I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 151 Original Blood

Looking at the collapsed Fulgen in front of him, Wei Mu let out a long sigh.

No matter how criticized the Emperor's tutoring skills were, he was only accused of using the Primarch as a tool.

The clone Fulgan in front of him has studied with Bayer for a long time and worked hard for a long time. He even feels that he has done a good job. After all, he has successfully rescued some of his descendants from their fallen state.

He felt he could save the Third Legion, just as Bayer had hoped.

As a result, in the end, the cloned Fulgrim was not even qualified to be used as a tool. It should not have appeared in this world at all, and was regarded as a mistake that needed to be fixed.

This damn experience, no matter who it is placed on, will probably explode.

Not running out and endangering society like a madman is already a sign of extremely high quality.

As for what Cronforgen mentioned, dissecting him for research, it was actually the solution that Wei Mu had in mind, a simple and effective solution, but he was unwilling to implement it.

The core enhanced organ of the Primaris Space Marines is the "Holy Hypophysis", and its technology is derived from the "Stack of Primordial Blood" - the genetic sequence of the Emperor's creation Primarch.

During the Horus Heresy 10,000 years ago, the Emperor gave this valuable technology to Crow King Krax to help him quickly rebuild the Legion in a short period of time, which was the famous Super Raven Guard Project.

However, everyone knows what happened later. The traitor Hydra contaminated the genetic sequence of the Super Raven Guard, causing those new species of Space Marines to inevitably mutate into monsters. Krax's attempt to save the Legion ended in failure.

After that, the "Primary Blood Stack" technology went through several twists and turns. Part of it fell into the hands of Fabius Bayer and became the basis for the old Chinese medicine to study new humans, while the other part was obtained by Belisarius Caul. , from which the Archmagos crafted the Primaris Space Marines.

The Primaris Space Marines are certainly imperfect.

The "Saint Chanting Pituitary" is just an inferior magical modification of the "Immortal Pituitary" on the original body, a product forcibly created by the great sage using the incomplete blueprint in his hand.

There is no doubt that the cloned Fulgrim used some of the missing technologies of the Empire, otherwise his existence would not be so dazzling.

Everyone can clearly feel that he is a higher level existence than mortals or space warriors like themselves.

As long as they can dissect this clone, take out samples from him and study it carefully, and have the parts in Caul's hands for verification, they have a good chance of restoring the original blood stack to its original appearance.

At that time, the Empire will be able to launch the Super Raven Guard program again, with the ability to quickly produce Super Space Marines - only two surgeries are required, instead of today's twenty-two.

By implanting the correct genome into the recruits, all superhuman organs can spontaneously grow and take shape in a short period of time, except for the black carapace.

That thing is specially used to wear power armor, and it is not an organ in the real sense.

Subsequent surgery only requires another surgery to implant the black carapace into the body, and the recruit can be put into use immediately. Its growth and development speed will be greatly increased, and its combat effectiveness will become particularly fierce.

Human beings are the creators of technology.

Technology that enhances human beings has a much higher priority than any other technology.

And now, the technology to create a perfect Space Marine is right in front of them. As long as Wei Mu agrees to clone Fulgrim's request, the Empire will soon have it...

After hearing Clone Fulgen's speech, all the officers and soldiers in the battleship had strange expressions on their faces.

Before Wei Mu released him, everyone had imagined countless scenarios, but they never expected that the other party would actively seek death and be willing to contribute to the empire in this way.

This must be some kind of conspiracy, and the clones were just trying to gain everyone's sympathy and trust, some of them guessed.

Although the aura exuding from Fulgrim is very fascinating, most people still feel that the clone is a blasphemous creation, a serious offense to the Emperor and the true original body, and should not exist at all. World.

This affinity instead becomes a danger signal that tries to subtly make them surrender.

The mechanical priests who were accompanying them were all extremely excited - being able to legitimately dissect a cloned original body was a great gift that they could not even imagine in their dreams.

"Since he is willing to sacrifice himself for the empire, Lord Jiedushi, how about we directly fulfill his wish?" the oil guys suggested cautiously, with uncontrollable trembling in their tone.

This is not because they want to mess around, but to follow the person's own will.

Planet Cologne had already taken over the recovery plan of the Super Raven Guard, and by chance, they had discovered a special individual like Tiberos. As long as they could obtain sample information from the cloned Fulgrim, their work would progress rapidly.

"No!" Wei Mu refused directly.

"But my lord, neither the Regent nor the High Lord of Terra will allow him to exist. There is absolutely no way the empire will accept a cloned Primarch. Perhaps this arrangement is the best way for him to be loyal to mankind. If he If you are really loyal to the empire." The oil guys reminded.

"Your point of view may be correct, believers of Om Messiah, but the situation we are facing has no similar case in the long history of the empire. I think we have no right to deal with this cloned original body without authorization. I must Report this situation to the Regent, and he will make the final decision.”

Wei Mu rejected the proposal of the oil guys in the most impeccable way.

The matter is too big and I can't make the decision, so I'll put it off first.

"This... okay." The oil guys saw this and could only retreat.

"Regent? When did the empire have a regent?" Even though he was already tired of the world, Clone Fulgen couldn't help but ask after hearing this.

Being in Trazin's collection for a long time made him completely ignorant of the current situation in the galaxy.

"The Primarch of the Ultramarines, Robert Guilliman, has emerged from his 10,000-year slumber. He was crowned the Regent of the Empire and is now leading the Human Empire to launch a counterattack against the traitors." Wei Mu explained.

"Guilliman has returned?" Upon hearing the news, Fulgrim's eyes were filled with surprise.

However, that surprise only existed for a few seconds, and the violet eyes dimmed again.

It was the throat-sealing sword wielded by his body that caused the Lord of the Ultramarines to bid farewell to the empire for ten thousand years.

He almost killed Guilliman, just as he beheaded Ferrus.

Those memories were stored in his mind.

Fulgrim has an unshirkable responsibility for the reason why the human empire has fallen to this point.

"Yes, he is back. In this darkest moment, he carries the banner of resistance to fate for everyone. People regard him as their last hope." Wei Mu continued.

"The last hope...?" Fulgen murmured with a wry smile.

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