I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 157 Machine Soul

Forge World, Cologne.

The attack of the Chaos army continues.

The corrupted fleet continued to pour out fierce artillery fire, suppressing the empire's ground air defense forces.

Swarms of hellwyrms circle wildly around low Earth orbit, launching merciless attacks on any target detected by the auspicious device.

Under their cover, thousands of Chaos Space Marines successfully landed on the planet's surface, including more than twenty hell beasts.

That thing is a Dreadnought that even the Chaos Warriors themselves would be afraid of.

The person who is loaded into it will not only have their flesh and blood fused with the crazy killing machinery, but even their spirit will be driven crazy by the boundless darkness, completely turning into a brutal beast that only knows how to kill.

In fact, Hellbeasts, like all so-called "blessings of Chaos", are a curse.

However, in other situations, such as having a few extra mouths on the body, a pair of horns growing on the head, etc., the Chaos traitors can still find various reasons to be tough. After all, the power they have obtained is real, and they can be ignored if the body is twisted a little. .

However, even the most devout slaves of the dark gods, no one would choose to get into that rotten coffin.

"I dared to enter the Dreadnought Mecha after I fell. How dare you enter the Hell Beast?"

Every loyal warrior of the Emperor could taunt a Chaos traitor like this, and the Chaos traitor would never dare to retaliate.

Chaos warriors are cruel and bloodthirsty, but they are not fools.

They knew it was a damned fate without any hope of redemption.

Even if you are given the most painful death ending, it is better than watching your mind being swallowed up by darkness bit by bit.

Hell beasts are even directly regarded as punishment for their subordinates by the Chaos Lords, which is enough to show how terrifying they are.

Despite this shortcoming, its destructive power cannot be underestimated.

Extreme hatred surges in the blood of hell beasts, making the slaughter of sentient beings their only way of communicating with the outside world.

The released monster army was so hysterical that they ignored the hail of bullets coming from the front and rushed into the position of the loyalists.

The firepower points in the fortress and the walls were directly blasted into pieces by the plasma cannon carried by the hell beast.

The Skitarii guarding there were all killed under the horrific blows of the power whips.

Castellan's mechs and mechanical priests resisted desperately, and could only barely slow down the traitors.

Some of the Red Pirates still managed to break into the fortress, intending to paralyze the air defense system in the area.

Others launched a raid on the gene seed bank of the Adeptus Mechanicus in an attempt to seize the scarce resources used to supplement the strength of the Space Marines.

The laboratory is under attack and the forge is damaged.

The shrewd multi-directional attack strategy made the imperial soldiers tired of defending. A large number of strongholds and facilities were captured, and the battle situation fell into a disadvantage for a while.

"Very good, very good!"

Listening to the good news coming from below, Dark Wolf Skala was in a happy mood.

As a senior bandit, he knows that the essence of fighting the autumn wind lies in "the green mountains will not change and the green water will flow forever", rather than "the bigger the wind and waves, the more expensive the fish will be".

Not every time they attack, the robbers can seize the most valuable goods, because there are often strong defense forces around high-value targets.

This situation doesn't sound very good.

However, from another perspective, due to the extremely high value of the treasure, the holder has to set up a lot of defensive measures around it, and other aspects will be too busy to take care of.

“Treasure tames its possessor into a slave who protects himself,” which is where the term “miser” comes from.

Since the puppet emperor's lackeys value those alien creations so much and have deployed heavy defense forces, they will loot other places and get a guaranteed reward first.

The puppet emperor's lackeys are either forced to divide their forces for defense, thus disrupting their strategic layout, or they can only wait for the surrounding friendly forces to be wiped out until they are isolated and helpless.

At that time, the dark wolf will show his fangs.

Looking at the intelligence coming from all battlefields, Casting General Andre felt very headache.

The reason why the Red Pirates were able to know the layout of Planet Cologne so clearly was because there was no doubt that traitors within the Mechanicus were tipping them off.

The most likely one is Sage Luo Ning who apostatized not long ago.

Although the Inquisition and the Mechanicus reviewed and rectified the incident, and immediately changed the defense protocols of the entire planet.

However, changes to the system are simple, but there is no way to move the locations of laboratories, warehouses, fortresses, strongholds, and other facilities at will.

This is why the Chaos Traitors are able to launch precision strikes against vital facilities on their planet, and the Forge Worlds will suffer huge losses as a result.

The construction site of the Black Stone Obelisk, where massive imperial troops were deployed.

Black stone creations that can close the subspace rift are crucial, directly affecting the success or failure of the Maelstrom battle. They even rely on these things to clean up the Eye of Terror. They must try their best to keep it safe and sound.

"You don't want your home to be in a mess, so don't stay here all the people who asked you to go and do whatever you need to do as soon as possible."

Looking at the ravaged Cologne star, Trazin felt a little distressed.

As a cultural protector, he hates chaos.

Those guys are born to destroy and won't create anything of value.

The Dark Gods are also known as the Prime Destroyers.

"But once the troops here are mobilized, the probability of the enemy launching an attack is 100%. This is exactly what they want to see." Andre worried.

"Don't worry, they are just a group of minions of Chaos. I am here to ensure that the project can proceed smoothly." Trazin said, "I once made a promise, and I will not live up to it."

Andre hesitated for a moment, but finally chose to believe in the alien ribs in front of him.

So he began to order the remaining troops to rush to the various strongholds that were attacked, and the powerful knight family was also thrown into the battlefield.

“May Om Messiah bless you!”

The Foundry General led hundreds of priests to sing binary hymns together and send blessings to the soldiers who were about to set off.

That is the traditional way of the Mechanicus to appease machine spirits.

They believe that doing so will make the machine spirit happy and reduce the chance of equipment malfunction.

"So ridiculous."

However, in Trazin's eyes, the behavior of the oil guys was simply ridiculous.

"What do you mean?"

Andre asked doubtfully.

Countless cases have proven time and time again that the machine soul is a real thing.

And the way they calmed the machine spirits was very effective.

So even from a pragmatic point of view, their behavior should not be criticized.

"You are obviously a creator, but you can't even recognize the true face of your creation." Trazin let out a long sigh.

"Do you know the nature of the machine soul?" Andre tried to ask.

"The machines are always whispering among themselves, and you know nothing about it," Trazin replied.

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