I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 129 Logistics

War is about logistics.

This old saying is still true even in today's 40K era.

When a pile of official duties pressed on Wei Mu's face, he couldn't help but miss the days when he led green men to fight.

Although it was boring and not much fun at that time, there was nothing that he needed to worry about.

Greenskins have a strong desire to fight, high growth potential, and no evil intentions. Their replacements and logistics can grow directly from the soil. Their weapons and equipment are all made of scraps. They are also extremely resistant to Chaos. What they have is waaagh! The energy is even more outrageous.

It can only be said that he is worthy of being an ancient saint, and he can actually create such a race.

However, it is okay to use green skins to defeat aliens, but humans have to rely on themselves to deal with chaos.

As Wei Mu said before, humans must surpass Chaos in character, otherwise traitors in their race will always emerge in endlessly.

So the situation became what it is now - almost a whole room full of documents waiting for his review.

As a lord of the empire, it is indeed easy to live and drink every day, but if you want to do something down-to-earth, it can also be exhausting.

Ever since the news of Wei Mu's appointment spread, the imperial world in the Maelstrom area has fallen into an atmosphere of imminent storm.

People who can sit in high positions are not fools. They know that the arrival of this Jiedushi Master will completely change the rules of the game in this area.

And change means a change in interests.

Some people will take advantage of the situation to rise, while others will be forced to spit out the fat they have eaten.

Therefore, the local snakes tried their best to find out about the young Jiedushi, his hobbies, habits, and behavior style, so as to determine their next position.

Wei Mu knows these things.

He also knew that someone would definitely take advantage of this period to disown the illegal things he had done in the past, destroy evidence, and find a way out for him.

He wanted to use thunderous means to deal with these guys as soon as possible.

However, he was really too busy.

He doesn't do anything else every day, just looking at documents can make him vomit.

So in addition to asking the Inquisitor for people, he also asked the pied clowns to contact his hometown of Midden and asked Governor Karl to support him with a group of talents.

As a result, after receiving the news, Karl not only brought a large group of capable talents, but he also ran over, saying that he hoped to contribute to the war ahead.

This couldn't be better.

Wei Mu immediately gave up the position of the Governor's Mansion and gave him full management of the Odeka Star as the headquarters.

Wei Mu was quite reassured about Karl's ability and character.

With him here, Wei Mu can be free to do other things.

"In addition, help me summon all psykers under the age of fifteen." After handing over the matters in hand, Wei Mu immediately asked.

"What do you want them to do?" Karl asked curiously, "Psychics are a group of unstable threats. If they do not show enough talent to be absorbed by other imperial institutions, they are usually forced to perform frontal lobotomies and become countless One of the servants.”

Even if Carl was managing a heavenly world before, this harsh method must be used for psykers.

"I have mentioned to you before that the correct direction of human evolution is from ordinary people, to psykers like the Eldar, to immortals like the Old Ones. The former Emperor hoped that mankind could safely enter the world. During the psyker stage, that plan was interrupted due to the great rebellion. Even so, we should not stop the pace of evolution - a race that stands still is destined to have no hope." Wei Mu explained.

"What about the risks?" Karl asked, "They are so weak and don't know how to protect themselves. This place is located in the maelstrom area and is easily affected by chaos."

Psykers themselves are delicacies in the eyes of warp creatures, and coupled with their special connection to the warp, daemons will have the opportunity to enter the real world through them.

They can take over a psyker's body, or they can directly transform the psyker into a brief warp portal.

It is this reason that blocks the path for human collective spiritual ascension.

"A Necron overlord has promised to support our Blackstone technology. With that thing, we don't have to worry about the influence of subspace within a certain range." Wei Mu said, "In the future, I will train them under the protection of Blackstone. .”

In fact, Wei Mu wanted to directly seize the black stone fortress in Wang Huulun's hands and open the Psychic Academy he had always wanted to have on it.

As for the Necron overlord, he hurriedly ran to his hometown, the tomb world Solemnas.

The surprise brought by Wei Mu caught Trazin off guard.

He had a lot of things to prepare again, and matters related to Wei Mu and Luo Ning also had to be reported to the Recovery Council.

The Necron, who had spent tens of millions of years, should have been numb to the passage of time, but at this moment, Trazin felt that there was not enough time.

"You must be patient, don't let me disappear before the transaction between us has begun." When they parted, the Endless One specifically reminded him.

The only smart boy in the universe, his species finally saw a little glimmer of light.

Although Trazin wanted to completely protect Wei Mu, he could not interrupt Wei Mu's growth.

The current strength of the Wei Mu is not enough to save their race.

"Before we officially take action against the Maelstrom, there is still a lot of work to be done. The fierce battle will not start so soon, so you can just move more quickly." Wei Mu said with a smile, "And if you really don't trust me, You can also give me something good for self-defense.”

"I'm just a protector of history and culture, and I'm not a wealthy person. How can I have so many things to give away? Besides, the ring on your hand is already worth most of the artifacts in the galaxy. It is used for It’s more than enough for self-defense,” Trazin said.

"But I heard recently that the golden laurel crown that our regent loves most is missing. I don't know what man-made evil it was." Wei Mu sighed longly.

"Maybe he accidentally dropped it somewhere during the war. Hey, what a pity. It is such an important cultural relic. If it had been handed over to me, such a heartbreaking thing would not have happened. Whenever I, the old man, When seniors give you advice, you young people are always reluctant to adopt it, thinking that I am doing it out of selfish motives."

Trazin said without blushing or out of breath.

"Anyway, that's all I've said, and you can take care of the rest."

Wei Mu would not listen to his nonsense.

Except for him, no one else has this method.

What's more, even though Wei Mu had set traps in the tomb world and tried to catch him again and again, Wei Mu hadn't even bothered to deal with this old rib.

Now the situation is a bit embarrassing.

After all, Trazin still needs support from Wei Mu, so pretending to be crazy and acting stupid will not work.

"Okay, I'll go back and look through it to see if there's anything suitable." Trazin could only say.

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