"What qualifications do you have to criticize me? You are just an imperfect copy!" Fulgrim roared, "Don't think that because you were born from my own blood, you can read my will!"

The purple phoenix is ​​arrogant, as always, at least in his own opinion, and will not tolerate an impostor making irresponsible remarks to him.

"What about Ferus?" Clone Fulgen asked, "Our brother, our once best friend, can what you do be approved by him?"

Bayer once told him about cloning Ferus, which was the origin of the old Chinese doctor's project to clone the original body.

The death of Ferrus Malus was an everlasting pain in Fulgrim's heart, a hole in his soul that could only be filled with the endless shadow of the Dark Prince.

On the planet Isvant V, during the duel between the two original bodies, Fulgrim was controlled by the devil. He was a trapped prisoner, so he made a big mistake and did himself harm. The most cherished friend was killed.

He had to tell Ferus this, hoping that his behavior could be forgiven, and that he could continue to receive care and love from Ferus.

So he needs a perfect Ferus to offer a perfect apology to the other party.

However, every clone of Ferrus expressed their loyalty to the Emperor and their utter distaste for Fulgrim's current state.

Trying again and again, Fulgrim interacted with those inferior replicas, but ultimately had to kill them again and again.

Until one time, for unknown reasons, the clone actually attracted the noble soul of Ferus. The Father of Steel controlled the incomplete body and tried his best to save the fallen purple phoenix.

Fulgrim thought he was just another inferior product, so he ruthlessly broke the opponent's neck again.

It wasn't until the noble soul left the body and screamed in agony at being unable to save his best friend that Fulgrim realized that he had killed his brother again.

The opportunity he longed for was placed in front of him, but he was buried with his own hands. The sadness brought to Fulgrim by repeating the same mistakes was so intense that even the god in charge of grief and joy could not transform it into pleasure.

But in the end, the black shadow struck again, filling the soul trauma.

Fulgrim, who failed, could only forcefully deceive himself that it was not Ferus himself, and everything was to blame for Bayer's imperfect cloning technology.

However, after this, the Daemon Primarch issued a new order - to clone Ferus with a twisted will, rather than a perfect copy.

This is more difficult than pursuing perfection.

Bayer spent weeks trying to make the twisted clone look less weird.

He sent his results over with some anxiety, and then he got the approval of the original body for the first time.

Ferus, with his twisted flesh and clumsy iron hands, understood everything Fulgrim had done, understood the truth about the warp and their hypocritical father, and regretted not being able to join the Warmaster's great cause at that time.

He knew that Fulgrim was willing to live and die with him, and he was also willing to do the same for Fulgrim in turn.

More importantly, the mercury eyes he looked at Fulgrim contained only understanding and love.

And Fulgrim is willing to tolerate this imperfection, as long as he can have the love from Ferrus Manus again.

Even if this love comes from a false and distorted copy, even if it is just drinking doves to quench thirst.

However, false things will always be exposed one day, and cloning Fulgrim can expose the devil's origin.

"I don't care about that anymore!" Fulgrim said disdainfully.

"You still care." Clonforgen said, "You are just blinded by the power of chaos, and you are getting deeper and deeper into the lies of self-deception, thus losing even the most basic ability to judge."

That friendship was a treasure more precious than anything else, how could Fulgrim give it up.

"Shut up, my spirit has been sublimated long ago, and these trivial things you are talking about are meaningless to me!" the demon primarch retorted.

"Really?" Fulgan asked, "You think you have transcended those low-level interests and will no longer be disturbed by those low-level and boring [trivial matters], but is this really the case?"

"Grief can't affect you, and you've lost the ability to feel sadness, which are two completely different things."

"Just like you are actually unable to pick up a coin on the ground because you have lost your hands, but you deceive yourself that picking up coins from the ground is an act of self-degradation as a way of comforting yourself for your inability. .”

"Fulgrim's heart has long been empty. There is nothing of his own. No matter joy or sorrow, glory or career, this is the truest appearance of you today."

Clone Fulgrim kept reminding me that those sonorous and powerful words could not be ignored. The demon primarch only felt that his heart was being hollowed out again and again, and then quickly filled up.

He tried to understand what was wrong, but the power of the Lord of Joy kept disturbing him.

This scene reminded Wei Mu of the episode when Horus was injured by the Wolf King with the Spear of Dionysus.

This was not the will of the Primarch himself, but the power of the Dark Gods largely clouded his mind.

This is not a problem that can be solved by opening the opponent's mind. Fulgrim's soul is firmly held in Slaanesh's hands.

To end it all, a battle involving the soul is needed.

"Perhaps Ferus will stand by his side." Wei Mu said with a smile, "Maybe one day, in the eyes of the people of the empire, he will become radiant, shining brighter than the stars - he will shine brighter than the stars. Do better for me."

Before that, Fulgrim would have regarded this remark as a silly joke, and would have regarded killing this innocent delusion as a fun entertainment activity.

But now, he felt an unprecedented crisis.

He realized that the Dark Gods were looking forward to this showdown.

Noble counterfeits and corrupted true beings.

The outcome of the duel between them will not only affect their own destiny, but will also shake the future of the entire human race.

"I will kill you, kill all of you, take your souls, and torture you for eternity." Fulgrim cursed resentfully, "As for you, my little copy, I will tear your heart to pieces. The childishness of you, I personally shaped you into a more gorgeous posture."

No matter what, the original demon possessed far more power than the clones.

He couldn't solve the problem, but he could forcefully erase the unpleasantness.

"And I will help you free yourself from this terrible fate, just as Ferus intended."

The clone Fulgrim stepped forward and gently caressed the suspended daemon host, as if he were caressing the face of the daemon primarch himself.

Fulgrim couldn't bear the mercy from the inferior product, and then let out a shrill wail.

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