After Guilliman officially took over the responsibility, Wei Mu still had a lot to prepare for the follow-up.

As planned before, he first got a bail for the oil guys of Cologne, and then fished out the former chapter leader of the Mantis Warriors.

These actions were all approved by Guilliman.

After a new official takes office, if he wants to quickly establish his prestige, giving favors to those who have made mistakes is a very effective political method.

As expected, the oil guys who were released on bail expressed their gratitude to Wei Mu and expressed their full support for his next actions against the maelstrom.

Having a forge world open to supply supplies and even mobilize the Titan legions stationed on it is undoubtedly a very beneficial thing.

However, as a price, the Tribunal took away the banned technologies that were discovered, as well as many of the research results of the oil guys, and more than half of Cologne's originally full underground treasure trove was moved away.

This is a bit unsatisfactory.

Wei Mu also tried to argue with the judges about this.

When the war breaks out later, these gadgets will definitely come in handy.

What's more, basically every forging world will hide some forbidden technologies, and it seems to have become a routine. It's better to just turn a blind eye and just fool them.

In other words - how about selling me to save someone's face?

However, his reputation seemed to be a bit weak, and the judge never relented.

If it cannot be found, forget it.

The current situation is that the problem of Cologne Star has been brought to the surface.

If this is left alone and becomes a typical case, the taboo-violating activities of the oil guys will definitely become more rampant, and there is no telling how many Luonings will appear by then.

There is no way, this is also my responsibility, it is not something you can mess around with because of your big face.

Some things don't weigh as much as four ounces if they don't go on the scale, but once they go on the scale, they won't weigh a thousand pounds. That's what it is.

The lack of further investigation of responsibility in this regard can be regarded as the result of the judge making a huge concession.

"In that case, okay." Wei Mu sighed helplessly, "When you come back, in addition to bringing the old mantis Hessen Neotra, you will also bring me some trainee judges. How many of them do I have?" How much do you want?"

"What do you want them to do?" The female judge named Quinn suddenly warned, "Don't even think about pulling the trigger."

In addition to appointing Dante, Chapter Master of the Blood Angels, as the Dark Regent of the Empire, this is the second time Guilliman has appointed such an important official position, and the power he holds in his hands is somewhat disturbing.

After all, things like Huron have already happened in the Maelstrom area.

Moreover, she found that this boy's performance was a bit erratic, and he had an air of unreliability all over him.

"I'm pulling a big-headed ghost!" Wei Mu yelled, "There will be major operations in the Maelstrom area soon, and all the major empire worlds in the area need to be rectified."

Because the territory of the empire is so vast, the high lords of Terra simply cannot control it.

They have no time to care about how each planet is governed. As long as those planets do not rebel and pay tithes on time, and when they send imperial envoys down below, the locals are willing to cooperate.

That's enough.

In other words, as long as you don't step on these minefields, the District Governor is basically a local emperor-like existence, and can lead the group of nobles around him to do whatever they want.

You don't need to think about it to know that in such a relaxed environment, how many resources that should belong to the empire are sucked by these parasites, and precious wealth is resold on the black market, and some even fall into the hands of the enemy.

As for the local people, as long as they don't starve to death, they have to thank the emperor for his blessing.

When Wei Mu was on the front lines cleaning up the Milky Way, he didn't want these local snakes to secretly work for him from behind, so he had to work hard to clean them up.

He didn't expect the effect of the investigation to last long, because corruption would always breed. As long as it lasted until he defeated King Huron, it would be considered a success.

"If that's the case, we will do our best to help." Quinn nodded.

She didn't dare to make a guarantee because there was always a shortage of manpower.

Soon after, the Inquisitors left Cologne with a large amount of dangerous goods.

Only the newly released oil guys with sad faces were left standing in groups in the wind on the tarmac, their thoughts messy.

"Don't worry, there will be engine oil and the toaster will be there." Wei Mu could only console him.

"But that is our hard work for centuries, my lord." A mechanical priest sighed.

For these innocent people, Luo Ning's betrayal was an unthinkable disaster.

Not many people can let go easily when the small coffers they have saved for a long time are emptied out.

"At least those things will still be used by the empire." Wei Mu tried to say.

If you think about these things being robbed by traitors, you will suddenly feel that being taken away by the Inquisition is not so bad.

"I hope so." There was uncontrollable sadness in the oil man's words.

It is certainly a good thing to be loyal to the empire, but they also hope to explore the truth of the universe, open up a future path for mankind, and carve their names into the monument of civilization and progress.

In addition, if the traitor dares to steal, they at least have a chance to fight back and blow up the opponent.

"When I steal Blackstone technology from the Necron in the future, I need you to work harder and learn as much as you can."

Seeing that his comfort had no effect, Wei Mu could only change the subject.

Hearing this, the eyes of the oil guys suddenly brightened up again.

That is the technology to manipulate the power of subspace.

If they can master it, it will bring endless benefits to the empire, and it will be an absolute great achievement.

Even more bluntly, as long as they can accomplish this thing, their life will be worth it.

"We have to be ready for this!"

Andre also used this to encourage his subordinates to forget the previous unpleasantness and instead devote their energy to the next career.

"That's right, sir. I seem to have seen notes about black stone technology somewhere. I will go back and look for it." A sage said.

"I'm going to contact my former mentor. He is studying this topic." Another sage followed closely.

"I have a friend who works on Mars and is an expert in this field. If he could come over, he would definitely be able to provide great help."

Others also spoke one after another, and the original depressed mood was swept away.

This time, Wei Mu couldn't be punished.

He could imagine what would happen next - the news that there was an opportunity to analyze Blackstone technology was spread, and a large group of crazy oil guys were attracted, and they came to find out regardless of the huge gap.

Being able to gather talent is a good thing, but the problem is that this is not a peaceful season.

The opening of the Great Rift has made subspace navigation, already full of dangers, even more unpredictable.

Plus various natural disasters, pirates, traitors and aliens

The sages of the Mechanicum are valuable assets to the empire, and the technology and wisdom they possess can even be worth a million soldiers.

If these were lost in batches on the way, Wei Mu would be guilty of a great crime.

So he hurriedly stopped the excited oil guys: "Wait a minute, this matter needs to be discussed again."

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