I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 140 Countermeasures

The name of the man who suddenly jumped out was Skala, the leader of the notorious Dark Wolf war gang.

This Chaos warband was once a great company of the Space Wolves Chapter.

But within the Space Wolves' sphere of influence, anyone who dared to deliver such news was slain by the terrifying Sons of Fenris.

It is said that before the Fall, the Darkwolves were given an almost impossible task as punishment for their unrecorded failures or crimes.

However, that mission brought the Dark Wolves to the edge of the Abyss, where they lingered for so long that the excess of taint poisoned their souls forever, causing them to eventually abandon their faith in the Emperor and instead plunge into Chaos. embrace.

"Give me four thousand men and I will fish them out!" Skala said with firm eyes.

This is a good opportunity for them to increase their prestige, and the ambitious Dark Wolf tries to show its fangs.

Even if the proposal is rejected, he will gain extra points in the eyes of his colleagues because of this act of loyalty.

In addition, due to the instability of the gene seeds, the Space Wolves' recruitment speed has been very slow. Coupled with the new breed of Space Marines brought by Guilliman, Skala has a strong sense of crisis. .

The Dark Wolf must do something big or it will die quietly.

Huron had always suspected that these wolf cubs were more or less born with a taste of Khorne, and they seemed to particularly enjoy meeting challenges.

"Are you sure, Skala? This is a very dangerous operation that will very likely cause us further losses."

Huron sat on the high throne and stared at the dark wolf who stood up with surprise.

Years of experience as a leader have enabled him to hide his innermost feelings so well that others cannot read any information from his facial expressions.

No former member of the Star Claws has dared to challenge Huron's authority, and Huron doesn't believe they have the guts.

But those who came after him, who imitated his great betrayal and sought refuge in the Maelstrom, lacked reason for loyalty.

Now, some of them are seeking to maximize their influence through intrigues and simple bloodletting.

"Of course, King of the Red Pirates, we shouldn't give up on those brothers no matter what, right?" Skala asked.

Dark Wolf's behavior was righteous, and no one present dared to refute it, unless they didn't want to continue to hang out in the Red Pirates.

With him taking the lead, the rest of the people started to get ready to take action.

"We have warned them before, maybe they should be responsible for their recklessness." Only the forging master of the Red Pirates stood up and retorted.

Valtex knew that his master did not want to continue to waste his strength on such things, and he was very dissatisfied with Dark Wolf's behavior of gaining influence for himself.

Although such behavior is not unusual for Chaos Space Marines.

But surprisingly, Huron agreed.

"In that case, fine, I will give you four thousand troops to rescue those trapped brothers. May the dark gods bless you with victory."

Perhaps considering that sometimes the damage caused by public opinion can be greater than the actual damage, the Badab tyrant finally nodded.

"I will definitely not disappoint your expectations, sir."

Skala, who stole the show, had a satisfied smile on her face.

His audacity earned him the opportunity to command a large force in battle, despite the dangers involved.

For an ambitious person, even if he dies spectacularly, it is much better than staying safe and losing sight of everyone in the end.

After establishing the plan, the red pirates quickly mobilized their troops.

More than twenty main warships are hovering above their hometown of New Badab, eager to try.

More than 100,000 mortals transport strategic supplies to those battleships, and thousands of vehicles and massive weapons are waiting to be used.

Mutants, aliens, humans, and space warriors all sharpened their blades, preparing them to drink the blood of their enemies.

This was a force powerful enough to crush an entire star field, and Huron spent decades building it.

And when he left the empire, he only had a few defeated soldiers, and he himself was half dead.

No one can underestimate a hero who can do this.

Blackheart Huron will remain deadly until he expires.

"Sir, I don't understand why you want to send such precious combat power into the enemy's trap. Such a decision is really unwise!" While watching the army set off, the casting master on the side couldn't help but say .

That is all their hard work, and it is the foundation of their establishment in the Maelstrom.

Although not all of their belongings, if such a force suffered a loss, the Red Pirates would be severely injured.

And such a scene is clearly about to take place.

"Don't worry, my forging master, not only the enemy can use tricks." Huron said with a smile, not worried at all.

"Please forgive my ignorance, my lord, do you have any special arrangements?" Valtex asked.

Thousands of our own Space Marines are besieged by the enemy. This does not look like a situation in which they have the upper hand.

"Of course." Huron nodded, "The four thousand troops will go to rescue our trapped colleagues, but they will not directly participate in the battle of Crimson Star - they will attack the forging world of Cologne and force the imperial troops to return to defense. If If the operation goes smoothly, we will not only be able to successfully carry out the rescue, but also inflict heavy damage to the empire."

Huron certainly had no intention of digging into that obvious pocket, nor would any commander with any sense. Such behavior would be tantamount to throwing himself into a trap.

Since some people have already taken the initiative to make sacrifices and attracted the firepower of the puppet emperor's lackeys for him, he doesn't mind making good use of their sacrifices.

To attack the east and attack the west, or to surround Wei and rescue Zhao?

Call this move whatever you want.

At least morally, he could give his subordinates an explanation and legitimately recover the losses in another way.

Maybe Huron is indeed a little old, but the Red Pirate King is not weak enough to be led by the nose.

After Skala received the order from Huron, Dark Wolf's original joyful mood suddenly sank.

He knew his attempt had failed.

And all Huron gave him was a warning for his little thoughts.

"So what's your answer, Lord Dark Wolf?" the tyrant's messenger asked.

"I will obey the will of the Red Pirate King, as always." Skala chose to continue to surrender.

Without Huron's name, he could not command this army.

There is no such thing as "absolute loyalty means absolute disloyalty" among Chaos Space Marines.

If we really do this, most of the warbands will fall apart.

Skala's little thought towards Huron can even be called a brother-in-law relationship. After Huron hammered it down, it became even more effective.

In this way, the mighty army of the Red Pirates quietly attacked the Forge World of Cologne under the guise of supporting the Crimson Star.

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