As a time traveler, Wei Mu certainly knew what to do to hit Fulgrim's pain points.

"He is nobler than all of us", this is the honor given to the last loyalist of Isstvaan III, a Dreadnought pilot of the Emperor's Children, the ancient warrior Rilanor.

The honor was awarded to him by three Space Marines from the Thousand Sons Legion.

Rilanor was buried deep underground due to the fierce bombing by the traitors, and was forgotten by the world.

The loyal warrior has endured alone in the darkness for thousands of years, his body rotting, his mecha festering, and only his belief in revenge remains unchanged.

He made a signal-generating device in an attempt to attract the fallen primarch Fulgrim, and killed him with a virus bomb capable of destroying the world, but he also attracted three curious Thousand Sons.

The Thousand Sons could have used witchcraft to prevent the explosion of the bomb, but they were moved by Rilanor's honor and pride. They also deliberately evaluated Fulgrim and said that they could not see anything of value from the fallen primarch. .

So with the last loud noise, the surface of Isstvan III once again ushered in extinction. The ancient warrior finally got what he wanted, and Fulgrim was severely hit physically and mentally.

Although the Corrupted Primarch has long since recovered from his horrific injuries, the unpleasant memories remain with him.

"Stupid mortals!" Fulgrim roared loudly after being hit. "I take them to experience the limits of sensual pleasure. I lead them into realms they can't imagine. Everyone who is willing to follow me They are all indulged in it, unbridled and joyful. It is a beauty that is difficult to let go once you experience it once, and can heal any pain. Those heirs who oppose me just lack the confidence to try and lack enough understanding."

"Experiencing the limits of sensory pleasure, you are talking about treating addiction as a great career." Wei Mu scratched his head, "You should know what the essence of pain and pleasure is for living creatures, right?"

He didn't want to give the Fallen Primarch a lesson in basic biology, because there was really no need to do so.

However, Fulgrim remained silent, seemingly intending to avoid discussing this topic.

"Take reproduction as an example. Organisms usually have no sense of responsibility and foresight, which is extremely detrimental to the reproduction of future generations. In order to force them to take on the responsibility of racial reproduction, various hormones play a very key role - joy Pleasure and pain are the primary driving forces that govern biological behavior.”

Wei Mu slowly spoke.

"The reproduction of most organisms relies on a reward mechanism. The organisms can obtain pleasure from related behaviors, so they will actively reproduce. There are also a few parts that rely on a punishment mechanism. If they do not reproduce, they will continue to feel pain until they are completed. Reproductive behavior.”

"Sugar makes people feel good, so people seek out sweet foods. Heat hurts, so people avoid flames. One brings us closer to something, the other makes us farther away - This is the fundamental meaning of the existence of joy and pain."

"And you just regard it as the source of pleasure, and use it and experience it without any restraint."

After saying this, Wei Mu was suddenly startled, and then his eyes widened with an expression of sudden realization.

"I see." He slapped his thigh. "You fell into the path of pleasure and abused this reward and punishment mechanism, causing the original power to no longer work properly in you."

"In other words, as long as you kill the motivation to push yourself forward, it is equivalent to blocking all the roads ahead. If you can't move forward, you can't get better. Since you can't get better, you can be regarded as To be at your best is to achieve perfection.”

"I didn't expect that, Fulgrim, your way of pursuing perfection is quite different."

Wei Mu said with a smile.

"No, that's not the case!" The demon primarch's voice trembled, "You are talking nonsense!"

Suddenly, an unprecedented fear enveloped him.

Fulgrim is just depraved and decadent, but he is not stupid. He only needs to think carefully and he can immediately figure out the logic and the deeper meaning behind it.

A person can overcome thousands of difficulties and dangers, but the most difficult ones are always his own.

He was furious, but he didn't dare to face the terrible truth.

However, someone would force him to face it, and the Daemon Primarch had to go through his own experience.

"I have imagined many scenes when we met."

At this moment, Clone Fulgen finally couldn't hold back anymore and walked out of the darkness where he was hiding.

"I will be angry and resentful of your betrayal and corruption."

"I will denounce your crime, curse your fate, threaten to bring you to justice, and swear to make you pay the price."

"But I never imagined that I would face you, my true form, Fulgrim, in this way."

He slowly came to Wei Mu's side, his tone was calm and his movements gentle.

"Nice to meet you, my clone."

The Daemon Primarch's voice suddenly became cheerful, because he could put aside the unpleasantness just now and change a topic that made him happy.

In front of the clones, his status is absolute.

So he can bully the other party as much as he wants.

He originally planned to show off in front of the clones, feel the resentment, anger and unwillingness of the clones, and at the same time imprint the fear of "falling into darkness" into everyone's hearts, and gain endless pleasure from this.

This is how everything should be.

It's just that boy Wei Mu who is so snarky that caused all the unpleasantness before.

"Wait a minute, you said [face me in this way], what do you mean?"

Suddenly, the Daemon Primarch sensed something was wrong in the other party's words.

He stared at the expression on the clone's face, and the deep voice was filled with unimaginable darkness and rage.

Except for the time when he was bound by Lorgar's real name, Fulgrim had never been so shocked after becoming a demon.

Because he did not see the negative emotions he imagined on the face of the original clone, the resentment, anger and unwillingness that should have appeared - he saw the other party crying.

"You are crying for me, and you actually pity me?" A furious voice suddenly erupted from the demon host, causing the white chains that bound him to creak, "How dare you do this, you inferior imitation You poor fake, how dare you show mercy to me, as if I were a down-and-out wretch!"

"Of course I pity you, Fulgrim!" Fulgrim's tears streaked down his cheeks, and he said painfully, "This young man has spoken so plainly, haven't you realized what happened to you? Something about that?”

"A person who is full of ambition and pursues perfection eventually becomes a decadent person who only knows pleasure. For the existence of [Fulgrim], what fate can be more cruel and terrifying than this?"

As soon as these words came out, the heart of the fallen original body suddenly felt like a heavy blow.

He wanted to retort, to scold the shoddy product in front of him, but he couldn't utter a single word.

"Not just you, but the other fallen brothers too."

"Angron, who was supposed to be the most rebellious fighter, is now just a slave to Butcher's Nails and Wrath."

"Magnus, a wise and knowledgeable man, turned into a fool who was mistaken for his cleverness."

"Mortarion, once a staunch materialist who opposed psionics, has now become a gas canister practicing sorcery."

"Without exception, you have all turned into what you hated the most before. Your honor and pride are shattered all over the place."

"I originally thought that you should pay for your rebellion and tyranny, but now it seems that there is no need for that - since the moment you surrendered to Chaos, you have actually been in a terrible hell, experiencing the universe. The darkest torture is that you have lost the ability to judge this fact, and your fate is so sad."

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