I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 176 Blasphemy

The sudden arrival of the Word Bearers put the greenskins outside the door in a panic.

First, they were surprised that the idea given by Lucas actually worked, and second, they were startled by Bad Can's crazy reaction.

What's going on?

Don't you just want us to build a city for these bad cans? Why are you so angry? Could it be that you don’t believe in the craftsmanship of our great technician?

Well, although Big Tech's works are top-notch and sometimes quite deadly, these bad cans don't even have the courage to bear such a small flaw. It's no wonder they were chased around by them before, Golden Beard thought silently. arrive.

Thirty Word Bearers emerged from the temple, accompanied by thousands of cultists.

The leader had sharp horns and tentacles all over his body, his arms were wrapped in sarcoma, and white bone spurs protruded from the inside. When he spoke, his helmet emitted white smoke, as if his internal organs were burning with anger.

The body of the Space Marine had merged with that of the daemon, and they were inseparable from each other.

He is an enchanted warrior, a Blessed Son, the ideal form of humanity in the eyes of the Word Bearers, and possesses power far beyond that of an ordinary Space Marine.

And the demon possessing his body will also gain a stable anchor point in the real world and will no longer be weakened by physical rules. The relationship between the two parties can be regarded as a reciprocal one.

Reciprocity, but inequality.

Only the first batch of blessed sons who followed Lorgar on the pilgrimage to the Eye of Terror can be equal to the demons in their bodies. However, those warriors were slaughtered during the Great Rebellion, and those who came after them were often restricted by the demons. , or even completely controlled by it.

"These guys who believe in chaos can really bring out all kinds of freaks."

Looking at the images coming from the ground, Lucas in the bridge couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Even if he wasn't at the scene of the incident, he could still feel the evil power emanating from the Word Bearer.

If he could smell the other person's scent, it must be a particularly disgusting smell.

The possessed warrior walked slowly to the front of the formation with dull steps.

"Stupid and ignorant beasts, you will be destroyed because of your words and deeds just now. Your bodies will die miserably after suffering so much, and your souls will be fed to the darkest existence in subspace, you."

Steam was rising from his mouth as he spoke, as if an engine was about to be overloaded by the heat at any moment, and there was unimaginable rage in his voice.

"Okay, don't let this nonsense go, hurry up and do it, I can't wait!" Golden Beard was not interested in listening to the other party's continued speech, and directly greeted the boys around him, "Kill me. them!"


The green-skinned army suddenly swarmed forward and charged towards the Chaos believers in the temple.

"For the Dark Gods, kill these beasts!"

The possessed warrior who was interrupted became even more angry and roared loudly.

The cultists, armed with a variety of contaminated weapons, seek revenge for the humiliation they have just suffered.

The ancient saint's biological weapons and the twisted creations of chaos fought together, and the most brutal force collision caused the broken limbs to fly everywhere.

Vicious curses mixed with all kinds of roars and curses were even better than the sound of gunfire.

Death and blood burst out in extreme violence, and the ground was dyed bright red.

Naturally, Golden Beard faced the blessed son.

It vigorously waved its powerful power claws, like thunder. The cold super alloy drew a terrifying arc in the air, and then there was a dull collision sound.

The possessed warrior used his twisted crab arm to resist the fierce offensive of the orc warlord. The turbid power of the subspace continued to tremble in his body, and the demon expressed its desire for killing with its roar.

The fierce confrontation between the two powerful warriors was like a small storm. The area within ten meters around them became a death zone. Any target accidentally involved in it would be instantly torn into pieces.

"I will not allow you to insult this temple, stupid green skin. I am a person blessed by the dark gods. I am their servant and blade. In front of their power, you are not worth mentioning."

The possessed warrior first turned sideways to avoid the incoming plasma cannon, then took a big step forward and tried to pierce his sharp claws into Golden Beard's abdomen.

The evil energy attached to the twisted limbs is enough for it to tear through any individual armor as easily as tearing through paper.

