I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 180 Three Axes

Maul hated the demons and demons of the Warp, there was no doubt about that.

But he cannot ignore the key information just because of his own preferences. Such behavior is definitely not the way to win.

What are these Word Bearers in front of me talking about? The demons from the High Heaven are interested in him and have reserved a place for him there.

Being able to be taken seriously by the enemy fully demonstrates his value.

Moore was delighted.

But it was very obvious that the reason why Chaos made such arrangements was for Wei Mu.

If you want to hurt someone, you don't have to target the person himself, you can also start with things around him.

If a Moll with horns on his head and a tail behind him appeared in front of Wei Mu, no matter how open-minded the latter's mentality was, he would still taste bitter.

"I'm very sorry. I'm already past that age. If your suggestion had been made before I turned twelve, I might still consider it."

Maul held the power sword tightly with both hands, took a big step forward, and stabbed straight at the target in front of him at a speed that was difficult to detect with the naked eye.

After seeing the true face of Chaos, Moore would choose to join these guys unless he had a bad mind.

Moreover, these Chaos Gods really have nothing to do. Although there are so many devout believers under their command eagerly waiting for promotion, they still think about the souls who are against them every day, thinking about how to force good women into prostitution.

Sure enough, what you can't get is always in turmoil.

"This matter is not up to you. The will of the dark gods cannot be disobeyed."

Corrado successfully blocked the incoming long sword attack with his warhammer, and retaliated with a claw on Maul's backhand.

The counterattack from the high-level priest was so swift that Maul had no time to dodge, and the armor on his chest was torn out with four scratches by the power claws.

"They will pour power into your body and sublimate your soul. After tasting that wonderful taste, you will naturally become one of us."

Corrado was not going to give Moore a chance to breathe, and continued to pursue the opponent with a vertical blow to the head and face.

The Dark Angel hurriedly dodged sideways, causing the war hammer to hit the ground heavily. The metal floor was twisted and deformed by this powerful force like an empty can being squeezed.

Immediately afterwards, the high-ranking priest used his power claw to make a sweeping attack, and the tip of the claw almost passed by Maul's body.

The constantly waving weapon contained a strong subspace power, which was dangerous and deadly. The alloy bracket that was unfortunately caught in the attack range was broken at the waist and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

"With such power, don't you feel excited, Dark Angel?"

Corrado showed off the gifts bestowed upon him by the Destructive Power, like a cat playing with a mouse.

When people are vulnerable and helpless, they are more likely to sell their souls.

"That's not real power."

Maul already knows a lot about chaos and knows that ordinary chaos erosion can be resisted by strong willpower.

But if you are forcibly enlightened by the power of chaos when you are vulnerable, and there is no big boss around to help you, there is still a risk of being corrupted.

He didn't know whether the Emperor's eyes were watching him in this dark and evil realm, so the only way to win was in front of Maul.

Caliban, the former home planet of the Dark Angels, was a standard death world, a planet severely affected by subspace, covered with large forests, and filled with many terrifying "behemoths".

In order to fight against those terrifying things, the people living on Caliban formed the military organization "Knights", which was the predecessor of the Dark Angels.

To a certain extent, the Dark Angel's Caliban swordsmanship is specially used to fight against those "behemoths", but it is a little less interesting to use it to fight against people.

This kind of one-on-one combat is undoubtedly what the gladiators are best at.

Moore has never forgotten the three axes that Kahn gave him.

If it weren't for Wei Mu's bad idea, he would have been sent away directly by the Blood God champion.

Tough, violent, and unstoppable.

Even as an opponent, Moore had to admit that that guy did have the ability to "cut through the galaxy".

Facing such a powerful enemy, Moore can't count on those opportunistic and bad ideas every time.

If Khorne had a whim and backed up the data of Kahn's counter himself, Wei Mu's data clearing plan would become non-threatening.

He must find a way to compete head-on with the Chosen of Khorne to ensure that when he confronts him again, he won't be left helpless like last time.

So after a long period of meditation and practice, Maul successfully figured out his own set of moves based on Kahn's three axes.

The price paid for the three attacks, which were also full of explosive power, was to completely abandon one's own safety.

After some discussions and exchanges with the people around him, he felt that the effect was pretty good.

However, Wei Mu's reaction after learning about this incident was very strange. He was yelling about something, such as learning the thirty-six axes of Tiangang in his dream, and getting three axes would be a master tester, etc. It was really hard to understand.

In short, it seems to be a good thing?

"Let's call it a sweep of thousands of armies!"

Wei Mu gave those three moves a name.

Maul didn't care about this, as long as the moves were easy to use.

At this moment, it was the best time for him to test the results of his practice.

"If this isn't true power, then what does your running around mean?"

Corrado waved the warhammer in his hand one after another, constantly pursuing the dodging target.

Walls were smashed through, equipment kicked to pieces, and it felt overwhelming.

"Since you want to see my power," Moore swept out his sword and forced the senior priest back, "then don't regret it."

The Dark Angel, who had temporarily stabilized his position, took a deep breath and expanded his chest to the extreme. He looked directly at the enemy in front, with an unprecedented concentration of energy.

Then, facing the Word Bearers Priest who continued to pursue him, his extremely relaxed body suddenly tensed up, like an arrow being released.

Maul slashed with all his strength in a desperate manner.

It was such a heavy blow, so fast that it was difficult to catch it with the naked eye.

When Corrado saw this, he instinctively raised his hammer to resist, but his arm was sore from the powerful impact.

The dark angel in front of him seemed to have suddenly changed into a different person, exuding an unimaginable violent aura.

Maul's attack did not stop, and then a second sword struck.

This time the force of the swing was even heavier, like a crushing mountain.

The senior priest was completely unable to resist, and his limbs lost consciousness for a while. As a result, the warhammer was forced to let go and rolled to the ground with a clang.

"How can this be!"

Corrado's eyes widened, completely unable to accept that the person in front of him was actually stronger than him as a servant of the true god, and a feeling of panic began to spread in his heart.

Finally, the third sword, carrying a strong aura of death, cut through the air and roared.

Corrado could only use his power claws to resist in a hurry.

However, the result of this was that his entire arm was cut off by a sharp sword. The huge pain caused by the dismemberment made the senior priest scream silently.

"Is this your fate, traitor?"

Moore kicked the senior priest to the ground.

Corrado's horns broke and his helmet rolled off, revealing the ugly face hidden underneath.

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