I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 139 Classic Tactics

As mentioned before, the Red Pirates are a large but loose organization.

As early as the early days when those rumors spread, Blackheart Huron had already sent people to warn all the Red Pirates to stay calm and not to act impulsively, especially those followers of Khorne.

He even sent a messenger specifically for this purpose, but something went wrong.

The World Eaters couldn't stand a little provocation like this.

The Iron Warriors also felt that Huron's avoidance was a sign of weakness.

And some Night Lords also expressed their dissatisfaction with this matter.

Some of them simply want to kill their enemies to vent their hatred.

Some want to take the opportunity to expand their influence so that one day they can surpass Huron and become the talkers of the Red Pirates.

All in all, several Chaos warbands joined forces and relied on the contacts and resources accumulated over the years to form a team of more than 2,000 people.

They set up an ambush along the Mantis Warriors' march route, preparing to completely wipe out this group of arrogant puppet emperor's lackeys.

Because Wei Mu's attack intention was too obvious, the mantises naturally fell into the red pirate's trap.

The battle took place on the Crimson Star, located in the middle of the Maelstrom.

Four hundred mantis warriors descended from the sky and were trying to clear away the pirate strongholds on the planet like garbage.

They rushed into the port and slaughtered the traitors inside.

The mortal cultists were helpless against the Emperor's angels of death, and their organized defenses were quickly penetrated.

This should have been another battle without any suspense.

As a result, nearly a thousand Chaos Space Marines suddenly appeared in the stronghold, and in turn surrounded the Mantises.

At the same time, in space, more than a dozen rebel warships also appeared from the asteroid belt.

More than 600 bad cans were aggressive and launched a gang-hopping battle towards the loyalist ship.

"Despicable puppet emperor's lackeys, today is the day you die!"

The traitors laughed loudly and attacked the besieged mantis wantonly.

Countless guns and cannons came from all directions, forming an extremely dangerous fire network.

More than double the numerical advantage, and it was still a successful ambush.

They are sure to win this battle, and the enemy will have no chance of escaping.

A chapter is about to be permanently delisted, nearly a thousand gene seeds are waiting to be harvested, and there are five ships available to receive them.

Blood and glory to the dark gods.

The Chaos Warriors sense that fate is smiling upon them.

However, the traitors were not happy for long when a piece of disturbing news came out from the Red Pirates' communication channel.

"This is a trap, there are more than one battle group at all!"

Someone screamed in horror.

The six hundred Chaos Space Marines responsible for the gang-hopping successfully broke into the Loyalist warship.

They thought that what was waiting for them inside was scarce combat power and a fragile defense line. They could go on a killing spree against the puppet emperor's lackeys and enjoy the slaughter as much as they wanted.

After all, four companies of the Mantis Warriors have been sent to the ground.

However, the actual situation is that the battleship is filled with several corridors of Primaris cans, and they are waiting for them with guns and live ammunition.

The situation on the ground is the same.

The traitors who carried out the encirclement operation discovered the airdrop support provided by the Mantis Warriors to the trapped compatriots. Looking at the scale, there must be at least a full battle group.

"How is this possible? We all know the distribution of the Imperial Chapter in the Maelstrom. Where did they get so many people?"

The Red Pirates were not foolhardy. They had investigated Wei Mu's various situations beforehand, but they didn't expect that this kid was secretly hiding people on the battleship.

The Chaos Warriors realized that the situation was not good, and began to abandon the siege and shrink into formation.

And such behavior will be the starting point for the Red Pirates to bleed.

The reason why Wei Mu dared to rush into the maelstrom was because he drew three companies from each of the other seven battle groups, which is 2,100 people, and gave them all the spray paint of the Mantis Warriors. To cover people's eyes and ears.

Including the original thousand, he actually had 3,100 Space Marines with him.

A standard battle group has at least four to five battleships, enough to accommodate millions of people. It is easy to hide thousands of Space Marines.

So as long as he doesn't encounter the kind of encirclement and suppression by thousands of Chaos Space Marines, even if he can't defeat them, he can easily escape.

As for the Chaos warbands who couldn't stand the ridicule and rushed forward regardless of the situation, Wei Mu was waiting for them.

"Send a message to the five non-remaining battle groups, as well as the Imperial Navy, the Astra Militarum, and the Battle Sisters, asking them to send troops to the Crimson Star for support."

"Also, send a message to the Red Pirates, saying that they have 3,000 bad cans surrounded by 6,000 of our big Primaris guys. Let's see if they dare to come to the rescue."

Wei Mu sat in the commander's seat and said with a smile.

Originally, he just wanted to give it a try and contacted the green-skinned army while doing things casually. Unexpectedly, someone actually took the bait and sent two thousand people over.

"As you wish, Jiedushi."

Realizing that the enemy of Chaos was about to be defeated, the pied clown danced and quickly took action.

On the other side, Huron's face was very ugly.

As a man with rich combat experience, he could tell at a glance that this was a classic tactic of encircling a point for reinforcements.

"Three thousand people were trapped... Where did they get three thousand space warriors from?" Forging Master Valtex asked in surprise.

"I heard that many war gangs have joined this joint operation. The specific number is still being verified." Intelligence personnel reported.

The Red Pirates' body count has always been a big issue.

Many of the people below have ambitions and always like to hide and keep their true strength a secret.

"What should we do? We can't just ignore them."

"But this is clearly a trap. The puppet emperor's lackeys must have opened their pockets and are waiting for us to fall into the trap."

The top management of the Red Pirates were having a heated discussion.

Huron was able to build such a large family business in just two hundred years because of his reputation and loyalty.

If he refuses to save him now, it will definitely have an impact on his future reputation and his dominance will be shaken.

But if the rescue is forced, the strength may be greatly damaged.

Many people present were even a little gloating, ready to see how Huron would sing this good show.

"This data must be fictitious. We have already seen their public opinion offensive. The empire is weaving conspiracies." Huron judged calmly.

"What do you mean?"

"They may have successfully surrounded a group of our brothers and are trying to eat them. The reported number of six thousand people is just to deter us. In fact, there are not that many." Huron explained, "So you have Who is willing to lead the troops to rescue our trapped brothers?”

The Badab tyrant glanced at the soldiers present, making the group of people who were preparing to watch the show feel a little uneasy.

He asked again, but everyone still pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Since none of you are willing to stand up and save our brothers, then it’s normal for me to give up on them, right?

At least in name, Huron's operation was passable.

Since those reckless people did not listen to advice, they should be responsible for their actions. There is no need for them to waste their efforts on this.

As a result, what he never expected was that there would really be a stupid young man who dared to take this job.

"Give me four thousand soldiers and horses, and I will fish them out."

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