworld.

"You are the hope of saving our race. You should stay with your compatriots instead of listening to the deceptions of this group of monkeys." The female commander named Delina said.

Thanks to their supreme gift of prophecy and convenient navigation through the Webway, the Eldar are always in the right place at the critical moment.

"Stand back, alien!" Tiberos warned, "or I'll make you bloody on the spot."

"Stupid monkeys, you have gotten involved in something you shouldn't get involved in. The blood of innocent people will flow again because of your bigotry," the commander said.

"There is no innocent blood flowing from you bean sprout aliens!" Tiberius scolded.

Seeing that the two sides were about to start fighting over this, Wei Mu quickly stopped the angry Shark Chapter leader.

“Leave negotiations to the professionals.”

He didn't want the Empire to start a fight with Bai Douya at this juncture.

Taboros glanced at Wei Mu. At least judging from the performance of the group of white bean sprouts in front of him, the two young Eldar were indeed valued, so they believed in him a little.

After obtaining the consent of the Chapter Master, Wei Mu stepped forward and gave the Eldar salute to the warriors of Bietan, which he learned from the Pied Clown.

"Hello, Ada people, we have no intention of conflict with you here."

"I have heard about your deeds. You are the human being who has been in the limelight recently."

Delina looked at him carefully.

Wei Mu's face was filled with a kind smile: "Then you should also have heard of my philosophy. All kinds of evil in the galaxy are just around the corner. I hope that both of us will stop wasting our power on each other."

Delina said coldly: "If you really think so, then leave them both in our hands, and we will take good care of them."

Wei Mu waved his hand: "This is not okay. I am responsible for both of them."

Delina said sternly: "They are members of our clan, you have no right to talk about this!"

"I'm afraid I have the qualifications. Your gods have entrusted their fate to me. Otherwise, why do you think I would appear here before you?"


The human beings in front of them have some kind of cooperation with Xi Lego. This matter has been spread among the Eldar. It is really possible that the clown god is secretly planning this scene.

Delina was unreasonable. She actually didn't want to reason with the group of monkeys in front of her. She was just worried that the target she was seeking was in the opponent's hands and she was worried about forcing the opponent to jump over the wall.

So she curled her lips and turned to Link and Zelda: "Do you know what they are going to do to this world? They will kill all the residents on this planet and then take it as their own, human beings Never a partner we can trust.”

Since you can't convince the humans in front of you, then convince the parties themselves.

Zelda's eyes widened and she asked Wei Mu, "Are everything they said true?"

"This is something I try my best to avoid." Wei Mu sighed, "We have done too many bad things like this in the past. I want to change this situation, so I need your strength."

Delina took advantage of the victory and continued: "After your race has committed numerous crimes against us, how can you say such a thing?"

"This, this." Wei Mu didn't know how to answer for a while. He didn't want to make the situation too tense.

But this suddenly made Tiberius next to him feel uncomfortable: "You said that we humans are not qualified? You bunch of bean sprout aliens have already created..."

"Don't say His name!"

Delina shouted quickly, stopping the Chapter Leader from continuing to speak.

Tiberos was stunned for a moment, and then quickly came to his senses.

"So they don't know about this yet?"

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