I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 120 False Ascension

With the help of necromancy technology, the body is mechanized and the consciousness is digitized.

With the help of Ada's technology, souls will be stored and prevented from drifting into subspace.

Finally, the soul stone is embedded into the body.

This set of operations sounds like no problem.

After all, these two technologies have been personally verified by the first two overlord races of the galaxy. Even if there are any mines buried in them, they have already stepped on them beforehand.

There is no doubt that Sage Luo Ning is standing on the shoulders of giants at this moment.

"I can break the soul stone." Trazin reminded, "In this case, there will still be no difference between you and me."

"Of course, true immortality is not so easy to achieve. But it is precisely because of its irreplaceability that it is extremely precious, isn't it?" Luo Ning asked rhetorically.

Although the soul stone was Luo Ning's weakness, he did not gain much strength due to this transformation, but he took a big step on the road to immortality.

As long as there is a possibility of success and nearly unlimited time, he can always find a way to truly achieve immortality.

The existence of this weakness drove Trazin almost mad with jealousy.

"Are you sure you can't come up and take a look? It's a bit outrageous that the situation has developed to this point."

Moore, who was still standing at the door of the mausoleum and constantly reporting the situation to Wei Mu, said.

"If you know enough about Trazin, you will know that this may also be part of his trap."

An old fox with thousands of years of cultivation was acting like a stranger, so Wei Mu had to be careful.

But looking at this, Sage Luo Ning will definitely be dealt with in the future, and the empire will never allow this to happen.

When a group faces difficulties, the most taboo thing is that only some people can get on the safe bus, leaving others to stay where they are and suffer.

Over time, the two groups were destined to go their separate ways.

What's more, from a biological point of view, this kind of "mechanical ascension" has completely lost the characteristics of human beings. Instead, it is closer to the Necrons. There will definitely be serious problems in the mutual recognition between the Necrons and the Empire. .

After that, Sage Luo Ning made a slogan, "We are the future of mankind", which was a lot of fun.

Immediately after the rise of the Third Reich, countless people were attracted by the gimmick of "mechanical ascension" and joined him one after another.

The Emperor deliberately suppressed the power of the Space Marines until the Great Rebellion got out of control, and then gave the "Primary Mother Nature" to Krax to create the Super Raven Guard. He was afraid that the human race would be divided and that this new type of humanity would dominate the old humanity. Condition.

In this regard, the Emperor can only rest assured about the Custodes, because the Custodes represent his own will, so no matter how powerful the superhuman Custodes are, they will not become a hidden danger to the human race.

But think about it carefully, even if humans really put this "biological furnace" into use, how many people can be transformed?

One or two soul stones can be easily obtained, but if you want to obtain them in large quantities, you must steal them from the spirit tribe - they are their lifeblood, how can they be shared with humans?

The same goes for living metal. Humans cannot make this kind of material and can only rob the Necrons, and the Necrons will never allow humans to use their heritage.

If it really wants to use the "Bio-Forge" to do something big, it means that the Empire will provoke the two previous overlords of the galaxy at the same time.

Therefore, this thing can only be used on a small scale, which is equivalent to having some low-end versions of "Eternal Ones" on the human side, and it has to pass the Inquisition.

"This is not my plan. I directed you here just to increase the collection of the exhibition hall."

Trazin finally recovered from the shock and looked at the Mechanicus sage in front of him with a wary expression.

He smelled a conspiracy.

"You old thief, you finally admitted it!"

Wei Mu's voice came from outside the main tomb chamber.

"Damn human brat, my museum was messed up by your little bug god, and I haven't settled the score with you as the guardian yet!"

"You are a human trafficker who abducts and sells underage gods. How dare you mention this to me?"

"Those black bean sprouts are the traffickers. Instead, I generously rescued him. And shut up, now is not the time to discuss this matter."

Trazin scolded Wei Mu for a few words, and then turned his attention to Luo Ning.

"You are right, Necromancer. I was guided by a great being, not your little tricks. Also, thanks to your presence, my plan was able to avoid being blocked by a superstitious young man. Destruction." The Mechanicus Sage said with a smile.

"Let me guess, the great being who guides you must not be the Ohm Messiah worshiped by your Mechanicus."

Trazin held the staff of empathic annihilation with both hands and entered a state of high vigilance.

"They are the most precious gifts you have left behind." Luo Ning said.

"They are curses, they are death, they are vampires of the stars." Trazin retorted loudly.

"They were." Luo Ning said with a smile, "But you defeated them, didn't you?"

"The previously unscrupulous gods were trapped in a small cube and no longer had the glory of the past. So in order to escape from the current predicament, they must give generous rewards to get the help of tiny beings like me. .”

"Thank you very much, living dead, for giving me the opportunity to negotiate a deal with the gods. Your contribution to this universe is truly unparalleled."

Luo Ning's words hit Trazin's heart like a heavy hammer.

This feeling was especially strong when he realized that what the Necrontyr had exchanged for destruction ultimately paved the way for the advancement of other races.

Taking advantage of Trazin's mentality being affected, Ronin united with his followers and used the power given by the Star God to attack him.

A huge explosion came from the main tomb chamber, and the entire tomb world was shaking.

When Wei Mu rushed in with the sharks, they were greeted by a group of Necron Skinners.

The monsters infected Trazin's double and were staring at everyone.

"He must be stopped!" Wei Mu shouted loudly.

The man-eating sharks raised their swords and killed each other, trying to open a way.

But they were still a step too late after all.

In the main tomb chamber, a portal across space was opened.

The powerful existence at the other end is the initiator of all this.

Luo Ning used his power to store the precious "Life Furnace", and led a group of followers beside him to step into the portal.

He succeeded in obtaining the reward promised by that god, and he could obtain more from Him.

As for those mechanical priests who still followed the empire, they were ruthlessly killed by them.

Before leaving, Luo Ning left a special bomb, and the entire main tomb area began to collapse.

Rolling rocks kept falling from above the head, and the fierce sound was like the roar of a giant beast.

"You can't do this, they won't stand on the side of humans."

Wei Mu shouted towards the portal.

"The Star God will eventually rise!"

The undead sage Luo Ning just replied coldly.

Then, only boundless darkness spread.

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