I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 155 Purple Phoenix

Everyone present was stunned by the sudden appearance of the figure.

They couldn't help but focus on the man, and the originally chaotic battlefield suddenly became strangely quiet.

A tall, strong warrior with a flawless face.

The factory-new stainless steel power armor is dyed a gorgeous violet color, and the war blade in his hand exudes a bone-chilling silver light.

It was like a myth and legend coming out of an epic scroll, deeply shocking the hearts of everyone present.

Because the conditions are a bit rudimentary, Fulgen can only do this. If he is given more time and resources, he can definitely build a better set of equipment.

In addition, and more importantly, the former Third Legion received special permission from the Lord of Mankind - they could wear the Imperial Double-Headed Eagle as a decoration on their armor.

However, the Emperor's Children betrayed the Imperium and ultimately failed to live up to this honor.

Therefore, when building this temporary armor, Fulgrim regretted not adding the double-headed eagle, although he very much hoped that the glory of the empire could be with him.

Perhaps one day, the phoenixes will complete their atonement and obtain this qualification again from the Lord of Humanity.

Perhaps as Fabius Bayer expected, the clone Fulgrim was actually unable to help his heirs return to normalcy.

Who can know the real result?

At least now, Fulgrim can make these enemies in front of him feel scared.

There will be many traitors and heretics who will be forced to accept death from him.

Purple Phoenix quickly noticed the presence of Chak, the Chaos Lord who was the most contaminated by the warp among these traitors.

The distance between them was almost twenty meters. The battle ax in Chuck's hand was raised high, and the leader of the Lamenters crawled under him like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

No one can save Flowers, if Chuck decides to kill him.

However, even though the Butcher's Nail stung Chuck's nerves, the Chaos Lord still had a feeling - as long as he swung his axe, he would be killed by the man in front of him in the next moment.

He was clearly aware that the shadow of death had hung over his head.

It was just the instinct to sense danger that did not make Chuck flinch. On the contrary, the huge crisis made the butcher's nails in his mind buzz, and even entered a state of overload operation.

The rage inspired by the creation of dark technology filled every neuron in his brain, and the overly active subspace energy caused his body temperature to rise sharply.

The victim's blood that originally covered Chuck's body began to evaporate and disperse in a way that completely violated the laws of physics, forming a thick mist of blood around him.

At this moment, the Chaos Lord's face was ferocious, his eyes were cracked, white steam was spitting out from his mouth, and his body made a terrifying sound, like a demon king from hell, his whole body filled with surging power of destruction.

He let out a furious scream, and then transformed into a red comet, hitting the purple phoenix in front of him with absolute irresistible power.

The power that Khorne bestows on his followers is suitable for destroying these "beautiful things". Taking off the head of the perfect person in front of him will definitely please the Blood God greatly - if he can really do it.

The confrontation between the two sides lasted only a short moment, and the speed was so fast that no one present could see the details clearly.

By the time their brains reacted to the changes in the scene in front of them, the Chaos Lord had been split from the center.

The arrogant body was split into two, and the strong inertia dragged the remaining body for more than ten meters before stopping. The leaked blood and internal organs were smeared all over the ground, spreading a long trace of filth along the way.

Chuck's madness, along with his ambition, was blown away like smoke.

And the person who started it all is still standing there.

Except for the slight change in his posture, it was not obvious that he had just experienced a battle.

After this scene, everyone present realized that the warrior in front of them was a being that they could not understand, and it was impossible to contend with him.

He can single-handedly judge the fate of all of them directly.

The rescued Chapter Leader staggered up from the ground, still in a daze.

Foros stared at the gorgeous figure in the center of the battlefield with incredible eyes, unable to imagine what kind of path the Lord of Humanity had prepared for them ahead.

"For the Emperor, kill those enemies of humanity!"

Fulgrim spoke, and his delicate voice immediately spread throughout the battlefield.

It had been many years, and he was finally qualified to say these words to the Imperial soldiers around him again.

The original clone took the lead and rushed into the enemy group alone, like a purple storm.

All enemies who come close to him will be instantly crushed into pulp, with their limbs and arms flying everywhere.

The Lamenters were greatly encouraged by Fulgrim's display of powerful combat prowess, and the Loyalists used an increasingly heroic offensive to kill the enemy in front of them.

At the same time, other friendly troops also arrived on the battlefield one after another. The traitors suffered multiple blows and were unable to break out of the encirclement and lost the opportunity to escape back to the pirate stronghold.

Soon, under the siege of the imperial soldiers, this group of enemies ushered in destruction. The blessing of the dark gods failed to help them become legends.

The noisy battlefield gradually became quiet, and only the occasional sound of re-firing could be heard. That was the soldiers using auspicious devices to search for the vital signs of the enemy's remaining soldiers to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

This was the finishing work that the officers forcibly ordered the soldiers to do, otherwise all of them would be like idiots, just standing there stupidly, staring at the inexplicable strong man in the center.

Fulgrim felt a little overwhelmed for a moment by the eager, confused, fascinated, and delighted looks he received from mortals and space warriors.

Gradually, a feeling of fear emerged.

What would happen if they knew the truth?

Fulgrim slew Ferrus Malus and severely wounded Robert Guilliman.

He betrayed the Emperor and destroyed the dreams of humanity.

Each one is an irreparable and heinous sin.

After these people clearly realize all this, they will definitely hate themselves, call themselves heretics, traitors, unclean things full of blasphemy, and even kill themselves at all costs - after all, even Clone Forgen himself He also hates what that person did.

That was the guilt he had to bear, and no one could block the deep malice in it for him.

However, the soldiers on the ground did not know those things at this time.

They were just fascinated by the powerful power and aura of the original clone, and felt heartfelt joy that they had such a strong person on their side.

The two sides just stared at each other blankly for a long time.

Until chapter leader Rufus strode forward and took the lead in giving Fulgrim an aquila salute.

Only then did the others react and pay their respects to the original clone.

So much recognition and adoration.

Fulgrim looked around and saw the boundless enthusiasm of the Imperial soldiers everywhere.

Unconsciously, a line of hot tears flowed down from the corner of his eyes.

Even if it's just for a while, Fulgrim is willing to do anything for these people's dreams.

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