I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 156 The storm is rising

The situation on the ground of Crimson Star was converted into a holographic image and transmitted to the ship in space, without any detail being missed.

The senior leaders of the Maelstrom Expeditionary Force therefore had a clear understanding of the capabilities of the cloning original body.

"Is his performance pretty good?" Wei Mu asked the people around him with a smile.

The soldiers looked at each other in shock and did not dare to comment.

To be honest, Clone Fulgrim's performance in the battle just now was impeccable, even far beyond everyone's imagination.

If this power can be used by them, all subsequent actions will become twice the result with half the effort.

But if this clone suddenly jumps and becomes an enemy, they will also suffer heavy losses.

When the time comes for the Inquisition to settle the scores, those of them who once said good things about the cloned Fulgrim will be left with nothing to live with.

"A perfect opening act."

Pied clowns don't have this taboo. Sarkozy gave the purple phoenix a very high evaluation.

After all, he was the man who had single-handedly brought the appearance level of mankind to the top of the galaxy, and even surpassed the Eldar.

"For a flesh-and-blood creature, it's really a good job." Orikan also said.

In the eyes of the Necrons, the human civil war taking place below is like a cricket-fighting contest, and Fulgrim is the superior cricket king.

"But he is still at risk of being corrupted." Ourrican then reminded him, "Since even the original body has fallen so deeply, there is no reason why the clone can escape that fate."

"Unless we can do better than the original body." Wei Mu said.

"If you want to do that, you not only have to help him defeat his true form, but also the great desirer behind him." Ourrican smiled, feeling that this was simply a fantasy, "But even if you have to defeat Degeneration did not happen overnight, and he is still useful now."

A perfect consumable, this is what Orikan said about the clone Fulgrim.

If the Purple Phoenix wants to officially return to the empire, it still has a long and bumpy road ahead.

Fulgrim's official appearance not only shocked the Imperial soldiers on the Crimson Star, but also caused huge disturbances elsewhere.

Daemons whispered, and word of the counterfeit spread rapidly through the warp.

The first to bear the brunt was Fulgrim himself, who was obsessed with pleasure in the palace of Slaanesh.

A perfect replica of yourself, still pure in body and mind.

What a fun toy.

Fulgrim soon realized that it was the work of his chief pharmacist, Fabius Bayer, because he had commissioned the old herbalist to clone Ferrus Malus.

That was his once best brother, the Primarch of the Iron Hands of the Tenth Legion, who eventually died under his sword - the demon in the sword took control of Fulgrim's body at the critical moment, forcing him to hesitate. In a decisive move, he cut off his best friend's head with one sword.

Because of this incident, Fulgrim inevitably fell into the abyss of corruption.

After surrendering to Chaos, Fulgrim still couldn't forget his former best friend. The reason why he assigned Bayer the cloning task was because he hoped that clone Ferus would understand and join him in order to seek some spiritual comfort.

However, after trying again and again, each clone of Ferus, although twisted and deformed, unexpectedly remained loyal to the emperor, and even sternly scolded Fulgrim, who had become neither human nor ghost.

The fallen purple phoenix could only kill its "best friend" again and again, and its character became more and more crazy until it finally had to give up the plan.

Although Fulgrim failed to gain satisfaction from the cloning incident, Fabius Bayer accumulated a lot of experience in cloning the original body.

The old Chinese medicine doctor has always been at odds with his fallen genetic father, and is very resistant to the power of chaos.

He hopes to save the Third Legion in his own way.

"Others always make the same mistakes and fall down on the same problem again and again, but Bayer will create new mistakes. He thinks he can escape the great game of the Chaos Gods. This is really interesting!"

This is what Fulgrim said about Bair.

Now it seems that the evaluation of the fallen primarch was not wrong, and cloning Fulgrim was undoubtedly another mistake made by Bayer.

He hopes the clones will get better and lead the Legion back on track.

But after seeing the young Phoenix's pursuit of perfection, even he no longer believed in such a path, and finally traded the clone Fulgrim to the Endless Trazin.

