I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 142 Dark Wolf Raid

Astrologers believe in their visions of the future as if they had already happened.

But the Endless Man obviously does not believe in this set of things. He feels that the so-called fate is just one of the thousands of possibilities for the development of things. At best, the probability of it happening will be a little higher.

If the trajectory of destiny had been determined and could be observed, then their gods would not be reduced to the current situation where they were dismembered into thousands of pieces and used as energy envoys.

"Since you have determined his value, you shouldn't be so far away from him. You should stay by his side and watch him carefully." Orikan accused.

"Of course I'm helping him, otherwise what do you think I'm busy with here? And that young man is not a flower in the greenhouse. He knows what's appropriate and needs to grow." Trazin retorted.

"No matter how you say it, he is just a young creature. Even under thirty years old, he is no different from a baby. The malice lurking in the galaxy is too terrifying, and many of them are beyond his ability to deal with." Ourrican reminded.

"Speaking of age, you have been an undead for too long. Ourrican has lost the concept of time. Not to mention that for humans, they can be considered adults at the age of eighteen. I think we were When the Necrontyr is thirty years old, they have already passed the stage of hard work, and some of them have even begun to take care of themselves and have grandchildren." Trazin retorted.

"You speak as if you are not an undead, damn Trazin, you have to show off, right?" Orikan said angrily, "Don't let me get angry on this, my warning is serious, this There are already too many [chosen people] in the universe who have fallen into darkness, and he may become the next one at any time.”

The two Necrons continued to discuss matters related to the prophecy, and their words were mixed with mutual ridicule.

However, on the issue of "supporting Weimu as soon as possible", the two of them finally reached an agreement.

Although Oerikan's prophecy cannot be regarded as truth, it is definitely a foolish move to ignore it.

Trazin had to speed up his construction of the black stone obelisk to avoid any mistakes.

However, at this moment, the war suddenly reached Cologne.

Dozens of Chaos warships appeared in the sky without warning, like a group of evil dragons covering the sky and the sun.

Those technological creations that were once loyal to Ohm Messiah have long since been removed by the traitors from the imperial double-headed eagle symbol and replaced with various Chaos Eight-Pointed Star totems.

In the corridors of the ship, sarcoma hyperplasia tissue can be seen everywhere, and the surrounding area is filled with a strong smell of blood, as if walking in the belly of a beast.

Heads pierced by spikes, sacrifices whose skins were peeled off in rituals, there are countless signs of evil.

The bodies of the crew members have more or less mutated, and some have even directly integrated with the battleship, becoming a part of this terrifying thing forever.

"It's those things, we gotta destroy them."

Located in the deepest bridge of the Chaos battleship, the commander of the fleet, Dark Wolf Skala, is locking his attack target.

The black stone obelisk under construction could not be effectively hidden due to its own characteristics, so the Chaos Lord quickly found its location.

"Those rib aliens, are they cooperating with the empire? Or is it that the empire has found a way to enslave them? This is not mentioned in the intelligence."

The image from the ground was uploaded to the big screen on the bridge, and the Dark Wolf Think Tank on the side reminded.

No one likes their plans to have unforeseen consequences during their operations, and the harmonious coexistence of the Necron and the Imperium should definitely be included.

"Not every battle can achieve complete mastery of intelligence. My brother, we only need to destroy those things to complete the mission assigned by the Red Pirate King, and it is now close at hand." Skala pointed out He pointed at the black stone creation below and said.

"Of course, my lord, the dark gods are eager for this victory. I can't wait to hear the wails of the false emperor's lackeys!" A Chaos Terminator laughed loudly.

Others around him also raised their weapons, preparing to let them drink blood.

Since surrendering to Chaos, these Space Marines have found themselves becoming even more adept at destruction.

Rather than fighting for the Emperor and being oppressed by those stupid mortals, the freedom granted by the Dark Gods is what they truly desire.

"Pass my order, all troops attack!" Skala shouted into the communication channel.

His instructions were accurately spread to the ears of every Chaos believer present, and they were already hungry and thirsty.

In an instant, hundreds of airborne pods were smashed down, like a large-scale meteorite impact, and fire scars streaked across the sky.

Thousands of artillery fire poured wildly towards the ground, roaring and spitting out flames of destruction.

The imperial troops on Cologne also detected the enemy's arrival, and the air defense alarm on the planet had been sounded for a long time.

The huge void shield covered the entire main city in time, tightly protecting the most important facilities.

The traitors' artillery attacks on it were like ripples caused by raindrops falling on the lake.

The massive damage output was transferred to the subspace by the void shield, and it did not harm the target at all.

And if they want to overload such a huge defense facility, they have to work harder.

"The stupid young race took the initiative to sacrifice their most precious things to the so-called gods, but only in exchange for trivial benefits." Looking at the rain of fire above, Trazin couldn't help but sigh.

He saw too many traces of the Necrontyr in humans.

If it were not for this chaotic and dark era, this young race would have developed better.

Just like their Necrontarians can reach the realm of immortality if they are not infected with the terrible short-lived curse.

But then again, who can guarantee that it was not because of the hardships they experienced that they created their subsequent glory? For example, it is often said that "the times make heroes."

"Now is not the time to be sad." Ourrican reminded, "The minions of Chaos are attacking us. Your project is at risk of delayed delivery. I hope you have made preparations in advance in the transaction contract with him. Developed relevant plans.”

"It's a pity that we didn't." Trazin murmured, "But don't be careful, my deal with him will not be postponed."

"But will those guys agree?" Orikan pointed at the huge Chaos fleet above.

"With me here, they can't make any trouble." Trazin said confidently.

The Endless One plays among the stars, seeking entertainment in the long years.

He was rarely serious.

And when he gets serious, his enemies will be deeply shocked by the wealth of the Nihilak dynasty.

Trazin took out another multi-dimensional Rubik's Cube and handed it to Ourikan.

"Here are some gadgets I prepared for him."

The astrologer soon understood what Trazin meant - he wanted to stay and give himself a head start.

"In that case, leave the smart boy to me. He will be fine, I promise you."

Ourrican took the Rubik's Cube and vowed.

"Besides, don't secretly steal my things. I'll have to settle the account with that kid then!" Trazin deliberately reminded her before leaving.

"Not everyone is as dishonest as you, damn Trazin!" Orikan shouted dissatisfied.

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