"I have to do this, what can you do to me, you bad can! I am the general who killed Brother Mao. I am guided by smart boys, and they will teach me how to kick your butts!"

The orc warlord successfully blocked the Word Bearer's attack with his power claws, and then directly slammed into the opponent with his burly body, using a super invincible iron mountain.

The body as thick as a city wall hit the possessed warrior hard, knocking him away more than ten meters away.

Although the possessed warrior used his arms to block in time, and most of the damage was offset, the breastplate he was wearing was still flattened by the powerful impact, and several of the ribs covering it were broken.

Then, a mouthful of blood spurted out from the possessed warrior's throat and poured onto the ground.

The cursed blood was so filthy and turbid, exuding an unimaginable stench.

The power of darkness had penetrated deeply into the Word Bearer's bones, but it still failed to help him defeat the powerful enemy in front of him.

"You can't do it, bad can. It looks quite bluffing, but it turns out to be a show."

Golden Beard slowly came to the front of the Blessed Son, the power claws on his hands were opening and closing continuously, and the shadow of death had already fallen on its opponent.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, one of the Word Bearers tried to rescue his companions, but was shot through the chest by a sudden plasma cannon from the green-skinned warlord, and his body immediately fell to the ground.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the possessed warrior once again launched a desperate counterattack. His arm filled with dark power popped out like a poisonous snake and went straight to the face of the orc warlord.

The result is just a little bit different.

The crab-like arms of the enchanted warrior were about to touch Golden Beard's head. The sharp blade with subspace poison was so eager to tear the target in front of it into pieces, but it was tightly grasped by the tyrannical power claws and could not move at all. .

Then, the orc warlord used all his brute strength to directly break the arm.

The heavily wounded possessed warrior is like a tiger whose fangs have been pulled out, and has no deterrent power at all.

Golden Beard didn't intend to talk to him about feelings, and then used the power claw to give him a black tiger to take out his heart.

"The barbarian gods you worship are just illusions, and the mortals who guide you are full of lies. You are just their plaything, but you sadly don't know it."

The possessed warrior was held high by Golden Beard, panting heavily, his life was like a candle in the wind.

"Really?" Golden Beard said with a smile, "If you are so good at breaking things off, then why are we the ones who win in the end?"

The green-skinned warlord pointed around. The boys had completely wiped out the enemies. They were so numerous that they could drown the cultists in the temple.

Except for the enchanted warrior himself, there are no servants of the destructive power left in the entire temple.

"This does not mean that you will have the last laugh, orc. No one can defeat the dark gods. There is only a dead end waiting for you ahead." The possessed warrior threatened.

"You are really a tough talker and a bad person. You talk to the gods and shut up the gods. Haven't you noticed yet that your gods are losing this war?" Golden Beard reminded again.

After the enemies in the temple were completely defeated, the boys and goons took action consciously.

They knocked down all the statues of the Chaos Champions and laughed excitedly at the moment of destruction. Those champions had accomplished many unimaginable feats. After successfully ascending to the embrace of the gods, they were used as models and benchmarks. Revered by those who come after him.

The body shaping of the gods and demons was used as a game by them. Two waves of boys each carried one and collided with each other. The victory of the game would belong to the side that was relatively intact after the collision.

The totem symbolizing the dark gods was torn into pieces, and the iconic eight-pointed star symbol of chaos was painted with abstract graffiti.

All these sacred objects that the Word Bearers had carefully worshiped in the past were eventually turned into materials and transformed into the shape of Brother Gomao. The two barbarian gods became the new owners of this temple.

The green aliens are carnivaling and barbaric acts are wreaking havoc.

Their legends, epics and beliefs are being ravaged.

The Word Bearers' eyes widened, deeply shocked by the cruel scene that had occurred.

He struggled and roared, trying to stop the group of monsters in front of him, and helplessly prayed to the god he believed in.

However this doesn't change anything.

Boundless darkness swept across, and the destined death came as scheduled.

Before completely losing consciousness, there was only one sentence left in the unwilling son's mind.

"What a blasphemy"

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