I write apocrypha in Warhammer

Chapter 181 The Lost Dog

Corrado had lost count of how long it had been since his cheeks had been exposed to the air.

He has never taken off his helmet since the horns grew on his head.

Such behavior was inconvenient and unnecessary, he could certainly tell himself so.

However, the more reason was that he didn't want to face the face that was distorted beyond recognition by the power of chaos.

As long as the truth is not revealed, the man named Corrado remains healthy, just like the half-lived, half-dead cat in Schrödinger's box.

Corrado himself did not realize this, he just did it subconsciously.

At this moment, after his helmet was shot away by Maul, a feeling of loss swept over the high-ranking priest's body and mind inexplicably.

From the broken display screen that fell to the ground, he finally saw himself clearly again after thousands of years.

It was a face that could not be considered human in any way. It was ferocious and twisted, with dense holes covering the cheeks like lotus pods that had been removed, and the completely rotten lips could not cover the mouth full of fangs and sharp teeth.

He tried to touch the terrifying face with his hand, but the hand had already left his body. Corrado saw it lying on the ground less than one meter away from him. He noticed that his wrist was in the right position. Dripping with blood.

"Everything shouldn't be like this"

The Word Bearer priest made a low voice, his tone full of disbelief.

The opportunity for promotion was clearly right in front of him, but he lost to an unknown Dark Angel.

"You are losing this war, traitors, and this sinful planet will soon be cleansed."

Maul did not cut off the ugly head with a sword. He had to complete the task assigned to him by Lucas - to invade the Word Bearers' communication channel and upload the video file.

When Maul walked to the Word Bearers' operating platform, he unexpectedly discovered that the system was almost exactly the same as the one used by the Empire. The mobile terminal he was carrying could be directly operated by plugging it in. The fit was so perfect that it seemed as if it was made from the same casting. factory.

This is all due to the fact that they grabbed too much from the empire. Copying and pasting is productivity.

Of course, there is a worse possibility, which is that the mainstream technological level of both sides has not improved much in these ten thousand years, regardless of the empire or the traitors. Such a long period of isolation still cannot give birth to two people. different branches of technology.

In any case, Moore quickly completed the video uploading work, and everything went smoothly.

The battle in the command post also became one-sided with the defeat of the senior priest.

The inspired Old Guards all became extremely brave and cut down all the remaining Word Bearers Space Marines. The cultists who lost their leaders immediately fled in all directions, desperate and desperate.

"What are you doing, fake emperor's lackey?"

Corrado struggled several times and tried to stand up, but was unable to do so.

The high-ranking priest of the Word Bearers who once slaughtered thousands of people now has trouble even standing.

There was a large amount of blood flowing from the corners of his nose and mouth, and the strong and urgent pain signal made it impossible for him to tell where he was hurt. His body was so broken that he could only lean against the wall to prevent him from completely lying flat.

He refused to admit it, and he wanted to know his true ending.

"It's just a gadget for you Word Bearers. You can watch it quietly."

Moore also wanted to obtain key information about the enemy from this high-ranking priest, so he did not kill him immediately.

The Dark Angel is just vigilant to prevent the other party from using psychic powers to defeat them all.

I believe that after watching the content of the video, the emotional senior pastor should be able to pry his mouth open more easily.

As the ironic video was broadcast around the world, the Word Bearers of Garmek finally realized what was happening.

The demonic world they had lived in for thousands of years and carefully crafted for the dark gods was now being ravaged.

This is not simply an invasion and competition for territory, but an all-round collapse of their culture, history and beliefs.

Just like the perfect city back then.

The Word Bearers were lucky back then, or so they thought.

After being mercilessly humiliated and abandoned by the Emperor, they succeeded in finding a new one to worship, a powerful force they could serve wholeheartedly.

However, if even the Four Gods of the Warp abandoned them because of their mistake, where would the Word Bearers go at that time?

Divine love is not unconditional.

They will reward those who have outstanding achievements and punish those who are despicable losers.

And such a thing must never happen to the Word Bearers.

They must do everything they can to defend the city and fight against this group of brutal green invaders.

The fanatical believers lost control in their anger and rushed out of the positions they were supposed to be stationed in, desperately searching for and killing those hateful greenskins. The battle on Galmyk intensified and began to develop in a direction that was completely out of control. .

"So this is all your empire does, destroying those sacred things again and again?"

Corrado asked hysterically after watching the entire video.

Due to his excessive emotion, a large amount of blood poured out of his lungs as he spoke.

"You call this sacred?" Moore said with disgust on his face, "Here, I only see a group of crazy and twisted freaks and the numerous crimes they have committed."

He began to ask the greenskins to plant explosives, preparing to completely destroy this low-Earth orbit defense platform with a fierce blast.

"Don't think you've won, you puppet emperor's lackey, you have no idea what you're facing!"

The senior priest roared, his voice heartbreaking.

"From an academic definition, the situation you are currently facing is the most standard complete failure. Do you understand, complete failure!"

Moore stepped forward and trampled the opponent under his feet without mercy.

Corrado's chest was concussed as a result, and another mouthful of blood spurted out from his mouth.

After getting rid of the annoying noise, Moore contacted Lucas again: "Hey, Jackal, I have completed all the things you arranged. The defense platform has been captured, and you can send warships to bomb below."

Lucas's voice appeared immediately, with a relaxed and cheerful tone: "Well done, Lion, the battleship you want is heading to the designated location. The Word Bearers must be furious, the fanatics are always easily angered, they will be here A lot of mistakes were made in this war.”

The two talked unscrupulously in front of Corrado, as if victory was already within reach.

The situation is getting worse and worse, and the enemy is still complacent in front of him. All of this makes the senior priest's heart become more and more depressed.

"No, you don't understand anything. The fighting here is meaningless!" Corrado said loudly again.

Even if he is stepped on, even if he has completely failed, he cannot just give in.

"What's going on over there? Why do I seem to hear a lost dog raging incompetently?" Lucas on the other end of the phone asked curiously.

"It's just a tough-talking guy who is still gasping for air when he is about to die. I will kill him right away." Moore answered casually, as if the other person was an insect that he could crush to death at any time.

Such a bad humiliation is enough to drive a senior priest into madness.

"Lost dog? You are the one who really failed. You stupid puppet emperor's lackeys. Don't you think this planet is missing something?"

Unable to bear it, Corrado turned all his last life force into a cry, his hoarse voice accompanied by evil laughter.

"What's missing?" Moll suddenly frowned.

"A large number of demons, you idiots, this is a world of demons!" Corrado continued, mocking wildly, "The great hand of fate, the chief priest of the Word Bearers, Lord Erebus has already launched his plan. Action, the grand ritual performed by him will directly seal the victory of Chaos - the huge demon army and the ritual dagger capable of killing the immortal, both of which will force your Jiedushi to make a choice and become one of us. One of them, or completely wiped out!"

"So, you pathetic lackeys of the false emperor, your defeat is actually sealed!"

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