I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 150 Cloning the original body

Wei Mu looked at the multi-dimensional Rubik's Cube in his hand and felt at a loss for a moment.

Trazin really posed a problem for him.

He had heard about Fulgrim's loyalty and purity, and wanted to take him with him to cultivate him, and see where he could go under his own guidance - even if he was the same person, doing the same thing, the final result would be They are all so different, so how can we be sure that the cloned Fulgrim will definitely follow the old path of the original body?

Wei Mu doesn't believe this. The situation is completely different, okay?

Without the restraint of the Emperor, the original body's blessing can be unleashed, but the clone cannot. The living environments of the two are vastly different.

What's more, in Wei Mu's view, as long as Fulgen didn't touch the sword, nothing would really happen.

On the other hand, that guy Bayer has incorrect views. In order to achieve the so-called "new humanity", he even did not hesitate to experiment on hundreds of millions of civilians.

It would be abnormal for the clone Fulgrim to stay by his side and not surrender to Chaos.

But a big problem now is that the empire will never tolerate the existence of a cloned original body, not to mention that this one is still a traitorous original body.

Not to mention accepting cloned Traitor Primarchs, Archmagos Belisarius Cawl once hoped to use the gene-seed of all nine Traitor Legions to create Primaris Space Marines. He believed that every Legion created by the Emperor All have their own unique meanings, and even such behavior scared Guilliman to death, and he quickly ordered a ban on his crazy idea.

This is a move that is enough to shake the faith of the loyalists - they are fighting the traitors in the front, while those behind are secretly continuing the traitor's bloodline. If it is not handled properly, there will be a large-scale civil war.

Perhaps Great Sage Caul's idea is right, but judging from the benefits obtained and the current situation of the empire, it is not worth taking such a risk.

The impact of accepting the cloned Fulgrim will only be worse than the impact of accepting the gene seeds of the traitorous legion, and the gain is completely outweighed by the loss.

Wei Mu had another arrangement that was simple and profitable, but he was very averse to doing it.

"In short, let's let him out and have a chat first to see what the specific situation is." Wei Mu thought for a while and finally decided.

He had to check the current status of Clone Fulgan before making any next plans.

"Think carefully, young man, if this clone master is hostile to you, it is estimated that it will be difficult for you, the entire ship, to take him down." Ourrican warned.

Ourrican has always had a psychological shadow about what Trazin sent him. Last time, the damn guy gave him a bunch of Catachan scorpions, which caused heavy losses to his family. It took him a long time to get rid of them. Clean it up.

"Regarding this issue, aren't you still here, Master Ourikan? Since Trazin can easily capture this clone, I guess it shouldn't be a problem for you to deal with it." Wei Mu flattered.

The astrologer was a bit caught off guard by the answer to this.

"Of course that is."

However, he still raised his head gracefully, showing his confidence.

After teasing the astrologer, Wei Mu took a deep breath and calmed down.

Everyone around him also held his breath and watched to prevent possible accidents.

Then, Wei Mu raised his hand and released the original clone trapped in the multi-dimensional Rubik's Cube.

It was a tall human being, one with flawless body and face.

His skin is as white as jade and extremely soft, but the muscles all over his body are full of tough strength.

The well-proportioned limbs seem to be natural, and every small movement is full of elegance and coordination.

Those violet eyes are as clear and kind as gems, and can make everyone who looks at them feel ecstatic.

The silky silver hair shone with a brilliance more dazzling than any treasure.

A mortal body cannot grow to this extent, and this is also clearly reflected in Guilliman.

Even if the Lord Regent doesn't do anything, as long as he hits it there, a group of people around him will feel dizzy and deeply impressed by the powerful aura of the original body.

It's no wonder that people deify the Emperor and the Primarch. Their existence is beyond people's imagination.

It's just that such a perfect person has a deep sadness on his face that can't be overcome. The aura he exudes is enough to even make the Imperial soldiers around him feel heartbroken by his sadness. .

For Clone Fulgrim, his time is still stuck in the second when he was betrayed by Bayer.

In order to obtain a large amount of the Third Legion's gene seeds in Trazin's hands, and to avoid being captured by the Figure King, Fabius Bayer finally chose to use the clone Fulgen as a bargaining chip.

It is obvious that Fulgrim is so loyal and righteous, integrating the beauty of the world into one, and his body shines with the dazzling light of humanity.

He declared that he would never abandon the empire and surrender to Chaos like his true form. He would kill those traitors and lead the people around him on the right path.

However, in Bayer's eyes, what he saw was the return of the young Phoenix - this clone was exactly the same as Fulgrim back then, and it was bound to fall into the embrace of Chaos because of its pursuit of perfection.

Cloning Fulgrim will not be the salvation of the Emperor's Children, nor the salvation of mankind. He will only be a new trouble and a potential enemy of mankind.

But from the perspective of Clone Fulgen, he couldn't understand it.

He tried to do his best in everything and tried hard to satisfy Bayer, but for this reason, he was rejected by Bayer, who was his mentor and creator, and even suffered a backstab because of the failure of his body. .

The real Fulgrim has fallen. As a clone, no matter what he does, he will only get a negative ending.

He also asked Bayer why he created him, but all he got from the old Chinese doctor was the desperate answer of "cloning Fulgrim was a mistake, and he must correct it."

This is great, even the meaning of existence has been directly denied.

At this time, Clone Fulgen seemed to have fallen into an abyss.

In other words, all he had left in his mind was the thought of ruining things.

The original clone looked at the people in front of him, his eyes still sad and slightly confused.

Because there are humans, Space Marines, Orcs, Eldar Harlequins, and Necrons on this battleship at the same time, it's like a party scene that shouldn't exist.

"Hello, Fulgrim, the clone primarch of the Third Legion's Emperor's Children, I am Wei Mu, the Master of the Great Vortex. It's a pleasure to meet you." Wei Mu took the initiative to start a fight with the confused clone primarch. call.

"So you are from the Empire?" Fulgrim just asked.

"Yes, we are sweeping the maelstrom, trying to close it forever"

"As long as you are from the Empire!" Fulgan directly interrupted Wei Mu's words and said with some excitement, "Kill me and dissect me. You must have never dissected a original body, even if it is just a clone. The biotechnology applied to me should be able to provide you with great assistance and help you eliminate the enemies of mankind as soon as possible - this is the only contribution I can make to the empire."

After the words of the original clone, everyone present was immediately silenced.

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