I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 177 The Charm of Injection

As the Second Temple was captured, the orcs used its materials and quickly erected a large waaagh on the original foundation! tower.

That is a green-skinned psychic launch platform, its function is to deal with waaagh! The energy increases, making the surrounding greenskins more excited and able to fight.

After all, the greenskins are a real psychic race, and to some extent they are relatives of the Eldar.

The inspired Golden Beard Pirates were high-spirited and unstoppable.

They raised their weapons one after another, cheering loudly, their savage roars shocking all directions, and violent power continued to tremble in their bodies.

Capturing the Second Temple is just the beginning, there are more battles waiting for them later.

So Golden Beard led the troops non-stop and continued to march towards the next valuable target.

The green wave of destruction swept away the sacred home of the Word Bearers with overwhelming force, leaving behind only ruins and ashes.

Lucas was very satisfied with Golden Beard's performance in the first battle.

Opportunities to severely humiliate these traitors are rare, and I believe the Emperor and Russ will be happy to see this happen.

More importantly, he also specially asked a few farts to carry cameras and record everything that just happened.

In particular, the speech about the "Perfect City" and the scene of the orcs wreaking havoc in the dark temple were edited by him to achieve the best mocking effect.

"It would be great if all the Word Bearers could see this scene." Lucas thought silently.

Fanatic religious people are always easily angered, and anger will make people lose their minds and reveal their flaws.

At least in mortal social structures, power is not always top-down.

Sometimes, if the people below are overwhelmed by anger, no matter how wise and calm the people above are, they will not be able to control the situation.

He had to find a way to hack into the Word Bearers' communications channel and show the footage to those guys.

Considering that it was not appropriate for the orcs to do such a thing, Lucas once again contacted Maul at the front.

In the low-Earth orbit of Garmyk, gang-hopping operations against defense platforms continue.

The traitors organized multiple lines of defense in the narrow passage.

A dozen thick ceramic steel shields lay across the center of the passage, forming a safe and solid barrier. The cultists hid behind the shields, loaded with guns and ammunition, ready to strike at any time with firepower from the incoming enemies.

Among the entire green-skinned group, only the special operations boys know what "stealth" and "infiltration" are.

These are indispensable ingredients for special operations. They are like an invisible sharp blade that penetrates directly into the enemy's vital points.

However, these seemingly normal tactical characteristics will be regarded by other orcs as a sign of "rebellion" and "dandyness".

Therefore, the status of special operations boys in the green-skinned society is somewhat similar to that of human non-mainstream killers.

"I really don't understand those young people." Similar words will also appear among the orcs.

As for those orcs who are mature, stable, and in line with mainstream values, their attacks will always make a huge noise.

The nature of orcs is like this. They like to smash, loot, burn, and yell, as if they are afraid that others will not know where they are.

Although this kind of behavior is not conducive to improving the survival rate of the parties on the battlefield, it can bring huge psychological pressure to those who are about to be beaten.

As the beastly roars get closer, so do the destruction and death they bring.

The cultists responsible for the defense were horrified by this.

They can only continue to pray to the dark gods, hoping that the great power of destruction will send gifts to help them survive this battle.

Of course, it's best to defeat the opponent.

It would be even better if he could be promoted to a higher rank and reach the pinnacle of his life.

It's just that no matter how generous the gods are, they can't "let everyone at the poker table win money."

The lucky ones are always very few, and may even not exist at all.

When the first wave of green skins rushed into the sight of the cultists, the narrow passage was quickly filled with the figures of this creature.

The orcs held machetes in their hands, roared wildly, and charged towards the front position without fear.


Upon seeing this, the leading priest immediately shouted an order.

The cultists tightened their triggers one after another, and the guns in their hands spit out tongues of fire crazily. Countless bullets were poured out in an instant, and the web of death they weaved crushed the incoming orc troops.

The environment is small and the enemies are dense. They can easily kill a large number of green-skinned aliens without even aiming. Blood and severed limbs are splashed everywhere, and the green murderous bacteria are physically turned into puddles of minced meat.

In turn, the orcs' tutu gun attacks were all blocked by the large ceramite shields, unable to pose an effective threat to the cultists.

If they just charge hard like this, the orcs will have to pay huge casualties to take the front position, as they often do.

But behind this orc force, a Dark Angel was watching everything silently.

Maul's marksmanship is not as mysterious as that of the orcs.

As a Space Marine, his shooting accuracy is much higher than that of a veteran sniper of the Astra Militarum.

In a narrow passage, and at such a close distance, even if the scene is a bit chaotic, it is not a problem at all to catch a child.

So when the orcs used their flesh and blood to attack the local front, he stood in the safer rear and killed the emerging cultists one by one with precision.

The behavior is not in line with the honor of a Space Marine, but in cooperation with the greenskins, this is the way to fight with the least casualties.

Especially for targets with heavy firepower.

When a stationary machine gun operator fell, another person tried to take over his position, but the man had just reached the place and had not even grasped the machine gun in his hand. A bullet passed through the gap between the armor. It accurately hit the man's head, causing the powerful firepower to remain in a state of inoperability.

After just one round of firing, the enemy's offensive was greatly weakened.

The cultists were unable to stop the orc troops from approaching.

Once the boys drag the situation into hand-to-hand combat, the defensive advantage of the Chaos Believers will disappear.

The vast number of orcs rushed forward, like a rushing torrent, crushing the enemy's defense line in an instant.

Another obstacle was removed, and they were one step closer to taking over this defensive platform.

But Maul did not feel relaxed. Instead, he took a deep breath and replaced the bolt gun in his hand with a brand new magazine.

The final level will always be the biggest test.

The person in charge of this defense platform must be sitting at the command center, and he might even be a company commander level figure.

He counted his cards, and he didn't have much ammunition left.

Moore would not dare to use green-skinned things casually.

Every object used by those guys was personally customized by the technician boy. It is an out-of-print unique item that is carefully crafted by hand-rubbing process - the safety sounds quite worrying.

Moore would never take advantage of those things unless absolutely necessary.

As for the Chaos side's equipment, it is even more untouchable because of the risk of being corrupted.

The depravity of the purple phoenix Fulgrim, that stabbing sword made a great contribution.

While Maul was thinking about the next battle, the communication from Lucas rang in his ears again.

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