Due to the past grievances between the two Primarchs Lion King Lion and Wolf King Russ, whenever the Dark Angels and Space Wolves bump into each other, they will basically have a duel of honor.

It is also for this reason that the two families know each other's apparent situation.

Lucas, the Jackal among the Space Wolves, is known as the Big Fool.

A man who can make all the Wolf Lords fight for his right to belong is very famous even among other Space Marines.

His glorious deeds include:

"Accidentally" locking the Inquisition Gene Tax delegation in a pen during the breeding season of female Grox;

Putting the venom of the bulging toad into the ale of Hrothgar the Ironblade, the arrogant wolf lord;

He made a bet with the wolf master Crom Longsight on who could stare at the sun until night, but ended up running away in the middle of the night, causing Longsight to face the sun alone, and ended up blinding one eye;

Forged a series of wireless signals to criticize the orcs, causing the orc bosses to fight each other before the wolf group arrived with knives;

Using the Traitors of the Mechanicum's own virus of destruction to infect their central core;

Lure a Word Bearers Chaos Lord to parachute onto thin ice for an honorary duel, causing hundreds of Word Bearers Space Marines to fall into the Soulless Sea and freeze into ice.

As for things like secretly cutting off the beard of the long-toothed veteran and stuffing fleas into the fearless sarcophagus, these are all routine operations.

That's right, the so-called ownership struggle is actually a duel drawn between two wolf masters. Whoever loses will become Lucas's boss and endure this guy until they are assigned again in the coming year.

A man who can raise the blood pressure of teammates and enemies at the same time.

The abnormal behavior of the Maelstrom Greenskins is precisely due to his handiwork.

Lucas and Goldbeard, along with a group of Old Davids, were teleported to the Mantis Warriors' battleship.

They crossed the long corridor under the guard of countless soldiers, and finally were able to see the Jiedushi.

"It's really you, the creator of "The Book of Green Skin", the green prophet who fucked Brother Mao, the great smart boy!"

Seeing Wei Mu, Golden Beard and the greenskins around him suddenly became excited.

They will never mistake it, the guidance of waaagh! energy in the body is so clear.

Immediately afterwards, Golden Beard's next words immediately stunned Wei Mu.

"Um...can I kiss your finger?"

The orc warlord asked expectantly with stars in his eyes.

What the hell.

You are an orc, why do you do such inexplicable things?

He looked at Lucas aside and saw that the guy was smiling evilly.

"Golden Beard specifically asked me for advice on the Empire's allegiance ceremony. It has been rehearsing for this for a long time." Jackal explained.

It was indeed this guy.

You fucked me before we even met. You just want to watch me being licked by an orc, right?

Which empire's ritual of allegiance involves kissing fingers?

Wei Mu almost asked on the spot.

It was not without reason that Lucas was hung up and beaten by the wolf masters from time to time.

But Wei Mu couldn't break Golden Beard's fantasy.

This guy said, "He has been rehearsing for this for a long time," and he immediately blocked Wei Mu's escape route.

He must continue this act.

Fortunately, Wei Mu stayed calm in the face of danger and used the lamp ring to create a huge arm, Goge Laoquan, and placed it in front of Golden Beard.

The orc warlord was overjoyed when he saw this, thinking that this was the normal process of loyalty to the empire, and immediately stretched out his tongue to lick the big hand.

"I didn't expect it to be like this."

Lucas was still smiling and didn't feel embarrassed at all.

Wei Mu felt frightened when he looked at the orc smeared on Goge's old fist.

Fortunately, he was more skilled and managed to turn danger into disaster. Otherwise, if it was really stained with those disgusting mucus, he would just chop off his hand directly, so as not to look at it in the future and feel alienated.

"From today on, I am yours!"

After licking it, Golden Beard was satisfied.

It was a good thing to successfully gain the allegiance of the green-skinned warlord, but Wei Mu felt uncomfortable with what it said.

"In that case, let's report on your work, Dark Green Angel." He had no choice but to change the subject.

The trick to being an Ork leader is that you must always appear to be omnipotent and in control of everything.

Weimu asked Lucas, as if the jackal was actually acting on his orders.

"You wouldn't mind if I took your title away, would you, Son of Lion?"

Lucas did not rush to explain the situation, but greeted Moore politely.

"Of course I don't mind. Please use it as you like. That title has nothing to do with me."

Moore was eager to throw the blame away. It would be great if someone was willing to take over, and he was from the wolf group.

"Are you sure?" Wei Mu asked in surprise, "Don't you know how this title came about?"

"Why do you worry so much? Since he thinks the title of Dark Green Angel is useful, let him continue to use it!"

Maul said hastily, fearing that Lucas would change his mind.

"Of course I know." Lucas said with a smile, "It's just that our wolf cubs are too idle and always waste their energy on some messy things. It's a good thing to give them a little motivation to make progress. "

I see, are you afraid that the world will be too peaceful?

Wei Mu could even imagine what happened next.

The dark green angel who lost three worlds in one battle.

If Lucas returns to Fenris with such a title.

And this guy took the initiative to get it from their competitor, the Dark Angels.

The Space Wolves were shaken up by this.

I'm afraid this guy will be hung from the rafters by the angry wolf masters and take turns beating him.

But what's the use?

Lucas was treated as a typical public trial like this not once or twice - could he really be executed because of such a thing?

And even if he is killed, there is no way to eliminate this title.

Therefore, the wolf masters will definitely find a way to throw the blame back to the Dark Angels.

The Dark Angel will definitely not admit this. After finally getting rid of the relationship, there is no reason to get back again.

In addition, these two families often engage in honorary duels because of the grievances between the original bodies - a fierce cat-dog battle is about to take place, and it will be a long-term one, and whoever loses will take the blame.

"Uh, what exactly is going on? I can't figure out which one of you is the Dark Green Angel?"

As the audience discussed the title, Golden Beard frowned in confusion.

"They are both, or they are neither. Just like wolves and lions, cats and dogs, Gorge and Maoge, they correspond to each other, but they are not the same." Wei Mu explained in a mysterious manner.

He can't tell the green-skinned warlord that the title of dark green angel, who is the guardian of the smart boy, is actually just a hot potato, right?

Losing three worlds in one battle has a great impact on the reputation of the chapter, and no chapter will regard the authority to influence the green skin as a piece of cake. After all, the traditional concept is still there, and it will be difficult for a while. Change it.

"I see, I understand."

Golden Beard nodded thoughtfully.

What do you unserstand?

Wei Mu's expression was stunned.

He didn't even understand what he was talking about, he just wanted to brush off this meaningless topic.

However, in the consciousness of the green skins, they can recognize two contradictory things at the same time, such as the indestructible spear and the indestructible shield. In their eyes, they can exist at the same time without any sense of violation.

"Anyway, you should report the situation first. How far has the operation in the maelstrom progressed?"

Wei Mu waved his hand, indicating that they should talk about business quickly.

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