"Don't read that name in front of them, now is not the time." Delina said anxiously.

These bean sprouts clearly know their butts are not clean, and they always like to show off in front of others.

"It's too late." Wei Mu sighed, "They have realized this, and Link was trained as a brave man, so he must move forward bravely."

If you are afraid of the problems you face, how can you defeat the enemy in the future?

Seeing everyone around them turning their eyes towards them, Link and Zelda had puzzled looks on their faces.

They had a very bad feeling.

"What on earth are you talking about?"

"We are talking about the original sin of your race, the terrible depravity caused by millions of years of pleasure-seeking. The stars were torn apart, the order was disordered, and countless lives were devoured." Tiberos said, "Originally, there were only three people in the subspace. An evil god of chaos, and your ancestors created the fourth one."

Although the Chapter Leader did not say it directly, Link already had some images in his mind.

He saw, in a luxurious and decadent palace, a grand road paved with dazzling blankets.

"That's the Prince of Darkness."

On both sides of the road, countless depraved souls were enjoying themselves and doing all kinds of despicable things wantonly. The intoxicating smell of perfume floated in the air, and all kinds of decadent sounds could be heard endlessly.

"The Lord of Pleasure."

The closer they get to the depths of the palace, the crazier the people's way of enjoying themselves. They pursue violent sensory stimulation, using drugs, burning, pain and even electric current. Those cheerful voices also turn into trembling and... Scream.

"The Great Desireer."

And on the most exquisite throne, Link saw a graceful and charming figure, but he felt so terrifying.


The figure noticed Link and was quickly attracted to him, as if he had discovered an unexpected treasure. The expression on his face ranged from curiosity, to surprise, to joy, and finally to madness.

A pure, sunny, hopeful and energetic spiritual race, a brave man who came out of the fairy tale world, as beautiful as a picture scroll.

This is simply unheard of.

The enthusiasm radiating from the young man was like a psychotropic drug that made him intoxicated and addicted. Having already enjoyed all the pleasures in the world, he had never tasted such delicious food.


A sharp and ecstatic sound of joy sounded from the depths of the palace, and spread throughout the subspace in an instant.

(Khorne: Damn bitch, why did you suddenly lose your mind!)

Want to get him;

This was the only thought in Slaanesh's mind at the moment.

The Prince of Darkness directly used his divine power to absorb Link's soul. The powerful power even broke the boundary between reality and illusion, and appeared in front of everyone in the form of a beautiful figure.

"Belong to me, and I will take you to taste all the beauty in the world..."

If it weren't for the deep-rooted fear and oppression, just looking at the appearance, people would even think that this is a real goddess, comforting the soldiers who are fighting bravely.

Link was half-kneeling on the ground, barely supporting his body with his sword. He could feel the terrible truth hidden under that exquisite body, and felt that the existence in front of him was like a black hole, trying to suck his consciousness into it.

"No, you can't do this!"

Princess Zelda rushed forward and stood between Link and Slaanesh, trying to use the same power that suppressed the demon before to drive away the enemy in front of her.

This is true because she is overthinking it.

It was just a remnant of the Maiden God Lilith, and Slaanesh even ignored it.

In the face of such pressure, he can still stand up for his beloved. The relationship between the hero and the princess in front of him makes the Lord of Joy jealous.

But that jealousy lasted only a moment, for the Lord of Pleasure soon realized that he could have them both.

However, just as Slaanesh stretched out his hand to take away Link and Zelda, a burst of golden light emerged from the hero's body and pushed him back.

The evil god's gaze was cut off.

The majestic subspace power retreated like a tide, and the real universe returned to calm again.

Immediately afterwards, Slaanesh's terrifying roar came from the palace, like an irritable noblewoman whose beloved dress was torn.

"Si Lego——!"

He shouted the name of the Laughing God, his voice filled with unimaginable fury.

The latter was hiding in the black library deep in the webway, chuckling secretly, and the feeling of being defeated by the enemy was so pleasant.

(Khorne: Damn bitch, are you still finished?)

It turns out that cooperation with the God-Emperor is valuable, and the souls of the hero and the princess are protected.

This makes it impossible for Slaanesh to claim their souls even if they are killed.

Such a design made the Prince of Darkness furious, but he was trapped in it and unable to extricate himself, just like his followers who were addicted to pleasure.

So he quickly gave an order to his servants to capture the two spirits even at all costs.

The demonic army of Slaanesh suddenly poured out of the palace like a frantic disaster and began to search for traces of their target throughout the galaxy.

Naturally, other Chaos Evil Gods would not miss such a good show.

The Lord of Skulls, Khorne, immediately stated that he would directly chop off the head of the Dark Prince's beloved concubine and hang her head on the brass throne as a decoration.

Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, believes that the Eldar warriors will be a good bargaining chip, which will help him implement various interesting plans.

Nurgle, the Lord of Disease, felt that fighting and killing was not a good thing. Reuniting those two special children with Elsa, the goddess of life, would be a happy ending.

Of course, everyone present knew nothing about what happened in the subspace.

After Slaanesh's power retreated, each of them was still frightened and their bodies were soaked with sweat.

"That existence is our enemy...our original sin..."

Link stood up tremblingly, breathing heavily.

He had never imagined that there could be such a terrible being in the world, one that was created by his own people and cursed each and every one of them.

"Yes, I'm sorry..."

The commander of Bietan Ark was at a loss for a moment.

For ordinary Eldar, the existence of Slaanesh is a fact that they all recognize, but for Link, who has a special background, she really doesn't know how to explain it.

At this time, Link remembered what Wei Mu had said before - human beings are 80% crazy, while the Eldar are 99% crazy...

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't be with you."

Link said slowly.

The mental toll Slaanesh had taken on him was severe.

He couldn't even imagine how crazy the compatriots in front of him had to be to come up with such a terrible thing.

"No, you can't do this. You are our hope to defeat the enemy. You must stand with your compatriots!"

Delina said hurriedly.

If our savior really ran away with humans, this would become a very serious political issue.

The identity of the brave will not be recognized, and the Eldar will lose a great weapon.

At this moment, a giant imperial warship jumped out of the subspace and hovered in the outer orbit of the planet.

That was the Ultramarines' flagship, Macragge's Glory.

Everyone present knew what its appearance meant. It was as gorgeous and powerful as its owner.

Then, a group of blue cans fell from the sky and took over the situation in an instant.

Of course, among the overwhelming crowd of blue cans, there is a graceful figure—Everene, the prophet of death.

"Just leave the rest to us."

Like a parent who takes over trouble for a naughty child, Evelene spoke.

Well... at least now they can claim to the outside world that it was the leader of the Death Army, not the humans, who took over their heroes.

So, surrounded by a group of blue cans, a group of people boarded the ancient giant battleship of the Ultramarines.

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