I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 175 Burning City

On the bridge of the "Violent Iron Fist", a fart correspondent received a request for support from Golden Beard and immediately relayed it to Lucas who was sitting here.

"Dear Angel Mao, the boss's offensive seems to have encountered some problems."

In order to better distinguish the two "dark green angels", the greenskins naturally added the prefix "Gamao" to Maul and Lucas. As for who is Gao and who is Mao, it doesn't matter. Each greenskin has its own way of distinguishing.

"Transfer the signal immediately."

Lucas thought that Golden Beard had encountered some accident, and felt a little nervous. After all, in the maelstrom area, it was rare to be able to block the power of the orc warlord.

"Okay, boss."

The fart correspondent nodded.

After a while of operation, Golden Beard's angry face appeared in the center of the screen, and all kinds of vulgar words continued to burst out from his mouth.

As long as the person is fine, Lucas immediately relaxed a lot. Just looking at his posture, something must have happened that made him upset.

"What's going on over there?" he asked curiously.

"Those weaklings are hiding in their big houses and won't fight us head-on. I need something more waaagh! to smash their big houses and their damn heads into pieces, now!"

Golden Beard was furious, but at the same time he did not forget to instruct the boys around him to output language inside. This was the only way they could vent at the moment.

"Have you guys not eaten? Be louder and don't forget to greet their daddy!"

However, due to the previous charge against a thousand steps, the boys were a little out of breath at this time, and the spray on their mouths was not particularly effective.

The Word Bearers inside even dared to talk back to them.

"Stupid beast, go somewhere else quickly, this sacred place cannot be defiled by you!"

"Coward Bad Can, you have the ability to cause trouble, you have the ability to open the door, good Cans will not be so timid, you are not as good as good Cans!"

"Then you go and cause trouble for them, don't hinder us here!"

"You. You"

Golden Beard was so stimulated that he became furious and knocked on the door harder and harder.

The entire steps were trembling slightly due to its overbearing brute force, but the door in front of him remained impregnable and motionless.

"Don't worry first, I'll think of a way."

Inside the battleship, Lucas tried to remotely calm the enraged green warlord.

It is not impossible to mobilize heavy firepower, but it will take a lot of time. There should be a more convenient method.

He thought for a moment and decided to give Moore a call.

At this time, Maul was leading a green-skinned force to jump to the Word Bearers' defense platform and engage in a tense and fierce battle with the traitors.

"Hey, Lion, how are things going over there?"

"It couldn't be better, Jackal. We are like a sharp blade piercing the heart. The enemy's resistance is as fragile as cut skin. It won't take long to reach their headquarters." Moore pulled the power sword from A traitor pulled out of his body and replied, "What's the reason why you came to me suddenly?"

"I just have a small question that I would like to ask for advice on," Lucas said. "Is there any way you can make the Word Bearers anxious? The worse, the better."

"Well. Why do you ask this?" Moore hesitated.

"That's right." Lucas reacted quickly and said immediately, "Hurry up, I need it urgently now."

"Yes, there is, but I can't guarantee the effect." Moore reminded.

He had been with Wei Mu for so long, especially after he outwitted Kahn that time, and he had already kept in mind the weaknesses of all the traitors.

Although he never hoped that these bad ideas would come into use one day.

"It doesn't matter. I'll try it first. If it doesn't work, I'll look for other methods." Lucas said.

Then, the jackal heard Moore's "wonderful idea", and a happy smile appeared on his face.

Inside the Second Temple, the wizards of the Word Bearers were trying their best to enchant the door.

Powerful spiritual energy is continuously injected into the runes on the door, allowing it to remain intact despite the violent ravages of the green skins.

It's not that they don't want to fight with the enemy, it's just that in order to maintain the honor of the dark gods and protect this sacred land from being stained, they must endure the humiliation and bear the burden.

When these greenskins have had enough trouble and find it boring, they will naturally go somewhere else to cause trouble.

Industrial areas, residential areas, military bases, energy centers. How can these places be as important as temples dedicated to the dark gods?

As for the constant curses coming from outside the door, just tolerate it for a while.

They warned themselves in their hearts.

"Open the door, bad can, don't be afraid, we are actually here to help."

Suddenly, the orcs outside seemed to have a different look.

The vulgar insult disappeared and was replaced by a voice that sounded like a peacemaker.

"Shut up, beast, don't think you can fool us with such childish tactics!"

The whole city is in a state of smog, but why are you asking for help and just kidding?

The greenskins' IQs were indeed inferior, and there was absolutely no way the Word Bearers would be fooled.

"It's true. Believe us. We can swear to your dark gods that this feeling is not adulterated at all!"

Swearing to a god is not a casual matter. It has nothing to do with your position. The majesty of the god cannot be desecrated.

The Word Bearers felt a little surprised, and their attitude became a little more serious.

They even suddenly felt that they could pull these greenskins into believing in the dark gods through some operations on this oath.

If only the greenskins could be made to realize that what they were doing was hindering rather than helping, they would pay the price for breaking their oaths to the gods.

Such unprecedented achievements are enough for them to gain a place in the highest heaven.

"You are destroying this city and desecrating this sacred area. What kind of help is this!"

The Word Bearers scolded loudly with righteousness.

"We are really trying to help you out of kindness. Isn't that what you used to do in canning?"

The voice outside the door continued.

"We are helping you build a second perfect city!"

This simple sentence directly caused the Word Bearers to freeze in place as if struck by lightning.

"Our hands and feet are much more slippery than those blue cans, so we can get things like this done quickly."

"If you don't believe it, you can kneel down and watch us do it. We won't mind at all."

As the voice outside the door spoke, the thoughts of the Word Bearers veterans also returned to 10,000 years ago, the moment when the enthusiasm in their hearts was shattered.

So devoted, so devoted, their love for the Lord of Mankind once shone like a pearl.

However, the false emperor rejected their love, destroyed their faith, and severely humiliated them.

"Oh, why are there still snowflakes floating in the sky? It's obviously not cold at all. It's really strange."

"Well, it looks like dust is floating in the sky. It turns out I was wrong. Anyway, the environment here is really not good."

Everything that the voice said was just like that day, when the ashes of the Perfect City were scattered everywhere, slowly falling on the Word Bearers like snowflakes.

And they could only kneel there and watch the destruction happen, silently enduring the wrath of those they believed in.

"But don't worry, this little problem won't trouble us. We have assigned you to handle this matter beautifully."

The voice outside kept bombarding with words, but there was no movement from inside the temple.

Apart from the distant gunfire and explosions, and the shrill air defense siren, there was no other sound.

"Are you sure this really works?"

Golden Beard touched his head and couldn't understand Lucas' operation at all.

"If a person's lungs and tubes have been taken out and he's still unwilling to fight back, then I don't have much else to do."

The jackal's voice came from the communicator. Just now he was shouting to the Word Bearers in the temple in the orc way.

Everyone waited for a while, but there was still no change in the temple gate.

Just when Lucas thought that the taunting operation had failed and planned to mobilize heavy firepower to attack, the closed door finally opened.

A group of twisted warriors came out.

Ancient memories were awakened, and the humiliation of the past came back to us.

As the Word Bearers, they could no longer sit idly by.

The blessed son was so angry that even his voice was trembling when he spoke.

"How dare you bully me like this!"

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