But for Fulgrim, this is a very interesting thing - since Ferus can't understand his choice, let him understand himself.

The pure Fulgrim will fall again.

He could use this incident to prove the rightness of surrendering to Chaos and the hypocrisy and cowardice of his creator, the Emperor.

On the other side, aboard the Macragge's Glory.

The pied clowns also brought this key information to the Death Army soon after.

After hearing the information, Efrenie showed a subtle expression on her face.

She knew that Fulgrim was the culprit who forced Guilliman to lie in stasis for ten thousand years and almost killed him.

Now suddenly such a clone appears and claims to be fighting for the Empire.

Although the big boy looks very rational on the outside, in fact he has been suppressing some terrible impulses in his heart.

No one could tell how Guilliman would be emotionally affected by the news.

"What did the smart boy say?" Efreni asked.

"He thinks he only needs to reveal a little bit of information to Guilliman, and who can be concealed for the time being." The intelligence officer of the Harlequin Troupe replied, "Anyway, the battle over there is in full swing, and there is no chance before everything is over. Bringing that clone here, even if Guilliman knows the specific situation, will only add to the trouble."

"That's true." Efreni nodded, also agreeing with this decision.

She then walked to Guilliman's private study, preparing to convey the news to the primarch herself.

For the leader of the Eldar Death Army, the personal guard commander Cato Sicarius and the honor guards were already familiar with it, so they naturally let him in.

At this time, Guilliman was sitting in front of the case handling official business. The various documents piled in front of him were like a mountain.

"Hello, big boy, it looks like it's another day of correcting official documents."

Efrenie entered the study and greeted the other party with a smile.

"Even not counting the ten thousand years I spent in stasis, I have already passed the age where I can be called a boy."

Guilliman did not look away from the document in his hand.

Because of the extraordinary genes endowed by the Emperor, the original body often only needs to grow for two or three years to surpass adults in all aspects.

The time they are treated as children by those around them is really short.

"From the perspective of the Eldar, your age is far from being considered older." Efreni joked.

"But I'm not an Eldar." Guilliman put down the document in his hand and showed a friendly smile, "So you came here to see me, not just to tell some age-related jokes, right?"

"Of course, I don't dare to interfere with the revival of the Children of War." Evelene smiled and continued, "One of your brothers has returned in some way."

Guilliman's eyes lit up when he heard the news.

He really hoped that someone could share the burden on his shoulders.

But hearing Efreni's answer, I felt strange.

"Which of my brothers?"

"You will know this when the time comes."

"How to return to the empire?"

"You will know this when the time comes."

After talking about this, Guilliman's face twisted.

These pointy-eared aliens still like to be Riddlers.

"Then how long will it take for me to know the specific situation?"

Guilliman felt a headache and touched his forehead.

"I can tell you this directly. When your Great Whirlpool Jiedushi comes back from the expedition, everything will naturally be revealed."

"So what trouble did that kid cause again?" Guilliman said thoughtfully.

One of his brothers ran to help Wei Mu, which was naturally a good thing.

But why did the ally in front of him clearly tell him about this matter and still refuse to tell him the specific situation of the brother.

This puzzled Guilliman.

"That kid insisted on hiding it from you, and it has nothing to do with me." Evelene waved her hand helplessly, and then suggested enthusiastically, "Also, if you really want to know, you can Choose to give me a promise, and I will inform you of the specific situation in advance."

"I'm sorry, Evelyn, I'm afraid I don't have the strength to make a promise to the lady right now."

Guilliman smiled and shook his head.

He didn't want to let the Eldar take advantage of something like this.

If the temporary concealment was a decision jointly made by Wei Mu and his brother, he should indeed give it approval.

"Then just guess it yourself. I don't think you can guess the correct answer."

Evrene curled her lips and slipped out of Guilliman's private study.

The regent was left alone in front of the case, frowning.

"You can't directly reveal your identity and return to the empire in some way... Could it be one of Sangliese and Ferus? It shouldn't be possible, right?"

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