I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 143 Golden Beard

Wei Mu still knows nothing about what happened on Cologne.

Through his status as Jiedu Envoy, he called a large group of imperial troops to surround the two thousand Chaos Space Marines from Crimson Star. He also organized a pocket formation outside, preparing to encircle and support as usual.

Two thousand Space Marines is no small sum of money.

This is especially true for the Chaos side, which has difficulty replenishing its forces.

This knife will definitely make the opponent feel physical pain.

Wei Mu believed that even if Huron really swallowed his breath and chose not to dig into this pocket, under the influence of his information warfare, the prestige of the Red Pirate King would be severely damaged.

Of course, it would be better if Huron personally led the army to charge over.

Everyone continues to shake people, and the winner will be decided right here.

On the other hand, in addition to waiting for Badab Tyrant to take over, Wei Mu also let the Astra Militarum and the Primaris Space Marines cooperate with each other to slowly attack the enemy positions on the Crimson Star.

Such a rare opportunity allowed him to train his troops with this group of trapped enemies.

Although these canned beasts brought by Guilliman are indeed powerful, they still lack enough combat experience compared to their original predecessors who have experienced hundreds of battles.

Especially the Chaos side who always turns out to be veterans with thousands of years of experience.

Combat experience can only be effectively accumulated in the most realistic battlefield. After all, the simulated environment is still not interesting.

The trapped enemy shrank.

They built layers of defense lines using buildings and bunkers in an attempt to resist.

The most difficult battle is to fight.

To take them down completely, the Imperial soldiers would have to suffer a lot of casualties.

Wei Mu asked the Astra Militarum to help cooperate, in fact, to reduce the casualties of the Primaris Space Marines in the battle.

As a price, these casualties will be transferred to the Astra Militarum.

Mortal warriors would rush to the front to explore the way, with the Emperor's Death Angels covering them from behind.

In this way, precious Primaris Space Marines will not suffer losses in vain due to hard-to-prevent attacks such as mines, door kills, or meeting love around the corner.

I have to say that this is indeed a very cost-effective combat plan.

Even if the life of one hundred big heads is exchanged for one can, it is still a profitable situation for the empire.

The number of active Astra Militarum troops is so large that it can bankrupt the Chaos Space Marines, and it is equivalent to losing some skin.

It's just the suffering of the poor Astra Militarum themselves, who intervened in the brutal battle between superhumans because of the orders of the Jiedushi, and were forced to endure disasters they could not cope with.

Wei Mu was depressed about this for a long time. "Kindness does not control soldiers" is really a golden principle passed down from ancient times.

"Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of those traitors, and these blood debts must be recovered from them!" Moore comforted him when he saw this.

"That's right." Wei Mu said harshly, "When I close the maelstrom, no one in this group of traitors will survive."

Then, through the intelligence network provided by the Pied Clown, Wei Mu learned that a huge chaos fleet had set off from New Badab and was heading out of the maelstrom.

Unexpectedly, Huron is still a bloody character, just like Guilliman.

He was gearing up to fight the Red Pirate King with a bayonet.

As a result, Huron did not expect to arrive, but instead waited for a shipload of greenskins.

After a period of subspace fluctuations, a battleship made of scraps suddenly appeared in everyone's sight, decorated with the iconic head of a wild beast.

That thing looked like a giant hammer, with countless black muzzles covering its body.

It faced the huge Imperial ambush fleet alone, but the ship's weapon systems were all shut down, with no intention of firing.

Faced with this unexpected situation, all imperial warships were seeking instructions from Wei Mu.

Most of them had been severely injured by the greenskins before, and their first reaction to these murderous fungi was still to turn them into a pile of cosmic dust.

"Calm down, everyone, let's see what it wants to do." Wei Mu comforted the others on the communication channel.

He had been harshly talking to the Red Pirates on Crimson Star for so long, so it was time to attract the attention of some Greenskins.

Despite this, the Imperial warships still dared not let down their guard.

Their fire control system was firmly locked on that target, fearing that it would make any unusual move.

After a while, a communication from the outside contacted their battleship.

At Wei Mu's signal, the intelligence personnel of the Mantis Warriors carefully connected the signal.

The figure of a green-skinned warlord then appeared on the holographic screen directly in front of the bridge.

"Brother Mao, come on. This is the Golden Beard Pirates, and I am their boss, Golden Beard. I heard that the smart boy is causing trouble in this area. I don't know if this is the case!"

At first glance, the warlord was no ordinary person. Not only did he have a tall body of nearly five meters, he was also wearing a thick scrap armor.

One of its two thick arms is equipped with a delicate power claw, and the other is equipped with a plasma cannon of ridiculously large caliber, just like a humanoid Dreadnought.

What's even more impressive is that this guy has a beard that curves upward under his nose, like a crescent moon.

As we all know, orcs have no body hair.

The hair and beards on their bodies are actually a kind of hairy scooter that bites on the skin.

This golden crescent-shaped Scrooge must be extremely rare, a direct indication of its owner's transcendent status.

"It is the most powerful orc warlord in the Maelstrom region, with more than a thousand large warships under its command." One-horned Sarkozy reminded from the side.

"A thousand ships? That is already a number in the past." The orc warlord named Golden Beard laughed and said, "Under the guidance of the dark green angel, I have unified all twenty orc worlds in the maelstrom. Now With more than 10,000 warships, it is definitely the most capable force in this land."

It shows off its achievements, like a good student expecting praise from the teacher.

Ten thousand is definitely an abnormal number for the orcs, because the greenskins are not good at calculations. Before this, they would only use ten, ten, ten, ten to describe it.

Wei Mu suspected this change and the special waaagh emanating from the Emerald Throne! Position related.

And it also mentioned the Dark Green Angel. This was not the first time that Wei Mu had heard of this name.

A certain Space Marine was walking on the road paved by him, using the title of Maul to guide the greenskins step by step.

Is the impostor an enemy or a friend? What's the purpose of doing all this?

Although Wei Mu is absolutely confident in his position in the eyes of the greenskins, he still has to be careful about capsizing in the gutter.

Just as he was thinking about how to make an impressive first impression on the golden beard opposite him, another voice came from the other side of the communication line.

"Hello, fellow Imperials!"

A Space Marine appeared in front of everyone.

The legendary dark green angel showed his true face without any hesitation.

Everyone looked over curiously and found that it was actually a Space Wolf, just with some green paint painted on his body.

With lush brown hair, a funny and cheerful smile, and two sharp canine teeth that are particularly eye-catching.

"People hate dogs and hate Lucas?"

Moore recognized the other party's identity at a glance.

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