I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 119 Biological Furnace

The "Biological Forge" is a giant factory designed by the Star God, specifically used for biological transformation rituals.

It is from this terrifying mechanical device that the C'tan's most powerful weapon is produced - the Necron.

The price paid was the entire Necrontyr race.

After the Necrons successfully overthrew the rule of the Star Gods, they carried endless hatred and destroyed all the bloody machines that slaughtered their entire race, but they did not expect that there was still one left in the world.

Trazin didn't know for what purpose the factory in front of him was preserved.

But for big collectors, even if the "Biological Forge" represents the tragic past of the Necrontyr, it still has high collectible value.

What a serious mistake that was.

Even the countless foolish acts of intelligent creatures in later generations cannot be compared with it.

The terrible disasters caused by the jealousy of their race should be remembered as an everlasting warning.

Trazin touched the abomination lightly, metal fingers scraping against it with a harsh sound.

While he was inspecting this giant equipment, his thoughts couldn't help but go back to the beginning.

Like other Necron, Trazin has always deliberately avoided that tragic past, and some of his memories have even been seriously missing.

However, he still followed the fuzzy fragments in the storage and successfully found the start button of the "Bio Furnace" and pressed it.

Then, after a lapse of 65 million years, this great thing designed by the Star God began to operate again.

The huge mechanical equipment is constantly shaking due to the work of the engine, and the hot furnace in the center is emitting a dazzling light.

The resurrected factory looks like a creature that has been starved for a long time. It urgently needs something to put into it to curb its greed.

"Praise be to Om Messiah, only a god can perform such miracles."

The oil priest stared blankly at the "biological furnace" in operation, and was attracted to it like a moth to the flame.

Even if they only understand a shred of its true meaning, their achievements can far exceed that of all the sages in the world.

With such an opportunity in front of us, so what if it is doomed?

"Stay away from it, humans. Isn't the curse that happened to our race enough to alert you?"

Facing a large group of oil guys who were eager to try, Trazin warned.

"I don't think so, Alien. In it, I see the infinite possibilities of human beings."

The leader, Sage Luo Ning, spoke enthusiastically.

"Infinite possibilities?" Trazin smiled contemptuously, "There are never infinite possibilities in the things given by the Star God. From it, all you can get is the end of everything."

"No." Sage Luo Ning denied, "That is just a failure of your race, but we humans can do better."

He and the oil guys stepped forward, trying to force the Endless One in front of them to retreat, monopolizing the great legacy of the Astrology God.

However, Trazin just stood aside and watched everything unfold coldly, showing no intention of stopping it.

If the human being in front of it intends to destroy itself with its own hands, then it doesn't need to do anything more.

Sage Luo Ning slowly walked to the outlet of the "Biological Furnace", as if he was about to embark on a great pilgrimage, and slowly unloaded the various technologies on his body.

The mechanical priests next to him sang binary hymns loudly and sent blessings from the God of All Machines to him.

After removing his technological equipment, Luo Ning's figure looked a little rickety. Most of his flesh and blood had been replaced by metal prostheses. He looked like a Necron. Only his head still retained some traces of the creature, indicating that he had not yet Cross the boundary between people and things.

Then, Luo Ning walked slowly into the "biological furnace" with staggering steps.

Inside, his body was transformed and reshaped.

A strange sound came from the huge machine, like some kind of terrible scream, and even the hymn of the Mechanicus could not cover it up.

No one knows exactly how the bio-furnace works.

But after a moment of waiting, as the sounds in the factory gradually disappeared, a new-born Necron was pushed out.

That was exactly what Luo Ning was after the transformation.

He has become one of the living dead and is no longer a human being.

The former human sage felt the immortal body he had just acquired, and infinite emptiness suddenly swept over his consciousness.

Soulless machinery, copied consciousness, no breathing and heartbeat.

This change is nearly fatal to the mortal mind.


Luo Ning observed his body, and his tone of voice could not tell whether he was excited or lonely.

"At least I'm sure this thing can still function normally." Trazin immediately turned off the giant machine and said with a smile, "So do you understand what you have lost now?"

"Yes, the consciousness that controls this body is just a copy of the data. The real me has been killed by that device..."

Luo Ning buried his head low, wondering what he was thinking about.

Regardless, the fact that a human version of the Necrons, coupled with the ancient "Biological Forge", could obtain two rare collections at once made the Infinites rejoice.

Even if he failed to capture the kid in the end, his hard work was not in vain.

Just when Trazin thought this matter would be over, a small stone suddenly appeared in Ronin's hand.

A red and crystal clear gem contains some strange power.

"Is this...the soul stone of the Spirit Tribe?"

Trazin's tone was filled with shock.

Items developed by the Eldar to protect themselves from Slaanesh, in which the souls of dead creatures can be stored and protected.

"Unlike you back then, when I underwent the flesh-and-flesh transformation ceremony, there were no greedy gods waiting for my soul to fall into my mouth."

Luo Ning used his unfamiliar body to gently hold the red gem.

At this moment, this is everything to him, and his own soul resides in it.

And when he put the stone into his body, the emotions he had just lost filled his metal body again.

"This is the correct use of [Biological Furnace]." Luo Ning said with a smile.

He's obviously very pleased with the result.

"This...how is this possible?"

Trazin looked at what was happening in front of him in disbelief.

Although it is still not a true mechanical ascension, Luo Ning's situation is much better than those of the Necrons.

He still retains his soul.

His undead body can function immortally for tens of millions of years and act as his personality.

The two are not unified existences, but they can be regarded as unified existences.

Luo Ning can stay in this state for a long time until he finds a real path to promotion.

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